-- |
--   Copyright   :  (c) Sam Truzjan 2013
--   License     :  BSD3
--   Maintainer  :  pxqr.sta@gmail.com
--   Stability   :  experimental
--   Portability :  portable
--   See documentation for module header in Data.IntSet.Buddy.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- TODO use 'seq' instead of bang patterns
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 720
-- TODO The only unsafe import is Data.Bits.Extras
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

module Data.IntervalSet.Internal
         -- * Types
         IntSet(..), Key

         -- * Monoids
       , Union, Intersection, Difference

         -- * Query
         -- ** Cardinality
       , Data.IntervalSet.Internal.null
       , size

         -- ** Membership
       , member, notMember

         -- ** Inclusion
       , isSubsetOf, isSupersetOf
       , isProperSubsetOf, isProperSupersetOf

         -- * Construction
       , empty
       , singleton
       , interval

       , naturals
       , negatives
       , universe

         -- * Modification
       , insert
       , delete

         -- * Map & Fold & Filter
       , Data.IntervalSet.Internal.map
       , Data.IntervalSet.Internal.foldr
       , Data.IntervalSet.Internal.filter

         -- * Splits
       , split, splitGT, splitLT
       , partition

         -- * Min/Max
       , findMin, findMax

         -- * Combine
       , union, unions
       , intersection, intersections
       , difference, symDiff

         -- * Conversion
         -- ** Lists
         -- *** Arbitary
       , elems
       , toList, fromList

         -- *** Ordered
       , toAscList, toDescList
       , fromAscList

         --  TODO conversion to bitmap
         -- ** Bitmap

         -- do not export this in Data.IntervalSet
         -- * Internal
         -- ** Types
       , Prefix, Mask, BitMap
       , finMask, nomatch, match, mask, insertFin, properSubsetOf
       , intersectBM

         -- ** Smart constructors
       , tip, tipI, tipD, bin
       , insertBM
       , unionBM

         -- ** Debug
--       , shorter, prefixOf, bitmapOf, branchMask, matchFin,
--       , finSubsetOf
       , splitFin

         -- *** Stats
       , binCount, tipCount, finCount
       , wordCount
       , savedSpace
       , ppStats

         -- *** Invariants
       , isValid

         -- *** Visualization
       , showTree, showRaw
       , putTree, putRaw
       , symDiff'
       ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bits as Bits
import Data.Bits.Extras
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Data.Word
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

-- machine specific properties of basic types
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
#include "MachDeps.h"

-- | Prefix is used to distinguish subtrees by its prefix bits.  When
--   new prefix is created its non prefix bits are zeroed.  Prefix is
--   big endian. This means that we throw away only least significant
--   bits
type Prefix = Int

-- | Mask is used to specify mask for branching bit.
--   For exsample if we have mask 0000100 that means:
--     * We do not consider last three bits in prefix.
--     * Branching bit is at position 3 starting from least
--     significant bit.
--     * Prefix mask is 4 bits. (at left of the bitstring)
type Mask   = Int
-- TODO Mask = Word?

-- | Bitmap is used to make intset dense. To achive this we throw away
-- last bits 6 or 7 bits from any(!) prefix and thus any(!) mask
-- should be more than word size in bits. Bitmap by itself contain
-- flags which indicates "is an element present in a set?" by marking
-- suffices indices. For exsample bitmap 01001010 contain elements 2,
-- 5 and 7.
--   One bitmap might contain up to word size in bits (depending on arch)
-- elements.
type BitMap = Word

-- | Type of IntSet elements.
type Key    = Int

-- | Integer set.
data IntSet
  -- | Layout: prefix up to branching bit, mask for branching bit,
  --   left subtree and right subtree.
  --   IntSet = Bin: contains elements of left and right subtrees thus
  --   just merge to subtrees.  All elements of left subtree is less
  --   that from right subtree. Except non-negative numbers, they are
  --   in left subtree of root bin, if any.
  = Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Prefix {-# UNPACK #-} !Mask   !IntSet !IntSet

  -- | Layout: Prefix up to /mask of bitmap size/, and bitmap
  --   containing elements starting /from the prefix/.
  --   IntSet = Tip: contains elements
  | Tip {-# UNPACK #-} !Prefix {-# UNPACK #-} !BitMap

  -- | Layout: Prefix up to /mask of bitmap size/, and mask specifing
  --   how large is set. There is no branching bit at all.
  --   Tip is never full.
  --   IntSet = Fin: contains all elements from prefix to
  --   (prefix - mask - 1)
  | Fin {-# UNPACK #-} !Prefix {-# UNPACK #-} !Mask

  -- | Empty set. Contains nothing.
  | Nil
    ( Eq
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
    , Typeable, Data


-- | The following invariants should be hold in all subtrees of a set:
--   1. + Nil is never child of Bin;
--   2. + Bin is never contain two Fins with masks equal to mask of Bin;
--   3. - Mask becomes smaller at each child;
--   4. - Bin, Fin, Tip masks is always power of two;
--   5. + Fin mask is always greater or equal than size of bits in word;
--   6. - Bin left subtree contains element each of which is less than
--     each element of right subtree;
--   7. + Tip bitmap is never full;
--   8. + Tip mask is multiple of word bit count;
--   See 'binI' to find out when two intsets should be merged into one.
--   TODO check 3, 4, 6 invariants
isValid :: IntSet -> Bool
isValid  Nil       = True
isValid (Tip p bm) = not (isFull bm) && (p `mod` WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 0)
isValid (Fin _ m ) = m >= WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
isValid (Bin _  _ Nil _  ) = error "Bin _ _ Nil _"
isValid (Bin _  _ _   Nil) = error "Bin _ _ _   Nil"
isValid (Bin _  m (Fin _ m1) (Fin _ m2))
  = not (m == m1 && m == m2)
isValid (Bin _  _ l r)
  = isValid l && isValid r

--isPowerOf2 x = (x - 1 .&. x) == 0


instance Show IntSet where
  showsPrec _ s = showString "{" . list (toList s) . showString "}"
      list [] = showString ""
      list [x] = shows x
      list (x : xs) = shows x . showString "," . list xs

instance Read IntSet where
  readsPrec _ = readP_to_S $ do
    "{" <- readS_to_P lex
    xs  <- readS_to_P reads `sepBy` (skipSpaces >> char ',')
    "}" <- readS_to_P lex
    return (fromList xs)

instance Ord IntSet where
  compare = comparing toList
  -- TODO make it faster

instance Monoid IntSet where
  mempty  = empty
  mappend = union
  mconcat = unions

instance Num IntSet where
  (+) = union
  (*) = intersection
  (-) = difference

  negate = Data.IntervalSet.Internal.complement
  abs = error "IntervalSet.abs: not implemented"
  signum = error "IntervalSet.singum: not implemented"
  fromInteger = singleton . fromIntegral

instance Bounded IntSet where
  minBound = empty
  maxBound = universe

instance NFData IntSet where


-- | Monoid under 'union'. Used by default for 'IntSet'.
--   You could use 'Sum' from 'Data.Monoid' as well.
newtype Union = Union { getUnion :: IntSet }
                deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

instance Monoid Union where
  mempty      = Union empty
  mappend a b = Union (getUnion a `union` getUnion b)
  mconcat     = Union . unions . L.map getUnion

-- | Monoid under 'intersection'.
--   You could use 'Product' from 'Data.Monoid' as well.
newtype Intersection = Intersection { getIntersection :: IntSet }
                       deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

instance Monoid Intersection where
  mempty      = Intersection universe
  mappend a b = Intersection (getIntersection a `intersection` getIntersection b)
  mconcat     = Intersection . intersections . L.map getIntersection

-- | Monoid under 'symDiff'.
--   Don't mix up 'symDiff' with 'difference'.
newtype Difference = Difference { getDifference :: IntSet }
                     deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

instance Monoid Difference where
  mempty      = Difference empty
  mappend a b = Difference (getDifference a `symDiff` getDifference b)


-- | /O(1)/. Is this the empty set?
null :: IntSet -> Bool
null Nil = True
null _   = False

-- | /O(n)/ or /O(1)/. Cardinality of a set.
size :: IntSet -> Int
size (Bin _  _  l r) = size l + size r
size (Tip _  bm    ) = popCount bm
size (Fin _  m     ) |    m > 0  = m
                     | otherwise = error "IntSet.size: int overflow"
size  Nil            = 0

-- | /O(min(W, n))/ or /O(1)/.
--   Test if the value is element of the set.
member :: Key -> IntSet -> Bool
member !x = go
    go (Bin p m l r)
      | nomatch x p m = False
      |    zero x m   = go l
      |   otherwise   = go r

    go (Tip y  bm)   = prefixOf x == y && bitmapOf x .&. bm /= 0
    go (Fin p  m)    = p <= x && (x <= (p + m - 1))
    go  Nil          = False

-- | /O(min(W, n))/ or /O(1)/.
--   Test if the value is not an element of the set.
notMember :: Key -> IntSet -> Bool
notMember !x = not . member x
{-# INLINE notMember #-}


-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Test if the second set contain each element
-- of the first.
isSubsetOf :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
isSubsetOf t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) (Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
  | m1 `shorter` m2 = False
  | m2 `shorter` m1 = match p1 p2 m2 && matchDown
  |    otherwise    = p1 == p2 && isSubsetOf l1 l2 && isSubsetOf r1 r2
      | zero p1 m2 = isSubsetOf t1 l2
      | otherwise  = isSubsetOf t1 r2

isSubsetOf     Bin {}             Tip {}    = False
isSubsetOf    (Bin p1 m1 _ _)    (Fin p2 m2)
  = finMask m2 `shorterEq` m1 && match p1 p2 (finMask m2)

isSubsetOf     Bin {}           Nil         = False
isSubsetOf t1@(Tip p1 _   )    (Bin p2 m2 l r)
  | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = False
  |    zero p1 m2    = isSubsetOf t1 l
  |    otherwise     = isSubsetOf t1 r

isSubsetOf    (Tip p1 bm1)     (Tip p2 bm2)
  = p1 == p2 && isSubsetOfBM bm1 bm2

isSubsetOf    (Tip p1 _  )     (Fin p2 m2 ) = match p1 p2 (finMask m2)
isSubsetOf     Tip {}           Nil         = False
isSubsetOf t1@(Fin p1 m1 )     (Bin p2 m2 l r)
  | finMask m1 `shorterEq` m2 = False
  |      nomatch p1 p2 m2     = False
  |         zero p1 m2        = isSubsetOf t1 l
  |         otherwise         = isSubsetOf t1 r

isSubsetOf     Fin {}           Tip {}       = False
isSubsetOf    (Fin p1 m1 )     (Fin p2 m2)
  = m2 `shorterEq` m1 && match p1 p2 (finMask m2)

isSubsetOf     Fin {}           Nil          = False
isSubsetOf     Nil              _            = True

isSubsetOfBM :: BitMap -> BitMap -> Bool
isSubsetOfBM bm1 bm2 = bm1 .|. bm2 == bm2
{-# INLINE isSubsetOfBM #-}

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Test if the second set is subset of the
-- first.
isSupersetOf :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
isSupersetOf = flip isSubsetOf
{-# INLINE isSupersetOf #-}

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Test if the first set is proper subset of
-- the other.
isProperSubsetOf :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
isProperSubsetOf = error "isProper subset of"

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Test if the second set is proper subset of
-- the first.
isProperSupersetOf :: IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
isProperSupersetOf = flip isProperSubsetOf
{-# INLINE isProperSupersetOf #-}


-- | /O(1)/. The empty set.
empty :: IntSet
empty = Nil
{-# INLINE empty #-}

-- | /O(1)/. A set containing one element.
singleton :: Key -> IntSet
singleton x = Tip (prefixOf x) (bitmapOf x)
{-# INLINE singleton #-}

-- TODO make it faster
-- | /O(n)/. Set containing elements from the specified range.
--  > interval a b = fromList [a..b]
interval :: Key -> Key -> IntSet
interval l r
    | l < 0 && r >= 0 = go l (-1) `union` go 0 r
    |     otherwise   = go l r
    go a b
        |            b < a              = empty
--        |            a == b             = singleton a
        | WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `shorter` m = tip (prefixOf a) (intervalBM a b)
        |           otherwise           = bin p m (interval a (mid - 1)) (interval mid b)
        mid = p .|. m
        p = mask a m
        m = branchMask a b

intervalBM :: Int -> Int -> BitMap
intervalBM a b =
  let abm = bitmapOf a
      bbm = bitmapOf b
  in fromIntegral (Bits.complement (abm - 1) .&. ((bbm - 1) .|. bbm))

-- | /O(1)/. The set containing all natural numbers.
naturals :: IntSet
naturals = Fin 0 (bit (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1))
{-# INLINE naturals #-}

-- | /O(1)/. The set containing all negative numbers.
negatives :: IntSet
negatives = Fin (bit (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1)) (bit (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1))
{-# INLINE negatives #-}

-- | /O(1)/. The set containing the all integers it might contain.
universe :: IntSet
universe = Fin (bit (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1)) 0
{-# INLINE universe #-}


-- | /O(min(W, n)/ or /O(1)/. Add a value to the set.
insert :: Key -> IntSet -> IntSet
insert !x = insertBM (prefixOf x) (bitmapOf x)

insertBM :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
insertBM !kx !bm = go
  where -- do not use worker; use wrapper in go
    go t@(Bin p m l r)
      | nomatch kx p m = join kx (Tip kx bm) p t
      |    zero kx m   = binI p m (insertBM kx bm l) r
      |    otherwise   = binI p m l (insertBM kx bm r)

    go t@(Tip kx' bm')
      | kx' == kx = tipI kx (bm .|. bm')
      | otherwise = join kx (Tip kx bm) kx' t

    go t@(Fin   p m  )
      | nomatch kx p (finMask m) = join kx (Tip kx bm) p t
      |        otherwise          = t

    go    Nil          = Tip kx bm

-- | /O(min(n, W))/. Delete a value from the set.
delete :: Key -> IntSet -> IntSet
delete !x = deleteBM (prefixOf x) (bitmapOf x)

deleteBM :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
deleteBM !kx !bm = go
    go t@(Bin p m l r)
      | nomatch kx p m = t
      |    zero kx m   = binD p m (deleteBM kx bm l) r
      |    otherwise   = binD p m l (deleteBM kx bm r)

    go t@(Tip kx' bm')
      | kx == kx'  = tipD kx (bm' .&. Bits.complement bm)
      | otherwise  = t

    go t@(Fin p m) -- TODO delete 0 universe doesn't work
      | nomatch kx p (finMask m) = t
      |       otherwise          = deleteBM kx bm (splitFin p m)

    go    Nil      = Nil

{- Note that 'splitFin' always gives inconsistent intset.  Resulting
tree doesn't hold Fin "buddy" or "Tip is never full" invariants.
Therefore this function should be used only when we sure we delete at
least one element from the tree later.

-- | Chunk fin to buddies or to single tip in the end.
splitFin :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet
splitFin p m
  -- WARN here we have inconsistency - bitmap is full
  -- but this will be fixed in next go for any kx bm
  -- and this faster (I think)
   | m == WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS = Tip p (Bits.complement 0)
   |       otherwise        = Bin p m' (Fin p m') (Fin (p + m') m')
    m' = intFromNat (natFromInt m `shiftR` 1) -- TODO endian independent
{-# INLINE splitFin #-}

complement :: IntSet -> IntSet
complement Nil = universe
complement _   = error "complement: not implemented"



infixl 6 `union`

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Find set which contains elements of both
-- right and left sets.
union :: IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
union t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
    | shorter m1 m2 = leftiest
    | shorter m2 m1 = rightiest
    | p1 == p2      = binI p1 m1 (l1 `union` l2) (r1 `union` r2)
    | otherwise     = join p1 t1 p2 t2
      | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = join p1 t1 p2 t2
      |     zero p2 m1   = binI p1 m1 (l1 `union` t2) r1
      |      otherwise   = binI p1 m1 l1 (r1 `union` t2)

      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = join p1 t1 p2 t2
      |    zero p1 m2    = binI p2 m2 (t1 `union` l2) r2
      |     otherwise    = binI p2 m2 l2 (t1 `union` r2)

union t@ Bin {}       (Tip p bm) = insertBM  p bm t
union t@ Bin {}       (Fin p m ) = insertFin p m  t
union t@ Bin {}        Nil       = t
union   (Fin p m )     t         = insertFin p m t
union   (Tip p bm)     t         = insertBM p bm t
union    Nil           t         = t

insertFin :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet
insertFin p1 m1  t2@(Bin p2 m2 l r)
    | m2 `shorterEq` m1 && match p1 p2 m2 =
      if   zero p1 m2
      then binI p2 m2 (insertFin p1 m1 l) r
      else binI p2 m2 l (insertFin p1 m1 r)
    | match p2 p1 (finMask m1) = Fin p1 m1
    |        otherwise         = join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 t2

insertFin p1 m1 (Tip p bm) = insertBM p bm (Fin p1 m1)
insertFin p1 m1 (Fin p2 m2 ) -- TODO simplify
    |    isBuddy p1 m1 p2 m2     = Fin p1 (m1 * 2)
    |    isBuddy p2 m2 p1 m1     = Fin p2 (m1 * 2)
    | properSubsetOf p1 m1 p2 m2 = Fin p2 m2
    | properSubsetOf p2 m2 p1 m1 = Fin p1 m1
    |     m1 == m2 && p1 == p2   = Fin p1 m1
    |         otherwise          = join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 (Fin p2 m2)

insertFin p m Nil = Fin p m

-- | /O(max(n)^2 * spine)/ or /O(spine)/.
--   The union of list of sets.
unions :: [IntSet] -> IntSet
unions = L.foldl' union empty

-- test if the two Fins is good to merge
isBuddy :: Prefix -> Mask -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
isBuddy !p1 !m1 !p2 !m2 = m1 == m2 && xor p1 p2 == m1 && p1 .&. m1 == 0
{-# INLINE isBuddy #-}

-- used to if one Fin is subset of the another Fin
properSubsetOf :: Prefix -> Mask -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
properSubsetOf !p1 !m1 !p2 !m2 = (m2 `shorter` m1) && match p1 p2 (finMask m2)
{-# INLINE properSubsetOf #-}

unionBM :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
unionBM !p !bm !t = case tip p bm of
  Bin {}     -> error "unionBM: impossible"
  Fin p' m'  -> insertFin p' m' t
  Tip p' bm' -> insertBM p' bm' t
  Nil        -> t


infixl 7 `intersection`

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Find maximal common subset of the two given
-- sets.
intersection :: IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
intersection t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
    | m1 `shorter` m2 = leftiest
    | m2 `shorter` m1 = rightiest
    |     p1 == p2    = binD p1 m1 (intersection l1 l2) (intersection r1 r2)
    |     otherwise   = Nil
      | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = Nil
      |     zero p2 m1   = intersection l1 t2
      |     otherwise    = intersection r1 t2

      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = Nil
      |     zero p1 m2   = intersection t1 l2
      |     otherwise    = intersection t1 r2

intersection t@ Bin {}         (Tip p bm)    = intersectBM p bm t
intersection t@ Bin {}         (Fin p m)     = intersectFin p m t
intersection    Bin {}          Nil          = Nil
intersection   (Tip p bm)       t            = intersectBM p bm t
intersection   (Fin p m)        t            = intersectFin p m t
intersection    Nil             _            = Nil

intersectFin :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet
intersectFin p1 m1 t@(Bin p2 m2 l r)
  | m2 `shorterEq` m1 && match p1 p2 m2
  = if zero p1 m2
    then intersectFin p1 m1 l
    else intersectFin p1 m1 r
  | match p2 p1 (finMask m1) = t
  |        otherwise         = Nil

intersectFin p1 m1 (Tip p2 bm2)
  | match p2 p1 (finMask m1) = Tip p2 bm2
  |         otherwise        = Nil

-- Fins are never just intersects:
--   * one fin is either subset or superset of the other
--   * or they are disjoint
-- due power of two masks and prefixes
intersectFin p1 m1 (Fin p2 m2)
  | finSubsetOf p1 m1 p2 m2 = Fin p1 m1
  | finSubsetOf p2 m2 p1 m1 = Fin p2 m2
  |         otherwise       = Nil
intersectFin _ _    Nil     = Nil

-- not proper subset, just subset of
finSubsetOf :: Prefix -> Mask -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
finSubsetOf p1 m1 p2 m2 = (m2 `shorterEq` m1) && match p1 p2 (finMask m2)

intersectBM :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
intersectBM p1 bm1 (Bin p2 m2 l r)
  | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = Nil
  |     zero p1 m2   = intersectBM p1 bm1 l
  |      otherwise   = intersectBM p1 bm1 r

intersectBM p1 bm1 (Tip p2 bm2 )
  | p1 == p2  = tipD p1 (bm1 .&. bm2)
  | otherwise = Nil

intersectBM p1 bm1 (Fin p2 m2)
  | match p1 p2 (finMask m2) = Tip p1 bm1
  |          otherwise       = Nil

intersectBM _  _    Nil        = Nil

-- | /O(max(n) * spine)/ or /O(spine)/.
--   Find out common subset of the list of sets.
intersections :: [IntSet] -> IntSet
intersections = L.foldl' intersection empty


-- Since difference is not commutative it's simpler to match all patterns
-- See note for 'splitFin': we _should not_ split when this unnecessary.

infixl 6 `difference`

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Find difference of the two sets.
difference :: IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
difference t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
    | m1 `shorter` m2 = leftiest
    | m2 `shorter` m1 = rightiest
    |     p1 == p2    = binD p1 m1 (difference l1 l2) (difference r1 r2)
    |    otherwise    = t1
      | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = t1
      |    zero p2 m1    = binD p1 m1 (difference l1 t2) r1
      |     otherwise    = binD p1 m1 l1 (difference r1 t2)

      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = t1
      |    zero p1 m2    = difference t1 l2
      |     otherwise    = difference t1 r2

difference t1@ Bin {}            (Tip p bm)    = deleteBM p bm t1
difference t1@(Bin p1 m1 _ _)    (Fin p2 m2)
    | m1 `shorter` finMask m2
    = if match p2 p1 m1
      then difference t1 (splitFin p2 m2)
      else t1

    | finMask m2 `shorter` m1
    = if match p1 p2 (finMask m2)
      then Nil
      else t1

    | p1 == p2  = Nil
    | otherwise = t1

difference t1@ Bin {}           Nil            = t1
difference t1@(Tip p _ )       (Bin p2 m2 l r)
  | nomatch p p2 m2 = t1
  |   zero p m2     = difference t1 l
  |   otherwise     = difference t1 r

difference t1@ Tip {}          (Tip p bm)      = deleteBM p bm t1
difference t1@(Tip p1 _)       (Fin p2 m2 ) --
  | nomatch p1 p2 (finMask m2) = t1         --
  |          otherwise         = Nil        --

difference t1@(Tip _ _)         Nil            = t1
difference t1@(Fin p1 m1)   t2@(Bin p2 m2 l r)
    | finMask m1 `shorter` m2
    = if match p2 p1 (finMask m1)
      then difference (splitFin p1 m1) t2
      else t1

    | m2 `shorter` finMask m1 = down
    | p1 == p2  = difference (splitFin p1 m1) t2
    | otherwise = t1
      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = t1
      |    zero p1 m2    = difference t1 l
      |    otherwise     = difference t1 r

difference t1@(Fin _ _)        (Tip p bm)      = deleteBM p bm t1
difference t1@(Fin p1 m1)   t2@(Fin p2 m2)
  | m1 `shorter` m2
  = if match p2 p1 (finMask m1)
    then difference (splitFin p1 m1) t2
    else t1

  | m2 `shorter` m1 =
    if match p1 p2 (finMask m2)
    then Nil
    else t1

  |     p1 == p2    = Nil
  |    otherwise    = t1

difference t1@(Fin _ _)         Nil            = t1
difference     Nil              _              = Nil

-- i can't see some useful use of difference applied to fold

  Symmetric difference

symDiff' :: IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
symDiff' a b = (a `union` b) `difference` (a `intersection` b)
{-# INLINE symDiff #-}

-- | /O(n + m)/ or /O(1)/. Find symmetric difference of the two sets:
--   resulting set containts elements that either in first or second
--   set, but not in both simultaneous.
symDiff :: IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
symDiff t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
    | m1 `shorter` m2 = leftiest
    | m2 `shorter` m1 = rightiest
    |    p1 == p2     = bin  p1 m1 (symDiff l1 l2) (symDiff r1 r2)
    |   otherwise     = join p1 t1 p2 t2
      | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = join p1 t1 p2 t2
      |    zero p2 m1    = bin  p1 m1 (symDiff l1 t2) r1 -- TODO tune (symDiff l1 t2)
      |    otherwise     = bin  p1 m1 l1 (symDiff r1 t2)

      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = join p2 t2 p1 t1
      |    zero p1 m2    = bin  p2 m2 (symDiff l2 t1) r2 -- TODO tune (symDiff l1 t2)
      |    otherwise     = bin  p2 m2 l2 (symDiff r2 t1)

symDiff t1@ Bin {}             (Tip p2 bm2    ) = symDiffTip p2 bm2 t1
symDiff t1@ Bin {}             (Fin p2 m2     ) = symDiffFin p2 m2  t1
symDiff t1@ Bin {}              Nil             = t1
symDiff    (Tip p1 bm1    ) t2                  = symDiffTip p1 bm1 t2
symDiff    (Fin p1 m1     ) t2                  = symDiffFin p1 m1  t2
symDiff     Nil             t2                  = t2

-- INVARIANT p1 and bm1 should form a Tip, not a Nil or Fin!
symDiffTip :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
-- {-# INLINE symDiffTip #-}
symDiffTip !p1 !bm1 = go
    go t2@(Bin p2 m2 l r)
      | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = join p1 (Tip p1 bm1) p2 t2
      |    zero p1 m2    = bin  p2 m2 (symDiffTip p1 bm1 l) r -- not use go
      |     otherwise    = bin  p2 m2 l (symDiffTip p1 bm1 r) -- not use go

    go t2@(Tip p2 bm2)
      |  p1 == p2 = tip p1 (bm1 `xor` bm2)
      | otherwise = join p1 (Tip p1 bm1) p2 t2

    go t2@(Fin p2 m2)
      | nomatch p1 p2 (finMask m2) = join p1 (Tip p1 bm1) p2 t2
      |         otherwise          = symDiffTip p1 bm1 (splitFin p2 m2)  -- not use go

    go     Nil = Tip p1 bm1

symDiffFin :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet
symDiffFin !p1 !m1 = go
    go t2@(Bin p2 m2 l r)
      | finMask m1 `shorterEq` m2
      = if match p2 p1 (finMask m1)
        then symDiff (splitFin p1 m1) t2
        else join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 t2

      | otherwise = goDown -- TODO inline
          | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 t2
          |    zero p1 m2    = bin p2 m2 (go l) r
          |     otherwise    = bin p2 m2 l (go r)

    go (Fin p2 m2 ) -- TODO try use compare m1 m2
      | m1 `shorter` m2 = if match p2 p1 (finMask m1)
                          then symDiffFin p2 m2 (splitFin p1 m1)
                          else join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 (Fin p2 m2)

      | m2 `shorter` m1 = if match p1 p2 (finMask m2)
                          then symDiffFin p2 m2 (splitFin p1 m1)
                          else join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 (Fin p2 m2)

      |    p1 == p2     = Nil
      -- here we have (m1 == m2 && p1 /= p1) and should check if Fin's are buddies
      | xor p1 p2 == m1 = if p1 < p2
                          then Fin p1 (m1 * 2)
                          else Fin p2 (m1 * 2)

      |    otherwise    = join p1 (Fin p1 m1) p2 (Fin p2 m2)

    go (Tip p2 bm2)    = symDiffTip p2 bm2 (Fin p1 m1)
    go  Nil            = Fin p1 m1

  Strict Pair

{- we use strict pair because almost all operations on intsets are
   strict in almost all its arguments; so there is no reason to keep
   result of split lazy;

   moreover this gives near 2 times performance improvements

data SPair a b = !a :*: !b

unStrict :: SPair a b -> (a, b)
unStrict (a :*: b) = (a, b)


-- | /O(min(W, n)/. Split the set such that the left projection of the
-- resulting pair contains elements less than the key and right
-- element contains greater than the key. The exact key is excluded
-- from result:
-- > split 5 (fromList [0..10]) == (fromList [0..4], fromList [6..10])
--   Performance note: if need only lesser or greater keys, use
--   splitLT or splitGT respectively.
split :: Key -> IntSet -> (IntSet, IntSet)
split !k = unStrict . splitBM (prefixOf k) (bitmapOf k)

splitBM :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> SPair IntSet IntSet
splitBM !px !tbm = root
    root t@(Bin _ m l r)
      |  m  >= 0  = go t
        -- in last two clauses we have {l = positive} and {r = negative}
      |  px >= 0  = let posLT :*: posGT = go l in (r `union` posLT) :*: posGT
      | otherwise = let negLT :*: negGT = go r in negLT :*: (negGT `union` l)
    root t = go t

    go t@(Bin p m l r)
        | nomatch px p m = if p < px then t :*: Nil else Nil :*: t
        |    zero px m   = let ll :*: lr = go l in ll :*: (lr `union` r)
        |    otherwise   = let rl :*: rr = go r in (l `union` rl) :*: rr

    go t@(Tip p bm)
        |     px < p = Nil :*: t
        | p < px     = t   :*: Nil
        |  otherwise = tipD px (bm .&. lowBM) :*: tipD px (bm .&. hghBM)
        lowBM = tbm - 1
        hghBM = Bits.complement (lowBM + tbm)

    go t@(Fin p m )
        | match px p (finMask m) = go (splitFin p m)
        |       p < px           = t   :*: Nil
        |        otherwise       = Nil :*: t         -- px < p

    go  Nil          = Nil :*: Nil

-- | /O(min(W, n)/. Takes subset such that each element is greater
-- than the specified key. The exact key is excluded from result.
splitGT :: Key -> IntSet -> IntSet
splitGT !k = splitBMGT (prefixOf k) (bitmapOf k)

splitBMGT :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
splitBMGT !px !tbm = root
    root t@(Bin _ m l r)
      |  m  >= 0  = go t
      |  px >= 0  = go l
      | otherwise = let !r' = go r in union r' l
    root t = go t

    go t@(Bin p m l r)
        | nomatch px p m = if p < px then Nil else t
        |   zero px m    = let !l' = go l in union l' r
        |   otherwise    = go r

    go t@(Tip p bm)
        |     px < p   = t
        | p < px       = Nil
        |   otherwise  = tipD px (bm .&. hghBM)
        lowBM = tbm - 1
        hghBM = Bits.complement (lowBM + tbm)

    go t@(Fin p m)
        | match px p (finMask m) = go (splitFin p m)
        |        p < px          = Nil
        |      otherwise         = t

    go   Nil          = Nil

-- | /O(min(W, n)/. Takes subset such that each element is less
-- than the specified key. The exact key is excluded from result.
splitLT :: Key -> IntSet -> IntSet
splitLT !x = splitBMLT (prefixOf x) (bitmapOf x)

splitBMLT :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet -> IntSet
splitBMLT !px !tbm = root
    root t@(Bin _ m l r)
        |  m  >= 0  = go t
        |  px >= 0  = r `union` go l
        | otherwise = go r
    root t = go t

    go t@(Bin p m l r)
        | nomatch px p m = if p < px then t else Nil
        |   zero px m    = go l
        |   otherwise    = l `union` go r

    go t@(Tip p bm)
        |     px < p = Nil
        | p < px     = t
        |  otherwise = tipD px (bm .&. lowBM)
        lowBM = tbm - 1

    go t@(Fin p m)
        | match px p (finMask m) = go (splitFin p m)
        |       p < px           = t
        |      otherwise         = Nil

    go    Nil = Nil


-- | /O(n)/. Split a set using given predicate.
--  > forall f. fst . partition f = filter f
--  > forall f. snd . partition f = filter (not . f)
partition :: (Key -> Bool) -> IntSet -> (IntSet, IntSet)
partition f = unStrict . go
    -- TODO use where clauses
    go (Bin p m l r) = let ll :*: lr = go l
                           rl :*: rr = go r
    -- in both cases we could have Nil and Fin
                       in bin p m ll rl :*: bin p m lr rr
    go (Tip p bm) = let bm' = filterBitMap p f bm
    -- in both cases we could have Nil and Fin
                    in  tip p bm' :*: tip p (bm' `xor` bm)
    go (Fin p m)  = let (l, r) = L.partition f (listFin p m)
                    in fromList l :*: fromList r
    go  Nil       = Nil :*: Nil


-- | /O(min(W, n))/ or /O(1)/. Find minimal element of the set.
--   If set is empty then min is undefined.
findMin :: IntSet -> Key
findMin (Bin _ rootM l r)
    | rootM < 0 = go r
    | otherwise = go l
    go (Bin _ _ lb _) = go lb
    go (Tip p bm)     = p + findMinBM bm
    go (Fin p _)      = p
    go  Nil           = error "findMax.go: Bin Nil invariant failed"

findMin (Tip p bm) = p + findMinBM bm
findMin (Fin p _)  = p
findMin  Nil       = error "findMin: empty set"

findMinBM :: BitMap -> Int
findMinBM = fromIntegral . trailingZeros
{-# INLINE findMinBM #-}

-- | /O(min(W, n))/ or /O(1)/. Find maximal element of the set.
--  Is set is empty then max is undefined.
findMax :: IntSet -> Key
findMax (Bin _ rootM l r)
    | rootM < 0 = go l
    | otherwise = go r
    go (Bin _ _ _ ri) = go ri
    go (Tip p bm)     = p + findMaxBM bm
    go (Fin p m)      = p + m - 1
    go  Nil           = error "findMax.go: Bin Nil invariant failed"

findMax (Tip p bm) = p + findMaxBM bm
findMax (Fin p m ) = p + m - 1
findMax  Nil       = error "findMax: empty set"

findMaxBM :: BitMap -> Int
findMaxBM x = fromIntegral ((WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1) - leadingZeros x)
{-# INLINE findMaxBM #-}

   Conversion Fusion

stream :: IntSet -> [Key]
stream = toList
{-# NOINLINE stream #-}

unstream :: [Key] -> IntSet
unstream = fromList
{-# NOINLINE unstream #-}

  "IntSet/stream/unstream"  [~3] forall x. stream (unstream x) = x;
  "IntSet/unstream/stream"  [~3] forall x. unstream (stream x) = x;
  "IntSet/stream/fromList"  [ 3] forall x. stream (fromList x) = x;
  "IntSet/unstream/toList"  [ 3] forall x. toList (unstream x) = x


  "IntSet/map/id" Data.IntervalSet.Internal.map id = id

-- | /O(n * min(W, n))/.
--   Apply the function to each element of the set.
--   Do not use this operation with the 'universe', 'naturals' or
--   'negatives' sets.
map :: (Key -> Key) -> IntSet -> IntSet
map f = unstream . L.map f . stream
{-# INLINE map #-}

-- | /O(n)/.  Fold the element using the given right associative
--   binary operator.
foldr :: (Key -> a -> a) -> a -> IntSet -> a
foldr f a = wrap
    wrap (Bin _ m l r)
      |   m > 0   = go (go a r) l
      | otherwise = go (go a l) r
    wrap t = go a t

    go z (Bin _ _ l r) = go (go z r) l
    go z (Tip p bm)    = foldrBits p f z bm
    go z (Fin p m)     = L.foldr f z (listFin p m)
    go z  Nil          = z

-- | /O(n)/. Filter all elements that satisfy the predicate.
--   Do not use this operation with the 'universe', 'naturals' or
--   'negatives' sets.
filter :: (Key -> Bool) -> IntSet -> IntSet
filter f = go
    go (Bin p m l r) = binD p m (go l) (go r)
    go (Tip p bm) = fromList $ L.filter f $ toList (Tip p bm) -- FIX use foldrBits
    go (Fin p m)  = fromList $ L.filter f $ listFin p m -- FIX fromDistinctAscList
    go  Nil       = Nil

listFin :: Prefix -> Mask -> [Key]
listFin p m = [p..(p + m) - 1]

  List conversions

  "IntSet/toList/fromList"      forall x. fromList (toList x) = x;
  "IntSet/toList/fromList/comp"           fromList . toList   = id;
  "IntSet/fromList/toList"      forall x. toList (fromList x) = x;
  "IntSet/fromList/toList/comp"           toList . fromList   = id

-- | /O(n * min(W, n))/ or /O(n)/.
--  Create a set from a list of its elements.
fromList :: [Key] -> IntSet
fromList = L.foldl' (flip insert) empty
{-# NOINLINE [3] fromList #-}

-- | /O(n)/. Convert the set to a list of its elements.
toList :: IntSet -> [Key]
toList = Data.IntervalSet.Internal.foldr (:) []
{-# NOINLINE [3] toList #-}

-- | 'elems' is alias to 'toList' for compatibility.
elems :: IntSet -> [Key]
elems = toList
{-# INLINE elems #-}


-- | /O(n)/.
--  Convert the set to a list of its element in ascending order.
toAscList :: IntSet -> [Key]
toAscList = toList
{-# INLINE toAscList #-}

-- TODO make it faster
-- | /O(n)/.
--  Convert the set to a list of its element in descending order.
toDescList :: IntSet -> [Key]
toDescList = reverse . toAscList
{-# INLINE toDescList #-}

-- TODO make it faster
-- | Build a set from an ascending list of elements.
fromAscList :: [Key] -> IntSet
fromAscList = fromList
{-# INLINE fromAscList #-}

  Smart constructors

 we postfix smart constructors:

 * with 'I' - if we have inserted to the tree given as argument;
 * with 'D' - if we have deleted from the tree given as argument;
 * without  - to denote that we either insert or delete from tree;

 Use more specific version of the constructor when possible to avoid
 unneccesary branching (some branches that never executes due to
 invariants) and less condition tests.


-- used when we insert to the tip
tipI :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet
tipI p bm
  | isFull bm = Fin p WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
  | otherwise = Tip p bm
{-# INLINE tipI #-}

-- used when we delete from the tip
tipD :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet
tipD _ 0  = Nil
tipD p bm = Tip p bm
{-# INLINE tipD #-}

-- used when we construct from unknown mask
tip :: Prefix -> BitMap -> IntSet
tip p bm
  |  bm == 0  = Nil
  | isFull bm = Fin p WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
  | otherwise = Tip p bm
{-# INLINE tip #-}

-- used when we insert in left or right subtree
binI :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
-- DONE convert full Tip to Fin, then we can avoid this pattern matching
--binI _ _ (Tip p1 bm1) (Tip p2 bm2)
--  | isFull bm1 && isFull bm2 && xor p1 p2 == WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
--  = Fin p1 128

binI p m (Fin _  m1) (Fin _  m2)
  | m1 == m && m2 == m
-- TODO can we simplify this?  | m1 == m2
  = Fin p (m * 2)

binI p m l r = Bin p m l r

-- used when we delete from left or right subtree
binD :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
binD _ _ Nil r   = r
binD _ _ l   Nil = l
binD p m l   r  = Bin p m l r
{-# INLINE binD #-}

-- used when we don't know kind of transformation
bin :: Prefix -> Mask -> IntSet -> IntSet -> IntSet
bin _ _ Nil r   = r
bin _ _ l   Nil = l
bin p m (Fin _  m1) (Fin _  m2)
  | m1 == m && m2 == m
-- TODO can we simplify this?  | m1 == m2
  = Fin p (m * 2)
bin p m l   r  = Bin p m l r
{-# INLINE bin #-}

-- note that join should not merge buddies
join :: Prefix -> IntSet -> Prefix -> IntSet -> IntSet
join p1 t1 p2 t2
    | zero p1 m = Bin p m t1 t2
    | otherwise = Bin p m t2 t1
    p = mask p1 m
    m = branchMask p1 p2
{-# INLINE join #-}

binCount :: IntSet -> Int
binCount (Bin _ _ l r) = 1 + binCount l + binCount r
binCount _             = 0

tipCount :: IntSet -> Int
tipCount (Bin _ _ l r) = tipCount l + tipCount r
tipCount (Tip _ _)     = 1
tipCount _             = 0

finCount :: IntSet -> Int
finCount (Bin _ _ l r) = finCount l + finCount r
finCount (Fin _ _)     = 1
finCount _             = 0

wordCount :: IntSet -> Int
wordCount (Bin _ _ l r) = 5 + wordCount l + wordCount r
wordCount (Tip _ _)     = 3
wordCount (Fin _ _)     = 3
wordCount  Nil          = 1

origSize :: IntSet -> Int
origSize (Bin _ _ l r) = 5 + origSize l + origSize r
origSize (Tip _ _)     = 3
origSize (Fin _ m)     =
  let tips = m `div` WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
      bins = tips - 1
  in tips * 3 + bins * 5
origSize  Nil          = 1

savedSpace :: IntSet -> Int
savedSpace s = origSize s - wordCount s

bsSize :: IntSet -> Int
bsSize s = findMax s `div` 8

ppStats :: IntSet -> IO ()
ppStats s = do
  putStrLn $ "Bin count: " ++ show (binCount s)
  putStrLn $ "Tip count: " ++ show (tipCount s)
  putStrLn $ "Fin count: " ++ show (finCount s)

  let treeSize = wordCount s
  putStrLn $ "Size in bytes: " ++ show (treeSize * 8)

  let savedSize = savedSpace s
  let bssize    = bsSize s
  let savedSizeBS = bssize - treeSize * 8
  putStrLn $ "Saved space over dense set:  " ++ show (savedSize * 8)
  putStrLn $ "Saved space over bytestring: " ++ show  savedSizeBS

  let orig = origSize s
  let per   = (fromIntegral savedSize / fromIntegral orig) * (100 :: Double)
  let perBS = (fromIntegral savedSizeBS / fromIntegral bssize) * (100 :: Double)
  putStrLn $ "Percent saved over dense set:  " ++ show per ++ "%"

  putStrLn $ "Percent saved over bytestring: " ++ show perBS ++ "%"

showTree :: IntSet -> String
showTree = go 0
    indent n = replicate (4 * n) ' '
    go n  Nil          = indent n ++ "{}"
    go n (Fin p m)     = indent n ++ show p ++ ".." ++ show (p + m - 1)
    go n (Tip p bm)    = indent n ++ show p ++ " " ++ show bm
    go n (Bin p m l r) = concat
      [ go (succ n) l, "\n"
      , indent n, "+", show p, " ", show m, "\n"
      , go (succ n) r

showRaw :: IntSet -> String
showRaw = go 0
    indent n = replicate (4 * n) ' '
    go n  Nil          = indent n ++ "Nil"
    go n (Fin p m)     = indent n ++ show p ++ " " ++ show m
    go n (Tip p bm)    = indent n ++ show p ++ " " ++ show bm
    go n (Bin p m l r) = concat
      [ go (succ n) l, "\n"
      , indent n, "+", show p, " ", show m, "\n"
      , go (succ n) r

putTree :: IntSet -> IO ()
putTree = putStrLn . showTree

putRaw :: IntSet -> IO ()
putRaw = putStrLn . showRaw


foldrBits :: Int -> (Int -> a -> a) -> a -> BitMap -> a
foldrBits p f acc bm = go 0
    go i
      | i == WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS = acc
      |       testBit bm i     = f (p + i) (go (succ i))
      |         otherwise      = go (succ i)

filterBitMap :: Prefix -> (Key -> Bool) -> BitMap -> BitMap
filterBitMap px f bm = go 0 0
    go !i !acc
      |   i == WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS   = acc
      | testBit bm i && f (px + i) = go (succ i) (bitmapOfSuffix i .|. acc)
      |           otherwise        = go (succ i) acc
{-# INLINE filterBitMap #-}

isFull :: BitMap -> Bool
isFull x = x == Bits.complement 0
{-# INLINE isFull #-}

  Some of the later code is taken from Data.IntSet.Base
type Nat = Word

natFromInt :: Int -> Nat
natFromInt = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE natFromInt #-}

intFromNat :: Nat -> Int
intFromNat = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE intFromNat #-}

  Endian independent bit twiddling
zero :: Int -> Mask -> Bool
zero i m = (natFromInt i .&. natFromInt m) == 0
{-# INLINE zero #-}

-- Suppose a is largest such that 2^a divides 2*m.
-- Then mask i m is i with the low a bits zeroed out.
mask :: Int -> Mask -> Prefix
mask i m
  = maskW (natFromInt i) (natFromInt m)
{-# INLINE mask #-}

match :: Int -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
match i p m = mask i m == p
{-# INLINE match #-}

matchFin :: Int -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
matchFin i p m = match i p m && (m .&. i == m .&. p)

nomatch :: Int -> Prefix -> Mask -> Bool
nomatch i p m = mask i m /= p
{-# INLINE nomatch #-}

shorter :: Mask -> Mask -> Bool
shorter m1 m2 = natFromInt m1 > natFromInt m2
{-# INLINE shorter #-}

shorterEq :: Mask -> Mask -> Bool
shorterEq m1 m2 = natFromInt m1 >= natFromInt m2
{-# INLINE shorterEq #-}

branchMask :: Prefix -> Prefix -> Mask
branchMask p1 p2
  = intFromNat (highestBitMask (natFromInt p1 `xor` natFromInt p2))
{-# INLINE branchMask #-}

-- | Return a word where only the highest bit is set.
highestBitMask :: Word -> Word
highestBitMask x1 =
  let x2 = x1 .|. x1 `shiftR` 1
      x3 = x2 .|. x2 `shiftR` 2
      x4 = x3 .|. x3 `shiftR` 4
      x5 = x4 .|. x4 `shiftR` 8
      x6 = x5 .|. x5 `shiftR` 16
      x7 = x6 .|. x6 `shiftR` 32
  in x7 `xor` (x7 `shiftR` 1)
  in x6 `xor` (x6 `shiftR` 1)
{-# INLINE highestBitMask #-}

  Big endian operations
maskW :: Nat -> Nat -> Prefix
maskW i m = intFromNat (i .&. (Bits.complement (m-1) `xor` m))
{-# INLINE maskW #-}

finMask :: Mask -> Mask
finMask m = m `shiftR` 1
{-# INLINE finMask #-}

  Functions that generate Prefix and BitMap of a Key or a Suffix.

suffixBitMask :: Int
suffixBitMask = bitSize (undefined :: Word) - 1
{-# INLINE suffixBitMask #-}

prefixBitMask :: Int
prefixBitMask = Bits.complement suffixBitMask
{-# INLINE prefixBitMask #-}

prefixOf :: Int -> Prefix
prefixOf x = x .&. prefixBitMask
{-# INLINE prefixOf #-}

suffixOf :: Int -> Int
suffixOf x = x .&. suffixBitMask
{-# INLINE suffixOf #-}

bitmapOfSuffix :: Int -> BitMap
bitmapOfSuffix s = 1 `shiftL` s
{-# INLINE bitmapOfSuffix #-}

bitmapOf :: Int -> BitMap
bitmapOf x = bitmapOfSuffix (suffixOf x)
{-# INLINE bitmapOf #-}