module Data.Json.Builder.Implementation where
import Prelude hiding ((++))
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze
( Write
, Builder
, copyByteString
, fromByteString
, fromLazyByteString
, writeByteString
, fromWrite
, fromWriteList
, writeWord8
, toByteString
, toLazyByteString )
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8
( fromChar, writeChar, fromText, fromLazyText )
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 as Builder ( fromString )
import Blaze.Text (float, double, integral)
import Data.Bits ( Bits((.&.), shiftR) )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat) )
import Data.Int ( Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word ( Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BLU
import Data.ByteString.Internal ( c2w )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
(++) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(++) = mappend
infixr 5 ++
class Value a where
toJson :: a -> Json
newtype Json = Json Builder
instance Value Json where
toJson = id
newtype Escaped = Escaped Builder deriving (Monoid)
instance Value Escaped where
toJson (Escaped str) = Json (fromChar '"' ++ str ++ fromChar '"')
class Value a => JsString a where
escape :: a -> Escaped
instance JsString Escaped where
escape = id
newtype Object = Object CommaMonoid deriving (Monoid)
instance Value Object where
toJson (Object xs) = case xs of
Empty -> Json (copyByteString "{}")
Comma ys -> Json (fromChar '{' ++ ys ++ fromChar '}')
class JsObject a where
toObject :: a -> Object
instance JsObject Object where
toObject = id
row :: (JsString k, Value a) => k -> a -> Object
row k a = Object (Comma (toBuilder k ++ fromChar ':' ++ toBuilder a))
newtype Array = Array CommaMonoid deriving (Monoid)
instance Value Array where
toJson (Array xs) = case xs of
Empty -> Json (copyByteString "[]")
Comma ys -> Json (fromChar '[' ++ ys ++ fromChar ']')
class JsArray a where
toArray :: a -> Array
instance JsArray Array where
toArray = id
element :: Value a => a -> Array
element a = Array (Comma (toBuilder a))
data CommaMonoid
= Empty
| Comma !Builder
instance Monoid CommaMonoid where
mempty = Empty
mappend Empty x = x
mappend (Comma a) x
= Comma (a ++ case x of
Empty -> mempty
Comma b -> fromChar ',' ++ b)
toBuilder :: Value a => a -> Builder
toBuilder x = case toJson x of
Json y -> y
toJsonBS :: Value a => a -> BS.ByteString
toJsonBS = toByteString . toBuilder
toJsonLBS :: Value a => a -> BL.ByteString
toJsonLBS = toLazyByteString . toBuilder
jsNull :: Json
jsNull = Json (copyByteString "null")
instance Value Int where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Int8 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Int16 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Int32 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Int64 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Integer where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Word where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Word8 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Word16 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Word32 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Word64 where
toJson = Json . integral
instance Value Double where
toJson = Json . double
instance Value Float where
toJson = Json . float
instance Value Bool where
toJson x = Json (fromByteString $! if x then "true" else "false")
instance JsString BS.ByteString where
escape x = Escaped (loop x)
loop (BU.break quoteNeeded -> (a,b))
= fromByteString a ++
case BU.decode b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (c,n) -> quoteChar c ++ loop (BS.drop n b)
instance Value BS.ByteString where
toJson = toJson . escape
instance JsString BL.ByteString where
escape x = Escaped (loop x)
loop (BLU.break quoteNeeded -> (a,b))
= fromLazyByteString a ++
case BLU.decode b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (c,n) -> quoteChar c ++ loop (BL.drop n b)
instance Value BL.ByteString where
toJson = toJson . escape
instance JsString T.Text where
escape x = Escaped (loop x)
loop (T.break quoteNeeded -> (a,b))
= fromText a ++
case T.uncons b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (c,b') -> quoteChar c ++ loop b'
instance Value T.Text where
toJson = toJson . escape
instance JsString TL.Text where
escape x = Escaped (loop x)
loop (TL.break quoteNeeded -> (a,b))
= fromLazyText a ++
case TL.uncons b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (c,b') -> quoteChar c ++ loop b'
instance Value TL.Text where
toJson = toJson . escape
instance JsString [Char] where
escape str = Escaped (fromWriteList writeEscapedChar str)
writeEscapedChar c | quoteNeeded c = quoteCharW c
| otherwise = writeChar c
instance Value [Char] where
toJson = toJson . escape
instance Value a => Value [a] where
toJson = toJson . toArray
instance Value a => JsArray [a] where
toArray = foldr (\a as -> element a ++ as) mempty
instance Value a => Value (Vector.Vector a) where
toJson = toJson . toArray
instance Value a => JsArray (Vector.Vector a) where
toArray = Vector.foldr (\a as -> element a ++ as) mempty
instance (JsString k, Value a) => Value (Map.Map k a) where
toJson = toJson . toObject
instance (JsString k, Value a) => JsObject (Map.Map k a) where
toObject = Map.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> row k a ++ b) mempty
instance (JsString k, Value a) => Value (HashMap.HashMap k a) where
toJson = toJson . toObject
instance (JsString k, Value a) => JsObject (HashMap.HashMap k a) where
toObject = HashMap.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> row k a ++ b) mempty
instance (Value a, Value b) => JsArray (a,b) where
toArray (a,b) = element a ++ element b
instance Value () where
toJson = toJson . toArray
instance JsArray () where
toArray _ = mempty
instance (Value a, Value b) => Value (a,b) where
toJson = toJson . toArray
instance (Value a, Value b, Value c) => JsArray (a,b,c) where
toArray (a,b,c) = element a ++ element b ++ element c
instance (Value a, Value b, Value c) => Value (a,b,c) where
toJson = toJson . toArray
instance (Value a, Value b, Value c, Value d) => JsArray (a,b,c,d) where
toArray (a,b,c,d) = element a ++ element b ++ element c ++ element d
instance (Value a, Value b, Value c, Value d) => Value (a,b,c,d) where
toJson = toJson . toArray
quoteNeeded :: Char -> Bool
quoteNeeded c = c == '\\' || c == '"' || c < '\x20'
quoteChar :: Char -> Builder
quoteChar c = case c of
'\\' -> copyByteString "\\\\"
'"' -> copyByteString "\\\""
'\b' -> copyByteString "\\b"
'\f' -> copyByteString "\\f"
'\n' -> copyByteString "\\n"
'\r' -> copyByteString "\\r"
'\t' -> copyByteString "\\t"
_ -> fromWrite (hexEscape c)
quoteCharW :: Char -> Write
quoteCharW c = case c of
'\\' -> writeByteString "\\\\"
'"' -> writeByteString "\\\""
'\b' -> writeByteString "\\b"
'\f' -> writeByteString "\\f"
'\n' -> writeByteString "\\n"
'\r' -> writeByteString "\\r"
'\t' -> writeByteString "\\t"
_ -> hexEscape c
hexEscape :: Char -> Write
hexEscape (c2w -> c)
= writeByteString "\\u00"
++ writeWord8 (char ((c `shiftR` 4) .&. 0xF))
++ writeWord8 (char ( c .&. 0xF))
char :: Word8 -> Word8
char i | i < 10 = i + 48
| otherwise = i + 87