{- This file is part of irc-fun-client.
 - Written in 2015 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@rel4tion.org>.
 - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
 - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
 - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
 - distributed without any warranty.
 - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 - with this software. If not, see
 - <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.

-- | This module provides convenient functions for performing common IRC client
-- actions. Some of them simply send a single IRC message, while othere send a
-- sequence of several messages.
module Network.IRC.Fun.Client.Commands
    ( ircLogin
    , ircPong
    , ircJoin
    , ircJoinMulti
    , ircPart
    , ircPartMulti
    , ircPartAll
    , ircSendToUser
    , ircActToUser
    , ircSendToChannel
    , ircActToChannel
    , ircQuit

import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Network.IRC.Fun.Messages
import Network.IRC.Fun.Messages.Types
import Network.IRC.Fun.Client.IO

-- | Log in as an IRC user with nickname and optional password, using the given
-- connection parameters.
ircLogin :: Handle     -- ^ Handle to the open socket, returned from
                       -- 'ircConnect'
         -> Connection -- ^ Connection configuration
         -> Bool       -- ^ Whether you want to be invisible (mode @+i@)
         -> Bool       -- ^ Whether you want to see wallops (mode @+w@)
         -> IO ()
ircLogin h conn i w = do
    let pass = password conn
        pass' = case pass of
            Just p  -> p
            Nothing -> ""
    unless (isNothing pass) $ hPutIrc h $ PassMessage pass'
    hPutIrc h $ UserMessage (nick conn) i w (nick conn)
    hPutIrc h $ NickMessage $ nick conn

-- | IRC servers send PING messages at regular intervals to test the presence
-- of an active client, at least if no other activity is detected on the
-- connection. The server closes the connection automatically if a PONG
-- response isn't sent from the client within a certain amount of time.
-- Therefore, an IRC client usually listens to these PINGs and sends back PONG
-- messages. This function sends a PONG. The parameters should simply be the
-- ones received in the PING message.
ircPong :: Handle       -- ^ Handle to the open socket
        -> String       -- ^ Server name
        -> Maybe String -- ^ Optional server to forward to
        -> IO ()
ircPong h s ms = hPutIrc h $ PongMessage s ms

-- | Join an IRC channel.
ircJoin :: Handle       -- ^ Handle to the open socket
        -> String       -- ^ Channel name
        -> Maybe String -- ^ Optional channel key (password)
        -> IO ()
ircJoin h chan key = ircJoinMulti h [(chan, key)]

-- | Join one or more IRC channels.
ircJoinMulti :: Handle                   -- ^ Handle to the open socket
             -> [(String, Maybe String)] -- ^ List of channels and optional
                                         --   keys
             -> IO ()
ircJoinMulti _ [] = return ()
ircJoinMulti h l  = do
    let nokey         = [ chan | (chan, Nothing) <- l ]
        (chans, keys) = unzip [ (chan, key) | (chan, (Just key)) <- l ]
    unless (null nokey) $ hPutIrc h $ JoinMessage $ Just (nokey, [])
    unless (null chans) $ hPutIrc h $ JoinMessage $ Just (chans, keys)

-- | Leave an IRC channel.
ircPart :: Handle
        -> String
        -> Maybe String
        -> IO ()
ircPart h chan = ircPartMulti h [chan]

-- | Leave one or more IRC channels.
ircPartMulti :: Handle
             -> [String]
             -> Maybe String
             -> IO ()
ircPartMulti _ []    _   = return ()
ircPartMulti h chans msg = hPutIrc h $ PartMessage chans msg

-- | Leave all IRC channels you joined.
ircPartAll :: Handle -> IO ()
ircPartAll h = hPutIrc h $ JoinMessage Nothing

-- | Send a private message to an IRC user.
ircSendToUser :: Handle -- ^ Handle to the open socket
              -> String -- ^ The user's nickname
              -> String -- ^ The message to send
              -> IO ()
ircSendToUser h nick msg =
    hPutIrc h $ PrivMsgMessage (UserTarget (Just nick) Nothing Nothing) msg

-- | Send a private /me message to an IRC user.
ircActToUser :: Handle -- ^ Handle to the open socket
             -> String -- ^ The user's nickname
             -> String -- ^ The message to send
             -> IO ()
ircActToUser h nick msg =
    hPutIrc h $ PrivActionMessage (UserTarget (Just nick) Nothing Nothing) msg

-- | Send a message to an IRC channel.
ircSendToChannel :: Handle -- ^ Handle to the open socket
                 -> String -- ^ The channel name
                 -> String -- ^ The message to send
                 -> IO ()
ircSendToChannel h chan msg =
    hPutIrc h $ PrivMsgMessage (ChannelTarget chan) msg

-- | Send a /me message to an IRC channel.
ircActToChannel :: Handle -- ^ Handle to the open socket
                -> String -- ^ The channel name
                -> String -- ^ The message to send
                -> IO ()
ircActToChannel h chan msg =
    hPutIrc h $ PrivActionMessage (ChannelTarget chan) msg

-- | Finish the IRC session, asking the server to close the connection.
ircQuit :: Handle       -- ^ Handle to the open socket
        -> Maybe String -- ^ Optional message, e.g. the reason you quit
        -> IO ()
ircQuit h m = hPutIrc h $ QuitMessage m