{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Data.Aeson import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T (decodeUtf8) import Data.List (intersperse) import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (when) import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL hiding (map, intersperse) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as LA hiding (Result, parseOnly) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (endOfLine, sepBy) import Data.Attoparsec.Text import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AttoT import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Scientific import System.Environment (getArgs) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as B import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat as B import qualified Options.Applicative as O import Data.String.QQ import Test.HUnit data Options = Options { template :: Template } deriving Show data Template = TemplateFile FilePath | TemplateText Text deriving (Show) parseOpts :: O.Parser Options parseOpts = Options <$> (tmplText <|> tmplFile) tmplText = TemplateText . T.pack <$> O.argument O.str (O.metavar "TEMPLATE") tmplFile = TemplateFile <$> O.strOption (O.metavar "FILE" <> O.short 'f' <> O.help "Template file") opts = O.info (O.helper <*> parseOpts) (O.fullDesc <> O.progDesc "Inject JSON into SQL template strings" <> O.header "jsonsql") main = do Options tmpl <- O.execParser opts template <- case tmpl of TemplateFile fp -> T.readFile fp TemplateText t -> return t x <- BL.getContents let vs :: [Value] vs = decodeStream x chunks :: [Chunk] chunks = parseText template results = mconcat $ map (evalText chunks) vs TL.putStr . B.toLazyText $ results decodeStream :: (FromJSON a) => BL.ByteString -> [a] decodeStream bs = case decodeWith json bs of (Just x, xs) | xs == mempty -> [x] (Just x, xs) -> x:(decodeStream xs) (Nothing, _) -> [] decodeWith :: (FromJSON a) => LA.Parser Value -> BL.ByteString -> (Maybe a, BL.ByteString) decodeWith p s = case LA.parse p s of LA.Done r v -> f v r LA.Fail _ _ _ -> (Nothing, mempty) where f v' r = (\x -> case x of Success a -> (Just a, r) _ -> (Nothing, r)) $ fromJSON v' data ArrayFormat = ArrayFormat Text deriving (Show, Eq) data Chunk = Pass Text | Expr KeyPath deriving (Show, Eq) data KeyPath = KeyPath [Key] (Maybe ArrayFormat) deriving (Show, Eq) data Key = Key Text | Index Int | RootKey deriving (Eq, Show) evalText :: [Chunk] -> Value -> B.Builder evalText xs v = let line = mconcat $ map (B.fromText . evalChunk v) xs in line <> B.fromText "\n" evalChunk :: Value -> Chunk -> Text evalChunk v (Pass s) = s evalChunk v (Expr k) = evalToText k v evalToText :: KeyPath -> Value -> Text evalToText k v = valToText $ evalKeyPath k v evalToUnescapedText :: KeyPath -> Value -> Text evalToUnescapedText k v = valToUnescapedText $ evalKeyPath k v -- evaluates the a JS key path against a Value context to a leaf Value evalKeyPath :: KeyPath -> Value -> Value evalKeyPath (KeyPath [RootKey] _) x = x -- print the root object evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] _) x@(String _) = x evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] _) x@Null = x evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] _) x@(Number _) = x evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] _) x@(Bool _) = x evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] _) x@(Object _) = x -- print object evalKeyPath (KeyPath (Key key:ks) a) (Object s) = case (HM.lookup key s) of Just x -> evalKeyPath (KeyPath ks a) x Nothing -> Null evalKeyPath (KeyPath (Index idx:ks) a) (Array v) = let e = (V.!?) v idx in case e of Just e' -> evalKeyPath (KeyPath ks a) e' Nothing -> Null evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] Nothing) x@(Array _) = x -- print literal object evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] (Just (ArrayFormat a))) (Array v) = let vs = V.toList v in String $ mconcat . intersperse a $ map valToUnescapedText $ vs evalKeyPath k@(KeyPath _ a) (Array v) = let vs = V.toList v f = evalKeyPath k in evalKeyPath (KeyPath [] a) (Array $ V.fromList $ map f vs) evalKeyPath (KeyPath (Index _:_) _ ) _ = Null evalKeyPath _ _ = Null valToUnescapedText :: Value -> Text valToUnescapedText (String x) = x valToUnescapedText x = valToText x escapeText = T.pack . escapeStringLiteral . T.unpack valToText :: Value -> Text valToText (String x) = T.singleton '\'' <> (escapeText x) <> T.singleton '\'' valToText Null = "NULL" valToText (Bool True) = "TRUE" valToText (Bool False) = "FALSE" valToText (Number x) = case floatingOrInteger x of Left float -> T.pack . show $ float Right int -> T.pack . show $ int valToText x@(Object _) = literalJSON x valToText x@(Array _) = literalJSON x escapeStringLiteral :: String -> String escapeStringLiteral ('\'':xs) = '\'': ('\'' : escapeStringLiteral xs) escapeStringLiteral (x:xs) = x : escapeStringLiteral xs escapeStringLiteral [] = [] literalJSON :: Value -> Text literalJSON x = let t = mconcat . map T.decodeUtf8 . BL.toChunks. encode $ x in valToText . String $ t parseText :: Text -> [Chunk] parseText = either error id . parseOnly (many textChunk) textChunk = exprChunk <|> passChunk identifierChar = inClass "a-zA-Z_.[]0-9" exprChunk :: Parser Chunk exprChunk = do try (char ':') x <- notChar ':' xs <- AttoT.takeWhile identifierChar arrFormat <- pArrayFormat let kp = parseKeyPath (T.singleton x <> xs) arrFormat return $ Expr kp passChunk :: Parser Chunk passChunk = Pass <$> takeWhile1 (notInClass ":") parseKeyPath :: Text -> Maybe ArrayFormat -> KeyPath parseKeyPath s a = case parseOnly pKeys s of Left err -> error $ "Error parsing key path: " ++ T.unpack s ++ " error: " ++ err Right res -> KeyPath res a pKeys :: Parser [Key] pKeys = do -- if the first character is '.', then it's an empty keypath -- which evaluates to the whole objject keys <- rootKey <|> (sepBy1 pKeyOrIndex (takeWhile1 $ inClass ".[")) return keys rootKey :: Parser [Key] rootKey = char '.' >> return [RootKey] -- | syntax is [delimiter-string] immediately after last key pArrayFormat :: Parser (Maybe ArrayFormat) pArrayFormat = do let leftDelim = '<' rightDelim = '>' try (do char leftDelim delimiter <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (char rightDelim) -- char rightDelim return . Just $ ArrayFormat delimiter) <|> pure Nothing pKeyOrIndex = pIndex <|> pKey pKey = Key <$> takeWhile1 (notInClass " .[") pIndex = Index <$> decimal <* char ']' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Tests runTests = runTestTT tests tests = test [ "testOne" ~: [] @=? parseText "VALUES (:title, :year, :ratings.imdb)" , "test complex key" ~: [] @=? parseText "values (:imdb, :versions.Rental.HD[0]);" ]