{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, TypeFamilies, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{- |
Module      :  Language.Javascript.JMacro.Base
Copyright   :  (c) Gershom Bazerman, 2009
License     :  BSD 3 Clause
Maintainer  :  gershomb@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental

Simple DSL for lightweight (untyped) programmatic generation of Javascript.

module Language.Javascript.JMacro.Base (
  -- * ADT
  JStat(..), JExpr(..), JVal(..), Ident(..), IdentSupply(..),
  -- * Generic traversal (via compos)
  JMacro(..), MultiComp(..), Compos(..),
  composOp, composOpM, composOpM_, composOpFold,
  -- * Hygienic transformation
  withHygiene, scopify,
  -- * Display/Output
  renderJs, renderPrefixJs, JsToDoc(..),
  -- * Ad-hoc data marshalling
  -- * Literals
  -- * Occasionally helpful combinators
  jLam, jVar, jVarTy, jFor, jForIn, jForEachIn, jTryCatchFinally,
  expr2stat, ToStat(..), nullStat,
  -- * Hash combinators
  jhEmpty, jhSingle, jhAdd, jhFromList,
  -- * Utility
  jsSaturate, jtFromList
  ) where
import Prelude hiding (tail, init, head, last, minimum, maximum, foldr1, foldl1, (!!), read)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Identity

import Data.Function
import Data.Char (toLower,isControl)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Generics
import Data.Monoid

import Numeric(showHex)
import Safe
import Text.JSON
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP

import Language.Javascript.JMacro.Types


newtype IdentSupply a = IS {runIdentSupply :: State [Ident] a} deriving Typeable

inIdentSupply f x = IS $ f (runIdentSupply x)

instance Data a => Data (IdentSupply a) where
    gunfold _ _ _ = error "gunfold IdentSupply"
    toConstr _ = error "toConstr IdentSupply"
    dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "IdentSupply"

instance Functor IdentSupply where
    fmap f x = inIdentSupply (fmap f) x

takeOne :: State [Ident] Ident
takeOne = do
  (x:xs) <- get
  put xs
  return x

newIdentSupply :: Maybe String -> [Ident]
newIdentSupply Nothing     = newIdentSupply (Just "jmId")
newIdentSupply (Just pfx') = [StrI (pfx ++ show x) | x <- [(0::Integer)..]]
    where pfx = pfx'++['_']

sat_ :: IdentSupply a -> a
sat_ x = evalState (runIdentSupply x) $ newIdentSupply (Just "<<unsatId>>")

instance Eq a => Eq (IdentSupply a) where
    (==) = (==) `on` sat_
instance Ord a => Ord (IdentSupply a) where
    compare = compare `on` sat_
instance Show a => Show (IdentSupply a) where
    show x = "(" ++ show (sat_ x) ++ ")"

--Yield statement?
--destructuring/pattern matching functions --pattern matching in lambdas.
--array comprehensions/generators?
--add postfix stat

-- | Statements
data JStat = DeclStat   Ident (Maybe JLocalType)
           | ReturnStat JExpr
           | IfStat     JExpr JStat JStat
           | WhileStat  JExpr JStat
           | ForInStat  Bool Ident JExpr JStat
           | SwitchStat JExpr [(JExpr, JStat)] JStat
           | TryStat    JStat Ident JStat JStat
           | BlockStat  [JStat]
           | ApplStat   JExpr [JExpr]
           | PPostStat  Bool String JExpr
           | AssignStat JExpr JExpr
           | UnsatBlock (IdentSupply JStat)
           | AntiStat   String
           | ForeignStat Ident JLocalType
           | BreakStat
             deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Monoid JStat where
    mempty = BlockStat []
    mappend (BlockStat xs) (BlockStat ys) = BlockStat $ xs ++ ys
    mappend (BlockStat xs) ys = BlockStat $ xs ++ [ys]
    mappend xs (BlockStat ys) = BlockStat $ xs : ys
    mappend xs ys = BlockStat [xs,ys]

-- TODO: annotate expressions with type
-- | Expressions
data JExpr = ValExpr    JVal
           | SelExpr    JExpr Ident
           | IdxExpr    JExpr JExpr
           | InfixExpr  String JExpr JExpr
           | PPostExpr  Bool String JExpr
           | IfExpr     JExpr JExpr JExpr
           | NewExpr    JExpr
           | ApplExpr   JExpr [JExpr]
           | UnsatExpr  (IdentSupply JExpr)
           | AntiExpr   String
           | TypeExpr   Bool JExpr JLocalType
             deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | Values
data JVal = JVar     Ident
          | JList    [JExpr]
          | JDouble  Double
          | JInt     Integer
          | JStr     String
          | JRegEx   String
          | JHash    (M.Map String JExpr)
          | JFunc    [Ident] JStat
          | UnsatVal (IdentSupply JVal)
            deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | Identifiers
newtype Ident = StrI String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

--deriving instance Typeable2 (StateT [Ident] Identity)
--deriving instance Data (State [Ident] JVal)
--deriving instance Data (State [Ident] JExpr)
--deriving instance Data (State [Ident] JStat)

expr2stat :: JExpr -> JStat
expr2stat (ApplExpr x y) = (ApplStat x y)
expr2stat (IfExpr x y z) = IfStat x (expr2stat y) (expr2stat z)
expr2stat (PPostExpr b s x) = PPostStat b s x
expr2stat (AntiExpr x) = AntiStat x
expr2stat _ = nullStat


-- | Utility class to coerce the ADT into a regular structure.
class JMacro a where
    toMC :: a -> MultiComp
    fromMC :: MultiComp -> a

-- | Union type to allow regular traversal by compos.
data MultiComp = MStat JStat | MExpr JExpr | MVal JVal | MIdent Ident deriving Show

-- | Compos and ops for generic traversal as defined over
-- the JMacro ADT.
class Compos t where
    compos :: (forall a. a -> m a) -> (forall a b. m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b)
           -> (t -> m t) -> t -> m t

composOp :: Compos t => (t -> t) -> t -> t
composOp f = runIdentity . composOpM (Identity . f)
composOpM :: (Compos t, Monad m) => (t -> m t) -> t -> m t
composOpM = compos return ap
composOpM_ :: (Compos t, Monad m) => (t -> m ()) -> t -> m ()
composOpM_ = composOpFold (return ()) (>>)
composOpFold :: Compos t => b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (t -> b) -> t -> b
composOpFold z c f = unC . compos (\_ -> C z) (\(C x) (C y) -> C (c x y)) (C . f)
newtype C b a = C { unC :: b }

instance JMacro Ident where
    toMC = MIdent
    fromMC (MIdent x) = x
    fromMC _ = error "fromMC"

instance JMacro JVal where
    toMC = MVal
    fromMC (MVal x) = x
    fromMC _ = error "fromMC"

instance JMacro JExpr where
    toMC = MExpr
    fromMC (MExpr x) = x
    fromMC _ = error "fromMC"

instance JMacro JStat where
    toMC = MStat
    fromMC (MStat x) = x
    fromMC _ = error "fromMC"

instance JMacro [JStat] where
    toMC = MStat . BlockStat
    fromMC (MStat (BlockStat x)) = x
    fromMC _ = error "fromMC"

instance Compos MultiComp where
  compos = mcCompos
     mcCompos :: forall m. (forall a. a -> m a) -> (forall a b. m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b) -> (MultiComp -> m MultiComp) -> MultiComp -> m MultiComp
     mcCompos ret app f' v = case v of
        MIdent _ -> ret v
        MStat v' -> ret MStat `app` case v' of
           DeclStat i t -> ret DeclStat `app` f i `app` ret t
           ReturnStat i -> ret ReturnStat `app` f i
           IfStat e s s' -> ret IfStat `app` f e `app` f s `app` f s'
           WhileStat e s -> ret WhileStat `app` f e `app` f s
           ForInStat b i e s -> ret (ForInStat b) `app` f i `app` f e `app` f s
           SwitchStat e l d -> ret SwitchStat `app` f e `app` l' `app` f d
               where l' = mapM' (\(c,s) -> ret (,) `app` f c `app` f s) l
           BlockStat xs -> ret BlockStat `app` mapM' f xs
           ApplStat  e xs -> ret ApplStat `app` f e `app` mapM' f xs
           TryStat s i s1 s2 -> ret TryStat `app` f s `app` f i `app` f s1 `app` f s2
           PPostStat b o e -> ret (PPostStat b o) `app` f e
           AssignStat e e' -> ret AssignStat `app` f e `app` f e'
           UnsatBlock _ -> ret v'
           AntiStat _ -> ret v'
           ForeignStat i t -> ret ForeignStat `app` f i `app` ret t
           BreakStat -> ret BreakStat
        MExpr v' -> ret MExpr `app` case v' of
           ValExpr e -> ret ValExpr `app` f e
           SelExpr e e' -> ret SelExpr `app` f e `app` f e'
           IdxExpr e e' -> ret IdxExpr `app` f e `app` f e'
           InfixExpr o e e' -> ret (InfixExpr o) `app` f e `app` f e'
           PPostExpr b o e -> ret (PPostExpr b o) `app` f e
           IfExpr e e' e'' -> ret IfExpr `app` f e `app` f e' `app` f e''
           NewExpr e -> ret NewExpr `app` f e
           ApplExpr e xs -> ret ApplExpr `app` f e `app` mapM' f xs
           AntiExpr _ -> ret v'
           TypeExpr b e t -> ret (TypeExpr b) `app` f e `app` ret t
           UnsatExpr _ -> ret v'
        MVal v' -> ret MVal `app` case v' of
           JVar i -> ret JVar `app` f i
           JList xs -> ret JList `app` mapM' f xs
           JDouble _ -> ret v'
           JInt    _ -> ret v'
           JStr    _ -> ret v'
           JRegEx  _ -> ret v'
           JHash   m -> ret JHash `app` m'
               where (ls, vs) = unzip (M.toList m)
                     m' = ret (M.fromAscList . zip ls) `app` mapM' f vs
           JFunc xs s -> ret JFunc `app` mapM' f xs `app` f s
           UnsatVal _ -> ret v'
        mapM' :: (a -> m a) -> [a] -> m [a]
        mapM' g = foldr (app . app (ret (:)) . g) (ret [])
        f :: JMacro a => a -> m a
        f x = ret fromMC `app` f' (toMC x)

instance Compos JType where
    compos ret app f v =
        case v of
          JTFunc args body -> ret JTFunc `app` mapM' f args `app` f body
          JTForall vars t -> ret JTForall `app` ret vars `app` f t
          JTList t -> ret JTList `app` f t
          JTMap t -> ret JTMap `app` f t
          JTRecord t m -> ret JTRecord `app` f t `app` m'
              where (ls,ts) = unzip $ M.toList m
                    m' = ret (M.fromAscList . zip ls) `app` mapM' f ts
          x -> ret x
        mapM' g = foldr (app . app (ret (:)) . g) (ret [])

  New Identifiers

class ToSat a where
    toSat_ :: a -> [Ident] -> IdentSupply (JStat, [Ident])

instance ToSat [JStat] where
    toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (BlockStat f, reverse vs)

instance ToSat JStat where
    toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (f, reverse vs)

instance ToSat JExpr where
    toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (expr2stat f, reverse vs)

instance ToSat [JExpr] where
    toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (BlockStat $ map expr2stat f, reverse vs)

instance (ToSat a, b ~ JExpr) => ToSat (b -> a) where
    toSat_ f vs = IS $ do
      x <- takeOne
      runIdentSupply $ toSat_ (f (ValExpr $ JVar x)) (x:vs)

splitIdentSupply :: ([Ident] -> ([Ident], [Ident]))
splitIdentSupply is = (takeAlt is, takeAlt (drop 1 is))
    where takeAlt (x:_:xs) = x : takeAlt xs
          takeAlt _ = error "splitIdentSupply: stream is not infinite"


-- | Given an optional prefix, fills in all free variable names with a supply
-- of names generated by the prefix.
jsSaturate :: (JMacro a) => Maybe String -> a -> a
jsSaturate str x = evalState (runIdentSupply $ jsSaturate_ x) (newIdentSupply str)

jsSaturate_ :: (JMacro a) => a -> IdentSupply a
jsSaturate_ e = IS $ fromMC <$> go (toMC e)
    where go v = case v of
                   MStat (UnsatBlock us) -> go =<< (MStat <$> runIdentSupply us)
                   MExpr (UnsatExpr  us) -> go =<< (MExpr <$> runIdentSupply us)
                   MVal  (UnsatVal   us) -> go =<< (MVal  <$> runIdentSupply us)
                   _ -> composOpM go v


--doesn't apply to unsaturated bits
jsReplace_ :: JMacro a => [(Ident, Ident)] -> a -> a
jsReplace_ xs e = fromMC $ go (toMC e)
    where go v = case v of
                   MIdent i -> maybe v MIdent (M.lookup i mp)
                   _ -> composOp go v
          mp = M.fromList xs

--only works on fully saturated things
jsUnsat_ :: JMacro a => [Ident] -> a -> IdentSupply a
jsUnsat_ xs e = IS $ do
  (idents,is') <- splitAt (length xs) <$> get
  put is'
  return $ jsReplace_ (zip xs idents) e

-- | Apply a transformation to a fully saturated syntax tree,
-- taking care to return any free variables back to their free state
-- following the transformation. As the transformation preserves
-- free variables, it is hygienic. Cannot be used nested.
withHygiene:: JMacro a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
withHygiene f x = fromMC $ case mx of
              MStat _  -> toMC $ UnsatBlock (coerceMC <$> jsUnsat_ is' x'')
              MExpr _  -> toMC $ UnsatExpr  (coerceMC <$> jsUnsat_ is' x'')
              MVal  _  -> toMC $ UnsatVal   (coerceMC <$> jsUnsat_ is' x'')
              MIdent _ -> toMC $ f x
    where (x', (StrI l:_)) = runState (runIdentSupply $ jsSaturate_ x) is
          x'' = f x'
          is = newIdentSupply (Just "inSat")
          lastVal = readNote "inSat" (drop 6 l) :: Int
          is' = take lastVal is
          mx = toMC x
          coerceMC :: (JMacro a, JMacro b) => a -> b
          coerceMC = fromMC . toMC

-- | Takes a fully saturated expression and transforms it to use unique variables that respect scope.
scopify :: JStat -> JStat
scopify x = evalState (fromMC <$> go (toMC x)) (newIdentSupply Nothing)
    where go v = case v of
                   (MStat (BlockStat ss)) -> MStat . BlockStat <$>
                                             blocks ss
                       where blocks [] = return []
                             blocks (DeclStat (StrI i) t : xs) =  case i of
                                ('!':'!':i') -> (DeclStat (StrI i') t:) <$> blocks xs
                                ('!':i') -> (DeclStat (StrI i') t:) <$> blocks xs
                                _ -> do
                                  (newI:st) <- get
                                  put st
                                  rest <- blocks xs
                                  return $ [DeclStat newI t `mappend` jsReplace_ [(StrI i, newI)] (BlockStat rest)]
                             blocks (x':xs) = (fromMC <$> go (toMC x')) <:> blocks xs
                             (<:>) = liftM2 (:)
                   (MStat (ForInStat b (StrI i) e s)) -> do
                          (newI:st) <- get
                          put st
                          rest <- fromMC <$> go (toMC s)
                          return $ MStat . ForInStat b newI e $ jsReplace_ [(StrI i, newI)] rest
                   (MStat (TryStat s (StrI i) s1 s2)) -> do
                          (newI:st) <- get
                          put st
                          t <- fromMC <$> go (toMC s)
                          c <- fromMC <$> go (toMC s1)
                          f <- fromMC <$> go (toMC s2)
                          return . MStat . TryStat t newI (jsReplace_ [(StrI i, newI)] c) $ f
                   (MExpr (ValExpr (JFunc is s))) -> do
                            st <- get
                            let (newIs,newSt) = splitAt (length is) st
                            put (newSt)
                            rest <- fromMC <$> go (toMC s)
                            return . MExpr . ValExpr $ JFunc newIs $ (jsReplace_ $ zip is newIs) rest
                   _ -> composOpM go v

  Pretty Printing

-- | Render a syntax tree as a pretty-printable document
-- (simply showing the resultant doc produces a nice,
-- well formatted String).
renderJs :: (JsToDoc a, JMacro a) => a -> Doc
renderJs = jsToDoc . jsSaturate Nothing

-- | Render a syntax tree as a pretty-printable document, using a given prefix to all generated names. Use this with distinct prefixes to ensure distinct generated names between independent calls to render(Prefix)Js.
renderPrefixJs :: (JsToDoc a, JMacro a) => String -> a -> Doc
renderPrefixJs pfx = jsToDoc . jsSaturate (Just $ "jmId_"++pfx)

braceNest :: Doc -> Doc
braceNest x = char '{' $$ nest 2 x $$ char '}'

braceNest' :: Doc -> Doc
braceNest' x = char '{' $+$ nest 2 x $$ char '}'

class JsToDoc a
    where jsToDoc :: a -> Doc

instance JsToDoc JStat where
    jsToDoc (IfStat cond x y) = text "if" <> parens (jsToDoc cond) $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc x) $$ mbElse
        where mbElse | y == BlockStat []  = PP.empty
                     | otherwise = text "else" $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc y)
    jsToDoc (DeclStat x t) = text "var" <+> jsToDoc x <> rest
        where rest = case t of
                       Nothing -> text ""
                       Just tp -> text " /* ::" <+> jsToDoc tp <+> text "*/"
    jsToDoc (WhileStat p b)  = text "while" <> parens (jsToDoc p) $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc b)
    jsToDoc (UnsatBlock e) = jsToDoc $ sat_ e
    jsToDoc BreakStat = text "break"
    jsToDoc (ForInStat each i e b) = text txt <> parens (text "var" <+> jsToDoc i <+> text "in" <+> jsToDoc e) $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc b)
        where txt | each = "for each"
                  | otherwise = "for"
    jsToDoc (SwitchStat e l d) = text "switch" <+> parens (jsToDoc e) $$ braceNest' cases
        where l' = map (\(c,s) -> text "case" <+> parens (jsToDoc c) <> char ':' $$ nest 2 (jsToDoc [s])) l ++ [text "default:" $$ nest 2 (jsToDoc [d])]
              cases = vcat l'
    jsToDoc (ReturnStat e) = text "return" <+> jsToDoc e
    jsToDoc (ApplStat e es) = jsToDoc e <> (parens . fsep . punctuate comma $ map jsToDoc es)
    jsToDoc (TryStat s i s1 s2) = text "try" $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc s) $$ mbCatch $$ mbFinally
        where mbCatch | s1 == BlockStat [] = PP.empty
                      | otherwise = text "catch" <> parens (jsToDoc i) $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc s1)
              mbFinally | s2 == BlockStat [] = PP.empty
                        | otherwise = text "finally" $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc s2)
    jsToDoc (AssignStat i x) = jsToDoc i <+> char '=' <+> jsToDoc x
    jsToDoc (PPostStat isPre op x)
        | isPre = text op <> jsToDoc x
        | otherwise = jsToDoc x <> text op
    jsToDoc (AntiStat s) = text $ "`(" ++ s ++ ")`"
    jsToDoc (ForeignStat i t) = text "//foriegn" <+> jsToDoc i <+> text "::" <+> jsToDoc t
    jsToDoc (BlockStat xs) = jsToDoc (flattenBlocks xs)
        where flattenBlocks (BlockStat y:ys) = flattenBlocks y ++ flattenBlocks ys
              flattenBlocks (y:ys) = y : flattenBlocks ys
              flattenBlocks [] = []

instance JsToDoc JExpr where
    jsToDoc (ValExpr x) = jsToDoc x
    jsToDoc (SelExpr x y) = cat [jsToDoc x <> char '.', jsToDoc y]
    jsToDoc (IdxExpr x y) = jsToDoc x <> brackets (jsToDoc y)
    jsToDoc (IfExpr x y z) = parens (jsToDoc x <+> char '?' <+> jsToDoc y <+> char ':' <+> jsToDoc z)
    jsToDoc (InfixExpr op x y) = parens $ sep [jsToDoc x, text op', jsToDoc y]
        where op' | op == "++" = "+"
                  | otherwise = op

    jsToDoc (PPostExpr isPre op x)
        | isPre = text op <> jsToDoc x
        | otherwise = jsToDoc x <> text op

    jsToDoc (ApplExpr je xs) = jsToDoc je <> (parens . fsep . punctuate comma $ map jsToDoc xs)
    jsToDoc (NewExpr e) = text "new" <+> jsToDoc e
    jsToDoc (AntiExpr s) = text $ "`(" ++ s ++ ")`"
    jsToDoc (TypeExpr b e t)  = parens $ jsToDoc e <+> text (if b then "/* ::!" else "/* ::") <+> jsToDoc t <+> text "*/"
    jsToDoc (UnsatExpr e) = jsToDoc $ sat_ e

instance JsToDoc JVal where
    jsToDoc (JVar i) = jsToDoc i
    jsToDoc (JList xs) = brackets . fsep . punctuate comma $ map jsToDoc xs
    jsToDoc (JDouble d) = double d
    jsToDoc (JInt i) = integer i
    jsToDoc (JStr s) = text ("\""++encodeJson s++"\"")
    jsToDoc (JRegEx s) = text ("/"++s++"/")
    jsToDoc (JHash m)
            | M.null m = text "{}"
            | otherwise = braceNest . fsep . punctuate comma . map (\(x,y) -> quotes (text x) <> colon <+> jsToDoc y) $ M.toList m
    jsToDoc (JFunc is b) = parens $ text "function" <> parens (fsep . punctuate comma . map jsToDoc $ is) $$ braceNest' (jsToDoc b)
    jsToDoc (UnsatVal f) = jsToDoc $ sat_ f

instance JsToDoc Ident where
    jsToDoc (StrI s) = text s

instance JsToDoc [JExpr] where
    jsToDoc = vcat . map ((<> semi) . jsToDoc)

instance JsToDoc [JStat] where
    jsToDoc = vcat . map ((<> semi) . jsToDoc)

instance JsToDoc JType where
    jsToDoc JTNum = text "Num"
    jsToDoc JTString = text "String"
    jsToDoc JTBool = text "Bool"
    jsToDoc JTStat = text "()"
    jsToDoc JTImpossible = text "_|_" -- "⊥"
    jsToDoc (JTForall vars t) = text "forall" <+> fsep  (punctuate comma (map ppRef vars)) <> text "." <+> jsToDoc t
    jsToDoc (JTFunc args ret) = fsep . punctuate (text " ->") . map ppType $ args' ++ [ret]
        where args'
               | null args = [JTStat]
               | otherwise = args
    jsToDoc (JTList t) = brackets $ jsToDoc t
    jsToDoc (JTMap t) = text "Map" <+> ppType t
    jsToDoc (JTRecord t mp) = braces (fsep . punctuate comma . map (\(x,y) -> text x <+> text "::" <+> jsToDoc y) $ M.toList mp) <+> text "[" <> jsToDoc t <> text "]"
    jsToDoc (JTFree ref) = ppRef ref
    jsToDoc (JTRigid ref cs) = text "[" <> ppRef ref <> text "]"
        maybe (text "") (text " / " <>)
                  (ppConstraintList . map (\x -> (ref,x)) $ S.toList cs) <>
        text "]"

instance JsToDoc JLocalType where
    jsToDoc (cs,t) = maybe (text "") (<+> text "=> ") (ppConstraintList cs) <> jsToDoc t

ppConstraintList cs
    | null cs = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just . parens . fsep . punctuate comma $ map go cs
      go (vr,Sub   t') = ppRef vr   <+> text "<:" <+> jsToDoc t'
      go (vr,Super t') = jsToDoc t' <+> text "<:" <+> ppRef vr

ppRef (Just n,_) = text n
ppRef (_,i) = text $ "t_"++show i
ppType x@(JTFunc _ _) = parens $ jsToDoc x
ppType x@(JTMap _) = parens $ jsToDoc x
ppType x = jsToDoc x

  ToJExpr Class

-- | Things that can be marshalled into javascript values.
-- Instantiate for any necessary data structures.
class ToJExpr a where
    toJExpr :: a -> JExpr
    toJExprFromList :: [a] -> JExpr
    toJExprFromList = ValExpr . JList . map toJExpr

instance ToJExpr a => ToJExpr [a] where
    toJExpr = toJExprFromList

instance ToJExpr JExpr where
    toJExpr = id

instance ToJExpr () where
    toJExpr _ = ValExpr $ JList []

instance ToJExpr Bool where
    toJExpr True  = jsv "true"
    toJExpr False = jsv "false"

instance ToJExpr JVal where
    toJExpr = ValExpr

instance ToJExpr a => ToJExpr (M.Map String a) where
    toJExpr = ValExpr . JHash . M.map toJExpr

instance ToJExpr Double where
    toJExpr = ValExpr . JDouble

instance ToJExpr Int where
    toJExpr = ValExpr . JInt . fromIntegral

instance ToJExpr Integer where
    toJExpr = ValExpr . JInt

instance ToJExpr Char where
    toJExpr = ValExpr . JStr . (:[])
    toJExprFromList = ValExpr . JStr
--        where escQuotes = tailDef "" . initDef "" . show

instance (ToJExpr a, ToJExpr b) => ToJExpr (a,b) where
    toJExpr (a,b) = ValExpr . JList $ [toJExpr a, toJExpr b]

instance (ToJExpr a, ToJExpr b, ToJExpr c) => ToJExpr (a,b,c) where
    toJExpr (a,b,c) = ValExpr . JList $ [toJExpr a, toJExpr b, toJExpr c]

instance (ToJExpr a, ToJExpr b, ToJExpr c, ToJExpr d) => ToJExpr (a,b,c,d) where
    toJExpr (a,b,c,d) = ValExpr . JList $ [toJExpr a, toJExpr b, toJExpr c, toJExpr d]
instance (ToJExpr a, ToJExpr b, ToJExpr c, ToJExpr d, ToJExpr e) => ToJExpr (a,b,c,d,e) where
    toJExpr (a,b,c,d,e) = ValExpr . JList $ [toJExpr a, toJExpr b, toJExpr c, toJExpr d, toJExpr e]
instance (ToJExpr a, ToJExpr b, ToJExpr c, ToJExpr d, ToJExpr e, ToJExpr f) => ToJExpr (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    toJExpr (a,b,c,d,e,f) = ValExpr . JList $ [toJExpr a, toJExpr b, toJExpr c, toJExpr d, toJExpr e, toJExpr f]

instance Num JExpr where
    fromInteger = ValExpr . JInt . fromIntegral
    x + y = InfixExpr "+" x y
    x - y = InfixExpr "-" x y
    x * y = InfixExpr "*" x y
    abs x = ApplExpr (jsv "Math.abs") [x]
    signum x = IfExpr (InfixExpr ">" x 0) 1 (IfExpr (InfixExpr "==" x 0) 0 (-1))

  Block Sugar

class ToStat a where
    toStat :: a -> JStat

instance ToStat JStat where
    toStat = id

instance ToStat [JStat] where
    toStat = BlockStat

instance ToStat JExpr where
    toStat = expr2stat

instance ToStat [JExpr] where
    toStat = BlockStat . map expr2stat


-- | Create a new anonymous function. The result is an expression.
-- Usage:
-- @jLam $ \ x y -> {JExpr involving x and y}@
jLam :: (ToSat a) => a -> JExpr
jLam f = ValExpr . UnsatVal . IS $ do
           (block,is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
           return $ JFunc is block

-- | Introduce a new variable into scope for the duration
-- of the enclosed expression. The result is a block statement.
-- Usage:
-- @jVar $ \ x y -> {JExpr involving x and y}@
jVar :: (ToSat a) => a -> JStat
jVar f = UnsatBlock . IS $ do
           (block, is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
           let addDecls (BlockStat ss) =
                  BlockStat $ map (\x -> DeclStat x Nothing) is ++ ss
               addDecls x = x
           return $ addDecls block

-- | Introduce a new variable with optional type into scope for the duration
-- of the enclosed expression. The result is a block statement.
-- Usage:
-- @jVar $ \ x y -> {JExpr involving x and y}@
jVarTy :: (ToSat a) => a -> (Maybe JLocalType) -> JStat
jVarTy f t = UnsatBlock . IS $ do
           (block, is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
           let addDecls (BlockStat ss) =
                  BlockStat $ map (\x -> DeclStat x t) is ++ ss
               addDecls x = x
           return $ addDecls block

-- | Create a for in statement.
-- Usage:
-- @jForIn {expression} $ \x -> {block involving x}@
jForIn :: ToSat a => JExpr -> (JExpr -> a)  -> JStat
jForIn e f = UnsatBlock . IS $ do
               (block, is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
               return $ ForInStat False (headNote "jForIn" is) e block

-- | As with "jForIn" but creating a \"for each in\" statement.
jForEachIn :: ToSat a => JExpr -> (JExpr -> a) -> JStat
jForEachIn e f = UnsatBlock . IS $ do
               (block, is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
               return $ ForInStat True (headNote "jForIn" is) e block

jTryCatchFinally :: (ToSat a) => JStat -> a -> JStat -> JStat
jTryCatchFinally s f s2 = UnsatBlock . IS $ do
                     (block, is) <- runIdentSupply $ toSat_ f []
                     return $ TryStat s (headNote "jTryCatch" is) block s2

jsv :: String -> JExpr
jsv = ValExpr . JVar . StrI

jFor :: (ToJExpr a, ToStat b) => JStat -> a -> JStat -> b -> JStat
jFor before p after b = BlockStat [before, WhileStat (toJExpr p) b']
    where b' = case toStat b of
                 BlockStat xs -> BlockStat $ xs ++ [after]
                 x -> BlockStat [x,after]

jhEmpty :: M.Map String JExpr
jhEmpty = M.empty

jhSingle :: ToJExpr a => String -> a -> M.Map String JExpr
jhSingle k v = jhAdd k v $ jhEmpty

jhAdd :: ToJExpr a => String -> a -> M.Map String JExpr -> M.Map String JExpr
jhAdd  k v m = M.insert k (toJExpr v) m

jhFromList :: [(String, JExpr)] -> JVal
jhFromList = JHash . M.fromList

jtFromList :: JType -> [(String, JType)] -> JType
jtFromList t y = JTRecord t $ M.fromList y

nullStat :: JStat
nullStat = BlockStat []

-- JSON instance
instance ToJExpr JSValue where
    toJExpr JSNull             = ValExpr $ JVar $ StrI "null"
    toJExpr (JSBool b)         = ValExpr $ JVar $ StrI $ map toLower (show b)
    toJExpr (JSRational b rat) = ValExpr $ JDouble $ realToFrac rat
    toJExpr (JSString s)       = ValExpr $ JStr $ fromJSString s
    toJExpr (JSArray vs)       = ValExpr $ JList $ map toJExpr vs
    toJExpr (JSObject obj)     = ValExpr $ JHash $ M.fromList $ map (second toJExpr) $ fromJSObject obj


-- Taken from json package by Sigbjorn Finne.
encodeJson = concatMap encodeJsonChar

encodeJsonChar :: Char -> String
encodeJsonChar '/'  = "\\/"
encodeJsonChar '\b' = "\\b"
encodeJsonChar '\f' = "\\f"
encodeJsonChar '\n' = "\\n"
encodeJsonChar '\r' = "\\r"
encodeJsonChar '\t' = "\\t"
encodeJsonChar '"' = "\\\""
encodeJsonChar '\\' = "\\\\"
encodeJsonChar c
    | not $ isControl c = [c]
    | c < '\x10'   = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : '0' : '0' : hexxs
    | c < '\x100'  = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : '0' : hexxs
    | c < '\x1000' = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : hexxs
    where hexxs = showHex (fromEnum c) "" -- FIXME
encodeJsonChar c = [c]