module Transformations ( Transformation(..) , parser , generator ) where import Data.List (intercalate, partition) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, skipSpaces, string) import qualified Generator as G import qualified Parsers as P data Params = Params [Double] Double [Double] data Transformation = Transformation { comment :: [String] , from :: String , to :: String , epoch :: Maybe Double , params :: Params , rates :: Params } parser :: ReadP Transformation parser = do c <- P.comment f <- _ <- string " -> " t <- P.eol me <- P.epoch case me of Nothing -> do ps <- params' "params:" P.eol return (Transformation c f t Nothing ps noRates) (Just _) -> do P.eol ps <- params' "params:" rs <- params' "rates:" P.eol return (Transformation c f t me ps rs) noRates :: Params noRates = Params [] 0.0 [] params' :: String -> ReadP Params params' n = do skipSpaces _ <- string n skipSpaces tx <- P.number skipSpaces ty <- P.number skipSpaces tz <- P.number skipSpaces s <- P.number skipSpaces rx <- P.number skipSpaces ry <- P.number skipSpaces rz <- P.number return (Params [tx, ty, tz] s [rx, ry, rz]) generator :: G.Generator Transformation generator = G.Generator ["Data.Geo.Jord.Model", "Data.Geo.Jord.Tx"] genTx genAll genTx :: Transformation -> String genTx t | isJust (epoch t) = dynamicTx t | otherwise = staticTx t dynamicTx :: Transformation -> String dynamicTx t = G.documentation (comment t) ++ func t ++ " :: Tx TxParams15\n" ++ func t ++ " =\n Tx " ++ idToString (from t) ++ "\n " ++ idToString (to t) ++ "\n " ++ "(TxParams15" ++ "\n " ++ epochToString (epoch t) ++ "\n " ++ tx7ToString (params t) ++ "\n " ++ ratesToString (rates t) ++ ")" staticTx :: Transformation -> String staticTx t = G.documentation (comment t) ++ func t ++ " :: Tx TxParams7\n" ++ func t ++ " =\n Tx " ++ idToString (from t) ++ "\n " ++ idToString (to t) ++ "\n " ++ tx7ToString (params t) idToString :: String -> String idToString s = "(ModelId \"" ++ s ++ "\")" tx7ToString :: Params -> String tx7ToString (Params t s r) = "(txParams7 " ++ dsToString t ++ " " ++ dToString s ++ " " ++ dsToString r ++ ")" ratesToString :: Params -> String ratesToString (Params t s r) = "(txRates " ++ dsToString t ++ " " ++ dToString s ++ " " ++ dsToString r ++ ")" dsToString :: [Double] -> String dsToString ds = "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map show ds) ++ ")" dToString :: Double -> String dToString d | d < 0 = "(" ++ show d ++ ")" | otherwise = show d func :: Transformation -> String func t = "from_" ++ from t ++ "_to_" ++ to t epochToString :: Maybe Double -> String epochToString Nothing = error "no epoch" epochToString (Just yd) = "(Epoch " ++ show yd ++ ")" genAll :: [Transformation] -> String genAll ts = genStaticTxs s ++ "\n" ++ genDynamicTxs d where (d, s) = split ts genStaticTxs :: [Transformation] -> String genStaticTxs ts = "-- | Graph of all static transformations.\n\ \staticTxs :: TxGraph TxParams7\n\ \staticTxs =\n\ \ txGraph\n\ \ [ " ++ funcs ts ++ "\n ]\n" genDynamicTxs :: [Transformation] -> String genDynamicTxs ts = "-- | Graph of all dynamic transformations.\n\ \dynamicTxs :: TxGraph TxParams15\n\ \dynamicTxs =\n\ \ txGraph\n\ \ [ " ++ funcs ts ++ "\n ]\n" funcs :: [Transformation] -> String funcs ts = intercalate "\n , " (map func ts) split :: [Transformation] -> ([Transformation], [Transformation]) split = partition (isJust . epoch)