module SvgArcSegment ( convertSvgArc ) where import Types radiansPerDegree :: Double radiansPerDegree = pi / 180.0 calculateVectorAngle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double calculateVectorAngle ux uy vx vy | tb >= ta = tb - ta | otherwise = pi * 2 - (ta - tb) where ta = atan2 uy ux tb = atan2 vy vx -- ported from: convertSvgArc :: Point -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> Bool -> Point -> [DrawOp] convertSvgArc (x0,y0) radiusX radiusY angle largeArcFlag sweepFlag (x,y) | x0 == x && y0 == y = [] | radiusX == 0.0 && radiusY == 0.0 = [DLineTo (x,y)] | otherwise = calcSegments x0 y0 theta1' segments' where sinPhi = sin (angle * radiansPerDegree) cosPhi = cos (angle * radiansPerDegree) x1dash = cosPhi * (x0 - x) / 2.0 + sinPhi * (y0 - y) / 2.0 y1dash = -sinPhi * (x0 - x) / 2.0 + cosPhi * (y0 - y) / 2.0 numerator = radiusX * radiusX * radiusY * radiusY - radiusX * radiusX * y1dash * y1dash - radiusY * radiusY * x1dash * x1dash s = sqrt(1.0 - numerator / (radiusX * radiusX * radiusY * radiusY)) rx = if' (numerator < 0.0) (radiusX * s) radiusX ry = if' (numerator < 0.0) (radiusY * s) radiusY root = if' (numerator < 0.0) (0.0) ((if' ((largeArcFlag && sweepFlag) || (not largeArcFlag && not sweepFlag)) (-1.0) 1.0) * sqrt(numerator / (radiusX * radiusX * y1dash * y1dash + radiusY * radiusY * x1dash * x1dash))) cxdash = root * rx * y1dash / ry cydash = -root * ry * x1dash / rx cx = cosPhi * cxdash - sinPhi * cydash + (x0 + x) / 2.0 cy = sinPhi * cxdash + cosPhi * cydash + (y0 + y) / 2.0 theta1' = calculateVectorAngle 1.0 0.0 ((x1dash - cxdash) / rx) ((y1dash - cydash) / ry) dtheta' = calculateVectorAngle ((x1dash - cxdash) / rx) ((y1dash - cydash) / ry) ((-x1dash - cxdash) / rx) ((-y1dash - cydash) / ry) dtheta = if' (not sweepFlag && dtheta' > 0) (dtheta' - 2 * pi) (if' (sweepFlag && dtheta' < 0) (dtheta' + 2 * pi) dtheta') segments' = ceiling (abs (dtheta / (pi / 2.0))) delta = dtheta / fromInteger segments' t = 8.0 / 3.0 * sin(delta / 4.0) * sin(delta / 4.0) / sin(delta / 2.0) calcSegments startX startY theta1 segments | segments == 0 = [] | otherwise = (DBezierTo (startX + dx1, startY + dy1) (endpointX + dxe, endpointY + dye) (endpointX, endpointY) : calcSegments endpointX endpointY theta2 (segments - 1)) where cosTheta1 = cos theta1 sinTheta1 = sin theta1 theta2 = theta1 + delta cosTheta2 = cos theta2 sinTheta2 = sin theta2 endpointX = cosPhi * rx * cosTheta2 - sinPhi * ry * sinTheta2 + cx endpointY = sinPhi * rx * cosTheta2 + cosPhi * ry * sinTheta2 + cy dx1 = t * (-cosPhi * rx * sinTheta1 - sinPhi * ry * cosTheta1) dy1 = t * (-sinPhi * rx * sinTheta1 + cosPhi * ry * cosTheta1) dxe = t * (cosPhi * rx * sinTheta2 + sinPhi * ry * cosTheta2) dye = t * (sinPhi * rx * sinTheta2 - cosPhi * ry * cosTheta2) {- -- ported from: -- works without angle and with circle segments only convertArc :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> Bool -> Double -> Double -> Arc convertArc x0 y0 radius largeArcFlag sweepFlag x y = Arc (x0,y0) (x,y) (cx,cy) dir where x1 = (x0 - x) / 2.0 y1 = (y0 - y) / 2.0 pr' = radius * radius px1 = x1 * x1 py1 = y1 * y1 radiiCheck = px1 / pr' + py1 / pr' r = if' (radiiCheck > 1) (sqrt radiiCheck * abs radius) (abs radius) pr = r * r sign = if' (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag) (-1) 1 sq' = ((pr * pr) - (pr * py1) - (pr * px1)) / ((pr * py1) + (pr * px1)) coef = sign * sqrt (max 0.0 sq') cx1 = coef * y1 cy1 = coef * (-x1) sx2 = (x0 + x) / 2.0 sy2 = (y0 + y) / 2.0 cx = sx2 + cx1 cy = sy2 + cy1 ux = (x1 - cx1) / r uy = (y1 - cy1) / r vx = (-x1 - cx1) / r vy = (-y1 - cy1) / r -- compute direction. True -> Clockwise dir' = ux * vy - uy * vx >= 0 dir = if' (not sweepFlag && dir') False (if' (sweepFlag && not dir') True dir') -}