{- |
Entry-point module for this package.

Contains representations of the top-level JSON-API document structure.
module Network.JSONApi.Document
( Document
, ErrorDocument (..)
, ResourceData (..)
, mkDocument
) where

import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Aeson
  ( ToJSON
  , FromJSON
  , Value
  , (.=)
  , (.:)
  , (.:?)
import qualified Data.Aeson as AE
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import qualified Network.JSONApi.Error as E
import Network.JSONApi.Link as L
import Network.JSONApi.Meta as M
import Network.JSONApi.Resource (Resource, ResourcefulEntity)
import qualified Network.JSONApi.Resource as R

{- |
The @Document@ type represents the top-level JSON-API requirement.

@data@ attribute - the resulting JSON may be either a singleton resource
or a list of resources. See 'Resource' for the construction.

For more information see: <http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-top-level>
data Document a = Document
  { _data  ::  ResourceData a
  , _links ::  Maybe Links
  , _meta  ::  Maybe Meta
  , _included :: [Value]
  } deriving (Show, Eq, G.Generic)

instance (ToJSON a)
      => ToJSON (Document a) where
  toJSON (Document (List res) links meta included) =
    AE.object [ "data"  .= res
              , "links" .= links
              , "meta"  .= meta
              , "included" .= included
  toJSON (Document (Singleton res) links meta included) =
    AE.object [ "data"  .= res
              , "links" .= links
              , "meta"  .= meta
              , "included" .= included

instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Document a) where
  parseJSON = AE.withObject "document" $ \v -> do
    d <- v .:  "data"
    l <- v .:? "links"
    m <- v .:? "meta"
    i <- v .: "included"
    return (Document d l m i)

{- |
Constructor function for the Document data type.
mkDocument :: ResourcefulEntity a =>
           -> Maybe Links
           -> Maybe Meta
           -> [Value]
           -> Document a
mkDocument res links meta included =
    { _data = toResourceData res
    , _links = links
    , _meta = meta
    , _included = included

toResourceData :: ResourcefulEntity a => [a] -> ResourceData a
toResourceData (r:[]) = Singleton (R.toResource r)
toResourceData rs      = List (map R.toResource rs)

{- |
The @Resource@ type encapsulates the underlying 'Resource'

Included in the top-level 'Document', the @Resource@ may be either
a singleton resource or a list.

For more information see: <http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-top-level>
data ResourceData a = Singleton (Resource a)
                      | List [ Resource a ]
                      deriving (Show, Eq, G.Generic)

instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (ResourceData a) where
  toJSON (Singleton res) = AE.toJSON res
  toJSON (List res)      = AE.toJSON res

instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (ResourceData a) where
  parseJSON (AE.Object v) = Singleton <$> (AE.parseJSON (AE.Object v))
  parseJSON (AE.Array v)  = List <$> (AE.parseJSON (AE.Array v))
  parseJSON _             = mzero

{- |
The @ErrorDocument@ type represents the alternative form of the top-level
JSON-API requirement.

@error@ attribute - a descriptive object encapsulating application-specific
error detail.

For more information see: <http://jsonapi.org/format/#errors>
data ErrorDocument a = ErrorDocument
  { _error :: E.Error a
  , _errorLinks :: Maybe Links
  , _errorMeta  :: Maybe Meta
  } deriving (Show, Eq, G.Generic)

instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (ErrorDocument a) where
  toJSON (ErrorDocument err links meta) =
    AE.object [ "error" .= err
              , "links" .= links
              , "meta"  .= meta

instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (ErrorDocument a) where
  parseJSON = AE.withObject "error" $ \v ->
      <$> v .: "error"
      <*> v .:? "links"
      <*> v .:? "meta"