module Data.Series.Generic.Aggregation ( -- * Grouping Grouping, groupBy, aggregateWith, foldWith, -- * Windowing expanding, windowing, -- * Folding all, any, and, or, sum, product, maximum, maximumOn, minimum, minimumOn, argmax, argmin, ) where import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Ord ( Down(..) ) import Data.Series.Generic.Definition ( Series(..) ) import qualified Data.Series.Generic.Definition as GSeries import Data.Series.Generic.View ( Range, slice, select ) import qualified Data.Vector as Boxed import Data.Vector.Generic ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector import Prelude hiding ( last, null, length, all, any, and, or, sum, product, maximum, minimum ) -- $setup -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Group values in a 'Series' by some grouping function (@k -> g@). -- The provided grouping function is guaranteed to operate on a non-empty 'Series'. -- -- This function is expected to be used in conjunction with @aggregate@: -- -- >>> import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) -- >>> type Date = (Int, String) -- >>> month :: (Date -> String) = snd -- >>> :{ -- let xs = Series.fromList [ ((2020, "January") :: Date, 0 :: Int) -- , ((2021, "January"), -5) -- , ((2020, "June") , 20) -- , ((2021, "June") , 25) -- ] -- in xs `groupBy` month `aggregateWith` (fromMaybe 0 . minimum) -- :} -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "January" | -5 -- "June" | 20 groupBy :: Series v k a -- ^ Input series -> (k -> g) -- ^ Grouping function -> Grouping k g v a -- ^ Grouped series {-# INLINE groupBy #-} groupBy = MkGrouping -- | Representation of a 'Series' being grouped. data Grouping k g v a = MkGrouping (Series v k a) (k -> g) -- | Aggregate groups resulting from a call to 'groupBy': -- -- >>> import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) -- >>> type Date = (Int, String) -- >>> month :: (Date -> String) = snd -- >>> :{ -- let xs = Series.fromList [ ((2020, "January") :: Date, 0 :: Int) -- , ((2021, "January"), -5) -- , ((2020, "June") , 20) -- , ((2021, "June") , 25) -- ] -- in xs `groupBy` month `aggregateWith` (fromMaybe 0 . minimum) -- :} -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "January" | -5 -- "June" | 20 -- -- If you want to aggregate groups using a binary function, see 'foldWith' which -- may be much faster. aggregateWith :: (Ord g, Vector v a, Vector v b) => Grouping k g v a -> (Series v k a -> b) -> Series v g b {-# INLINE aggregateWith #-} aggregateWith (MkGrouping xs by) f = GSeries.fromStrictMap $ fmap (f . GSeries.fromDistinctAscList) -- We're using a list fold to limit the number of -- type constraints. This is about as fast as it is -- with a Vector fold $ Data.List.foldl' acc mempty $ GSeries.toList xs where acc !m (key, val) = Map.insertWith (<>) (by key) (Data.List.singleton (key, val)) m -- | Fold over each group in a 'Grouping' using a binary function. -- While this is not as expressive as 'aggregateWith', users looking for maximum -- performance should use 'foldWith' as much as possible. -- -- >>> type Date = (Int, String) -- >>> month :: (Date -> String) = snd -- >>> :{ -- let xs = Series.fromList [ ((2020, "January") :: Date, 0 :: Int) -- , ((2021, "January"), -5) -- , ((2020, "June") , 20) -- , ((2021, "June") , 25) -- ] -- in xs `groupBy` month `foldWith` min -- :} -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "January" | -5 -- "June" | 20 foldWith :: (Ord g, Vector v a) => Grouping k g v a -> (a -> a -> a) -> Series v g a {-# INLINE foldWith #-} foldWith (MkGrouping xs by) f = GSeries.fromStrictMap -- We're using a list fold to limit the number of -- type constraints. This is about as fast as it is -- with a Vector fold $ Data.List.foldl' acc mempty $ GSeries.toList xs where acc !m (key, val) = Map.insertWith f (by key) val m -- | Expanding window aggregation. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> :{ -- let (xs :: Series.Series Int Int) -- = Series.fromList [ (1, 0) -- , (2, 1) -- , (3, 2) -- , (4, 3) -- , (5, 4) -- , (6, 5) -- ] -- in (xs `expanding` sum) :: Series.Series Int Int -- :} -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 1 | 0 -- 2 | 1 -- 3 | 3 -- 4 | 6 -- 5 | 10 -- 6 | 15 expanding :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => Series v k a -- ^ Series vector -> (Series v k a -> b) -- ^ Aggregation function -> Series v k b -- ^ Resulting vector {-# INLINE expanding #-} expanding vs f = MkSeries (index vs) $ Vector.unfoldrExactN (GSeries.length vs) go 0 where -- Recall that `slice` does NOT include the right index go ix = (f $ slice 0 (ix + 1) vs, ix + 1) -- | General-purpose window aggregation. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> import Data.Series ( to ) -- >>> :{ -- let (xs :: Series.Series Int Int) -- = Series.fromList [ (1, 0) -- , (2, 1) -- , (3, 2) -- , (4, 3) -- , (5, 4) -- , (6, 5) -- ] -- in windowing (\k -> k `to` (k + 2)) sum xs -- :} -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 1 | 3 -- 2 | 6 -- 3 | 9 -- 4 | 12 -- 5 | 9 -- 6 | 5 windowing :: (Ord k, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (k -> Range k) -> (Series v k a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b {-# INLINE windowing #-} windowing range agg series = GSeries.mapWithKey (\k _ -> agg $ series `select` range k) series -- | \(O(n)\) Check if all elements satisfy the predicate. all :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Bool {-# INLINE all #-} all f = Vector.all f . values -- | \(O(n)\) Check if any element satisfies the predicate. any :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Bool {-# INLINE any #-} any f = Vector.any f . values -- | \(O(n)\) Check if all elements are 'True'. and :: Vector v Bool => Series v k Bool -> Bool {-# INLINE and #-} and = Vector.and . values -- | \(O(n)\) Check if any element is 'True'. or :: Vector v Bool => Series v k Bool -> Bool {-# INLINE or #-} or = Vector.or . values -- | \(O(n)\) Compute the sum of the elements. sum :: (Num a, Vector v a) => Series v k a -> a {-# INLINE sum #-} sum = Vector.sum . values -- | \(O(n)\) Compute the product of the elements. product :: (Num a, Vector v a) => Series v k a -> a {-# INLINE product #-} product = Vector.product . values nothingIfEmpty :: Vector v a => (Series v k a -> b) -> (Series v k a -> Maybe b) nothingIfEmpty f xs = if GSeries.null xs then Nothing else Just (f xs) -- | \(O(n)\) Yield the maximum element of the series. In case of a tie, the first occurrence wins. maximum :: (Ord a, Vector v a) => Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE maximum #-} maximum = nothingIfEmpty $ Vector.maximum . values -- | \(O(n)\) @'maximumOn' f xs@ teturns the maximum element of the series @xs@, as determined by the function @f@. -- In case of a tie, the first occurrence wins. -- If the 'Series' is empty, @Nothing@ is returned. maximumOn :: (Ord b, Vector v a) => (a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE maximumOn #-} maximumOn f = nothingIfEmpty $ Vector.maximumOn f . values -- | \(O(n)\) Yield the minimum element of the series. In case of a tie, the first occurrence wins. -- If the 'Series' is empty, @Nothing@ is returned. minimum :: (Ord a, Vector v a) => Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE minimum #-} minimum = nothingIfEmpty $ Vector.minimum . values -- | \(O(n)\) @'minimumOn' f xs@ teturns the minimum element of the series @xs@, as determined by the function @f@. -- In case of a tie, the first occurrence wins. -- If the 'Series' is empty, @Nothing@ is returned. minimumOn :: (Ord b, Vector v a) => (a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE minimumOn #-} minimumOn f = nothingIfEmpty $ Vector.minimumOn f . values -- | \(O(n)\) Find the index of the maximum element in the input series. -- If the input series is empty, 'Nothing' is returned. -- -- The index of the first occurrence of the maximum element is returned. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> :{ -- let (xs :: Series.Series Int Int) -- = Series.fromList [ (1, 0) -- , (2, 1) -- , (3, 2) -- , (4, 7) -- , (5, 4) -- , (6, 5) -- ] -- in argmax xs -- :} -- Just 4 argmax :: (Ord a, Vector v a) => Series v k a -> Maybe k {-# INLINE argmax #-} argmax xs | GSeries.null xs = Nothing | otherwise = Just . fst -- We're forcing the use of boxed vectors in order to -- reduce the constraints on the vector instance . Boxed.maximumOn snd . GSeries.toVector . GSeries.convert $ xs -- | \(O(n)\) Find the index of the minimum element in the input series. -- If the input series is empty, 'Nothing' is returned. -- -- The index of the first occurrence of the minimum element is returned. -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> :{ -- let (xs :: Series.Series Int Int) -- = Series.fromList [ (1, 1) -- , (2, 1) -- , (3, 2) -- , (4, 0) -- , (5, 4) -- , (6, 5) -- ] -- in argmin xs -- :} -- Just 4 argmin :: (Ord a, Vector v a, Vector v (Down a)) => Series v k a -> Maybe k {-# INLINE argmin #-} argmin = argmax . Down