module Data.Series.Generic.Zip ( zipWith, zipWithMatched, zipWithKey, zipWith3, zipWithMatched3, zipWithKey3, replace, (|->), (<-|), -- * Generalized zipping with strategies zipWithStrategy, zipWithStrategy3, ZipStrategy, skipStrategy, mapStrategy, constStrategy, -- * Special case of zipping monoids zipWithMonoid, esum, eproduct, -- * Unzipping unzip, unzip3, ) where import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid ( Sum(..), Product(..) ) import Data.Series.Generic.Definition ( Series(MkSeries, index, values) ) import qualified Data.Series.Generic.Definition as G import Data.Series.Generic.View ( selectSubset, requireWith ) import Data.Vector.Generic ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index import qualified Data.Series.Index.Internal as Index.Internal import Prelude hiding ( zipWith, zipWith3, unzip, unzip3 ) -- $setup -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series infix 6 |->, <-| -- | Apply a function elementwise to two series, matching elements -- based on their keys. For keys present only in the left or right series, -- the value 'Nothing' is returned. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> zipWith (+) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | Just 10 -- "beta" | Just 12 -- "delta" | Nothing -- "gamma" | Nothing -- -- To only combine elements where keys are in both series, see 'zipWithMatched' zipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (Maybe c), Ord k) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k (Maybe c) zipWith f left right = let matched = zipWithMatched f left right matchedKeys = index matched allKeys = index left `Index.union` index right unmatchedKeys = allKeys `Index.difference` matchedKeys unmatched = MkSeries unmatchedKeys (Vector.replicate (Index.size unmatchedKeys) Nothing) in Just matched <> unmatched {-# INLINE zipWith #-} -- | Apply a function elementwise to three series, matching elements -- based on their keys. For keys present only in the left or right series, -- the value 'Nothing' is returned. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> let zs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 20::Int), ("delta", 13), ("epsilon", 6) ] -- >>> zipWith3 (\x y z -> x + y + z) xs ys zs -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | Just 30 -- "beta" | Nothing -- "delta" | Nothing -- "epsilon" | Nothing -- "gamma" | Nothing -- -- To only combine elements where keys are in all series, see 'zipWithMatched3' zipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (Maybe d), Ord k) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c -> Series v k (Maybe d) zipWith3 f left center right = let matched = zipWithMatched3 f left center right matchedKeys = index matched allKeys = index left `Index.union` index center `Index.union` index right unmatchedKeys = allKeys `Index.difference` matchedKeys unmatched = MkSeries unmatchedKeys (Vector.replicate (Index.size unmatchedKeys) Nothing) in Just matched <> unmatched {-# INLINE zipWith3 #-} -- | Apply a function elementwise to two series, matching elements -- based on their keys. Keys present only in the left or right series are dropped. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> zipWithMatched (+) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 10 -- "beta" | 12 -- -- To combine elements where keys are in either series, see 'zipWith'. To combine -- three series, see 'zipWithMatched3'. zipWithMatched :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Ord k) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c zipWithMatched f left right = let matchedKeys = index left `Index.intersection` index right -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of both series (MkSeries _ !xs) = left `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ !ys) = right `selectSubset` matchedKeys -- The following construction relies on the fact that keys are always sorted in MkSeries matchedKeys $ Vector.zipWith f xs ys {-# INLINE zipWithMatched #-} -- | Apply a function elementwise to three series, matching elements -- based on their keys. Keys not present in all three series are dropped. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> let zs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 20::Int), ("delta", 13), ("epsilon", 6) ] -- >>> zipWithMatched3 (\x y z -> x + y + z) xs ys zs -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 30 zipWithMatched3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Ord k) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c -> Series v k d zipWithMatched3 f left center right = let matchedKeys = index left `Index.intersection` index center `Index.intersection` index right -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of all series (MkSeries _ !xs) = left `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ !ys) = center `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ !zs) = right `selectSubset` matchedKeys -- The following construction relies on the fact that keys are always sorted in MkSeries matchedKeys $ Vector.zipWith3 f xs ys zs {-# INLINE zipWithMatched3 #-} -- | Apply a function elementwise to two series, matching elements -- based on their keys. Keys present only in the left or right series are dropped. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> zipWithKey (\k x y -> length k + x + y) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 15 -- "beta" | 16 -- -- To combine elements where keys are in either series, see 'zipWith' zipWithKey :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v k, Ord k) => (k -> a -> b -> c) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c zipWithKey f left right = let matchedKeys = index left `Index.intersection` index right -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of both series (MkSeries _ xs) = left `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ ys) = right `selectSubset` matchedKeys ks = Index.toAscVector matchedKeys -- The following construction relies on the fact that keys are always sorted in MkSeries matchedKeys $ Vector.zipWith3 f ks xs ys {-# INLINE zipWithKey #-} -- | Apply a function elementwise to three series, matching elements -- based on their keys. Keys not present in all series are dropped. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> let zs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 20::Int), ("beta", 7), ("delta", 5) ] -- >>> zipWithKey3 (\k x y z -> length k + x + y + z) xs ys zs -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 35 -- "beta" | 23 zipWithKey3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v k, Ord k) => (k -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c -> Series v k d zipWithKey3 f left center right = let matchedKeys = index left `Index.intersection` index right -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of all series (MkSeries _ xs) = left `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ ys) = center `selectSubset` matchedKeys (MkSeries _ zs) = right `selectSubset` matchedKeys ks = Index.toAscVector matchedKeys -- The following construction relies on the fact that keys are always sorted in MkSeries matchedKeys $ Vector.zipWith4 f ks xs ys zs {-# INLINE zipWithKey3 #-} -- | Replace values from the right series with values from the left series at matching keys. -- Keys in the right series but not in the right series are unaffected. replace :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE replace #-} xs `replace` ys = let keysToReplace = index xs `Index.intersection` index ys iixs = Index.toAscVector $ Index.Internal.mapMonotonic (\k -> Index.Internal.findIndex k (index ys)) keysToReplace in MkSeries (index ys) $ Vector.update_ (values ys) iixs (values (xs `selectSubset` keysToReplace)) -- | Infix version of 'replace' (|->) :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE (|->) #-} (|->) = replace -- | Flipped version of '|->', (<-|) :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE (<-|) #-} (<-|) = flip replace -- | A 'ZipStrategy' is a function which is used to decide what to do when a key is missing from one -- of two 'Series' being zipped together with 'zipWithStrategy'. -- -- If a 'ZipStrategy' returns 'Nothing', the key is dropped. -- If a 'ZipStrategy' returns @'Just' v@ for key @k@, then the value @v@ is inserted at key @k@. -- -- For example, the most basic 'ZipStrategy' is to skip over any key which is missing from the other series. -- Such a strategy can be written as @skip key value = 'Nothing'@ (see 'skipStrategy'). type ZipStrategy k a b = (k -> a -> Maybe b) -- | This 'ZipStrategy' drops keys which are not present in both 'Series'. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> zipWithStrategy (+) skipStrategy skipStrategy xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 10 -- "beta" | 12 skipStrategy :: ZipStrategy k a b skipStrategy _ _ = Nothing {-# INLINE skipStrategy #-} -- | This 'ZipStrategy' sets the value at keys which are not present in both 'Series' -- to the some mapping from the value present in one of the series. See the example below. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 5::Int), ("beta", 6), ("delta", 7) ] -- >>> zipWithStrategy (+) (mapStrategy id) (mapStrategy (*10)) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 5 -- "beta" | 7 -- "delta" | 70 -- "gamma" | 2 mapStrategy :: (a -> b) -> ZipStrategy k a b mapStrategy f _ x = Just (f x) {-# INLINE mapStrategy #-} -- | This 'ZipStrategy' sets a constant value at keys which are not present in both 'Series'. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 0::Int), ("beta", 1), ("gamma", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("alpha", 10::Int), ("beta", 11), ("delta", 13) ] -- >>> zipWith (+) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | Just 10 -- "beta" | Just 12 -- "delta" | Nothing -- "gamma" | Nothing -- >>> zipWithStrategy (+) (constStrategy (-100)) (constStrategy 200) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "alpha" | 10 -- "beta" | 12 -- "delta" | 200 -- "gamma" | -100 constStrategy :: b -> ZipStrategy k a b constStrategy v = mapStrategy (const v) {-# INLINE constStrategy #-} -- | Zip two 'Series' with a combining function, applying a 'ZipStrategy' when one key is present in one of the 'Series' but not both. -- -- Note that if you want to drop keys missing in either 'Series', it is faster to use @'zipWithMatched' f@ -- than using @'zipWithStrategy' f skipStrategy skipStrategy@. zipWithStrategy :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Ord k) => (a -> b -> c) -- ^ Function to combine values when present in both series -> ZipStrategy k a c -- ^ Strategy for when the key is in the left series but not the right -> ZipStrategy k b c -- ^ Strategy for when the key is in the right series but not the left -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c zipWithStrategy f whenLeft whenRight left right = let onlyLeftKeys = index left `Index.difference` index right onlyRightKeys = index right `Index.difference` index left -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of both series leftZip = applyStrategy whenLeft $ left `selectSubset` onlyLeftKeys rightZip = applyStrategy whenRight $ right `selectSubset` onlyRightKeys in zipWithMatched f left right <> leftZip <> rightZip where -- Application of the 'ZipStrategy' is done on a `Map` rather than -- the 'Series' directly to keep the type contraints of `zipWithStrategy` to -- a minimum. Recall that unboxed 'Series' cannot contain `Maybe a`. applyStrategy strat = G.toSeries . Map.mapMaybeWithKey strat . G.fromSeries {-# INLINE zipWithStrategy #-} -- | Zip three 'Series' with a combining function, applying a 'ZipStrategy' when one key is -- present in one of the 'Series' but not all of the others. -- -- Note that if you want to drop keys missing in either 'Series', it is faster to use @'zipWithMatched3' f@ -- than using @'zipWithStrategy3' f skipStrategy skipStrategy skipStrategy@. zipWithStrategy3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Ord k) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -- ^ Function to combine values when present in all series -> ZipStrategy k a d -- ^ Strategy for when the key is in the left series but not in all the others -> ZipStrategy k b d -- ^ Strategy for when the key is in the center series but not in all the others -> ZipStrategy k c d -- ^ Strategy for when the key is in the right series but not in all the others -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c -> Series v k d zipWithStrategy3 f whenLeft whenCenter whenRight left center right = let onlyLeftKeys = index left `Index.difference` (index center `Index.union` index right) onlyCenterKeys = index center `Index.difference` (index left `Index.union` index right) onlyRightKeys = index right `Index.difference` (index center `Index.union` index left) -- Recall that `selectSubset` is a performance optimization -- and is generally unsafe to use; however, in this case, we know -- that `matchedKeys` are subsets of the index of all series leftZip = applyStrategy whenLeft $ left `selectSubset` onlyLeftKeys centerZip = applyStrategy whenCenter $ center `selectSubset` onlyCenterKeys rightZip = applyStrategy whenRight $ right `selectSubset` onlyRightKeys in zipWithMatched3 f left center right <> leftZip <> centerZip <> rightZip where -- Application of the 'ZipStrategy' is done on a `Map` rather than -- the 'Series' directly to keep the type contraints of `zipWithStrategy` to -- a minimum. Recall that unboxed 'Series' cannot contain `Maybe a`. applyStrategy strat = G.toSeries . Map.mapMaybeWithKey strat . G.fromSeries {-# INLINE zipWithStrategy3 #-} -- | Zip two 'Series' with a combining function. The value for keys which are missing from -- either 'Series' is replaced with the appropriate 'mempty' value. -- -- >>> import Data.Monoid ( Sum(..) ) -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", Sum (1::Int)), ("2023-01-02", Sum 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", Sum (5::Int)), ("2023-01-03", Sum 7) ] -- >>> zipWith (<>) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "2023-01-01" | Just (Sum {getSum = 6}) -- "2023-01-02" | Nothing -- "2023-01-03" | Nothing -- >>> zipWithMonoid (<>) xs ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "2023-01-01" | Sum {getSum = 6} -- "2023-01-02" | Sum {getSum = 2} -- "2023-01-03" | Sum {getSum = 7} zipWithMonoid :: ( Monoid a, Monoid b , Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c , Ord k ) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b -> Series v k c zipWithMonoid f left right = let fullindex = index left `Index.union` index right (MkSeries ix ls) = requireWith (const mempty) id left fullindex (MkSeries _ rs) = requireWith (const mempty) id right fullindex in MkSeries ix $ Vector.zipWith f ls rs {-# INLINE zipWithMonoid #-} -- | Elementwise sum of two 'Series'. Elements missing in one or the other 'Series' is considered 0. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", (1::Int)), ("2023-01-02", 2) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", (5::Int)), ("2023-01-03", 7) ] -- >>> xs `esum` ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "2023-01-01" | 6 -- "2023-01-02" | 2 -- "2023-01-03" | 7 esum :: (Ord k, Num a, Vector v a, Vector v (Sum a)) => Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a esum ls rs = getSum $ zipWithMonoid (<>) ( Sum ls) ( Sum rs) {-# INLINE esum #-} -- | Elementwise product of two 'Series'. Elements missing in one or the other 'Series' is considered 1. -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", (2::Int)), ("2023-01-02", 3) ] -- >>> let ys = Series.fromList [ ("2023-01-01", (5::Int)), ("2023-01-03", 7) ] -- >>> xs `eproduct` ys -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- "2023-01-01" | 10 -- "2023-01-02" | 3 -- "2023-01-03" | 7 eproduct :: (Ord k, Num a, Vector v a, Vector v (Product a)) => Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a eproduct ls rs = getProduct $ zipWithMonoid (<>) ( Product ls) ( Product rs) {-# INLINE eproduct #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Unzip a 'Series' of 2-tuples. unzip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a, b)) => Series v k (a, b) -> ( Series v k a , Series v k b ) unzip (MkSeries ix vs) = let (left, right) = Vector.unzip vs in (MkSeries ix left, MkSeries ix right) {-# INLINE unzip #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Unzip a 'Series' of 3-tuples. unzip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c)) => Series v k (a, b, c) -> ( Series v k a , Series v k b , Series v k c ) unzip3 (MkSeries ix vs) = let (left, center, right) = Vector.unzip3 vs in (MkSeries ix left, MkSeries ix center, MkSeries ix right) {-# INLINE unzip3 #-}