module Data.JSON.Schema.Generator.Types
    ( Schema (..)
    , SchemaChoice (..)
    , scString
    , scInteger
    , scNumber
    , scBoolean
    ) where

import Data.Text (Text)


-- | A schema for a JSON value.
data Schema =
        { scId           :: !Text
        , scUsedSchema   :: !Text
        , scSchemaType   :: !Schema
        , scDefinitions  :: ![(Text, Schema)]
    | SCString
        { scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scFormat       :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scLowerBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
        , scUpperBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
    | SCInteger
        { scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scLowerBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
        , scUpperBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
    | SCNumber
        { scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scLowerBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
        , scUpperBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
    | SCBoolean
        { scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
    | SCConst
        { scTitle        :: !Text
        , scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scValue        :: !Text
    | SCObject
        { scTitle        :: !Text
        , scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scProperties   :: ![(Text, Schema)]
        , scPatternProps :: ![(Text, Schema)]
        , scRequired     :: ![Text]
    | SCArray
        { scTitle        :: !Text
        , scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scItems        :: ![Schema]
        , scLowerBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
        , scUpperBound   :: !(Maybe Integer)
    | SCOneOf
        { scTitle        :: !Text
        , scDescription  :: !(Maybe Text)
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
        , scChoices      :: ![SchemaChoice]
    | SCRef
        { scReference    :: !Text
        , scNullable     :: !Bool
    | SCNull
    deriving (Show)

-- | A sum encoding for ADT.
data SchemaChoice =
        { sctName     :: !Text             --   constructor name.
        , sctTitle    :: !Text             --   an arbitrary text. e.g. Types.UnitType1.UnitData11.
      -- ^ Encoding for constructors that are all unit type.
      -- e.g. "test": {"enum": ["xxx", "yyy", "zzz"]}
    | SCChoiceArray
        { sctName     :: !Text             --   constructor name.
        , sctTitle    :: !Text             --   an arbitrary text. e.g. Types.ProductType1.ProductData11.
        , sctArray    :: ![Schema]         --   parametes of constructor.
      -- ^ Encoding for constructors that are non record type.
      -- e.g. "test": [{"tag": "xxx", "contents": []},...] or "test": [{"xxx": [],},...]
    | SCChoiceMap
        { sctName     :: !Text             --   constructor name.
        , sctTitle    :: !Text             --   an arbitrary text. e.g. Types.RecordType1.RecordData11.
        , sctMap      :: ![(Text, Schema)] --   list of record field name and schema in this constructor.
        , sctRequired :: ![Text]           --   required field names.
      -- ^ Encoding for constructos that are record type.
      -- e.g. "test": [{"tag": "xxx", "contents": {"aaa": "yyy",...}},...] or "test": [{"xxx": []},...]
    deriving (Show)

-- ^ A smart consturctor for String.
scString :: Schema
scString = SCString
    { scDescription = Nothing
    , scNullable = False
    , scFormat = Nothing
    , scLowerBound = Nothing
    , scUpperBound = Nothing

-- ^ A smart consturctor for Integer.
scInteger :: Schema
scInteger = SCInteger
    { scDescription = Nothing
    , scNullable = False
    , scLowerBound = Nothing
    , scUpperBound = Nothing

-- ^ A smart consturctor for Number.
scNumber :: Schema
scNumber = SCNumber
    { scDescription = Nothing
    , scNullable = False
    , scLowerBound = Nothing
    , scUpperBound = Nothing

-- ^ A smart consturctor for Boolean.
scBoolean :: Schema
scBoolean = SCBoolean
    { scDescription = Nothing
    , scNullable = False