-- Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Fraser Tweedale -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-| Cryptographic Algorithms for Keys. -} module Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK ( -- * Type classes AsPublicKey(..) -- * Parameters for Elliptic Curve Keys , Crv(..) , ECKeyParameters , ecCrv, ecX, ecY, ecD , curve , point , ecPrivateKey , ecParametersFromX509 -- * Parameters for RSA Keys , RSAPrivateKeyOthElem(..) , RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters(..) , RSAPrivateKeyParameters(..) , RSAKeyParameters(RSAKeyParameters) , toRSAKeyParameters , toRSAPublicKeyParameters , rsaE , rsaN , rsaPrivateKeyParameters , rsaPublicKey , genRSA -- * Parameters for Symmetric Keys , OctKeyParameters(..) , octK -- * Parameters for CFRG EC keys (RFC 8037) , OKPKeyParameters(..) , OKPCrv(..) -- * Key generation , KeyMaterialGenParam(..) , KeyMaterial(..) , genKeyMaterial -- * Signing and verification , sign , verify , module Crypto.Random ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (guard) import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), elements) import Control.Monad.Error.Lens (throwing, throwing_) import Crypto.Error (onCryptoFailure) import Crypto.Hash import Crypto.MAC.HMAC import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA as ECDSA import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate as ECC import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as ECC import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 as PKCS15 import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS as PSS import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as ECC import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 as Ed25519 import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as Curve25519 import Crypto.Random import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.X509 as X509 import Data.X509.EC as X509.EC import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), arbitrarySizedNatural, elements, oneof, vectorOf) import Crypto.JOSE.Error import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS import qualified Crypto.JOSE.TH import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types import Crypto.JOSE.Types.Orphans () -- | \"crv\" (Curve) Parameter -- $(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "Crv" ["P-256", "P-384", "P-521"]) instance Arbitrary Crv where arbitrary = elements [P_256, P_384, P_521] -- | \"oth\" (Other Primes Info) Parameter -- data RSAPrivateKeyOthElem = RSAPrivateKeyOthElem { rOth :: Types.Base64Integer, dOth :: Types.Base64Integer, tOth :: Types.Base64Integer } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where parseJSON = withObject "oth" (\o -> RSAPrivateKeyOthElem <$> o .: "r" <*> o .: "d" <*> o .: "t") instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where toJSON (RSAPrivateKeyOthElem r d t) = object ["r" .= r, "d" .= d, "t" .= t] instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyOthElem <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Optional parameters for RSA private keys -- data RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters = RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters { rsaP :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaQ :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaDp :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaDq :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaQi :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaOth :: Maybe (NonEmpty RSAPrivateKeyOthElem) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where parseJSON = withObject "RSA" (\o -> RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters <$> o .: "p" <*> o .: "q" <*> o .: "dp" <*> o .: "dq" <*> o .: "qi" <*> o .:? "oth") instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where toJSON RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters{..} = object $ [ "p" .= rsaP , "q" .= rsaQ , "dp" .= rsaDp , "dq" .= rsaDq , "qi" .= rsaQi ] ++ maybe [] ((:[]) . ("oth" .=)) rsaOth instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | RSA private key parameters -- data RSAPrivateKeyParameters = RSAPrivateKeyParameters { rsaD :: Types.Base64Integer , rsaOptionalParameters :: Maybe RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters where parseJSON = withObject "RSA private key parameters" $ \o -> RSAPrivateKeyParameters <$> o .: "d" <*> (if any (`M.member` o) ["p", "q", "dp", "dq", "qi", "oth"] then Just <$> parseJSON (Object o) else pure Nothing) instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters where toJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters {..} = object $ ("d" .= rsaD) : maybe [] (Types.objectPairs . toJSON) rsaOptionalParameters instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyParameters where arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyParameters <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Parameters for Elliptic Curve Keys -- data ECKeyParameters = ECKeyParameters { _ecCrv :: Crv , _ecX :: Types.SizedBase64Integer , _ecY :: Types.SizedBase64Integer , _ecD :: Maybe Types.SizedBase64Integer } deriving (Eq, Show) ecCrv :: Getter ECKeyParameters Crv ecCrv = to (\(ECKeyParameters crv _ _ _) -> crv) ecX, ecY :: Getter ECKeyParameters Types.SizedBase64Integer ecX = to (\(ECKeyParameters _ x _ _) -> x) ecY = to (\(ECKeyParameters _ _ y _) -> y) ecD :: Getter ECKeyParameters (Maybe Types.SizedBase64Integer) ecD = to (\(ECKeyParameters _ _ _ d) -> d) instance FromJSON ECKeyParameters where parseJSON = withObject "EC" $ \o -> do o .: "kty" >>= guard . (== ("EC" :: T.Text)) crv <- o .: "crv" let w = ecCoordBytes crv x <- o .: "x" >>= Types.checkSize w y <- o .: "y" >>= Types.checkSize w let int (Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n) = n if ECC.isPointValid (curve crv) (ECC.Point (int x) (int y)) then ECKeyParameters crv x y <$> (o .:? "d" >>= traverse (Types.checkSize w)) else fail "point is not on specified curve" instance ToJSON ECKeyParameters where toJSON k = object $ [ "kty" .= ("EC" :: T.Text) , "crv" .= view ecCrv k , "x" .= view ecX k , "y" .= view ecY k ] <> fmap ("d" .=) (toList (view ecD k)) instance Arbitrary ECKeyParameters where arbitrary = do drg <- drgNewTest <$> arbitrary crv <- arbitrary let (params, _) = withDRG drg (genEC crv) includePrivate <- arbitrary if includePrivate then pure params else pure params { _ecD = Nothing } genEC :: MonadRandom m => Crv -> m ECKeyParameters genEC crv = do let i = Types.SizedBase64Integer (ecCoordBytes crv) (ECDSA.PublicKey _ p, ECDSA.PrivateKey _ d) <- ECC.generate (curve crv) case p of ECC.Point x y -> pure $ ECKeyParameters crv (i x) (i y) (Just (i d)) ECC.PointO -> genEC crv -- JWK cannot represent point at infinity; recurse signEC :: (BA.ByteArrayAccess msg, HashAlgorithm h, MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e) => h -> ECKeyParameters -> msg -> m B.ByteString signEC h k m = case view ecD k of Just ecD' -> sigToBS <$> sig where crv = view ecCrv k w = ecCoordBytes crv sig = ECDSA.sign privateKey h m sigToBS (ECDSA.Signature r s) = Types.sizedIntegerToBS w r <> Types.sizedIntegerToBS w s privateKey = ECDSA.PrivateKey (curve crv) (d ecD') d (Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n) = n Nothing -> throwing _KeyMismatch "not an EC private key" verifyEC :: (BA.ByteArrayAccess msg, HashAlgorithm h) => h -> ECKeyParameters -> msg -> B.ByteString -> Bool verifyEC h k m s = ECDSA.verify h pubkey sig m where pubkey = ECDSA.PublicKey (curve $ view ecCrv k) (point k) sig = uncurry ECDSA.Signature $ bimap Types.bsToInteger Types.bsToInteger $ B.splitAt (B.length s `div` 2) s curve :: Crv -> ECC.Curve curve = ECC.getCurveByName . review fromCurveName -- | Conversion from known curves and back again. fromCurveName :: Prism' ECC.CurveName Crv fromCurveName = prism' (\case P_256 -> ECC.SEC_p256r1 P_384 -> ECC.SEC_p384r1 P_521 -> ECC.SEC_p521r1) (\case ECC.SEC_p256r1 -> Just P_256 ECC.SEC_p384r1 -> Just P_384 ECC.SEC_p521r1 -> Just P_521 _ -> Nothing) point :: ECKeyParameters -> ECC.Point point k = ECC.Point (f ecX) (f ecY) where f l = case view l k of Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n -> n ecCoordBytes :: Integral a => Crv -> a ecCoordBytes P_256 = 32 ecCoordBytes P_384 = 48 ecCoordBytes P_521 = 66 ecPrivateKey :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => ECKeyParameters -> m Integer ecPrivateKey (ECKeyParameters _ _ _ (Just (Types.SizedBase64Integer _ d))) = pure d ecPrivateKey _ = throwing _KeyMismatch "Not an EC private key" ecParametersFromX509 :: X509.PubKeyEC -> Maybe ECKeyParameters ecParametersFromX509 pubKeyEC = do ecCurve <- X509.EC.ecPubKeyCurve pubKeyEC curveName <- X509.EC.ecPubKeyCurveName pubKeyEC crv <- preview fromCurveName curveName pt <- X509.EC.unserializePoint ecCurve (X509.pubkeyEC_pub pubKeyEC) (x, y) <- case pt of ECC.PointO -> Nothing ECC.Point x y -> pure (Types.makeSizedBase64Integer x, Types.makeSizedBase64Integer y) pure $ ECKeyParameters crv x y Nothing -- | Parameters for RSA Keys -- data RSAKeyParameters = RSAKeyParameters { _rsaN :: Types.Base64Integer , _rsaE :: Types.Base64Integer , _rsaPrivateKeyParameters :: Maybe RSAPrivateKeyParameters } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''RSAKeyParameters instance FromJSON RSAKeyParameters where parseJSON = withObject "RSA" $ \o -> do o .: "kty" >>= guard . (== ("RSA" :: T.Text)) RSAKeyParameters <$> o .: "n" <*> o .: "e" <*> if M.member "d" o then Just <$> parseJSON (Object o) else pure Nothing instance ToJSON RSAKeyParameters where toJSON RSAKeyParameters {..} = object $ ("kty" .= ("RSA" :: T.Text)) : ("n" .= _rsaN) : ("e" .= _rsaE) : maybe [] (Types.objectPairs . toJSON) _rsaPrivateKeyParameters instance Arbitrary RSAKeyParameters where arbitrary = RSAKeyParameters <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary genRSA :: MonadRandom m => Int -> m RSAKeyParameters genRSA size = toRSAKeyParameters . snd <$> RSA.generate size 65537 toRSAKeyParameters :: RSA.PrivateKey -> RSAKeyParameters toRSAKeyParameters priv@(RSA.PrivateKey pub _ _ _ _ _ _) = toRSAPublicKeyParameters pub & set rsaPrivateKeyParameters (pure $ toRSAPrivateKeyParameters priv) toRSAPublicKeyParameters :: RSA.PublicKey -> RSAKeyParameters toRSAPublicKeyParameters (RSA.PublicKey _ n e) = RSAKeyParameters (Types.Base64Integer n) (Types.Base64Integer e) Nothing toRSAPrivateKeyParameters :: RSA.PrivateKey -> RSAPrivateKeyParameters toRSAPrivateKeyParameters (RSA.PrivateKey _ d p q dp dq qi) = let i = Types.Base64Integer in RSAPrivateKeyParameters (i d) (Just (RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters (i p) (i q) (i dp) (i dq) (i qi) Nothing)) signPKCS15 :: (PKCS15.HashAlgorithmASN1 h, MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e) => h -> RSAKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString signPKCS15 h k m = do k' <- rsaPrivateKey k PKCS15.signSafer (Just h) k' m >>= either (throwing _RSAError) pure verifyPKCS15 :: PKCS15.HashAlgorithmASN1 h => h -> RSAKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Bool verifyPKCS15 h k = PKCS15.verify (Just h) (rsaPublicKey k) signPSS :: (HashAlgorithm h, MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e) => h -> RSAKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString signPSS h k m = do k' <- rsaPrivateKey k PSS.signSafer (PSS.defaultPSSParams h) k' m >>= either (throwing _RSAError) pure verifyPSS :: (HashAlgorithm h) => h -> RSAKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Bool verifyPSS h k = PSS.verify (PSS.defaultPSSParams h) (rsaPublicKey k) rsaPrivateKey :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => RSAKeyParameters -> m RSA.PrivateKey rsaPrivateKey (RSAKeyParameters (Types.Base64Integer n) (Types.Base64Integer e) (Just (RSAPrivateKeyParameters (Types.Base64Integer d) opt))) | isJust (opt >>= rsaOth) = throwing_ _OtherPrimesNotSupported | n < 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer) = throwing_ _KeySizeTooSmall | otherwise = pure $ RSA.PrivateKey (RSA.PublicKey (Types.intBytes n) n e) d (opt' rsaP) (opt' rsaQ) (opt' rsaDp) (opt' rsaDq) (opt' rsaQi) where opt' f = maybe 0 (unB64I . f) opt unB64I (Types.Base64Integer x) = x rsaPrivateKey _ = throwing _KeyMismatch "not an RSA private key" rsaPublicKey :: RSAKeyParameters -> RSA.PublicKey rsaPublicKey (RSAKeyParameters (Types.Base64Integer n) (Types.Base64Integer e) _) = RSA.PublicKey (Types.intBytes n) n e -- | Symmetric key parameters data. -- newtype OctKeyParameters = OctKeyParameters Types.Base64Octets deriving (Eq, Show) octK :: Iso' OctKeyParameters Types.Base64Octets octK = iso (\(OctKeyParameters k) -> k) OctKeyParameters instance FromJSON OctKeyParameters where parseJSON = withObject "symmetric key" $ \o -> do o .: "kty" >>= guard . (== ("oct" :: T.Text)) OctKeyParameters <$> o .: "k" instance ToJSON OctKeyParameters where toJSON k = object [ "kty" .= ("oct" :: T.Text) , "k" .= (view octK k :: Types.Base64Octets) ] instance Arbitrary OctKeyParameters where arbitrary = OctKeyParameters <$> arbitrary signOct :: forall h e m. (HashAlgorithm h, MonadError e m, AsError e) => h -> OctKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString signOct h (OctKeyParameters (Types.Base64Octets k)) m = if B.length k < hashDigestSize h then throwing_ _KeySizeTooSmall else pure $ B.pack $ BA.unpack (hmac k m :: HMAC h) -- "OKP" (CFRG Octet Key Pair) keys (RFC 8037) -- data OKPKeyParameters = Ed25519Key Ed25519.PublicKey (Maybe Ed25519.SecretKey) | X25519Key Curve25519.PublicKey (Maybe Curve25519.SecretKey) deriving (Eq) instance Show OKPKeyParameters where show = \case Ed25519Key pk sk -> "Ed25519 " <> showKeys pk sk X25519Key pk sk -> "X25519 " <> showKeys pk sk where showKeys pk sk = show pk <> " " <> show (("SECRET" :: String) <$ sk) instance FromJSON OKPKeyParameters where parseJSON = withObject "OKP" $ \o -> do o .: "kty" >>= guard . (== ("OKP" :: T.Text)) crv <- o .: "crv" case (crv :: T.Text) of "Ed25519" -> parseOKPKey Ed25519Key Ed25519.publicKey Ed25519.secretKey o "X25519" -> parseOKPKey X25519Key Curve25519.publicKey Curve25519.secretKey o "Ed448" -> fail "Ed448 keys not implemented" "X448" -> fail "X448 not implemented" _ -> fail "unrecognised OKP key subtype" where bs (Types.Base64Octets k) = k handleError = onCryptoFailure (fail . show) pure parseOKPKey con mkPub mkSec o = con <$> (o .: "x" >>= handleError . mkPub . bs) <*> (o .:? "d" >>= traverse (handleError . mkSec . bs)) instance ToJSON OKPKeyParameters where toJSON x = object $ "kty" .= ("OKP" :: T.Text) : case x of Ed25519Key pk sk -> "crv" .= ("Ed25519" :: T.Text) : params pk sk X25519Key pk sk -> "crv" .= ("X25519" :: T.Text) : params pk sk where b64 = Types.Base64Octets . BA.convert params pk sk = "x" .= b64 pk : (("d" .=) . b64 <$> toList sk) instance Arbitrary OKPKeyParameters where arbitrary = oneof [ Ed25519Key <$> keyOfLen 32 Ed25519.publicKey <*> oneof [pure Nothing, Just <$> keyOfLen 32 Ed25519.secretKey] , X25519Key <$> keyOfLen 32 Curve25519.publicKey <*> oneof [pure Nothing, Just <$> keyOfLen 32 Curve25519.secretKey] ] where bsOfLen n = B.pack <$> vectorOf n arbitrary keyOfLen n con = onCryptoFailure (error . show) id . con <$> bsOfLen n data OKPCrv = Ed25519 | X25519 deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary OKPCrv where arbitrary = elements [Ed25519, X25519] genOKP :: MonadRandom m => OKPCrv -> m OKPKeyParameters genOKP = \case Ed25519 -> go 32 Ed25519Key Ed25519.secretKey Ed25519.toPublic X25519 -> go 32 X25519Key Curve25519.secretKey Curve25519.toPublic where go len con skCon toPub = do (bs :: B.ByteString) <- getRandomBytes len let sk = onCryptoFailure (error . show) id (skCon bs) pure $ con (toPub sk) (Just sk) signEdDSA :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => OKPKeyParameters -> B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString signEdDSA (Ed25519Key pk (Just sk)) m = pure . BA.convert $ Ed25519.sign sk pk m signEdDSA (Ed25519Key _ Nothing) _ = throwing _KeyMismatch "not a private key" signEdDSA _ _ = throwing _KeyMismatch "not an EdDSA key" verifyEdDSA :: (BA.ByteArrayAccess msg, BA.ByteArrayAccess sig, MonadError e m, AsError e) => OKPKeyParameters -> msg -> sig -> m Bool verifyEdDSA (Ed25519Key pk _) m s = onCryptoFailure (throwing _CryptoError) (pure . Ed25519.verify pk m) (Ed25519.signature s) verifyEdDSA _ _ _ = throwing _AlgorithmMismatch "not an EdDSA key" -- | Key material sum type. -- data KeyMaterial = ECKeyMaterial ECKeyParameters | RSAKeyMaterial RSAKeyParameters | OctKeyMaterial OctKeyParameters | OKPKeyMaterial OKPKeyParameters deriving (Eq, Show) showKeyType :: KeyMaterial -> String showKeyType (ECKeyMaterial ECKeyParameters{ _ecCrv = crv }) = "ECDSA (" ++ show crv ++ ")" showKeyType (RSAKeyMaterial _) = "RSA" showKeyType (OctKeyMaterial _) = "symmetric" showKeyType (OKPKeyMaterial _) = "OKP" instance FromJSON KeyMaterial where parseJSON = withObject "KeyMaterial" $ \o -> case M.lookup "kty" o of Nothing -> fail "missing \"kty\" parameter" Just "EC" -> ECKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o) Just "RSA" -> RSAKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o) Just "oct" -> OctKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o) Just "OKP" -> OKPKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o) Just s -> fail $ "unsupported \"kty\": " <> show s instance ToJSON KeyMaterial where toJSON (ECKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p) toJSON (RSAKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p) toJSON (OctKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p) toJSON (OKPKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p) -- | Keygen parameters. -- data KeyMaterialGenParam = ECGenParam Crv -- ^ Generate an EC key with specified curve. | RSAGenParam Int -- ^ Generate an RSA key with specified size in /bytes/. | OctGenParam Int -- ^ Generate a symmetric key with specified size in /bytes/. | OKPGenParam OKPCrv -- ^ Generate an EdDSA or Edwards ECDH key with specified curve. deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary KeyMaterialGenParam where arbitrary = oneof [ ECGenParam <$> arbitrary , RSAGenParam <$> elements ((`div` 8) <$> [2048, 3072, 4096]) , OctGenParam <$> liftA2 (+) arbitrarySizedNatural (elements [32, 48, 64]) , OKPGenParam <$> arbitrary ] genKeyMaterial :: MonadRandom m => KeyMaterialGenParam -> m KeyMaterial genKeyMaterial (ECGenParam crv) = ECKeyMaterial <$> genEC crv genKeyMaterial (RSAGenParam size) = RSAKeyMaterial <$> genRSA size genKeyMaterial (OctGenParam n) = OctKeyMaterial . OctKeyParameters . Types.Base64Octets <$> getRandomBytes n genKeyMaterial (OKPGenParam crv) = OKPKeyMaterial <$> genOKP crv sign :: (MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWA.JWS.Alg -> KeyMaterial -> B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString sign JWA.JWS.None _ = \_ -> return "" sign JWA.JWS.ES256 (ECKeyMaterial k@ECKeyParameters{ _ecCrv = P_256 }) = signEC SHA256 k sign JWA.JWS.ES384 (ECKeyMaterial k@ECKeyParameters{ _ecCrv = P_384 }) = signEC SHA384 k sign JWA.JWS.ES512 (ECKeyMaterial k@ECKeyParameters{ _ecCrv = P_521 }) = signEC SHA512 k sign JWA.JWS.RS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA256 k sign JWA.JWS.RS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA384 k sign JWA.JWS.RS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA512 k sign JWA.JWS.PS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA256 k sign JWA.JWS.PS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA384 k sign JWA.JWS.PS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA512 k sign JWA.JWS.HS256 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA256 k sign JWA.JWS.HS384 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA384 k sign JWA.JWS.HS512 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA512 k sign JWA.JWS.EdDSA (OKPKeyMaterial k) = signEdDSA k sign h k = \_ -> throwing _AlgorithmMismatch (show h <> " cannot be used with " <> showKeyType k <> " key") verify :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWA.JWS.Alg -> KeyMaterial -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> m Bool verify JWA.JWS.None _ = \_ s -> pure $ s == "" verify JWA.JWS.ES256 (ECKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyEC SHA256 k verify JWA.JWS.ES384 (ECKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyEC SHA384 k verify JWA.JWS.ES512 (ECKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyEC SHA512 k verify JWA.JWS.RS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPKCS15 SHA256 k verify JWA.JWS.RS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPKCS15 SHA384 k verify JWA.JWS.RS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPKCS15 SHA512 k verify JWA.JWS.PS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPSS SHA256 k verify JWA.JWS.PS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPSS SHA384 k verify JWA.JWS.PS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = fmap pure . verifyPSS SHA512 k verify JWA.JWS.HS256 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA256 k m verify JWA.JWS.HS384 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA384 k m verify JWA.JWS.HS512 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA512 k m verify JWA.JWS.EdDSA (OKPKeyMaterial k) = verifyEdDSA k verify h k = \_ _ -> throwing _AlgorithmMismatch (show h <> " cannot be used with " <> showKeyType k <> " key") instance Arbitrary KeyMaterial where arbitrary = oneof [ ECKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary , RSAKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary , OctKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary , OKPKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary ] -- | Keys that may have have public material -- class AsPublicKey k where -- | Get the public key asPublicKey :: Getter k (Maybe k) instance AsPublicKey RSAKeyParameters where asPublicKey = to (Just . set rsaPrivateKeyParameters Nothing) instance AsPublicKey ECKeyParameters where asPublicKey = to (\k -> Just k { _ecD = Nothing }) instance AsPublicKey OKPKeyParameters where asPublicKey = to $ \case Ed25519Key pk _ -> Just (Ed25519Key pk Nothing) X25519Key pk _ -> Just (X25519Key pk Nothing) instance AsPublicKey KeyMaterial where asPublicKey = to $ \case OctKeyMaterial _ -> Nothing RSAKeyMaterial k -> RSAKeyMaterial <$> view asPublicKey k ECKeyMaterial k -> ECKeyMaterial <$> view asPublicKey k OKPKeyMaterial k -> OKPKeyMaterial <$> view asPublicKey k