{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Views.Channel (channelImage) where import Control.Lens import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List (stripPrefix, intersperse) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Time (TimeZone, UTCTime, formatTime, utcToZonedTime) import Graphics.Vty.Image import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Text as Text import Text.Regex.TDFA #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale) #else import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) #endif import Irc.Format import Irc.Message import Irc.Model import Irc.Core import ClientState import ImageUtils channelImage :: ClientState -> [Image] channelImage st | view clientDetailView st = detailedImageForState st | otherwise = compressedImageForState st detailedImageForState :: ClientState -> [Image] detailedImageForState !st = map renderOne $ map fst $ activeMessages st where zone = view clientTimeZone st renderOne x = timestamp <|> string (withForeColor defAttr tyColor) (ty ++ " ") <|> statusMsgImage (view mesgStatus x) <|> renderFullUsermask (view mesgSender x) <|> string (withForeColor defAttr blue) (": ") <|> cleanText content where timestamp | view clientTimeView st = renderTimestamp zone (view mesgStamp x) | otherwise = emptyImage (tyColor, ty, content) = case view mesgType x of JoinMsgType -> (green , "Join", "") PartMsgType txt -> (red , "Part", txt) NickMsgType txt -> (yellow , "Nick", asUtf8 (idBytes txt)) QuitMsgType txt -> (red , "Quit", txt) PrivMsgType txt -> (blue , "Priv", txt) TopicMsgType txt -> (yellow , "Topc", txt) ActionMsgType txt -> (blue , "Actn", txt) CtcpRspMsgType cmd txt -> (yellow , "Ctcp", asUtf8 (cmd <> " " <> txt)) CtcpReqMsgType cmd txt -> (yellow , "Ctcp", asUtf8 (cmd <> " " <> txt)) AwayMsgType txt -> (yellow , "Away", txt) NoticeMsgType txt -> (blue , "Note", txt) KickMsgType who txt -> (red , "Kick", asUtf8 (idBytes who) <> " - " <> txt) ErrorMsgType txt -> (red , "ErrT", txt) ErrMsgType err -> (red , "ErrR", Text.pack (show err)) InviteMsgType -> (yellow , "Invt", "") KnockMsgType -> (yellow , "Knoc", "") CallerIdDeliveredMsgType -> (yellow , "Delv", "") CallerIdMsgType -> (yellow , "Call", "") ModeMsgType pol mode arg -> (yellow , "Mode", (if pol then "+" else "-") <> Text.pack [mode, ' '] <> asUtf8 arg) renderTimestamp :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> Image renderTimestamp zone = string (withForeColor defAttr brightBlack) . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S " . utcToZonedTime zone renderCompressedTimestamp :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> Image renderCompressedTimestamp zone = string (withForeColor defAttr brightBlack) . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "[%H:%M] " . utcToZonedTime zone activeMessages :: ClientState -> [(IrcMessage,Image)] activeMessages st = case clientInputFilter st of FilterNick nick -> filter (nickFilter (BS8.pack nick) . fst) (toList msgs) FilterBody text -> filter (bodyFilter text . fst) (toList msgs) NoFilter -> toList msgs where msgs = view (clientMessages . ix (focusedName st) . mlMessages) st nickFilter nick msg = views mesgSender userNick msg == mkId nick bodyFilter :: String -> IrcMessage -> Bool bodyFilter re msg = fromMaybe False (textOfMessage msg =~~ re) textOfMessage :: IrcMessage -> String textOfMessage mesg = let f n = (BS8.unpack $ idBytes $ views mesgSender userNick mesg) <> ": " <> Text.unpack n in f (case mesg ^. mesgType of PrivMsgType t -> t NoticeMsgType t -> t ActionMsgType t -> t KickMsgType _ t -> t PartMsgType t -> t QuitMsgType t -> t TopicMsgType t -> t ErrorMsgType t -> t _ -> "") data InputFilter = FilterNick String | FilterBody String | NoFilter clientInputFilter :: ClientState -> InputFilter clientInputFilter st = go (clientInput st) where go (splitAt 8 -> ("/filter ",nick)) = FilterNick nick go (splitAt 6 -> ("/grep ", txt)) = FilterBody txt go _ = NoFilter compressedImageForState :: ClientState -> [Image] compressedImageForState !st = renderOne (activeMessages st) where zone = view clientTimeZone st width = view clientWidth st ncolors = views clientNickColors length st formatNick me nick = identImg (withForeColor defAttr color) nick where color | me = red | otherwise = view clientNickColors st !! mod (nickHash (idDenote nick)) ncolors ignores = view clientIgnores st renderOne [] = [] renderOne ((msg,colored):msgs) = case mbImg of Just img -> (timestamp <|> img) : renderOne msgs Nothing -> renderMeta ((msg,colored):msgs) where timestamp | view clientTimeView st = renderCompressedTimestamp zone (view mesgStamp msg) | otherwise = emptyImage nick = views mesgSender userNick msg visible = not (view (contains nick) ignores) mbImg = case view mesgType msg of PrivMsgType _ | visible -> Just $ statusMsgImage (view mesgStatus msg) <|> views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> formatNick (view mesgMe msg) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr blue) (": ") <|> colored NoticeMsgType _ | visible -> Just $ statusMsgImage (view mesgStatus msg) <|> string (withForeColor defAttr red) "! " <|> views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> identImg (withForeColor defAttr red) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr blue) (": ") <|> colored ActionMsgType _ | visible -> Just $ statusMsgImage (view mesgStatus msg) <|> string (withForeColor defAttr blue) "* " <|> views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> identImg (withForeColor defAttr blue) nick <|> char defAttr ' ' <|> colored CtcpRspMsgType cmd params | visible -> Just $ string (withForeColor defAttr red) "C " <|> views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> identImg (withForeColor defAttr blue) nick <|> char defAttr ' ' <|> cleanText (asUtf8 cmd) <|> char defAttr ' ' <|> cleanText (asUtf8 params) KickMsgType who reason -> Just $ views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> formatNick (view mesgMe msg) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr red) " kicked " <|> identImg (withForeColor defAttr yellow) who <|> string (withForeColor defAttr blue) (": ") <|> cleanText reason ErrorMsgType err -> Just $ string (withForeColor defAttr red) "Error: " <|> cleanText err ErrMsgType err -> Just $ string (withForeColor defAttr red) "Error: " <|> text' defAttr (errorMessage err) InviteMsgType -> Just $ identImg (withForeColor defAttr green) nick <|> text' defAttr " has invited you to join" CallerIdDeliveredMsgType -> Just $ identImg (withForeColor defAttr green) nick <|> text' defAttr " has been notified of your message" CallerIdMsgType -> Just $ identImg (withForeColor defAttr green) nick <|> text' defAttr " has sent you a message, use /ACCEPT to accept" ModeMsgType pol m arg -> Just $ views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> formatNick (view mesgMe msg) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr red) " set mode " <|> string (withForeColor defAttr white) ((if pol then '+' else '-'):[m,' ']) <|> utf8Bytestring' (withForeColor defAttr yellow) arg TopicMsgType txt -> Just $ views mesgModes modePrefix msg <|> formatNick (view mesgMe msg) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr red) " set topic " <|> cleanText txt AwayMsgType txt -> Just $ string (withForeColor defAttr red) "A " <|> formatNick (view mesgMe msg) nick <|> string (withForeColor defAttr red) " is away: " <|> cleanText txt _ -> Nothing filterMeta x | view clientMetaView st = [x] | otherwise = [] renderMeta msgs = filterMeta (cropRight width img) ++ renderOne rest where (mds,rest) = splitWith (processMeta . fst) msgs mds1 = mergeMetadatas mds img = horizCat (intersperse gap (map renderCompressed mds1)) gap = char defAttr ' ' processMeta msg = case view mesgType msg of CtcpReqMsgType{} -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr brightBlue) 'C') who JoinMsgType -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr green) '+') who PartMsgType{} -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr red) '-') who QuitMsgType{} -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr red) 'x') who KnockMsgType -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr yellow) 'K') who NickMsgType who' -> Just $ NickChange who who' _ | not visible -> Just $ SimpleMetadata (char (withForeColor defAttr yellow) 'I') who | otherwise -> Nothing where who = views mesgSender userNick msg visible = not (view (contains who) ignores) conn = view (clientServer0 . ccConnection) st prefixes = view (connChanModeTypes . modesPrefixModes) conn modePrefix modes = string (withForeColor defAttr blue) [ prefix | (mode,prefix) <- prefixes, mode `elem` modes] data CompressedMetadata = SimpleMetadata Image Identifier | NickChange Identifier Identifier renderCompressed :: CompressedMetadata -> Image renderCompressed md = case md of SimpleMetadata img who -> img <|> identImg metaAttr who NickChange who who' -> identImg metaAttr who <|> char (withForeColor defAttr yellow) '-' <|> identImg metaAttr who' where metaAttr = withForeColor defAttr brightBlack statusMsgImage :: String -> Image statusMsgImage status | null status = emptyImage | otherwise = char defAttr '(' <|> string (withForeColor defAttr brightRed) status <|> string defAttr ") " errorMessage :: IrcError -> Text errorMessage e = case e of ErrCantKillServer -> "Can't kill server" ErrYoureBannedCreep -> "Banned from server" ErrNoOrigin -> "No origin on PING or PONG" ErrErroneousNickname nick -> "Erroneous nickname: " <> asUtf8 nick ErrNoNicknameGiven -> "No nickname given" ErrNicknameInUse nick -> "Nickname in use: " <> asUtf8 (idBytes nick) ErrNotRegistered -> "Not registered" ErrNoSuchServer server -> "No such server: " <> asUtf8 server ErrUnknownMode mode -> "Unknown mode: " <> Text.pack [mode] ErrNoPrivileges -> "No privileges" ErrUnknownUmodeFlag mode -> "Unknown UMODE: " <> Text.pack [mode] ErrUnknownCommand cmd -> "Unknown command: " <> asUtf8 cmd ErrNoTextToSend -> "No text to send" ErrNoMotd -> "No MOTD" ErrNoRecipient -> "No recipient" ErrNoAdminInfo server -> "No admin info for server: "<> asUtf8 server ErrAcceptFull -> "ACCEPT list is full" ErrAcceptExist -> "Already on ACCEPT list" ErrAcceptNot -> "Not on ACCEPT list" ErrNeedMoreParams cmd -> "Need more parameters: " <> asUtf8 cmd ErrAlreadyRegistered -> "Already registered" ErrNoPermForHost -> "No permission for host" ErrPasswordMismatch -> "Password mismatch" ErrUsersDontMatch -> "Can't change modes for other users" ErrHelpNotFound _ -> "Help topic not found" ErrBadChanName name -> "Illegal channel name: " <> asUtf8 name ErrNoOperHost -> "No OPER line for this host" ErrNoSuchNick -> "No such nick" ErrWasNoSuchNick -> "Was no such nick" ErrOwnMode -> "Can't send while +g is set" ErrNoNonReg -> "Messages blocked from unregistered users" ErrIsChanService nick -> "Protected service: " <> asUtf8 (idBytes nick) ErrBanNickChange -> "Can't change kick when banned" ErrNickTooFast -> "Changed nickname too fast" ErrUnavailResource -> "Resource unavailable" ErrThrottle -> "Unable to join due to throttle" ErrTooManyChannels -> "Too many channels joined" ErrServicesDown -> "Services are unavailable" ErrUserNotInChannel nick -> "Not in channel: " <> asUtf8 (idBytes nick) ErrNotOnChannel -> "Must join channel" ErrChanOpPrivsNeeded -> "Channel privileges needed" ErrBadChannelKey -> "Bad channel key" ErrBannedFromChan -> "Unable to join due to ban" ErrChannelFull -> "Channel is full" ErrInviteOnlyChan -> "Invite only channel" ErrNoSuchChannel -> "No such channel" ErrCannotSendToChan -> "Cannot send to channel" ErrTooManyTargets -> "Too many targets" ErrBanListFull mode -> "Ban list full: " <> Text.singleton mode ErrUserOnChannel nick -> "User already on channel: " <> asUtf8 (idBytes nick) ErrLinkChannel chan -> "Forwarded to: " <> asUtf8 (idBytes chan) ErrNeedReggedNick -> "Registered nick required" ErrVoiceNeeded -> "Voice or operator status required" ErrKnockOnChan -> "Attempted to knock joined channel" ErrTooManyKnocks -> "Too many knocks" ErrChanOpen -> "Knock unnecessary" ErrTargUmodeG -> "Message ignored by +g mode" ErrNoPrivs priv -> "Oper privilege required: " <> asUtf8 priv ErrMlockRestricted m ms -> "Mode '" <> Text.singleton m <> "' in locked set \"" <> asUtf8 ms <> "\"" splitWith :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([b],[a]) splitWith f [] = ([],[]) splitWith f (x:xs) = case f x of Nothing -> ([],x:xs) Just y -> case splitWith f xs of (ys,xs') -> (y:ys, xs') mergeMetadatas :: [CompressedMetadata] -> [CompressedMetadata] mergeMetadatas (SimpleMetadata img1 who1 : SimpleMetadata img2 who2 : xs) | who1 == who2 = mergeMetadatas (SimpleMetadata (img1 <|> img2) who1 : xs) mergeMetadatas (x:xs) = x : mergeMetadatas xs mergeMetadatas [] = []