# json-litobj [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jonathankochems/json-litobj.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jonathankochems/json-litobj) [![codecov.io](http://codecov.io/github/jonathankochems/json-litobj/coverage.svg?branch=master)](http://codecov.io/github/jonathankochems/json-litobj?branch=master) [![BSD3 License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD3-brightgreen.svg)](https://tldrlegal.com/license/bsd-3-clause-license-%28revised%29) This module extends Text.JSON to enable the decoding of strings containing literal JS objects. In particular, it relaxes the restriction that fields in JSON objects must be strings. For example: * JSON conformant: > { "foo" : "bar" } * literal JS object: > { foo : "bar" } ## Documentation The haddock documentation can be found on [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/json-litobj- ## Motivation I wanted to parse JSON responses from various websites with Text.JSON. Unfortunately, I ran into parsing errors due to literal JS objects included in the answer strings. Since literal JS object are not really part of the JSON format I started this module to work around this problem. ## Contributing If you feel that this module is missing something useful which should be part of a more ``permissive'' JSON parsing please consider a contribution. To contribute: 1. fork this repository 2. create a feature branch 3. commit and push your code to your feature branch 4. create a pull request to this repository