module Jose.Jwe where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Crypto.Cipher.Types (AuthTag(..))
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA (PrivateKey, PublicKey)
import Crypto.Random.API (CPRG)
import Jose.Types
import qualified Jose.Internal.Base64 as B64
import Jose.Internal.Crypto
import Jose.Jwa
rsaEncode :: CPRG g
=> g
-> JweAlg
-> Enc
-> PublicKey
-> ByteString
-> (ByteString, g)
rsaEncode rng a e pubKey claims = (jwe, rng'')
hdr = encodeHeader defJweHdr {jweAlg = a, jweEnc = e}
(cmk, iv, rng') = generateCmkAndIV rng e
(jweKey, rng'') = rsaEncrypt rng' a pubKey cmk
aad = B64.encode hdr
(ct, AuthTag sig) = encryptPayload e cmk iv aad claims
jwe = B.intercalate "." $ map B64.encode [hdr, jweKey, iv, ct, sig]
rsaDecode :: PrivateKey
-> ByteString
-> Either JwtError Jwe
rsaDecode rsaKey jwt = do
let components = BC.split '.' jwt
let aad = head components
[h, ek, iv, payload, sig] <- mapM B64.decode components
hdr <- case parseHeader h of
Right (JweH jweHdr) -> return jweHdr
_ -> Left BadHeader
let alg = jweAlg hdr
cek <- rsaDecrypt alg rsaKey ek
claims <- decryptPayload (jweEnc hdr) cek iv aad sig payload
return (hdr, claims)
checkDots = case BC.count '.' jwt of
4 -> Right ()
_ -> Left $ BadDots 4