0.1.7: * Remove "flags: " message 0.1.6: * Make better, more liberal :type-at (https://github.com/chrisdone/intero/issues/29) * Better argument parser for :type-at, :loc-at, :uses * Retain names that were in scope after a successful load for :complete 0.1.5: * Add upper bound for GHC (https://github.com/chrisdone/intero/issues/27) 0.1.4: * Fix cache invalidation bug for interpreted mode (https://github.com/chrisdone/intero/issues/1) 0.1.3: * Added test suite * Fix bug in :type-at that excluded a type constraint (https://github.com/chrisdone/intero/issues/14) 0.1.2: * Fixed bug in :uses, by using location equality.