{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | @mp4a@ Audio sample entry according to ISO 14496-14
module Data.ByteString.Mp4.Boxes.AudioSpecificConfig where

import           Data.ByteString.IsoBaseFileFormat.ReExports
import           Data.ByteString.Mp4.Boxes.DecoderSpecificInfo

-- * Decoder Configuration for ISO 14496-3 (Audio)

-- | A audio config using 'AudioConfigAacMinimal' for AAC-LC.
type AudioConfigAacLc freq channels =
  AudioConfigAacMinimal 'AacLc DefaultGASpecificConfig freq channels

-- | A audio config using 'AudioConfigSbrExplicitHierachical' for HE-AAC (v1) in
-- dual rate mode.
type AudioConfigHeAac freq channels =
  'AacLc DefaultGASpecificConfig freq channels freq

-- | A minimalistic audio config without sync and error protection
data AudioConfigAacMinimal
  :: AudioObjectTypeId
  -> IsAn AudioSubConfig
  -> IsAn (EnumOf SamplingFreqTable)
  -> IsAn (EnumOf ChannelConfigTable)
  -> IsA (DecoderSpecificInfo 'AudioIso14496_3 'AudioStream)

type instance
  Eval (AudioConfigAacMinimal
        channels) =
    (AudioConfigCommon aoId freq channels (BitRecordOfAudioSubConfig subCfg)))

-- | A audio config with SBR signalled explicit and hierachical
data AudioConfigSbrExplicitHierachical
  :: AudioObjectTypeId
  -> IsAn AudioSubConfig
  -> IsAn (EnumOf SamplingFreqTable)
  -> IsAn (EnumOf ChannelConfigTable)
  -> IsAn (EnumOf SamplingFreqTable) -- extension SamplingFrequency
  -> IsA (DecoderSpecificInfo 'AudioIso14496_3 'AudioStream)

type instance
  Eval (AudioConfigSbrExplicitHierachical
       ) =
    (AudioConfigCommon 'Sbr freq channels
     ("SBR audio object type" <:> PutHex8 (FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId aoId)
      #+: BitRecordOfEnum extFreq
      :+: AudioObjectTypeRec aoId
      :+: BitRecordOfAudioSubConfig subCfg)))

-- | Common header for audio specific config
type AudioConfigCommon aoId samplingFrequencyIndex channels rest =
  ("audio-specific-config" <:> PutHex8 (FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId aoId))
  #+$ (AudioObjectTypeRec aoId
       :+: BitRecordOfEnum samplingFrequencyIndex
       :+: BitRecordOfEnum channels
       :+: rest)

-- ** Audio Object Type

data AudioObjectTypeId =
    AacMain                        -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | AacLc                          -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | AacSsr                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | AacLtp                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | Sbr                            -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | AacScalable                    -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | TwinVq                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | Celp                           -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 3
  | Hvxc                           -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 2
  | AoReserved1
  | AoReserved2
  | Ttsi                           -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 6
  | MainSunthetic                  -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 5
  | WavetableSynthesis             -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 5
  | GeneralMidi                    -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 5
  | AlgorithmicSynthesisAndAudioFx -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 5
  | ErAacLc                        -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | AoReserved3
  | ErAacLtp                       -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | ErAacScalable                  -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | ErTwinVq                       -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | ErBsac                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | ErAacLd                        -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 4
  | ErCelp                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 3
  | ErHvxc                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 2
  | ErHiln                         -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 7
  | ErParametric                   -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 2 or 7
  | Ssc                            -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 8
  | AoReserved4
  | AoReserved5
  | AoCustom
  | AoLayer1                       -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 9
  | AoLayer2                       -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 9
  | AoLayer3                       -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 9
  | AoDst                          -- ^ ISO 14496-4 subpart 10
  | AotInvalid

type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AotInvalid                     = 0
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AacMain                        = 1
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AacLc                          = 2
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AacSsr                         = 3
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AacLtp                         = 4
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'Sbr                            = 5
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AacScalable                    = 6
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'TwinVq                         = 7
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'Celp                           = 8
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'Hvxc                           = 9
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoReserved1                    = 10
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoReserved2                    = 11
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'Ttsi                           = 12
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'MainSunthetic                  = 13
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'WavetableSynthesis             = 14
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'GeneralMidi                    = 15
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AlgorithmicSynthesisAndAudioFx = 16
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErAacLc                        = 17
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoReserved3                    = 18
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErAacLtp                       = 19
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErAacScalable                  = 20
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErTwinVq                       = 21
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErBsac                         = 22
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErAacLd                        = 23
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErCelp                         = 24
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErHvxc                         = 25
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErHiln                         = 26
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'ErParametric                   = 27
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'Ssc                            = 28
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoReserved4                    = 29
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoReserved5                    = 30
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoCustom                       = 31
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoLayer1                       = 32
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoLayer2                       = 33
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoLayer3                       = 34
type instance FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId 'AoDst                          = 35

type AudioObjectTypeRec n =
    (If ((FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId n) <=? 30)
            "ExtAudioObjectType") <:> PutHex8 (FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId n)
    #+$ AudioObjectTypeField1 (FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId n)
    .+: AudioObjectTypeField2 (FromEnum AudioObjectTypeId n)

type family AudioObjectTypeField1 (n :: Nat)
  :: IsA (BitRecordField ('MkFieldBits :: BitField (B 5) Nat 5)) where
  AudioObjectTypeField1 n =
    If (n <=? 30) (Field 5 := n) (Field 5 := 31)

type family AudioObjectTypeField2 (n :: Nat) :: BitRecord where
  AudioObjectTypeField2 n =
    If (n <=? 30) 'EmptyBitRecord ('BitRecordMember (Field 6 := (n - 31)))

-- *** Sampling Frequency

type SamplingFreq = ExtEnum SamplingFreqTable 4 'SFCustom (Field 24)

data SamplingFreqTable =
    | SF88200
    | SF64000
    | SF48000
    | SF44100
    | SF32000
    | SF24000
    | SF22050
    | SF16000
    | SF12000
    | SF11025
    | SF8000
    | SF7350
    | SFReserved1
    | SFReserved2
    | SFCustom

type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF96000 = 0
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF88200 = 1
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF64000 = 2
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF48000 = 3
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF44100 = 4
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF32000 = 5
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF24000 = 6
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF22050 = 7
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF16000 = 8
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF12000 = 9
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF11025 = 0xa
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF8000  = 0xb
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SF7350  = 0xc
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SFReserved1 = 0xd
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SFReserved2 = 0xe
type instance FromEnum SamplingFreqTable 'SFCustom  = 0xf

sampleRateToNumber :: Num a => SamplingFreqTable -> a
sampleRateToNumber SF96000 = 96000
sampleRateToNumber SF88200 = 88200
sampleRateToNumber SF64000 = 64000
sampleRateToNumber SF48000 = 48000
sampleRateToNumber SF44100 = 44100
sampleRateToNumber SF32000 = 32000
sampleRateToNumber SF24000 = 24000
sampleRateToNumber SF22050 = 22050
sampleRateToNumber SF16000 = 16000
sampleRateToNumber SF12000 = 12000
sampleRateToNumber SF11025 = 11025
sampleRateToNumber SF8000  =  8000
sampleRateToNumber SF7350  =  7350
sampleRateToNumber _  =  0

sampleRateToEnum :: SamplingFreqTable -> EnumValue SamplingFreqTable
sampleRateToEnum SF96000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF96000)
sampleRateToEnum SF88200     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF88200)
sampleRateToEnum SF64000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF64000)
sampleRateToEnum SF48000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF48000)
sampleRateToEnum SF44100     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF44100)
sampleRateToEnum SF32000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF32000)
sampleRateToEnum SF24000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF24000)
sampleRateToEnum SF22050     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF22050)
sampleRateToEnum SF16000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF16000)
sampleRateToEnum SF12000     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF12000)
sampleRateToEnum SF11025     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF11025)
sampleRateToEnum SF8000      = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF8000)
sampleRateToEnum SF7350      = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SF7350)
sampleRateToEnum SFReserved1 = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SFReserved1)
sampleRateToEnum SFReserved2 = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SFReserved2)
sampleRateToEnum SFCustom    = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SFCustom)

-- *** Channel Config (Mono, Stereo, 7-1 Surround, ...)

type ChannelConfig = FixedEnum ChannelConfigTable 4

data ChannelConfigTable =
  | SingleChannel
  | ChannelPair
  | SinglePair
  | SinglePairSingle
  | SinglePairPair
  | SinglePairPairLfe
  | SinglePairPairPairLfe

type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'GasChannelConfig      = 0
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SingleChannel         = 1
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'ChannelPair           = 2
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SinglePair            = 3
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SinglePairSingle      = 4
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SinglePairPair        = 5
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SinglePairPairLfe     = 6
type instance FromEnum ChannelConfigTable 'SinglePairPairPairLfe = 7

channelConfigToNumber :: Num a => ChannelConfigTable -> a
channelConfigToNumber GasChannelConfig      = 0
channelConfigToNumber SingleChannel         = 1
channelConfigToNumber ChannelPair           = 2
channelConfigToNumber SinglePair            = 3
channelConfigToNumber SinglePairSingle      = 4
channelConfigToNumber SinglePairPair        = 5
channelConfigToNumber SinglePairPairLfe     = 6
channelConfigToNumber SinglePairPairPairLfe = 7

channelConfigToEnum :: ChannelConfigTable -> EnumValue ChannelConfigTable
channelConfigToEnum GasChannelConfig      = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'GasChannelConfig)
channelConfigToEnum SingleChannel         = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SingleChannel)
channelConfigToEnum ChannelPair           = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'ChannelPair)
channelConfigToEnum SinglePair            = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SinglePair)
channelConfigToEnum SinglePairSingle      = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SinglePairSingle)
channelConfigToEnum SinglePairPair        = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SinglePairPair)
channelConfigToEnum SinglePairPairLfe     = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SinglePairPairLfe)
channelConfigToEnum SinglePairPairPairLfe = MkEnumValue (Proxy @'SinglePairPairPairLfe)

-- ** More Specific audio decoder config

data AudioSubConfig :: Type

type family BitRecordOfAudioSubConfig (x :: IsA AudioSubConfig) :: BitRecord

data GASpecificConfig
  (frameLenFlag   :: IsA (FieldValue "frameLenFlag" Bool))
  (coreCoderDelay :: Maybe (IsA (FieldValue "coreCoderDelay" Nat)))
  (extension      :: IsA GASExtension)
  :: IsA AudioSubConfig

type DefaultGASpecificConfig =
  GASpecificConfig (StaticFieldValue "frameLenFlag" 'False) 'Nothing MkGASExtension

type instance Eval (GASpecificConfig fl cd ext)
  = TypeError ('Text "AudioSubConfig is abstract!")

type instance
  BitRecordOfAudioSubConfig (GASpecificConfig fl cd ext) =
     (    Flag :~ fl
      .+: FlagJust cd
      .+: Field 14 :+? cd
      :+: BitRecordOfGASExtension ext

-- | TODO implment that GAS extensions
data GASExtension
data MkGASExtension :: IsA GASExtension

type BitRecordOfGASExtension (x :: IsA GASExtension) =
  'BitRecordMember ("has-gas-extension" @: Flag := 'False)