{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-| Module : Text.Jira.PrinterTests Copyright : © 2019–2021 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : alpha Portability : portable Tests for the jira wiki printer. -} module Text.Jira.PrinterTests (tests) where import Prelude hiding (unlines) import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unlines) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=)) import Text.Jira.Markup import Text.Jira.Printer tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Printer" [ testGroup "doc" [ testCase "empty document" $ pretty (Doc []) @?= "" ] , testGroup "blocks" [ testCase "simple paragraph" $ let para = Para [Str "Hello,", Space, Str "World!"] in renderBlock' para @?= "Hello, World!\n" , testCase "two paragraphs" $ let para1 = Para [Str "First", Space, Str "paragraph."] para2 = Para [Str "Second", Space, Str "paragraph."] in prettyBlocks [para1, para2] @?= unlines [ "First paragraph." , "" , "Second paragraph." ] , testGroup "header" [ testCase "simple" $ let header = Header 1 [Str "test", Space, Str "header"] in renderBlock' header @?= "h1. test header" , testCase "header" $ let header = Header 5 [Str "test", Space, Str "header"] in renderBlock' header @?= "h5. test header" ] , testCase "horizontal rule" $ renderBlock' HorizontalRule @?= "----" , testCase "color" $ renderBlock' (Color (ColorName "blue") [Para [Str "yabadee"]]) @?= "{color:blue}\nyabadee\n{color}" , testGroup "list" [ testCase "simple list" $ let list = List SquareBullets [ [Para [Str "first"]] , [Para [Str "second"]] , [Para [Str "third"]] ] in renderBlock' list @?= unlines [ "- first" , "- second" , "- third" ] , testCase "nested list" $ let list = List CircleBullets [ [Para [Str "first"]] , [ List Enumeration [ [Para [Str "second-1"]] , [Para [Str "second-2"]]]] , [ Para [Str "third"] , List CircleBullets [ [Para [Str "third-1"]] , [Para [Str "third-2"]]]] ] in renderBlock' list @?= unlines [ "* first" , "*# second-1" , "*# second-2" , "* third" , "** third-1" , "** third-2" ] ] , testCase "table" $ let headerRow = Row [ HeaderCell [Para [Str "one"]] , HeaderCell [Para [Str "two"]] ] bodyRow = Row [ BodyCell [Para [Str "1"]] , BodyCell [Para [Str "2"]] ] table = Table [headerRow, bodyRow] in renderBlock' table @?= "|| one || two ||\n| 1 | 2 |\n" , testCase "para after table" $ let table = Table [Row [BodyCell [Para [Str "boring"]]]] para = Para [Str "after", Space, Str "table"] in prettyBlocks [table, para] @?= "| boring |\n\nafter table\n" , testCase "para after list" $ let list = List Enumeration [[Para [Str "boring"]]] para = Para [Str "after", Space, Str "table"] in prettyBlocks [list, para] @?= "# boring\n\nafter table\n" , testGroup "block quote" [ testCase "single-line block quote" $ let bq = BlockQuote [Para [Str "Errare", Space, Str "humanum", Space, Str "est."] ] in prettyBlocks [bq] @?= "bq. Errare humanum est." , testCase "multi-line block quote" $ let bq = BlockQuote [Para [Str "Show", Linebreak, Str "me"]] in prettyBlocks [bq] @?= "{quote}\nShow\nme\n{quote}" , testCase "multi-paragraph block quote" $ let bq = BlockQuote [Para [Str "Only."], Para [Str "You."]] in prettyBlocks [bq] @?= "{quote}\nOnly.\n\nYou.\n{quote}" ] , testGroup "panel" [ testCase "simple panel" $ let panel = Panel [] [Para [Str "Contents!"]] in prettyBlocks [panel] @?= "{panel}\nContents!\n{panel}" , testCase "panel with title" $ let panel = Panel [Parameter "title" "Gimme"] [Para [Str "Contents!"]] in prettyBlocks [panel] @?= "{panel:title=Gimme}\nContents!\n{panel}" ] ] , testGroup "isolated inline" [ testCase "SpecialChar" $ renderInline (SpecialChar '*') @?= "\\*" , testCase "AutoLink" $ renderInline (AutoLink (URL "https://example.org")) @?= "https://example.org" , testCase "citation" $ renderInline (Citation [Str "John", Space, Str "Doe"]) @?= "??John Doe??" , testCase "Emoji" $ renderInline (Emoji IconSmiling) @?= ":D" , testCase "thumbnail" $ renderInline (Image [Parameter "thumbnail" ""] (URL "example.jpg")) @?= "!example.jpg|thumbnail!" , testCase "image attributes" $ let params = [Parameter "align" "right", Parameter "vspace" "4"] in renderInline (Image params (URL "example.jpg")) @?= "!example.jpg|align=right, vspace=4!" , testGroup "link" [ testCase "external link" $ renderInline (Link External [Str "example"] "https://example.org") @?= "[example|https://example.org]" , testCase "email link" $ renderInline (Link Email [Str "example"] "me@example.org") @?= "[example|mailto:me@example.org]" , testCase "attachment" $ renderInline (Link Attachment [Str "a", Space, Str "b"] "test.txt") @?= "[a b^test.txt]" , testCase "attachment without description" $ renderInline (Link Attachment [] "something.txt") @?= "[^something.txt]" , testCase "attachment with space and Unicode" $ renderInline (Link Attachment [] "Übergang links.txt") @?= "[^Übergang links.txt]" , testCase "user" $ renderInline (Link User [Str "John", Space, Str "Doe"] "ab34-cdef") @?= "[John Doe|~ab34-cdef]" ] , testCase "Styled Emphasis" $ renderInline (Styled Emphasis [Str "Hello,", Space, Str "World!"]) @?= "_Hello, World!_" , testCase "Styled Strong" $ renderInline (Styled Strong [Str "Hello,", Space, Str "World!"]) @?= "*Hello, World!*" , testCase "Colored inlines" $ renderInline (ColorInline (ColorName "red") [Str "This", Space, Str "is", Space, Str "red."]) @?= "{color:red}This is red.{color}" ] , testGroup "combined inlines" [ testCase "opening brace between words" $ prettyInlines [Str "a", SpecialChar '{', Str "b"] @?= "a\\{b" , testCase "other special char between words" $ prettyInlines [Str "easy", SpecialChar '-', Str "peasy"] @?= "easy-peasy" , testCase "special char before word" $ prettyInlines [SpecialChar '*', Str "star"] @?= "\\*star" , testCase "markup within word" $ prettyInlines [Str "H", Styled Subscript [Str "2"], Str "O"] @?= "H{~}2{~}O" , testCase "markup followed by punctuation" $ prettyInlines [Styled Emphasis [Str "Word"], Str "."] @?= "_Word_." , testCase "colon as last character" $ prettyInlines [Str "end", SpecialChar ':'] @?= "end:" , testCase "semicolon is escaped before close paren" $ -- would be treated as "winking smiley" otherwise prettyInlines [SpecialChar ';', Str ")"] @?= "\\;)" , testCase "colon is not escaped before space" $ prettyInlines [SpecialChar ':', Space, Str "end"] @?= ": end" , testCase "closing brace between spaces" $ prettyInlines [Space, SpecialChar '}', Space] @?= " \\} " , testCase "colon not escaped before opening paren" $ -- escaping the paren is enough prettyInlines [SpecialChar ':', SpecialChar '('] @?= ":\\(" , testGroup "question marks" [ testCase "escaped if followed by question mark" $ prettyInlines [SpecialChar '?', SpecialChar '?'] @?= "\\??" , testCase "unescaped before space" $ prettyInlines [SpecialChar '?', Space, Str "foo"] @?= "? foo" ] ] ] renderBlock' :: Block -> Text renderBlock' = withDefault . renderBlock instance IsString URL where fromString = URL . pack