{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.SpecCompliance ( allTestsW3cCorrelationOn , allTestsW3cCorrelationOff ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AesonTypes import Data.Array ((!)) import qualified Data.Array as Array import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSC8 import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing, listToMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.TraceRequest (From (..), InstanaAncestor, Span) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.TraceRequest as TraceRequest import Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.HUnitExtra (applyLabel, assertAllIO, failIO) import qualified Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.HttpHelper as HttpHelper import Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.Suite (AppUnderTest) import qualified Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.TestHelper as TestHelper import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Types (Header) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header import Test.HUnit import qualified Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike as RegexBase import Text.Regex.TDFA.String (Regex) data RunSubsetOfCases = RunAll | RunSubset [Int] testCasesToRun :: RunSubsetOfCases testCasesToRun = RunAll allTestsW3cCorrelationOn :: Aeson.Array -> AppUnderTest -> String -> String -> [IO Test] allTestsW3cCorrelationOn specificationComplianceTestCases appUnderTest route pid = do jsonToTestCases appUnderTest False route pid specificationComplianceTestCases allTestsW3cCorrelationOff :: Aeson.Array -> AppUnderTest -> String -> String -> [IO Test] allTestsW3cCorrelationOff specificationComplianceTestCases appUnderTest route pid = jsonToTestCases appUnderTest True route pid specificationComplianceTestCases data SpecTestCase = SpecTestCase { index :: Int , scenario :: String , whatToDo :: String , disableW3cCorrelation :: Maybe Text , xInstanaTIn :: Maybe String , xInstanaSIn :: Maybe String , xInstanaLIn :: Maybe String , xInstanaSyntheticIn :: Maybe String , traceparentIn :: Maybe String , tracestateIn :: Maybe String , serverTiming :: Maybe String , entrySpanT :: Maybe String , entrySpanP :: Maybe String , entrySpanS :: Maybe String , entrySpanIa :: Maybe InstanaAncestor , entrySpanTp :: Maybe Bool , entrySpanLt :: Maybe String , entrySpanCrid :: Maybe String , entrySpanCrtp :: Maybe String , entrySpanSy :: Maybe Bool , exitSpanT :: Maybe String , exitSpanP :: Maybe String , exitSpanS :: Maybe String , exitSpanIa :: Maybe InstanaAncestor , exitSpanTp :: Maybe Bool , exitSpanLt :: Maybe String , exitSpanCrid :: Maybe String , exitSpanCrtp :: Maybe String , exitSpanSy :: Maybe Bool , xInstanaTOut :: Maybe String , xInstanaSOut :: Maybe String , xInstanaLOut :: Maybe String , traceparentOut :: Maybe String , tracestateOut :: Maybe String } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON SpecTestCase where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "Spec Test Case" $ \obj -> SpecTestCase <$> obj .: "index" <*> obj .: "Scenario/incoming headers" <*> obj .: "What to do?" <*> obj .:? "INSTANA_DISABLE_W3C_TRACE_CORRELATION" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-T in" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-S in" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-L in" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-SYNTHETIC in" <*> obj .:? "traceparent in" <*> obj .:? "tracestate in" <*> obj .:? "Server-Timing" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.t" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.p" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.s" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.ia" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.tp" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.lt" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.crid" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.crtp" <*> obj .:? "entrySpan.sy" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.t" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.p" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.s" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.ia" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.tp" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.lt" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.crid" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.crtp" <*> obj .:? "exitSpan.sy" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-T out" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-S out" <*> obj .:? "X-INSTANA-L out" <*> obj .:? "traceparent out" <*> obj .:? "tracestate out" type ValueForPlaceholder = (Text, Text) type ValuesForPlaceholders = [ValueForPlaceholder] type TestContext = ([Assertion], ValuesForPlaceholders) addAssertion :: Assertion -> TestContext -> TestContext addAssertion newAssertion (existingAssertions, valuesForPlaceholders) = (existingAssertions ++ [newAssertion], valuesForPlaceholders) addAssertions :: [Assertion] -> TestContext -> TestContext addAssertions newAssertions (existingAssertions, valuesForPlaceholders) = (existingAssertions ++ newAssertions, valuesForPlaceholders) addPlaceholderValue :: ValueForPlaceholder -> TestContext -> TestContext addPlaceholderValue newValue (assertions, valuesForPlaceholders) = (assertions, valuesForPlaceholders ++ [newValue]) data ExpectedActual = S String | MS (Maybe String) | MIA (Maybe InstanaAncestor) | MB (Maybe Bool) instance Eq ExpectedActual where S s1 == S s2 = s1 == s2 S s1 == MS (Just s2) = s1 == s2 S _ == MS Nothing = False MS ms1 == S s2 = S s2 == MS ms1 S _ == MIA _ = False MIA _ == S _ = False S _ == MB _ = False MB _ == S _ = False MS ms1 == MS ms2 = ms1 == ms2 MS _ == MIA _ = False MIA _ == MS _ = False MS _ == MB _ = False MB _ == MS _ = False MIA mia1 == MIA mia2 = mia1 == mia2 MIA _ == MB _ = False MB _ == MIA _ = False MB mb1 == MB mb2 = mb1 == mb2 instance Show ExpectedActual where show (S s) = show s show (MS ms) = show ms show (MIA ia) = show ia show (MB mb) = show mb unpack :: ExpectedActual -> String unpack (S s) = s unpack (MS (Just s)) = s unpack (MS Nothing) = "Nothing" unpack (MIA ia) = show ia unpack (MB mb) = show mb jsonToTestCases :: AppUnderTest -> Bool -> String -> String -> Aeson.Array -> [IO Test] jsonToTestCases appUnderTest w3cCorrelationDisabled route pid allTestCaseAsJson = do let testCasesDefinitionAesonValues = Vector.toList allTestCaseAsJson testCasesDefinitionEitherValues :: [Either String SpecTestCase] testCasesDefinitionEitherValues = map jsonToTestCaseDefinition testCasesDefinitionAesonValues testCasesDefinitions :: [SpecTestCase] testCasesDefinitions = map (\testCaseDefinitionEither -> case testCaseDefinitionEither of Left errorMessage -> -- Could not parse JSON to test case definition. -- Because we are lazy, we just let the test suite crash :-) error errorMessage Right testCaseDefinition -> testCaseDefinition ) testCasesDefinitionEitherValues testCaseDefinitionsForW3cDisabledSetting :: [SpecTestCase] testCaseDefinitionsForW3cDisabledSetting = filter (\testCaseDefinition -> if w3cCorrelationDisabled then case disableW3cCorrelation testCaseDefinition of Just value -> not $ T.null value Nothing -> False else case disableW3cCorrelation testCaseDefinition of Just value -> T.null value Nothing -> True ) testCasesDefinitions testCaseDefinitionsFiltered :: [SpecTestCase] testCaseDefinitionsFiltered = case testCasesToRun of RunAll -> testCaseDefinitionsForW3cDisabledSetting RunSubset subset -> filter (\testCaseDefinition -> elem (index testCaseDefinition) subset ) testCaseDefinitionsForW3cDisabledSetting map (testCaseDefinitionToTest appUnderTest route pid) testCaseDefinitionsFiltered jsonToTestCaseDefinition :: Aeson.Value -> Either String SpecTestCase jsonToTestCaseDefinition testCaseAsJson = AesonTypes.parseEither Aeson.parseJSON testCaseAsJson :: Either String SpecTestCase testCaseDefinitionToTest :: AppUnderTest -> String -> String -> SpecTestCase -> IO Test testCaseDefinitionToTest appUnderTest route pid testCaseDefinition = do let label = (show $ index testCaseDefinition) ++ ": " ++ scenario testCaseDefinition ++ " -> " ++ whatToDo testCaseDefinition headers = testCaseDefinitionToHeaders testCaseDefinition putStrLn $ "Creating test: " ++ label ++ "\nwith headers:\n" ++ show headers putStrLn $ "TEST CASE: " ++ show testCaseDefinition applyLabel label $ runSpecTestCase appUnderTest route pid headers testCaseDefinition testCaseDefinitionToHeaders :: SpecTestCase -> [Header] testCaseDefinitionToHeaders testCaseDefinition = catMaybes $ map toHeader [ ("X-INSTANA-T", xInstanaTIn testCaseDefinition) , ("X-INSTANA-S", xInstanaSIn testCaseDefinition) , ("X-INSTANA-L", xInstanaLIn testCaseDefinition) , ("X-INSTANA-SYNTHETIC", xInstanaSyntheticIn testCaseDefinition) , ("traceparent", traceparentIn testCaseDefinition) , ("tracestate", tracestateIn testCaseDefinition) ] where toHeader (_, Nothing) = Nothing toHeader (name, Just value) = Just (name, BSC8.pack value) runSpecTestCase :: AppUnderTest -> String -> String -> [Header] -> SpecTestCase -> IO Test runSpecTestCase appUnderTest route pid headers testCaseDefinition = do let suppressionHeader = filter (\(name, value) -> (name == (CI.mk (BSC8.pack "X-INSTANA-L"))) && (value == BSC8.pack "0") ) headers suppressed = (length suppressionHeader) >= 1 executeRequestAndVerify appUnderTest testCaseDefinition route pid suppressed headers executeRequestAndVerify :: AppUnderTest -> SpecTestCase -> String -> String -> Bool -> [Header] -> IO Test executeRequestAndVerify appUnderTest testCaseDefinition route pid suppressed headers = do response <- HttpHelper.doAppRequest appUnderTest (route ++ "?some=query¶meters=1") "GET" headers let initialTestContext = ([], []) testContextAfterServerTimingCheck = verifyServerTimingHeader testCaseDefinition initialTestContext response eitherResponseBody = Aeson.eitherDecode' $ HTTP.responseBody response from = Just $ From pid "agent-stub-id" case eitherResponseBody of Right responseBody -> do let testContextAfterDownstreamHeaderCheck = verifyHttpHeadersOnDownstreamRequest testCaseDefinition testContextAfterServerTimingCheck responseBody case suppressed of False -> verifySpans testCaseDefinition testContextAfterDownstreamHeaderCheck route responseBody from True -> verifySuppression testContextAfterDownstreamHeaderCheck Left decodeError -> failIO $ "Could decode HTTP response body: " ++ decodeError verifyServerTimingHeader :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> HTTP.Response LBSC8.ByteString -> TestContext verifyServerTimingHeader testCaseDefinition testContext response = let responseHeaders = HTTP.responseHeaders response serverTimingTuple :: Maybe (Network.HTTP.Types.Header.HeaderName, BSC8.ByteString) serverTimingTuple = listToMaybe $ filter (\ (headerName, _) -> headerName == "Server-Timing") responseHeaders actualServerTimingValueM = BSC8.unpack <$> (snd <$> serverTimingTuple) expectedServerTimingValueM = serverTiming testCaseDefinition in case (expectedServerTimingValueM, actualServerTimingValueM) of (Just expectedServerTimingValue, Just actualServerTimingValue) -> if containsPlaceholder expectedServerTimingValue then parseForPlaceholders testContext "Server-Timing header" expectedServerTimingValue actualServerTimingValue else addAssertion (assertEqual "Server-Timing header" expectedServerTimingValue actualServerTimingValue ) testContext (Just expectedServerTimingValue, Nothing) -> addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Expected Server-Timing header " ++ expectedServerTimingValue ++ ", but got nothing." ) testContext (Nothing, Just actualServerTimingValue) -> addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Expected no Server-Timing header, but got " ++ actualServerTimingValue ++ "." ) testContext (Nothing, Nothing) -> testContext verifyHttpHeadersOnDownstreamRequest :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> HashMap Text AesonTypes.Value -> TestContext verifyHttpHeadersOnDownstreamRequest testCaseDefinition testContext responseBody = let testContextAfterXInstanaLCheck = addAssertion (xInstanaLAssertion responseBody testCaseDefinition) testContext in foldr (\(header, accessor) currentTestContext -> let message = "value for downstream HTTP header " ++ (T.unpack header) expectedValueM :: Maybe String expectedValueM = accessor testCaseDefinition in case expectedValueM of Just expectedValue -> if containsPlaceholder expectedValue then parseForPlaceholderJsonValue currentTestContext message expectedValue (HashMap.lookup header responseBody) else addAssertion (assertEqualInMap message expectedValue header responseBody) currentTestContext Nothing -> addAssertion (assertNotInMap message header responseBody) currentTestContext ) testContextAfterXInstanaLCheck [ ("X-INSTANA-T", xInstanaTOut) , ("X-INSTANA-S", xInstanaSOut) -- X-INSTANA-L is checked separately via xInstanaLAssertion , ("traceparent", traceparentOut) , ("tracestate", tracestateOut) ] xInstanaLAssertion :: HashMap Text AesonTypes.Value -> SpecTestCase -> Assertion xInstanaLAssertion responseBody testCaseDefinition = case xInstanaLOut testCaseDefinition of Just "1" -> let actualValueM = HashMap.lookup "X-INSTANA-L" responseBody in assertBool "Expected X-INSTANA-L to be either absent or \"1\"" $ (actualValueM == Nothing) || (actualValueM == (Just $ Aeson.String "1")) Just "0" -> assertEqualInMap "value for downstream HTTP header X-INSTANA-L" "0" "X-INSTANA-L" responseBody _ -> fail $ "Unexpected expectation value for downstream X-INSTANA-L in test " ++ "case defintion: " ++ (show $ xInstanaLOut testCaseDefinition) verifySpans :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> String -> HashMap Text AesonTypes.Value -> Maybe From -> IO Test verifySpans testCaseDefinition testContext route responseBody from = do spansResults <- TestHelper.waitForRegisteredSpansMatching [ "haskell.wai.server", "haskell.http.client" ] case spansResults of Left failure -> failIO $ "Could not load recorded spans from agent stub: " ++ failure Right spans -> do let maybeEntrySpan = TestHelper.getSpanByRegisteredName "haskell.wai.server" spans maybeExitSpan = TestHelper.getSpanByRegisteredName "haskell.http.client" spans if isNothing maybeEntrySpan || isNothing maybeExitSpan then failIO "expected spans have not been recorded" else do let Just entrySpan = maybeEntrySpan Just exitSpan = maybeExitSpan (assertions, _) = (spanAssertions testCaseDefinition testContext route entrySpan exitSpan from ) putStrLn $ "ENTRY " ++ show entrySpan putStrLn $ "EXIT " ++ show exitSpan putStrLn $ "RESPONSE " ++ show responseBody assertAllIO $ assertions spanAssertions :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> String -> Span -> Span -> Maybe From -> TestContext spanAssertions testCaseDefinition testContext route entrySpan exitSpan from = addAssertions (fixedSpanAssertions route entrySpan exitSpan from) (spanAssertionsFromTestCaseDefinition testCaseDefinition testContext entrySpan exitSpan ) fixedSpanAssertions :: String -> Span -> Span -> Maybe From -> [Assertion] fixedSpanAssertions route entrySpan exitSpan from = [ assertBool "entry timestamp" $ TraceRequest.ts entrySpan > 0 , assertBool "entry duration" $ TraceRequest.d entrySpan > 0 , assertEqual "entry kind" 1 (TraceRequest.k entrySpan) , assertEqual "entry error count" 0 (TraceRequest.ec entrySpan) , assertEqual "entry from" from $ TraceRequest.f entrySpan , assertEqual "entry data" ( Aeson.object [ "http" .= (Aeson.object [ "method" .= ("GET" :: String) , "host" .= ("" :: String) , "url" .= ("/" ++ route) , "params" .= ("some=query¶meters=1" :: String) , "status" .= (200 :: Int) ] ) ] ) (TraceRequest.spanData entrySpan) , assertBool "exit timestamp" $ TraceRequest.ts exitSpan > 0 , assertBool "exit duration" $ TraceRequest.d exitSpan > 0 , assertEqual "exit kind" 2 (TraceRequest.k exitSpan) , assertEqual "exit error count" 0 (TraceRequest.ec exitSpan) , assertEqual "exit from" from $ TraceRequest.f exitSpan , assertEqual "exit data" ( Aeson.object [ "http" .= (Aeson.object [ "method" .= ("GET" :: String) , "url" .= ("" :: String) , "params" .= ("some=query¶meters=2&pass=" :: String) , "status" .= (200 :: Int) ] ) ] ) (TraceRequest.spanData exitSpan) ] spanAssertionsFromTestCaseDefinition :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> Span -> Span -> TestContext spanAssertionsFromTestCaseDefinition testCaseDefinition testContext entrySpan exitSpan = let testContextAfterEntrySpanChecks = verifyEntrySpan testCaseDefinition testContext entrySpan in verifyExitSpan testCaseDefinition testContextAfterEntrySpanChecks exitSpan verifyEntrySpan :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> Span -> TestContext verifyEntrySpan testCaseDefinition testContext entrySpan = verifySpan testCaseDefinition testContext "entry" entrySpan $ [ ( "t" , MS . entrySpanT , S . TraceRequest.t ) , ( "p" , MS . entrySpanP , MS . TraceRequest.p ) , ( "s" , MS . entrySpanS , S . TraceRequest.s ) , ( "ia" , MIA . entrySpanIa , MIA . TraceRequest.ia ) , ( "tp" , MB . entrySpanTp , MB . TraceRequest.tp ) , ( "lt" , MS . entrySpanLt , MS . TraceRequest.lt ) , ( "crid", MS . entrySpanCrid , MS . TraceRequest.crid ) , ( "crtp", MS . entrySpanCrtp , MS . TraceRequest.crtp ) , ( "sy" , MB . entrySpanSy , MB . TraceRequest.sy ) ] verifyExitSpan :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> Span -> TestContext verifyExitSpan testCaseDefinition testContext exitSpan = verifySpan testCaseDefinition testContext "exit" exitSpan $ [ ( "t" , MS . exitSpanT , S . TraceRequest.t ) , ( "p" , MS . exitSpanP , MS . TraceRequest.p ) , ( "s" , MS . exitSpanS , S . TraceRequest.s ) , ( "ia" , MIA . exitSpanIa , MIA . TraceRequest.ia ) , ( "tp" , MB . exitSpanTp , MB . TraceRequest.tp ) , ( "lt" , MS . exitSpanLt , MS . TraceRequest.lt ) , ( "crid", MS . exitSpanCrid , MS . TraceRequest.crid ) , ( "crtp", MS . exitSpanCrtp , MS . TraceRequest.crtp ) , ( "sy" , MB . exitSpanSy , MB . TraceRequest.sy ) ] verifySpan :: SpecTestCase -> TestContext -> String -> Span -> [(String, SpecTestCase -> ExpectedActual, Span -> ExpectedActual)] -> TestContext verifySpan testCaseDefinition testContext spanKindLabel span_ accessorPairs = foldr (\(attributeLabel, testCaseAccesor, spanAccesor) currentTestContext -> let label = spanKindLabel ++ " span." ++ attributeLabel expectedValue = testCaseAccesor testCaseDefinition actualValue = spanAccesor span_ in if containsPlaceholder' expectedValue then parseForPlaceholders currentTestContext label (unpack expectedValue) (unpack actualValue) else addAssertion (assertEqual label expectedValue actualValue ) currentTestContext ) testContext accessorPairs verifySuppression :: TestContext -> IO Test verifySuppression (assertions, _) = do -- wait a few seconds, then check that no spans have been recorded threadDelay $ 5 * 1000 * 1000 spansResults <- TestHelper.waitForRegisteredSpansMatching [] case spansResults of Left failure -> failIO $ "Could not load recorded spans from agent stub: " ++ failure Right spans -> do if not (null spans) then failIO "spans have been recorded although they should have not" else assertAllIO $ assertions containsPlaceholder :: String -> Bool containsPlaceholder = elem '$' containsPlaceholder' :: ExpectedActual -> Bool containsPlaceholder' (S s) = elem '$' s containsPlaceholder' (MS (Just s)) = elem '$' s containsPlaceholder' (MS Nothing) = False containsPlaceholder' (MIA _) = False containsPlaceholder' (MB _) = False parseForPlaceholders :: TestContext -> String -> String -> String -> TestContext parseForPlaceholders testContext label template value = let templateRegex = (RegexBase.makeRegex ("\\$[a-z0-9_]+" :: String)) :: Regex -- I'm sorry, this is ugly and complicated. To ease the pain, let's follow -- along with an example. Assuming we have: -- template = 00-0000000000000000$new_64_bit_trace_id-$new_span_id_2-01 -- value = 00-0000000000000000b9e374754ca092b9-de54a2e7e1ceffc4-01 -- Then we will get: -- placeholdersInString = [ '$new_64_bit_trace_id', '$new_span_id_2' ] placeholdersInStringMatches = RegexBase.matchAllText templateRegex template placeholdersInString = map (\match-> T.pack $ fst $ match ! 0) placeholdersInStringMatches -- Now escape "$" characters so they are used as literals in the regex: -- escapedPlaceholdersInString = [ '\\$new_64_bit_trace_id', '\\$new_span_id_2' ] escapedPlaceholdersInString = map (\tpl -> T.replace "$" "\\$" tpl) placeholdersInString -- Now we want to find all _fixed_ parts of the template string, that is, -- the parts between the placeholders: -- placeholderRegex = "^(.*)\\$new_64_bit_trace_id(.*)\\$new_span_id_2(.*)$" placeholderRegex = constructRegex "^(.*)" escapedPlaceholdersInString "(.*)" "(.*)$" fixedLiteralsMatchStructure = RegexBase.matchOnceText placeholderRegex template in case fixedLiteralsMatchStructure of Nothing -> addAssertion (assertFailure ("Failure: No fixed literals match for template " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) ) testContext Just (_, fixedLiteralsMatches, _) -> if null fixedLiteralsMatches then addAssertion (assertFailure ("Failure: No placeholder match result " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) ) testContext else let -- fixedLiterals = [ '00-0000000000000000', '-', '-01' ] fixedLiterals = extractMatches fixedLiteralsMatches -- valuesRegex = '^00-0000000000000000(.*)-(.*)-01$' valuesRegex = constructRegex "^" fixedLiterals "(.*)" "$" -- Finally, extract the values that the current value has for the -- placeholders. valuesMatchStructure = RegexBase.matchOnceText valuesRegex value in case valuesMatchStructure of Nothing -> addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Failure: Could not match the value " ++ value ++ " against the template " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) testContext Just (_, valuesMatches, _) -> if null valuesMatches then addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Failure: Could not match the value " ++ value ++ " against the template " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) testContext else let -- actualValues = -- ['3124d02b3e5b1531', 'e16a9d4443b7e2d1'] actualValues = extractMatches valuesMatches in updatePlaceholdersAndCreateAssertions testContext label placeholdersInString actualValues updatePlaceholdersAndCreateAssertions :: TestContext -> String -> [Text] -> [Text] -> TestContext updatePlaceholdersAndCreateAssertions testContext label placeholdersInString actualValues = foldr (\(idx, placeholder) currentTestContext -> let (_, currentValuesForPlaceholders) = currentTestContext existingValueM = lookup placeholder currentValuesForPlaceholders newValue = actualValues !! idx in case existingValueM of Just existingValue -> addAssertion ( assertEqual ( T.unpack $ T.concat [ "The placeholder " , placeholder , " had the value " , existingValue , " earlier but now it has the value " , newValue , ". The same placeholders needs to always have " , "the same value throughout one single test case (" , (T.pack label) , ")." ] ) existingValue newValue ) currentTestContext Nothing -> addPlaceholderValue (placeholder, newValue) testContext ) testContext (zip [0..] placeholdersInString) parseForPlaceholderJsonValue :: TestContext -> String -> String -> Maybe AesonTypes.Value -> TestContext parseForPlaceholderJsonValue testContext label template value = case value of Just aesonValue -> case aesonValue of AesonTypes.String stringValue -> parseForPlaceholders testContext label template (T.unpack stringValue) _ -> addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Failure: Expecte a string value but instead got " ++ show aesonValue ++ " when matching against the template " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) testContext Nothing -> addAssertion (assertFailure $ "Failure: A value was expected to be present in the HTTP " ++ "response but was not when matching against the template " ++ template ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")." ) testContext constructRegex :: Text -> [Text] -> Text -> Text -> Regex constructRegex start strings separator end = RegexBase.makeRegex (T.unpack $ T.concat [ start , T.intercalate separator strings , end ]) extractMatches :: RegexBase.MatchText String -> [Text] extractMatches matchArray = map (\submatch -> T.pack $ fst submatch) (tail $ Array.elems matchArray) assertEqualInMap :: String -> String -> Text -> HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> Assertion assertEqualInMap label expected key jsonMap = assertEqual label (Just $ Aeson.String $ T.pack $ expected) (HashMap.lookup key jsonMap) assertNotInMap :: String -> Text -> HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> Assertion assertNotInMap label key jsonMap = assertEqual label Nothing (HashMap.lookup key jsonMap)