#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lexer.h" /* * Batch lexer for JSON * * When each handle_* function is called, 2 things hold: * - at least 1 character is available in the input buffer * - at least 1 result slot is free * * ) */ static inline int isempty(char chr) { return (chr == ':' || chr == ',' || isspace(chr)); } static inline int isJnumber(char chr) { return ((chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') || chr == '-' || chr == '.' || chr == '+' || chr == 'e' || chr == 'E'); } // Add simple result to the result list static inline void add_simple_res(int restype, struct lexer *lexer, int length, struct lexer_result *result) { struct lexer_result *res = &result[lexer->result_num]; res->restype = restype; res->startpos = lexer->position; res->length = length; lexer->result_num++; } static inline int handle_space(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer) { /* Skip space */ while (lexer->position < lexer->length && isempty(input[lexer->position])) lexer->position++; if (lexer->position >= lexer->length) return LEX_YIELD; return LEX_OK; } static inline int handle_base(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { if (handle_space(input, lexer)) return LEX_OK; char chr = input[lexer->position]; switch (chr) { case '{': add_simple_res(RES_OPEN_BRACE, lexer, 1, result); lexer->position++;break; case '}': add_simple_res(RES_CLOSE_BRACE, lexer, 1, result); lexer->position++;break; case '[': add_simple_res(RES_OPEN_BRACKET, lexer, 1, result); lexer->position++;break; case ']': add_simple_res(RES_CLOSE_BRACKET, lexer, 1, result); lexer->position++;break; case '"': lexer->current_state = STATE_STRING; lexer->state_data = 0; lexer->position++;return LEX_OK; case 't': lexer->current_state = STATE_TRUE; lexer->state_data = 1; lexer->position++;return LEX_OK; case 'f': lexer->current_state = STATE_FALSE; lexer->state_data = 1; lexer->position++;return LEX_OK; case 'n': lexer->current_state = STATE_NULL; lexer->state_data = 1; lexer->position++;return LEX_OK; default: if (isJnumber(chr)) { lexer->current_state = STATE_NUMBER; lexer->state_data = 0; return LEX_OK; } else { // Unknown character return LEX_ERROR; } } return LEX_OK; } static inline int handle_ident(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, const char *ident, int idtype, struct lexer_result *result) { while (lexer->position < lexer->length) { char chr = input[lexer->position]; if (!ident[lexer->state_data]) { // Check that the next character is allowed if (isempty(chr) || chr == ']' || chr == '}') { add_simple_res(idtype, lexer, lexer->state_data, result); lexer->current_state = STATE_BASE; return LEX_OK; } else { // Unexpected next character in handle_ident return LEX_ERROR; } } if (ident[lexer->state_data] != chr) return LEX_ERROR; lexer->state_data++; lexer->position++; } return LEX_OK; } /* Read a number; compute the number if the 'int' type can hold it */ int handle_number(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { /* Just eat characters that can be numbers and feed them to a table */ // Copy the character to buffer int startposition = lexer->position; // Try to compute the number fitting to int - 32-bit=9, 64-bit=18 int maxdigits = sizeof(int) == 8 ? 18 : 9; int computedNumber = 0; int digits = 0; int gotDot = 0; int dotDigits = 0; int invalid = 0; int sign = 1; // Do not try on number continuation if (lexer->state_data) invalid = 1; for (;lexer->position < lexer->length && isJnumber(input[lexer->position]);++lexer->position) { char ch = input[lexer->position]; if (!invalid) { if (lexer->position == startposition && ch == '-') { sign = -1; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { digits++; computedNumber = computedNumber * 10 + (ch - '0'); if (gotDot) dotDigits++; } else if (ch == '.' && gotDot == 0) { gotDot = 1; } else invalid = 1; // We do not support E notation to optimize or some syntax error if (digits > maxdigits) invalid = 1; } } struct lexer_result *res = &result[lexer->result_num]; res->adddata = lexer->state_data; if (lexer->position == lexer->length) { res->restype = RES_NUMBER_PARTIAL; // We can just point directly to the input res->startpos = startposition; res->length = lexer->position - startposition; lexer->state_data = 1; } else if (!invalid) { /* Optimized number generation, so that we don't have to parse it in haskell */ res->restype = RES_NUMBER_SMALL; res->adddata = sign * computedNumber; res->length = dotDigits; lexer->current_state = STATE_BASE; } else { res->restype = RES_NUMBER; // We can just point directly to the input res->startpos = startposition; res->length = lexer->position - startposition; lexer->current_state = STATE_BASE; } lexer->result_num++; return LEX_OK; } static inline int safechar(char x) { return (x != '"' && x != '\\'); } /* Handle beginning of a string, the '"' is already stripped */ int handle_string(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { int startposition = lexer->position; char ch; for (ch=input[lexer->position]; lexer->position < lexer->length && safechar(ch); ch = input[++lexer->position]) ; struct lexer_result *res = &result[lexer->result_num]; res->startpos = startposition; res->length = lexer->position - startposition; if (lexer->position == lexer->length || input[lexer->position] == '\\') { // Emit partial string res->restype = RES_STRING_PARTIAL; res->adddata = 0; lexer->result_num++; // If we stopped because of backslash, change state, move one forward if (lexer->position < lexer->length) { lexer->current_state = STATE_STRING_SPECCHAR; lexer->state_data = 0; lexer->position++; } else lexer->state_data = 1; return LEX_OK; } else if (input[lexer->position] == '"') { res->restype = RES_STRING; res->adddata = lexer->state_data; lexer->result_num++; lexer->current_state = STATE_BASE; lexer->position++; // Skip the final '"' return LEX_OK; } // Internal error, shouldn't get here return LEX_ERROR; } /* Handle \uxxxx syntax */ static int handle_string_uni(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { char chr = input[lexer->position]; lexer->state_data_2 *= 16; if (chr >= 'a' && chr <='f') lexer->state_data_2 += 10 + (chr - 'a'); else if (chr >= 'A' && chr <= 'F') lexer->state_data_2 += 10 + (chr - 'A'); else if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') lexer->state_data_2 += chr - '0'; else return LEX_ERROR; lexer->state_data += 1; lexer->position += 1; if (lexer->state_data == 4) { // Emit the result struct lexer_result *res = &result[lexer->result_num]; res->startpos = lexer->position; res->length = 0; res->restype = RES_STRING_UNI; res->adddata = lexer->state_data_2; lexer->result_num++; lexer->current_state = STATE_STRING; lexer->state_data = 1; // Set that we are in partial string, see handle_string } return LEX_OK; } // Add a character to result, move position forward, change state back to string static inline void emitchar(char ch, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { struct lexer_result *res = &result[lexer->result_num]; res->restype = RES_STRING_PARTIAL; res->startpos = lexer->position; res->length = -1; // Special value indicating that this is special character res->adddata = ch; lexer->result_num++; lexer->position++; lexer->current_state = STATE_STRING; lexer->state_data = 1; // Set the string is in partial data } int handle_specchar(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { char chr = input[lexer->position]; switch (chr) { case '"': emitchar('"', lexer, result);break; case '\\':emitchar('\\', lexer, result);break; case '/':emitchar('/', lexer, result);break; case 'b':emitchar('\b', lexer, result);break; case 'f':emitchar('\f', lexer, result);break; case 'n':emitchar('\n', lexer, result);break; case 'r':emitchar('\r', lexer, result);break; case 't':emitchar('\t', lexer, result);break; case 'u': lexer->current_state = STATE_STRING_UNI; lexer->state_data = 0; lexer->state_data_2 = 0; lexer->position++; break; default: return LEX_ERROR; } return LEX_OK; } int lex_json(const char *input, struct lexer *lexer, struct lexer_result *result) { int res = LEX_OK; static void* dispatch_table[] = { &&state_base, &&state_string, &&state_number, &&state_true, &&state_false, &&state_null, &&state_string_specchar, &&state_string_uni }; #define DISPATCH() { \ if (!(lexer->position < lexer->length && lexer->result_num < lexer->result_limit && res == 0)) \ return res; \ goto *dispatch_table[lexer->current_state];\ } DISPATCH(); state_base: res = handle_base(input, lexer, result); DISPATCH(); state_string: res = handle_string(input, lexer, result); DISPATCH(); state_number: res = handle_number(input, lexer, result); DISPATCH(); state_true: res = handle_ident(input, lexer, "true", RES_TRUE, result); DISPATCH(); state_false: res = handle_ident(input, lexer, "false", RES_FALSE, result); DISPATCH(); state_null: res = handle_ident(input, lexer, "null", RES_NULL, result); DISPATCH(); state_string_specchar: res = handle_specchar(input, lexer, result); DISPATCH(); state_string_uni: res = handle_string_uni(input, lexer, result); DISPATCH(); return res; }