module Data.Series.Generic.View ( -- * Accessing a single element (!), at, iat, -- * Bulk access select, slice, selectWhere, selectSubset, Selection, -- * Resizing require, requireWith, filter, filterWithKey, catMaybes, dropIndex, -- * Creating and accessing ranges Range(..), to, from, upto, ) where import Data.Series.Index ( Index ) import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index import qualified Data.Series.Index.Internal as Index.Internal import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, isJust ) import Data.Series.Generic.Definition ( Series(..) ) import qualified Data.Series.Generic.Definition as G import Data.Set ( Set ) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Vector as Boxed import Data.Vector.Generic ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector import Prelude hiding ( filter ) -- $setup -- >>> import qualified Data.Series as Series -- >>> import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index infixr 9 `to` -- Ensure that @to@ binds strongest infixl 1 `select` -- | \(O(1)\). Extract a single value from a series, by index. -- An exception is thrown if the index is out-of-bounds. -- -- A safer alternative is @iat@, which returns 'Nothing' if the index is -- out-of-bounds. (!) :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Int -> a (MkSeries _ vs) ! ix = (Vector.!) vs ix -- | \(O(\log n)\). Extract a single value from a series, by key. at :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> k -> Maybe a at (MkSeries ks vs) k = do ix <- Index.lookupIndex k ks pure $ Vector.unsafeIndex vs ix {-# INLINE at #-} -- | \(O(1)\). Extract a single value from a series, by index. iat :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Int -> Maybe a iat (MkSeries _ vs) = (Vector.!?) vs {-# INLINE iat #-} -- | require a series with a new index. -- Contrary to 'select', all keys in @'Set' k@ will be present in the re-indexed series. require :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Maybe a), Ord k) => Series v k a -> Index k -> Series v k (Maybe a) {-# INLINE require #-} require = requireWith (const Nothing) Just -- | Generalization of 'require', which maps missing keys to values. -- This is particularly useful for 'Vector' instances which don't support 'Maybe', like "Data.Vector.Unboxed". requireWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Ord k) => (k -> b) -- ^ Function to apply to keys which are missing from the input series, but required in the input index -> (a -> b) -- ^ Function to apply to values which are in the input series and input index. -> Series v k a -> Index k -> Series v k b {-# INLINE requireWith #-} requireWith replacement f xs ss = let existingKeys = index xs `Index.intersection` ss newKeys = ss `Index.difference` existingKeys in f (xs `selectSubset` existingKeys) <> MkSeries newKeys (Vector.fromListN (Index.size newKeys) (replacement <$> Index.toAscList newKeys)) -- | Drop the index of a series by replacing it with an @Int@-based index. Values will -- be indexed from 0. dropIndex :: Series v k a -> Series v Int a {-# INLINE dropIndex #-} dropIndex (MkSeries ks vs) = MkSeries (Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscList [0..Index.size ks - 1]) vs -- | Filter elements. Only elements for which the predicate is @True@ are kept. -- Notice that the filtering is done on the values, not on the keys; see 'filterWithKey' -- to filter while taking keys into account. filter :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Ord k) => (a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE filter #-} filter predicate xs@(MkSeries ks vs) = let indicesToKeep = Vector.findIndices predicate vs keysToKeep = Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscList [Index.Internal.elemAt ix ks | ix <- Vector.toList indicesToKeep] in xs `select` keysToKeep -- | Filter elements, taking into account the corresponding key. Only elements for which -- the predicate is @True@ are kept. filterWithKey :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v Bool, Ord k) => (k -> a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE filterWithKey #-} filterWithKey predicate xs = xs `selectWhere` G.mapWithKey predicate xs -- | \(O(n)\) Only keep elements which are @'Just' v@. catMaybes :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Maybe a), Vector v Int, Ord k) => Series v k (Maybe a) -> Series v k a {-# INLINE catMaybes #-} catMaybes = fromJust . filter isJust -- | Datatype representing an /inclusive/ range of keys, which can either be bounded -- or unbounded. The canonical ways to construct a 'Range' are to use 'to', 'from', and 'upto': -- -- >>> 'a' `to` 'z' -- Range (from 'a' to 'z') -- >>> from 'd' -- Range (from 'd') -- >>> upto 'q' -- Range (up to 'q') -- -- A 'Range' can be used to efficiently select a sub-series with 'select'. data Range k = BoundedRange k k | From k | UpTo k deriving (Eq) instance Show k => Show (Range k) where show :: Range k -> String show (BoundedRange start stop) = mconcat ["Range (from ", show start, " to ", show stop, ")"] show (From start) = mconcat ["Range (from ", show start, ")"] show (UpTo stop) = mconcat ["Range (up to ", show stop, ")"] -- | Find the keys which are in range. In case of an empty 'Series', -- the returned value is 'Nothing'. keysInRange :: Ord k => Series v k a -> Range k -> Maybe (k, k) {-# INLINE keysInRange #-} keysInRange (MkSeries ks _) rng = let inrange = inRange rng in if Set.null inrange then Nothing else Just (Set.findMin inrange, Set.findMax inrange) where inRange (BoundedRange start stop) = Set.takeWhileAntitone (<= stop) $ Set.dropWhileAntitone (< start) $ Index.toSet ks inRange (From start) = Set.dropWhileAntitone (< start) $ Index.toSet ks inRange (UpTo stop) = Set.takeWhileAntitone (<= stop) $ Index.toSet ks -- | Create a bounded 'Range' which can be used for slicing. This function -- is expected to be used in conjunction with 'select'. -- -- For unbound ranges, see 'from' and 'upto'. to :: Ord k => k -> k -> Range k to k1 k2 = BoundedRange (min k1 k2) (max k1 k2) -- | Create an unbounded 'Range' which can be used for slicing. -- This function is expected to be used in conjunction with 'select'. -- -- For bound ranges, see 'to'. from :: k -> Range k from = From -- | Create an unbounded 'Range' which can be used for slicing. This function -- is expected to be used in conjunction with 'select'. -- -- For bound ranges, see 'to'. upto :: k -> Range k upto = UpTo -- | Class for datatypes which can be used to select sub-series using 'select'. -- -- There are two use-cases for 'select': -- -- * Bulk random-access (selecting from an 'Index' of keys); -- * Bulk ordered access (selecting from a 'Range' of keys). -- -- See the documentation for 'select'. class Selection s where -- | Select a subseries. There are two main ways to do this. -- -- The first way to do this is to select a sub-series based on keys: -- -- >>> let xs = Series.fromList [('a', 10::Int), ('b', 20), ('c', 30), ('d', 40)] -- >>> xs `select` Index.fromList ['a', 'd'] -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'a' | 10 -- 'd' | 40 -- -- The second way to select a sub-series is to select all keys in a range: -- -- >>> xs `select` 'b' `to` 'c' -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'b' | 20 -- 'c' | 30 -- -- Such ranges can also be unbounded. (i.e. all keys smaller or larger than some key), like so: -- -- >>> xs `select` upto 'c' -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'a' | 10 -- 'b' | 20 -- 'c' | 30 -- >>> xs `select` from 'c' -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'c' | 30 -- 'd' | 40 -- -- Note that with 'select', you'll always get a sub-series; if you ask for a key which is not -- in the series, it'll be ignored: -- -- >>> xs `select` Index.fromList ['a', 'd', 'e'] -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'a' | 10 -- 'd' | 40 -- -- See 'require' if you want to ensure that all keys are present. select :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> s k -> Series v k a instance Selection Index where -- | Select all keys in 'Index' from a series. Keys which are not -- in the series are ignored. select :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Index k -> Series v k a {-# INLINE select #-} select xs ss = let selectedKeys = index xs `Index.intersection` ss -- Surprisingly, using `Vector.backpermute` does not -- perform as well as ` (Vector.unsafeIndex vs)` -- for large Series in xs `selectSubset` selectedKeys -- | Selecting a sub-series from a 'Set' is a convenience -- function. Internally, the 'Set' is converted to an index first. instance Selection Set where select :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Set k -> Series v k a {-# INLINE select #-} select xs = select xs . Index.fromSet -- | Selecting a sub-series from a list is a convenience -- function. Internally, the list is converted to an index first. instance Selection [] where select :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> [k] -> Series v k a {-# INLINE select #-} select xs = select xs . Index.fromList -- | Selecting a sub-series based on a @Range@ is most performant. -- Constructing a @Range@ is most convenient using the 'to' function. instance Selection Range where select :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Range k -> Series v k a {-# INLINE select #-} select series rng = case keysInRange series rng of Nothing -> mempty Just (kstart, kstop) -> let indexOf xs k = Index.Internal.findIndex k (index xs) in slice (series `indexOf` kstart) (1 + indexOf series kstop) series -- | Select a sub-series from a series matching a condition. selectWhere :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v Bool, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Series v k Bool -> Series v k a {-# INLINE selectWhere #-} selectWhere xs ys = xs `select` Index.fromSet keysWhereTrue where (MkSeries _ cond) = ys `select` index xs whereValuesAreTrue = Set.fromDistinctAscList $ Vector.toList (Vector.findIndices id cond) keysWhereTrue = Set.mapMonotonic (`Index.Internal.elemAt` index xs) whereValuesAreTrue -- | Implementation of `select` where the selection keys are known -- to be a subset of the series. This precondition is NOT checked. -- -- This is a performance optimization and therefore is not normally exposed. selectSubset :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => Series v k a -> Index k -> Series v k a {-# INLINE selectSubset #-} selectSubset (MkSeries ks vs) ss -- TODO: -- Is it possible to scan over the series once -- while filtering away on keys? Initial attempts did not lead -- to performance improvements, but I can't imagine that calling -- `Index.Internal.findIndex` repeatedly is efficient = MkSeries ss $ Boxed.convert $ (Vector.unsafeIndex vs . (`Index.Internal.findIndex` ks)) $ Index.toAscVector ss -- | Yield a subseries based on indices. The end index is not included. slice :: Vector v a => Int -- ^ Start index -> Int -- ^ End index, which is not included -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE slice #-} slice start stop (MkSeries ks vs) = let stop' = min (Vector.length vs) stop in MkSeries { index = Index.take (stop' - start) $ Index.drop start ks , values = Vector.slice start (stop' - start) vs }