{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Aeson.AutoType.Format(
  displaySplitTypes, splitTypeByLabel, unificationCandidates,
) where

import           Control.Arrow             ((&&&))
import           Control.Lens.TH
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad             (forM)
import           Control.Exception(assert)
--import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict        as Map
import qualified Data.Set                   as Set
--import qualified Data.Vector                as V
--import           Data.Aeson
--import           Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.Text                  as Text
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import           Data.Set                  (Set )
import           Data.List                 (foldl1')
import           Data.Char                 (isAlpha, isDigit)
import           Control.Monad.State.Class
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict(State, runState)
import qualified Data.Graph          as Graph

import           Data.Aeson.AutoType.Type
import           Data.Aeson.AutoType.Extract
import           Data.Aeson.AutoType.Util  ()

fst3 ::  (t, t1, t2) -> t
fst3 (a, _b, _c) = a

data DeclState = DeclState { _decls   :: [Text]
                           , _counter :: Int
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

makeLenses ''DeclState

type DeclM = State DeclState

type Map k v = Map.HashMap k v 

stepM :: DeclM Int
stepM = counter %%= (\i -> (i, i+1))

tShow :: (Show a) => a -> Text
tShow = Text.pack . show 

wrapDecl ::  Text -> Text -> Text
wrapDecl identifier contents = Text.unlines [header, contents, "  } deriving (Show,Eq)"]
                                            --,"\nderiveJSON defaultOptions ''" `Text.append` identifier]
    header = Text.concat ["data ", identifier, " = ", identifier, " { "]

-- | Explanatory type alias for making declarations
-- First element of the pair is original JSON identifier,
-- second element of the pair is the mapped identifier name in Haskell.
type MappedKey = (Text, Text)

-- | Make ToJSON declaration, given identifier (object name in Haskell) and mapping of its keys
-- from JSON to Haskell identifiers *in the same order* as in *data type declaration*.
makeFromJSON ::  Text -> [MappedKey] -> Text
makeFromJSON identifier contents =
  Text.unlines [
      Text.unwords ["instance FromJSON", identifier, "where"]
    , Text.unwords ["  parseJSON (Object v) =", identifier, inner]
    , "  parseJSON _          = mzero" ]
    inner  = if Text.null inner'
               then ""
               else "<$>" `Text.append` inner'
    inner' = Text.intercalate " <*> " $
               map (takeValue . fst) contents
    takeValue jsonId = Text.concat ["v .: \"", jsonId, "\""]
-- Contents example for wrapFromJSON:
-- " <$>
--"                           v .: "hexValue"  <*>
--"                           v .: "colorName\""

-- | Make ToJSON declaration, given identifier (object name in Haskell) and mapping of its keys
-- from JSON to Haskell identifiers in the same order as in declaration
makeToJSON :: Text -> [MappedKey] -> Text
makeToJSON identifier contents =
    Text.unlines [
        Text.concat ["instance ToJSON ", identifier, " where"],
        Text.concat ["  toJSON (", identifier, " {..}) = object [", inner, "]"]
    inner = ", " `Text.intercalate`
              map putValue contents
    putValue (jsonId, haskellId) = Text.unwords [escapeText jsonId, ".=", haskellId]
    escapeText = Text.pack . show . Text.unpack
-- Contents example for wrapToJSON
--"hexValue"  .= hexValue
--                                        ,"colorName" .= colorName]

-- | Makes a generic identifier name.
genericIdentifier :: DeclM Text
genericIdentifier = do
  i <- stepM
  return $! "Obj" `Text.append` tShow i

-- * Printing a single type declaration
newDecl :: Text -> [(Text, Type)] -> DeclM Text
newDecl identifier kvs = do attrs <- forM kvs $ \(k, v) -> do
                              formatted <- formatType v
                              return (k, normalizeFieldName identifier k, formatted)
                            let fieldMapping = map (\(jn, hn, _) -> (jn, hn)) attrs
                            let decl = Text.unlines [wrapDecl     identifier $ fieldDecls attrs
                                                    ,makeFromJSON identifier fieldMapping
                                                    ,makeToJSON   identifier fieldMapping]
                            decls %%= (\ds -> ((), decl:ds))
                            return identifier
    fieldDecls attrList = Text.intercalate ",\n" $ map fieldDecl attrList
    fieldDecl :: (Text, Text, Text) -> Text
    fieldDecl (_jsonName, haskellName, fType) = Text.concat [
                                                  "    ", haskellName, " :: ", fType]

-- | Convert a JSON key name given by second argument,
-- from within a dictionary keyed with first argument,
-- into a name of Haskell record field (hopefully distinct from other such selectors.)
normalizeFieldName ::  Text -> Text -> Text
normalizeFieldName identifier = escapeKeywords             .
                                uncapitalize               .
                                (normalizeTypeName identifier `Text.append`) .

keywords ::  Set Text
keywords = Set.fromList ["type", "data", "module", "class", "where", "let", "do"]

escapeKeywords ::  Text -> Text
escapeKeywords k | k `Set.member` keywords = k `Text.append` "_"
escapeKeywords k                           = k

emptySetLikes ::  Set Type
emptySetLikes = Set.fromList [TNull, TArray $ TUnion $ Set.fromList []]

formatType :: Type -> DeclM Text
formatType  TString                          =    return "Text"
formatType  TNum                             =    return "Int"
formatType  TBool                            =    return "Bool"
formatType (TLabel l)                        =    return $ normalizeTypeName l
formatType (TUnion u) | uu <- u `Set.difference` emptySetLikes,
                        Set.size uu == 1     = do fmt <- formatType $ head $ Set.toList uu
                                                  return $ "Maybe " `Text.append` fmt
formatType (TUnion u)                        = do tys <- forM (Set.toList u) formatType
                                                  return $ mkUnion tys
    mkUnion []       = emptyTypeRepr
    mkUnion nonEmpty = foldr1 mkEither nonEmpty
      where mkEither a b = Text.concat ["Alt (", a, ") (", b, ")"]
formatType (TArray a)                        = do inner <- formatType a
                                                  return $ Text.concat ["[", inner, "]"]
formatType (TObj   o)                        = do ident <- genericIdentifier
                                                  newDecl ident d
    d = Map.toList $ unDict o 
formatType  e | e `Set.member` emptySetLikes = return emptyTypeRepr
formatType  t                                = return $ "ERROR: Don't know how to handle: " `Text.append` tShow t

emptyTypeRepr :: Text
emptyTypeRepr = "Maybe Text" -- default...

runDecl ::  DeclM a -> Text
runDecl decl = Text.unlines $ finalState ^. decls
    initialState    = DeclState [] 1
    (_, finalState) = runState decl initialState

-- * Splitting object types by label for unification.
type TypeTree    = Map Text [Type]

type TypeTreeM a = State TypeTree a

addType :: Text -> Type -> TypeTreeM ()
addType label typ = modify $ Map.insertWith (++) label [typ]

splitTypeByLabel' :: Text -> Type -> TypeTreeM Type
splitTypeByLabel' _  TString   = return TString
splitTypeByLabel' _  TNum      = return TNum
splitTypeByLabel' _  TBool     = return TBool
splitTypeByLabel' _  TNull     = return TNull
splitTypeByLabel' _ (TLabel r) = assert False $ return $ TLabel r -- unnecessary?
splitTypeByLabel' l (TUnion u) = do m <- mapM (splitTypeByLabel' l) $ Set.toList u
                                    return $! TUnion $! Set.fromList m
splitTypeByLabel' l (TArray a) = do m <- splitTypeByLabel' (l `Text.append` "Elt") a
                                    return $! TArray m
splitTypeByLabel' l (TObj   o) = do kvs <- forM (Map.toList $ unDict o) $ \(k, v) -> do
                                       component <- splitTypeByLabel' k v
                                       return (k, component)
                                    addType l (TObj $ Dict $ Map.fromList kvs)
                                    return $! TLabel l
--splitTypeByLabel' l  t         = error $ "ERROR: Don't know how to handle: " ++ show t

-- | Splits initial type with a given label, into a mapping of object type names and object type structures.
splitTypeByLabel :: Text -> Type -> Map Text Type
splitTypeByLabel topLabel t = Map.map (foldl1' unifyTypes) finalState
    job = splitTypeByLabel' topLabel t
          --   addType topLabel r
    initialState    = Map.empty
    (_, finalState) = runState job initialState

formatObjectType ::  Text -> Type -> DeclM Text
formatObjectType identifier (TObj o) = newDecl identifier d
    d = Map.toList $ unDict o
formatObjectType _          other    = formatType other

displaySplitTypes ::  Map Text Type -> Text
displaySplitTypes dict = runDecl declarations
    declarations =
      forM (toposort dict) $ \(name, typ) -> do
        let name' = normalizeTypeName name
        formatObjectType name' typ

normalizeTypeName :: Text -> Text
normalizeTypeName = escapeKeywords           .
                    escapeFirstNonAlpha      .
                    Text.concat              .
                    map capitalize           .
                    filter (not . Text.null) .
                    Text.split (not . acceptableInVariable)
    acceptableInVariable c = isAlpha c || isDigit c
    escapeFirstNonAlpha cs                  | Text.null cs =                   cs
    escapeFirstNonAlpha cs@(Text.head -> c) | isAlpha   c  =                   cs
    escapeFirstNonAlpha cs                                 = "_" `Text.append` cs

capitalize :: Text -> Text
capitalize word = Text.toUpper first `Text.append` rest
    (first, rest) = Text.splitAt 1 word

uncapitalize :: Text -> Text
uncapitalize word = Text.toLower first `Text.append` rest
    (first, rest) = Text.splitAt 1 word

-- | Topological sorting of splitted types so that it is accepted declaration order.
toposort :: Map Text Type -> [(Text, Type)]  
toposort splitted = map ((id &&& (splitted Map.!)) . fst3 . graphKey) $ Graph.topSort graph
    (graph, graphKey) = Graph.graphFromEdges' $ map makeEntry $ Map.toList splitted
    makeEntry (k, v) = (k, k, allLabels v)

-- | Computes all type labels referenced by a given type.
allLabels :: Type -> [Text]
allLabels = flip go []
    go (TLabel l) ls = l:ls
    go (TArray t) ls = go t ls
    go (TUnion u) ls = Set.foldr go ls          u
    go (TObj   o) ls = Map.foldr go ls $ unDict o
    go _other     ls = ls

-- * Finding candidates for extra unifications
-- | For a given splitted types, it returns candidates for extra
-- unifications.
unificationCandidates :: Map.HashMap t Type -> [[t]]
unificationCandidates = Map.elems             .
                        Map.filter candidates .
                        Map.fromListWith (++) .
                        map entry             .
    candidates [ ] = False
    candidates [_] = False
    candidates _   = True
    entry (k, TObj o) = (Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ unDict o, [k])
    entry (_, other ) = error $ "Unexpected type: " ++ show other

-- | Unifies candidates on a give input list.
unifyCandidates :: [[Text]] -> Map Text Type -> Map Text Type
unifyCandidates candidates splitted = Map.map (remapLabels labelMapping) $ replacements splitted
    unifiedType  :: [Text] -> Type
    unifiedType cset      = foldr1 unifyTypes         $ 
                            map (splitted Map.!) cset
    replace      :: [Text] -> Map Text Type -> Map Text Type
    replace  cset@(c:_) s = Map.insert c (unifiedType cset) (foldr Map.delete s cset)
    replace  []         _ = error "Empty candidate set in replace"
    replacements :: Map Text Type -> Map Text Type
    replacements        s = foldr replace s candidates
    labelMapping :: Map Text Text
    labelMapping          = Map.fromList $ concatMap mapEntry candidates
    mapEntry cset@(c:_)   = [(x, c) | x <- cset]
    mapEntry []           = error "Empty candidate set in mapEntry"

-- | Remaps type labels according to a `Map`.
remapLabels :: Map Text Text -> Type -> Type
remapLabels ls (TObj   o) = TObj   $ Dict $ Map.map (remapLabels ls) $ unDict o
remapLabels ls (TArray t) = TArray $                 remapLabels ls  t
remapLabels ls (TUnion u) = TUnion $        Set.map (remapLabels ls) u
remapLabels ls (TLabel l) = TLabel $ Map.lookupDefault l l ls
remapLabels _  other      = other