module Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Wasm.Internal ( run, runWorker, JSVal, ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Data.Aeson qualified as A import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as BI import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as BLC8 import Data.ByteString.Unsafe qualified as BU import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import GHC.Wasm.Prim (JSString, JSVal) import GHC.Wasm.Prim qualified import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Run (runJavaScript) import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Run.Files qualified as JSaddle.Files import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types (Batch, JSM) -- Note: It is also possible to implement this succinctly on top of 'runWorker' -- and 'jsaddleScript', but then e.g. @stopPropagation@/@preventDefault@ -- definitely don't work, whereas they work (at least in simple cases) with the -- implementation below. run :: JSM () -> IO () run entryPoint = do -- TODO rather use a bounded (even size 1) queue? outgoingMsgQueue :: TQueue JSString <- newTQueueIO let sendOutgoingMessage = atomically . writeTQueue outgoingMsgQueue readBatchCallback <- mkPushCallback $ atomically $ readTQueue outgoingMsgQueue let jsaddleRunner :: JSVal -> IO () jsaddleRunner processResultCallback = do s <- byteStringToJSString . BLC8.toStrict . BLC8.unlines $ [ JSaddle.Files.ghcjsHelpers, JSaddle.Files.initState, "(async () => {", " while (true) {", " const batch = JSON.parse(await readBatch());", JSaddle.Files.runBatch (\r -> "processResult(JSON.stringify(" <> r <> "));") -- TODO Think more about how synchronous dispatching works here -- (see processSyncResult). For some reason, it already /seems/ -- to work fine, at least in simple cases. Nothing, " }", "})();" ] evaluate =<< js_eval s processResultCallback readBatchCallback runHelper entryPoint sendOutgoingMessage jsaddleRunner runWorker :: JSM () -> JSVal -> IO () runWorker entryPoint worker = runHelper entryPoint (evaluate <=< js_postMessage worker) (evaluate <=< js_onMessage worker) runHelper :: JSM () -> -- | How to send an outgoing message. (JSString -> IO ()) -> -- | Start receiving incoming messages. For every message, invoke the given -- 'JSVal' callback. (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO () runHelper entryPoint sendOutgoingMessage onIncomingMessage = do (processResult, _processSyncResult, start) <- runJavaScript sendBatch entryPoint processResultCallback <- mkPullCallback \s -> do bs <- jsStringToByteString s case A.eitherDecodeStrict bs of Left e -> fail $ "jsaddle: received invalid JSON: " <> show e Right r -> processResult r onIncomingMessage processResultCallback start where sendBatch :: Batch -> IO () sendBatch batch = do encodedBatch <- byteStringToJSString $ BLC8.toStrict $ A.encode batch sendOutgoingMessage encodedBatch -- Utilities: foreign import javascript "wrapper" mkPullCallback :: (JSString -> IO ()) -> IO JSVal foreign import javascript "wrapper" mkPushCallback :: IO JSString -> IO JSVal foreign import javascript safe "new Function('processResult','readBatch',`(()=>{${$1}})()`)($2, $3)" js_eval :: JSString -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO () -- Worker foreign import javascript safe "$1.postMessage({tag: 'jsaddle', msg: $2})" js_postMessage :: JSVal -> JSString -> IO () foreign import javascript safe "$1.addEventListener('message', e => {\ \const d =;\ \if (d && typeof d === 'object' && d.tag === 'jsaddle') $2(d.msg);\ \})" js_onMessage :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO () -- Conversion JSString <-> ByteString foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.length" js_stringLength :: JSString -> IO Int foreign import javascript unsafe "(new TextEncoder()).encodeInto($1, new Uint8Array(__exports.memory.buffer, $2, $3)).written" js_encodeInto :: JSString -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO Int jsStringToByteString :: JSString -> IO ByteString jsStringToByteString s = do len <- js_stringLength s -- see -- (could also use another strategy described there) let lenMax = len * 3 BI.createUptoN lenMax \buf -> js_encodeInto s buf lenMax foreign import javascript unsafe "(new TextDecoder('utf-8', {fatal: true})).decode(new Uint8Array(__exports.memory.buffer, $1, $2))" js_toJSString :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO JSString byteStringToJSString :: ByteString -> IO JSString byteStringToJSString bs = BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ uncurry js_toJSString