{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Series.Generic.Definition ( Series(..), convert, -- * Basic interface singleton, headM, lastM, map, mapWithKey, mapIndex, concatMap, fold, foldM, foldWithKey, foldMWithKey, foldMap, bifoldMap, foldMapWithKey, length, null, take, takeWhile, drop, dropWhile, mapWithKeyM, mapWithKeyM_, forWithKeyM, forWithKeyM_, traverseWithKey, fromIndex, -- * Conversion to/from Series IsSeries(..), -- ** Conversion to/from Maps fromStrictMap, toStrictMap, fromLazyMap, toLazyMap, -- ** Conversion to/from list fromList, toList, -- *** Unsafe construction fromDistinctAscList, -- ** Conversion to/from vectors fromVector, toVector, -- *** Unsafe construction fromDistinctAscVector, -- ** Handling duplicates Occurrence, fromListDuplicates, fromVectorDuplicates, -- * Displaying 'Series' display, displayWith, noLongerThan, DisplayOptions(..), defaultDisplayOptions ) where import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData(rnf) ) import Control.Foldl ( Fold(..), FoldM(..) ) import Control.Monad.ST ( runST ) import Data.Bifoldable ( Bifoldable ) import qualified Data.Bifoldable as Bifoldable import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import Data.Foldable.WithIndex ( FoldableWithIndex(..)) import Data.Function ( on ) import Data.Functor.WithIndex ( FunctorWithIndex(imap) ) import Data.IntMap.Strict ( IntMap ) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as ML import Data.Map.Strict ( Map ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS import Data.Sequence ( Seq ) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) ) import Data.Series.Index ( Index ) import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index import qualified Data.Series.Index.Internal as Index.Internal import Data.Set ( Set ) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Traversable.WithIndex ( TraversableWithIndex(..) ) import qualified Data.Vector as Boxed import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro ( sortUniqBy, sortBy ) import Data.Vector.Generic ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Vector import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GM import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM import Prelude hiding ( take, takeWhile, drop, dropWhile, map, concatMap, foldMap, sum, length, null ) import qualified Prelude as P -- | A @Series v k a@ is a labeled array of type @v@ filled with values of type @a@, -- indexed by keys of type @k@. -- -- Like 'Data.Map.Strict.Map', they support efficient: -- -- * random access by key ( \(O(\log n)\) ); -- * slice by key ( \(O(\log n)\) ). -- -- Like 'Data.Vector.Vector', they support efficient: -- -- * random access by index ( \(O(1)\) ); -- * slice by index ( \(O(1)\) ); -- * numerical operations. -- data Series v k a -- The reason the index is a set of keys is that we *want* keys to be ordered. -- This allows for efficient slicing of the underlying values, because -- if @k1 < k2@, then the values are also at indices @ix1 < ix2@. = MkSeries { index :: Index k -- ^ The 'Index' of a series, which contains its (unique) keys in ascending order. , values :: v a -- ^ The values of a series, in the order of its (unique) keys. } -- | \(O(n)\) Convert between two types of 'Series'. convert :: (Vector v1 a, Vector v2 a) => Series v1 k a -> Series v2 k a {-# INLINE convert #-} convert (MkSeries ix vs) = MkSeries ix $ Vector.convert vs -- | \(O(1)\) Create a 'Series' with a single element. singleton :: Vector v a => k -> a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE singleton #-} singleton k v = MkSeries (Index.singleton k) $ Vector.singleton v -- | \(O(n)\) Generate a 'Series' by mapping every element of its index. fromIndex :: (Vector v a) => (k -> a) -> Index k -> Series v k a {-# INLINE fromIndex #-} fromIndex f ix = MkSeries ix $ Vector.convert $ Boxed.map f -- Using boxed vector to prevent a (Vector v k) constraint $ Index.toAscVector ix -- | The 'IsSeries' typeclass allow for ad-hoc definition -- of conversion functions, converting to / from 'Series'. class IsSeries t v k a where -- | Construct a 'Series' from some container of key-values pairs. There is no -- condition on the order of pairs. Duplicate keys are silently dropped. If you -- need to handle duplicate keys, see 'fromListDuplicates' or 'fromVectorDuplicates'. toSeries :: t -> Series v k a -- | Construct a container from key-value pairs of a 'Series'. -- The elements are returned in ascending order of keys. fromSeries :: Series v k a -> t instance (Ord k, Vector v a) => IsSeries [(k, a)] v k a where -- | Construct a series from a list of key-value pairs. There is no -- condition on the order of pairs. -- -- >>> let xs = toSeries [('b', 0::Int), ('a', 5), ('d', 1) ] -- >>> xs -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'a' | 5 -- 'b' | 0 -- 'd' | 1 -- -- If you need to handle duplicate keys, take a look at `fromListDuplicates`. toSeries :: [(k, a)] -> Series v k a toSeries = toSeries . MS.fromList {-# INLINE toSeries #-} -- | Construct a list from key-value pairs. The elements are in order sorted by key: -- -- >>> let xs = Series.toSeries [ ('b', 0::Int), ('a', 5), ('d', 1) ] -- >>> xs -- index | values -- ----- | ------ -- 'a' | 5 -- 'b' | 0 -- 'd' | 1 -- >>> fromSeries xs -- [('a',5),('b',0),('d',1)] fromSeries :: Series v k a -> [(k, a)] fromSeries (MkSeries ks vs)= zip (Index.toAscList ks) (Vector.toList vs) {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} -- | Construct a 'Series' from a list of key-value pairs. There is no -- condition on the order of pairs. Duplicate keys are silently dropped. If you -- need to handle duplicate keys, see 'fromListDuplicates'. fromList :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => [(k, a)] -> Series v k a {-# INLINE fromList #-} fromList = toSeries -- | \(O(n)\) Build a 'Series' from a list of pairs, where the first elements of the pairs (the keys) -- are distinct elements in ascending order. The precondition that the keys be unique and sorted is not checked. fromDistinctAscList :: (Vector v a) => [(k, a)] -> Series v k a fromDistinctAscList xs = let (!ks, !vs) = unzip xs in MkSeries (Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscList ks) (Vector.fromListN (List.length vs) vs) -- | Integer-like, non-negative number that specifies how many occurrences -- of a key is present in a 'Series'. -- -- The easiest way to convert from an 'Occurrence' to another integer-like type -- is the 'fromIntegral' function. newtype Occurrence = MkOcc Int deriving (Eq, Enum, Num, Ord, Integral, Real) deriving newtype (Show, U.Unbox) -- Occurrence needs to be an 'U.Unbox' type -- so that 'fromVectorDuplicates' works with unboxed vectors -- and series. newtype instance UM.MVector s Occurrence = MV_Occ (UM.MVector s Int) newtype instance U.Vector Occurrence = V_Occ (U.Vector Int) deriving instance GM.MVector UM.MVector Occurrence deriving instance Vector U.Vector Occurrence -- | Construct a series from a list of key-value pairs. -- Contrary to 'fromList', values at duplicate keys are preserved. To keep each -- key unique, an 'Occurrence' number counts up. fromListDuplicates :: (Vector v a, Ord k) => [(k, a)] -> Series v (k, Occurrence) a {-# INLINE fromListDuplicates #-} fromListDuplicates = convert . fromVectorDuplicates . Boxed.fromList -- | Construct a list from key-value pairs. The elements are in order sorted by key. toList :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> [(k, a)] {-# INLINE toList #-} toList (MkSeries ks vs) = zip (Index.toAscList ks) (Vector.toList vs) instance (Ord k) => IsSeries (Boxed.Vector (k, a)) Boxed.Vector k a where toSeries = fromVector {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries = toVector {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} instance (Ord k, U.Unbox a, U.Unbox k) => IsSeries (U.Vector (k, a)) U.Vector k a where toSeries :: U.Vector (k, a) -> Series U.Vector k a toSeries = fromVector {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries :: Series U.Vector k a -> U.Vector (k, a) fromSeries = toVector {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} -- | Construct a 'Series' from a 'Vector' of key-value pairs. There is no -- condition on the order of pairs. Duplicate keys are silently dropped. If you -- need to handle duplicate keys, see 'fromVectorDuplicates'. -- -- Note that due to differences in sorting, -- 'Series.fromList' and @'Series.fromVector' . 'Vector.fromList'@ -- may not be equivalent if the input list contains duplicate keys. fromVector :: (Ord k, Vector v k, Vector v a, Vector v (k, a)) => v (k, a) -> Series v k a {-# INLINE fromVector #-} fromVector vec = let (indexVector, valuesVector) = Vector.unzip $ runST $ do mv <- Vector.thaw vec -- Note that we're using this particular flavor of `sortUniqBy` -- because it both sorts AND removes duplicate keys destMV <- sortUniqBy (compare `on` fst) mv v <- Vector.freeze destMV pure (Vector.force v) in MkSeries (Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscVector indexVector) valuesVector -- | \(O(n)\) Build a 'Series' from a vector of pairs, where the first elements of the pairs (the keys) -- are distinct elements in ascending order. The precondition that the keys be unique and sorted is not checked. fromDistinctAscVector :: (Vector v k, Vector v a, Vector v (k, a)) => v (k, a) -> Series v k a fromDistinctAscVector xs = let (ks, vs) = Vector.unzip xs in MkSeries (Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscVector ks) vs -- | Construct a 'Series' from a 'Vector' of key-value pairs, where there may be duplicate keys. -- There is no condition on the order of pairs. fromVectorDuplicates :: (Ord k, Vector v k, Vector v a, Vector v (k, a), Vector v (k, Occurrence)) => v (k, a) -> Series v (k, Occurrence) a {-# INLINE fromVectorDuplicates #-} fromVectorDuplicates vec = let (indexVector, valuesVector) = Vector.unzip $ runST $ do mv <- Vector.thaw vec sortBy (compare `on` fst) mv v <- Vector.freeze mv pure (Vector.force v) in MkSeries (Index.Internal.fromDistinctAscVector (occurences indexVector)) valuesVector where occurences vs | Vector.null vs = Vector.empty | Vector.length vs == 1 = Vector.map (,0) vs | otherwise = Vector.scanl f (Vector.head vs, 0) (Vector.tail vs) where f (lastKey, lastOcc) newKey | lastKey == newKey = (newKey, lastOcc + 1) | otherwise = (newKey, 0) -- | Construct a 'Vector' of key-value pairs. The elements are in order sorted by key. toVector :: (Vector v a, Vector v k, Vector v (k, a)) => Series v k a -> v (k, a) {-# INLINE toVector #-} toVector (MkSeries ks vs) = Vector.zip (Index.toAscVector ks) vs instance (Vector v a) => IsSeries (Map k a) v k a where toSeries :: Map k a -> Series v k a toSeries mp = MkSeries { index = Index.fromSet $ MS.keysSet mp , values = Vector.fromListN (MS.size mp) $ MS.elems mp } {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries :: Series v k a -> Map k a fromSeries (MkSeries ks vs) = MS.fromDistinctAscList $ zip (Index.toAscList ks) (Vector.toList vs) {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} toLazyMap :: (Vector v a) => Series v k a -> Map k a {-# INLINE toLazyMap #-} toLazyMap = fromSeries -- | Construct a series from a lazy 'Data.Map.Lazy.Map'. fromLazyMap :: (Vector v a) => ML.Map k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE fromLazyMap #-} fromLazyMap = toSeries -- | Convert a series into a strict 'Data.Map.Strict.Map'. toStrictMap :: (Vector v a) => Series v k a -> Map k a {-# INLINE toStrictMap #-} toStrictMap (MkSeries ks vs) = MS.fromDistinctAscList $ zip (Index.toAscList ks) (Vector.toList vs) -- | Construct a series from a strict 'Data.Map.Strict.Map'. fromStrictMap :: (Vector v a) => MS.Map k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE fromStrictMap #-} fromStrictMap mp = MkSeries { index = Index.toIndex $ MS.keysSet mp , values = Vector.fromListN (MS.size mp) $ MS.elems mp } instance (Vector v a) => IsSeries (IntMap a) v Int a where toSeries :: IntMap a -> Series v Int a toSeries im = MkSeries { index = Index.toIndex $ IntMap.keysSet im , values = Vector.fromListN (IntMap.size im) $ IntMap.elems im } {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries :: Series v Int a -> IntMap a fromSeries (MkSeries ks vs) = IntMap.fromDistinctAscList $ zip (Index.toAscList ks) (Vector.toList vs) {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} instance (Ord k, Vector v a) => IsSeries (Seq (k, a)) v k a where toSeries :: Seq (k, a) -> Series v k a toSeries = toSeries . Foldable.toList {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries :: Series v k a -> Seq (k, a) fromSeries = Seq.fromList . fromSeries {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} instance (Vector v a) => IsSeries (Set (k, a)) v k a where toSeries :: Set (k, a) -> Series v k a toSeries = fromDistinctAscList . Set.toAscList {-# INLINE toSeries #-} fromSeries :: Series v k a -> Set (k, a) fromSeries = Set.fromDistinctAscList . toList {-# INLINE fromSeries #-} -- | Get the first value of a 'Series'. If the 'Series' is empty, -- this function returns 'Nothing'. headM :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE headM #-} headM (MkSeries _ vs) = Vector.headM vs -- | Get the last value of a 'Series'. If the 'Series' is empty, -- this function returns 'Nothing'. lastM :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Maybe a {-# INLINE lastM #-} lastM (MkSeries _ vs) = Vector.lastM vs -- | \(O(\log n)\) @'take' n xs@ returns at most @n@ elements of the 'Series' @xs@. take :: Vector v a => Int -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE take #-} take n (MkSeries ks vs) -- Index.take is O(log n) while Vector.take is O(1) = MkSeries (Index.take n ks) (Vector.take n vs) -- | \(O(\log n)\) @'drop' n xs@ drops at most @n@ elements from the 'Series' @xs@. drop :: Vector v a => Int -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE drop #-} drop n (MkSeries ks vs) -- Index.drop is O(log n) while Vector.drop is O(1) = MkSeries (Index.drop n ks) (Vector.drop n vs) -- | \(O(n)\) Returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of the input 'Series' that satisfy a predicate. takeWhile :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE takeWhile #-} takeWhile f (MkSeries ix vs) = let taken = Vector.takeWhile f vs in MkSeries { index = Index.take (Vector.length taken) ix , values = taken } -- | \(O(n)\) Returns the complement of 'takeWhile'. dropWhile :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Series v k a -> Series v k a {-# INLINE dropWhile #-} dropWhile f (MkSeries ix vs) = let dropped = Vector.dropWhile f vs in MkSeries { index = Index.drop (Index.size ix - Vector.length dropped) ix , values = dropped } -- | \(O(n)\) Map every element of a 'Series'. map :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b {-# INLINE map #-} map f (MkSeries ix xs) = MkSeries ix $ Vector.map f xs -- | \(O(n)\) Map every element of a 'Series', possibly using the key as well. mapWithKey :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (k -> a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b {-# INLINE mapWithKey #-} mapWithKey f (MkSeries ix xs) -- We're using boxed vectors to map because we don't want any restrictions -- on the index type, i.e. we don't want the constraint Vector v k = let vs = Boxed.zipWith f (Index.toAscVector ix) (Vector.convert xs) in MkSeries ix (Vector.convert vs) -- | \(O(n \log n)\). -- Map each key in the index to another value. Note that the resulting series -- may have less elements, because each key must be unique. -- -- In case new keys are conflicting, the first element is kept. mapIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord k, Ord g) => Series v k a -> (k -> g) -> Series v g a {-# INLINE mapIndex #-} mapIndex (MkSeries index values) f -- Note that the order in which items are kept appears to be backwards; -- See the examples for Data.Map.Strict.fromListWith = let mapping = MS.fromListWith (\_ x -> x) $ [(f k, k) | k <- Index.toAscList index] newvalues = fmap (\k -> values Vector.! Index.Internal.findIndex k index) mapping in toSeries newvalues -- | Map a function over all the elements of a 'Series' and concatenate the result into a single 'Series'. concatMap :: (Vector v a, Vector v k, Vector v b, Vector v (k, a), Vector v (k, b), Ord k) => (a -> Series v k b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b {-# INLINE concatMap #-} concatMap f = fromVector . Vector.concatMap (toVector . f . snd) . toVector instance (Vector v a, Ord k) => Semigroup (Series v k a) where {-# INLINE (<>) #-} (<>) :: Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a -- Despite all my effort, merging via conversion to Map remains fastest. xs <> ys = toSeries $ toStrictMap xs <> toStrictMap ys {-# INLINE sconcat #-} sconcat = toSeries . sconcat . fmap toStrictMap instance (Vector v a, Ord k) => Monoid (Series v k a) where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty :: Series v k a mempty = MkSeries mempty Vector.empty {-# INLINE mappend #-} mappend :: Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Series v k a mappend = (<>) {-# INLINE mconcat #-} mconcat :: [Series v k a] -> Series v k a mconcat = toSeries . mconcat . fmap toStrictMap instance (Vector v a, Eq k, Eq a) => Eq (Series v k a) where {-# INLINE (==) #-} (==) :: Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Bool (MkSeries ks1 vs1) == (MkSeries ks2 vs2) = (ks1 == ks2) && (vs1 `Vector.eq` vs2) instance (Vector v a, Ord (v a), Ord k, Ord a) => Ord (Series v k a) where {-# INLINE compare #-} compare :: Series v k a -> Series v k a -> Ordering compare (MkSeries ks1 vs1) (MkSeries ks2 vs2) = compare (ks1, vs1) (ks2, vs2) instance (Functor v) => Functor (Series v k) where {-# INLINE fmap #-} fmap :: (a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b fmap f (MkSeries ks vs) = MkSeries ks (fmap f vs) instance (forall a. Vector v a, Functor v) => FunctorWithIndex k (Series v k) where {-# INLINE imap #-} imap :: (k -> a -> b) -> Series v k a -> Series v k b imap = mapWithKey -- Inlining all methods in 'Foldable' -- is important in order for folds over a boxed -- Series to have performance characteristics -- be as close as possible to boxed vectors instance (Foldable v) => Foldable (Series v k) where {-# INLINE fold #-} fold :: Monoid m => Series v k m -> m fold = Foldable.fold . values {-# INLINE foldMap #-} foldMap :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m foldMap f = Foldable.foldMap f . values {-# INLINE foldMap' #-} foldMap' :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m foldMap' f = Foldable.foldMap f . values {-# INLINE foldr #-} foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Series v k a -> b foldr f i = Foldable.foldr f i . values {-# INLINE foldr' #-} foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Series v k a -> b foldr' f i = Foldable.foldr' f i . values {-# INLINE foldl #-} foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Series v k a -> b foldl f i = Foldable.foldl f i . values {-# INLINE foldl' #-} foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Series v k a -> b foldl' f i = Foldable.foldl' f i . values {-# INLINE foldr1 #-} foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Series v k a -> a foldr1 f = Foldable.foldr1 f . values {-# INLINE foldl1 #-} foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Series v k a -> a foldl1 f = Foldable.foldl1 f . values {-# INLINE toList #-} toList :: Series v k a -> [a] toList = Foldable.toList . values {-# INLINE null #-} null :: Series v k a -> Bool null = Foldable.null . values {-# INLINE length #-} length :: Series v k a -> Int length = Foldable.length . values {-# INLINE elem #-} elem :: Eq a => a -> Series v k a -> Bool elem e = Foldable.elem e . values {-# INLINE maximum #-} maximum :: Ord a => Series v k a -> a maximum = Foldable.maximum . values {-# INLINE minimum #-} minimum :: Ord a => Series v k a -> a minimum = Foldable.minimum . values {-# INLINE sum #-} sum :: Num a => Series v k a -> a sum = Foldable.sum . values {-# INLINE product #-} product :: Num a => Series v k a -> a product = Foldable.product . values instance (forall a. Vector v a, Vector v k, Foldable v, Functor v) => FoldableWithIndex k (Series v k) where {-# INLINE ifoldMap #-} ifoldMap :: Monoid m => (k -> a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m ifoldMap = foldMapWithKey instance (Foldable v) => Bifoldable (Series v) where {-# INLINE bifoldMap #-} bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (k -> m) -> (a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m bifoldMap fk fv (MkSeries ks vs) = P.foldMap fk ks <> Foldable.foldMap fv vs instance (Traversable v) => Traversable (Series v k) where {-# INLINE traverse #-} traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Series v k a -> f (Series v k b) traverse f (MkSeries ix vs) = MkSeries ix <$> traverse f vs instance (forall a. Vector v a, Functor v, Foldable v, Ord k, Traversable v) => TraversableWithIndex k (Series v k) where {-# INLINE itraverse #-} itraverse :: Applicative f => (k -> a -> f b) -> Series v k a -> f (Series v k b) itraverse = traverseWithKey -- | \(O(n)\) Execute a 'Fold' over a 'Series'. -- -- See also 'foldM' for monadic folds, and 'foldWithKey' to take keys into -- account while folding. fold :: Vector v a => Fold a b -> Series v k a -> b fold (Fold step init' extract) = extract . Vector.foldl' step init' . values {-# INLINE fold #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Execute a monadic 'FoldM' over a 'Series'. -- -- See also 'fold' for pure folds, and 'foldMWithKey' to take keys into -- account while folding. foldM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => FoldM m a b -> Series v k a -> m b foldM (FoldM step init' extract) xs = init' >>= \i -> Vector.foldM' step i (values xs) >>= extract {-# INLINE foldM #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Execute a 'Fold' over a 'Series', where the 'Fold' takes keys into account. foldWithKey :: (Vector v a, Vector v k, Vector v (k, a)) => Fold (k, a) b -> Series v k a -> b foldWithKey (Fold step init' extract) = extract . Vector.foldl' step init' . toVector {-# INLINE foldWithKey #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Execute a monadic 'FoldM' over a 'Series', where the 'FoldM' takes keys into account. foldMWithKey :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v k, Vector v (k, a)) => FoldM m (k, a) b -> Series v k a -> m b foldMWithKey (FoldM step init' extract) xs = init' >>= \i -> Vector.foldM' step i (toVector xs) >>= extract {-# INLINE foldMWithKey #-} -- | \(O(n)\) Fold over elements in a 'Series'. foldMap :: (Monoid m, Vector v a) => (a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m {-# INLINE foldMap #-} foldMap f = Vector.foldMap f . values -- | \(O(n)\) Fold over pairs of keys and elements in a 'Series'. -- See also 'bifoldMap'. foldMapWithKey :: (Monoid m, Vector v a, Vector v k, Vector v (k, a)) => (k -> a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m {-# INLINE foldMapWithKey #-} foldMapWithKey f = Vector.foldMap (uncurry f) . toVector -- | \(O(n)\) Fold over keys and elements separately in a 'Series'. -- See also 'foldMapWithKey'. bifoldMap :: (Vector v a, Monoid m) => (k -> m) -> (a -> m) -> Series v k a -> m {-# INLINE bifoldMap #-} bifoldMap fk fv (MkSeries ks vs) = P.foldMap fk ks <> Vector.foldMap fv vs -- | /O(1)/ Extract the length of a 'Series'. length :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Int {-# INLINE length #-} length = Vector.length . values -- | /O(1)/ Test whether a 'Series' is empty. null :: Vector v a => Series v k a -> Bool {-# INLINE null #-} null = Vector.null . values -- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to every element of a series and its -- index, yielding a series of results. mapWithKeyM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Monad m, Ord k) => (k -> a -> m b) -> Series v k a -> m (Series v k b) {-# INLINE mapWithKeyM #-} mapWithKeyM f xs = let f' (key, val) = (key,) <$> f key val in fmap fromList $ traverse f' $ toList xs -- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to every element of a series and its -- index, discarding the results. mapWithKeyM_ :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => (k -> a -> m b) -> Series v k a -> m () {-# INLINE mapWithKeyM_ #-} mapWithKeyM_ f xs = let f' (key, val) = (key,) <$> f key val in mapM_ f' $ toList xs -- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of the series and their associated keys, -- yielding a series of results. forWithKeyM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Monad m, Ord k) => Series v k a -> (k -> a -> m b) -> m (Series v k b) {-# INLINE forWithKeyM #-} forWithKeyM = flip mapWithKeyM -- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of the series and their associated keys, -- discarding the results. forWithKeyM_ :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => Series v k a -> (k -> a -> m b) -> m () {-# INLINE forWithKeyM_ #-} forWithKeyM_ = flip mapWithKeyM_ -- | /O(n)/ Traverse a 'Series' with an Applicative action, taking into account both keys and values. traverseWithKey :: (Applicative t, Ord k, Traversable v, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v k, Vector v (k, a), Vector v (k, b)) => (k -> a -> t b) -> Series v k a -> t (Series v k b) {-# INLINE traverseWithKey #-} traverseWithKey f = fmap fromVector . traverse (\(k, x) -> (k,) <$> f k x) . toVector instance (NFData (v a), NFData k) => NFData (Series v k a) where rnf :: Series v k a -> () rnf (MkSeries ks vs) = rnf ks `seq` rnf vs instance (Vector v a, Ord k, Show k, Show a) => Show (Series v k a) where show :: Series v k a -> String show = display -- | Options controlling how to display 'Series' in the 'displayWith' function. -- Default options are provided by 'defaultDisplayOptions'. -- -- To help with creating 'DisplayOptions', see 'noLongerThan'. data DisplayOptions k a = DisplayOptions { maximumNumberOfRows :: Int -- ^ Maximum number of rows shown. These rows will be distributed evenly -- between the start of the 'Series' and the end. , indexHeader :: String -- ^ Header of the index column. , valuesHeader :: String -- ^ Header of the values column. , keyDisplayFunction :: k -> String -- ^ Function used to display keys from the 'Series'. Use 'noLongerThan' -- to control the width of the index column. , valueDisplayFunction :: a -> String -- ^ Function used to display values from the 'Series'. Use 'noLongerThan' -- to control the width of the values column. } -- | Default 'Series' display options. defaultDisplayOptions :: (Show k, Show a) => DisplayOptions k a defaultDisplayOptions = DisplayOptions { maximumNumberOfRows = 6 , indexHeader = "index" , valuesHeader = "values" , keyDisplayFunction = show , valueDisplayFunction = show } -- | This function modifies existing functions to limit the width of its result. -- -- >>> let limit7 = (show :: Int -> String) `noLongerThan` 7 -- >>> limit7 123456789 -- "123456..." noLongerThan :: (a -> String) -> Int -> (a -> String) noLongerThan f len x = let raw = f x in if List.length raw <= max 0 len then raw else List.take (List.length raw - 3) raw <> "..." -- | Display a 'Series' using default 'DisplayOptions'. display :: (Vector v a, Show k, Show a) => Series v k a -> String display = displayWith defaultDisplayOptions -- | Display a 'Series' using customizable 'DisplayOptions'. displayWith :: (Vector v a) => DisplayOptions k a -> Series v k a -> String displayWith DisplayOptions{..} xs = formatGrid $ if length xs > max 0 maximumNumberOfRows then let headlength = max 0 maximumNumberOfRows `div` 2 taillength = max 0 maximumNumberOfRows - headlength in mconcat [ [ (keyDisplayFunction k, valueDisplayFunction v) | (k, v) <- toList $ take headlength xs] , [ ("...", "...") ] , [ (keyDisplayFunction k, valueDisplayFunction v) | (k, v) <- toList $ drop (length xs - taillength) xs] ] else [ (keyDisplayFunction k, valueDisplayFunction v) | (k, v) <- toList xs ] where -- | Format a grid represented by a list of rows, where every row is a list of items -- All columns will have a fixed width formatGrid :: [ (String, String) ] -- List of rows -> String formatGrid rows = mconcat $ List.intersperse "\n" $ [ pad indexWidth k <> " | " <> pad valuesWidth v | (k, v) <- rows' ] where rows' = [ (indexHeader, valuesHeader) ] <> [ ("-----", "------")] <> rows (indexCol, valuesCol) = unzip rows' width col = maximum (P.length <$> col) indexWidth = width indexCol valuesWidth = width valuesCol -- | Pad a string to a minimum of @n@ characters wide. pad :: Int -> String -> String pad n s | n <= P.length s = s | otherwise = replicate (n - P.length s) ' ' <> s