{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Instana.SDK.SDK Description : The main API of the Instana Haskell Trace SDK. Instana.SDK.SDK is the main API of the Instana Haskell Trace SDK. Use one of 'initInstana', 'initConfiguredInstana', 'withInstana', or 'withConfiguredInstana' to get an InstanaContext. Then use the context with any of the 'withRootEntry', 'withEntry', 'withExit' functions for tracing. -} module Instana.SDK.SDK ( Config , InstanaContext , addAnnotation , addAnnotationAt , addAnnotationValueAt , addHttpTracingHeaders , addToErrorCount , addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelation , agentHost , agentPort , captureHttpStatus , completeEntry , completeExit , currentParentId , currentSpan , currentSpanId , currentTraceId , currentTraceIdInternal , defaultConfig , forceTransmissionAfter , forceTransmissionStartingAt , incrementErrorCount , initConfiguredInstana , initInstana , isConnected , maxBufferedSpans , postProcessHttpResponse , readHttpTracingHeaders , serviceName , setCorrelationId , setCorrelationType , setServiceName , setSynthetic , startEntry , startExit , startHttpEntry , startHttpExit , startRootEntry , withConfiguredInstana , withEntry , withExit , withHttpEntry , withHttpEntry_ , withHttpExit , withInstana , withRootEntry ) where import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId) import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM) import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import Control.Monad (join, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8 import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTPTypes import qualified Network.Socket as Socket import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import System.Log.Logger (warningM) import qualified System.Posix.Process as Process import Instana.SDK.Config import Instana.SDK.Internal.Command (Command) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Command as Command import Instana.SDK.Internal.Config (FinalConfig) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Config as InternalConfig import Instana.SDK.Internal.Context (ConnectionState (..), InternalContext (InternalContext)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Context as InternalContext import Instana.SDK.Internal.Id (Id) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Id as Id import Instana.SDK.Internal.Logging (instanaLogger) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Logging as Logging import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Metrics.Sample as Sample import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Secrets as Secrets import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.ServerTiming as ServerTiming import Instana.SDK.Internal.SpanStack (SpanStack) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.SpanStack as SpanStack import Instana.SDK.Internal.Util ((|>)) import Instana.SDK.Internal.W3CTraceContext (W3CTraceContext) import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.W3CTraceContext as W3CTraceContext import qualified Instana.SDK.Internal.Worker as Worker import Instana.SDK.Span.EntrySpan (EntrySpan (..)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.EntrySpan as EntrySpan import Instana.SDK.Span.ExitSpan (ExitSpan (ExitSpan)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.ExitSpan as ExitSpan import Instana.SDK.Span.NonRootEntry (NonRootEntry (NonRootEntry)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.NonRootEntry as NonRootEntry import Instana.SDK.Span.RootEntry (RootEntry (RootEntry)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.RootEntry as RootEntry import Instana.SDK.Span.SimpleSpan (SimpleSpan) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.SimpleSpan as SimpleSpan import Instana.SDK.Span.Span (Span (..), SpanKind (..)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.Span as Span import Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData (Annotation (..), AnnotationValue) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData as SpanData import Instana.SDK.Span.SpanType (SpanType (RegisteredSpan)) import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.SpanType as SpanType import Instana.SDK.TracingHeaders (TracingHeaders, readHttpTracingHeaders) import qualified Instana.SDK.TracingHeaders as TracingHeaders {-| A container for all the things the Instana SDK needs to do its work. -} type InstanaContext = InternalContext httpServerSpan :: SpanType httpServerSpan = RegisteredSpan SpanType.HaskellWaiServer {-| Initializes the Instana SDK and the connection to the Instana agent. The configuration is read from the environment, falling back to default values. -} initInstana :: MonadIO m => m InstanaContext initInstana = do conf <- liftIO $ InternalConfig.readConfigFromEnvironmentAndApplyDefaults liftIO $ initInstanaInternal conf {-| Initializes the Instana SDK and the connection to the Instana agent, then calls the given function with the established connection. The configuration is read from the environment, falling back to default values. -} withInstana :: MonadIO m => (InstanaContext -> m a) -> m a withInstana fn = do conf <- liftIO InternalConfig.readConfigFromEnvironmentAndApplyDefaults withInstanaInternal conf fn {-| Initializes the Instana SDK and the connection to the Instana agent, using the given Instana configuration. Configuration settings that have not been set in the given configuration are read from the environment, falling back to default values. -} initConfiguredInstana :: MonadIO m => Config -> m InstanaContext initConfiguredInstana conf = do confFromEnv <- liftIO $ InternalConfig.readConfigFromEnvironment let mergedConf = InternalConfig.mergeConfigs conf confFromEnv liftIO $ initInstanaInternal mergedConf {-| Initializes the Instana SDK and the connection to the Instana agent, then calls the given function with the established connection, using the given Instana configuration. Configuration settings that have not been set in the given configuration are read from the environment, falling back to default values. -} withConfiguredInstana :: MonadIO m => Config -> (InstanaContext -> m a) -> m a withConfiguredInstana conf fn = do confFromEnv <- liftIO $ InternalConfig.readConfigFromEnvironment let mergedConf = InternalConfig.mergeConfigs conf confFromEnv withInstanaInternal mergedConf fn withInstanaInternal :: MonadIO m => FinalConfig -> (InstanaContext -> m a) -> m a withInstanaInternal conf fn = do context <- liftIO $ initInstanaInternal conf fn context initInstanaInternal :: FinalConfig -> IO InstanaContext initInstanaInternal conf = do now <- round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime pid <- Process.getProcessID Logging.initLogger $ show pid commandQueue <- STM.newTQueueIO spanQueue <- STM.newTVarIO $ Seq.empty connectionState <- STM.newTVarIO $ Unconnected fileDescriptor <- STM.newTVarIO $ Nothing threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId currentSpans <- STM.newTVarIO $ Map.singleton threadId SpanStack.empty previousMetricsSample <- STM.newTVarIO $ Sample.empty now -- HTTP.newManager is keep-alive by default (10 connections, we set it to 5) manager <- HTTP.newManager $ HTTP.defaultManagerSettings { HTTP.managerConnCount = 5 , HTTP.managerResponseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro $ 5000 * 1000 , HTTP.managerRawConnection = HTTP.rawConnectionModifySocket (\socket -> do fileDescriptorFromSocket <- Socket.unsafeFdSocket socket STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar fileDescriptor (Just fileDescriptorFromSocket) ) } let context = InternalContext { InternalContext.config = conf -- sdkStartTime will be used to approximate the process start time on -- non-Linux platforms where System.SysInfo is not available. The -- assumption is that the SDK is initialized right at the start of the -- process. , InternalContext.sdkStartTime = now , InternalContext.httpManager = manager , InternalContext.commandQueue = commandQueue , InternalContext.spanQueue = spanQueue , InternalContext.connectionState = connectionState , InternalContext.fileDescriptor = fileDescriptor , InternalContext.currentSpans = currentSpans , InternalContext.previousMetricsSample = previousMetricsSample } -- The worker thread will also try to establish the connection to the agent -- and only start its work when that was successful. Worker.spawnWorker context return context -- |Wraps an IO action in 'startRootEntry' and 'completeEntry'. For incoming -- HTTP requests, prefer 'withHttpEntry' instead. withRootEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> SpanType -> m a -> m a withRootEntry context spanType io = do startRootEntry context spanType result <- io completeEntry context return result -- |Wraps an IO action in 'startEntry' and 'completeEntry'. For incoming HTTP -- requests, prefer 'withHttpEntry' instead. withEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> String -> String -> SpanType -> m a -> m a withEntry context traceId parentId spanType io = do startEntry context traceId parentId spanType result <- io completeEntry context return result -- |Wraps an IO action in 'startEntry' and 'completeEntry'. This internal method -- accepts Id values instead of String values for trace ID/parent ID, to allow -- span.lt to be transported alongside the shortened trace ID. withEntry' :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Id -> Id -> SpanType -> m a -> m a withEntry' context traceId parentId spanType io = do startEntry' context traceId parentId spanType result <- io completeEntry context return result -- |A convenience function that examines the given incoming HTTP request for -- Instana tracing headers -- (https://docs.instana.io/core_concepts/tracing/#http-tracing-headers) -- and wraps the given IO action either in 'startRootEntry' or 'startEntry' and -- 'completeEntry', depending on the presence or absence of these headers. It -- will also capture the response HTTP status (and set the span's error count -- if it is 5xx). Finally, it will add (or append to) the HTTP response header -- (Server-Timing) that is used for website monitoring back end correlation. -- (The latter part is the difference to 'withHttpEntry_', plus the slightly -- different type signature.) -- -- This function should be preferred over 'withHttpEntry_'. -- -- You do not need to handle incoming HTTP requests at all when using the -- Instana WAI middleware plug-in. withHttpEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> m Wai.Response -> m Wai.Response withHttpEntry context request io = do response <- withHttpEntry_ context request $ do io >>= postProcessHttpResponse context return response -- |A variant of 'withHttpEntry' with a more general type signature, but less -- features. It will automatically continue the trace from incoming headers just -- like withHttpEntry does, but it will not capture the status code of the HTTP -- response or add the response header for website monitoring back end -- correlation (Server-Timing). -- -- It is recommended to use 'withHttpEntry' instead of this function, if -- possible. Alternatively, you can also call 'postProcessHttpResponse' inside -- the 'withHttpEntry_' block to cover the two missing features mentioned above. -- -- Note that you do not need to handle incoming HTTP requests at all when using -- the Instana WAI middleware plug-in. withHttpEntry_ :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> m a -> m a withHttpEntry_ context request io = commonHttpHandling context request HttpTracingHandlers { continueFromInstanaHeaders = withHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders , continueFromTraceParent = withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent , continueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair = withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair , createRoot = withHttpEntryRoot } io -- |A variant of 'withHttpEntry' that continues a trace from Instana headers -- (X-INSTANA-T, X-INSTANA-S and X-INSTANA-L). withHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> String -> String -> m a -> m a withHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders context t s io = withEntry context t s httpServerSpan io -- |A variant of 'withHttpEntry' that continues a trace from the W3C trace -- context headers traceparent. withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> W3CTraceContext -> m a -> m a withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent context w3cTraceContext io = let traceParent = W3CTraceContext.traceParent w3cTraceContext in withEntry' context (W3CTraceContext.traceId traceParent) (W3CTraceContext.parentId traceParent) httpServerSpan (setSpanTpFlag context >> io) -- |A variant of 'withHttpEntry' that continues a trace from the Instana -- key-value pair from the tracestate header. withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Id -> Id -> m a -> m a withHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair context t s io = withEntry' context t s httpServerSpan io -- |A variant of 'withHttpEntry' that does not continue a trace but starts a -- new trace. withHttpEntryRoot :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> TracingHeaders -> m a -> m a withHttpEntryRoot context tracingHeaders io = withRootEntry context httpServerSpan $ addCorrelationTypeAndIdToSpan context tracingHeaders >> io -- |Wraps an IO action in 'startExit' and 'completeExit'. withExit :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> SpanType -> m a -> m a withExit context spanType io = do startExit context spanType result <- io completeExit context return result -- |Wraps an IO action in 'startHttpExit' and 'completeExit'. The given action -- is accepted as a function (Request -> IO a) and is expected to use the -- provided request parameter for executing the HTTP request. withHttpExit :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> HTTP.Request -> (HTTP.Request -> m a) -> m a withHttpExit context request io = do request' <- startHttpExit context request result <- io request' completeExit context return result -- |Creates a preliminary/incomplete root entry span, which should later be -- completed with 'completeEntry'. startRootEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> SpanType -> m () startRootEntry context spanType = do liftIO $ do timestamp <- round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime traceId <- Id.generate let newSpan = RootEntrySpan $ RootEntry { RootEntry.spanAndTraceId = traceId , RootEntry.spanType = spanType , RootEntry.timestamp = timestamp , RootEntry.errorCount = 0 , RootEntry.serviceName = Nothing , RootEntry.synthetic = False , RootEntry.correlationType = Nothing , RootEntry.correlationId = Nothing , RootEntry.spanData = Span.initialData EntryKind spanType , RootEntry.w3cTraceContext = Nothing } pushSpan context (\stack -> case stack of Nothing -> -- We did not initialise the span stack for this thread, do it now. SpanStack.entry newSpan Just spanStack -> spanStack |> SpanStack.push (Entry newSpan) ) -- |Creates a preliminary/incomplete entry span, which should later be completed -- by calling 'completeEntry'. startEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> String -> String -> SpanType -> m () startEntry context traceId parentId spanType = do let tId = Id.fromString traceId pId = Id.fromString parentId startEntry' context tId pId spanType -- |Creates a preliminary/incomplete entry span, which should later be completed -- by calling 'completeEntry'. This internal method accepts Id values instead of -- String values for trace ID/parent ID, to allow span.lt to be transported -- alongside the shortened trace ID. startEntry' :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Id -> Id -> SpanType -> m () startEntry' context traceId parentId spanType = do liftIO $ do timestamp <- round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime spanId <- Id.generate let newSpan = NonRootEntrySpan $ NonRootEntry { NonRootEntry.traceId = traceId , NonRootEntry.spanId = spanId , NonRootEntry.parentId = parentId , NonRootEntry.spanType = spanType , NonRootEntry.timestamp = timestamp , NonRootEntry.errorCount = 0 , NonRootEntry.serviceName = Nothing , NonRootEntry.synthetic = False , NonRootEntry.spanData = Span.initialData EntryKind spanType , NonRootEntry.w3cTraceContext = Nothing , NonRootEntry.tpFlag = False } pushSpan context (\stack -> case stack of Nothing -> -- We did not initialise the span stack for this thread yet, do -- it now. SpanStack.entry newSpan Just spanStack -> spanStack |> SpanStack.push (Entry newSpan) ) return () -- |A convenience function that examines the given request for Instana tracing -- headers (https://docs.instana.io/core_concepts/tracing/#http-tracing-headers) -- and either calls 'startRootEntry' or 'startEntry', depending on the presence -- of absence of these headers. startHttpEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> m () startHttpEntry context request = do commonHttpHandling context request HttpTracingHandlers { continueFromInstanaHeaders = startHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders , continueFromTraceParent = startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent , continueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair = startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair , createRoot = startHttpEntryRoot } (return ()) -- |A variant of 'startHttpEntry' that continues a trace from Instana headers -- (X-INSTANA-T, X-INSTANA-S and X-INSTANA-L). startHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> String -> String -> m a -> m a startHttpEntryContinueFromInstanaHeaders context t s io = do startEntry context t s httpServerSpan io -- |A variant of 'startHttpEntry' that continues a trace from the W3C trace -- context headers traceparent. startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> W3CTraceContext -> m a -> m a startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceParent context w3cTraceContext io = do let traceParent = W3CTraceContext.traceParent w3cTraceContext startEntry' context (W3CTraceContext.traceId traceParent) (W3CTraceContext.parentId traceParent) httpServerSpan (setSpanTpFlag context >> io) -- |A variant of 'startHttpEntry' that continues a trace from the Instana -- key-value pair from the tracestate header. startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Id -> Id -> m a -> m a startHttpEntryContinueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair context t s io = do startEntry' context t s httpServerSpan io -- |A variant of 'startHttpEntry' that does not continue a trace but starts a -- new trace. startHttpEntryRoot :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> TracingHeaders -> m a -> m a startHttpEntryRoot context tracingHeaders io = do startRootEntry context httpServerSpan addCorrelationTypeAndIdToSpan context tracingHeaders io -- |A set of handlers to continue a trace from incoming headers or create a -- new trace, which can be either used from withHttpEntry or startHttpEntry. data HttpTracingHandlers m a = HttpTracingHandlers { continueFromInstanaHeaders :: InstanaContext -> String -> String -> m a -> m a , continueFromTraceParent :: InstanaContext -> W3CTraceContext -> m a -> m a , continueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair :: InstanaContext -> Id -> Id -> m a -> m a , createRoot :: InstanaContext -> TracingHeaders -> m a -> m a } -- |Bundles common handling for startHttpEntry and withHttpEntry. commonHttpHandling :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> HttpTracingHandlers m a -> m a -> m a commonHttpHandling context request httpTracingHandlers io = do let tracingHeaders = readHttpTracingHeaders request traceId = TracingHeaders.traceId tracingHeaders spanId = TracingHeaders.spanId tracingHeaders level = TracingHeaders.level tracingHeaders traceparent = TracingHeaders.traceparent tracingHeaders tracestate = TracingHeaders.tracestate tracingHeaders -- discard incoming X-INSTANA-T/-S if eum correlation data is present (traceId', spanId') = case TracingHeaders.correlationId tracingHeaders of Nothing -> (traceId, spanId) Just _ -> (Nothing, Nothing) w3cTraceContext = case traceparent of Just tp -> W3CTraceContext.decode tp tracestate Nothing -> Nothing case level of TracingHeaders.Trace -> executeTracedHttpRequest context request httpTracingHandlers tracingHeaders w3cTraceContext traceId' spanId' io TracingHeaders.Suppress -> executeSuppressedHttpRequest context w3cTraceContext io -- |Evaluates the incoming headers (Instana headers and W3C trace context) and -- decides from which set of headers to continue the trace (or to start a new -- trace). executeTracedHttpRequest :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> HttpTracingHandlers m a -> TracingHeaders -> Maybe W3CTraceContext -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> m a -> m a executeTracedHttpRequest context request httpTracingHandlers tracingHeaders w3cTraceContext traceId spanId io = do let synthetic = TracingHeaders.synthetic tracingHeaders io' = (setW3cTraceContext context w3cTraceContext) >> io >>= (\ioResult -> do addHttpData context request synthetic return ioResult ) w3cTsInKvPair = join $ W3CTraceContext.instanaKeyValuePair <$> W3CTraceContext.traceState <$> w3cTraceContext tIdFromW3cInKvPair = W3CTraceContext.instanaTraceId <$> w3cTsInKvPair pIdFromW3cInKvPair = W3CTraceContext.instanaParentId <$> w3cTsInKvPair w3cTraceCorrelationDisabled = InternalConfig.disableW3cTraceCorrelation . InternalContext.config $ context case ( traceId , spanId , w3cTraceContext , w3cTraceCorrelationDisabled , tIdFromW3cInKvPair , pIdFromW3cInKvPair ) of (Just t, Just s, _, _, _, _) -> (continueFromInstanaHeaders httpTracingHandlers) context t s io' (_, _, Just w3cCtx, False, _, _) -> (continueFromTraceParent httpTracingHandlers) context w3cCtx io' (_, _, _, True, Just t, Just s) -> (continueFromTraceStateInstanaKeyValuePair httpTracingHandlers) context t s io' _ -> (createRoot httpTracingHandlers) context tracingHeaders io' -- |Handles an incoming HTTP request when tracing is suppressed. executeSuppressedHttpRequest :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Maybe W3CTraceContext -> m a -> m a executeSuppressedHttpRequest context maybeW3cTraceContext io = do liftIO $ do w3cTraceContext <- case maybeW3cTraceContext of Just w3cCtx -> return w3cCtx Nothing -> do W3CTraceContext.initBogusContextForSuppressedRequest pushSpan context (\stack -> case stack of Nothing -> -- We did not initialise the span stack for this thread, do it -- now. SpanStack.suppress w3cTraceContext Just spanStack -> SpanStack.pushSuppress w3cTraceContext spanStack ) io addHttpData :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Request -> Bool -> m () addHttpData context request synthetic = do extraHeadersConfig <- liftIO $ InternalContext.readExtraHeaders context secretsMatcher <- liftIO $ InternalContext.readSecretsMatcher context let host :: String host = Wai.requestHeaderHost request |> fmap BSC8.unpack |> Maybe.fromMaybe "" capturedHeaders = collectHeaders extraHeadersConfig $ Wai.requestHeaders request httpAnnotations = [ SpanData.simpleAnnotation "method" $ Wai.requestMethod request |> BSC8.unpack , SpanData.simpleAnnotation "url" $ Wai.rawPathInfo request |> BSC8.unpack , SpanData.simpleAnnotation "host" $ host , SpanData.optionalAnnotation "params" $ (processQueryString secretsMatcher (Wai.rawQueryString request)) ] httpAnnotations' = case capturedHeaders of Just headers -> httpAnnotations ++ [SpanData.listAnnotation "header" headers] Nothing -> httpAnnotations addAnnotation context (Object "http" httpAnnotations') setSynthetic context synthetic collectHeaders :: [CI BSC8.ByteString] -> [HTTPTypes.Header] -> Maybe [(String, String)] collectHeaders extraHeadersConfig allHeaders = let all2 = allHeaders filtered = filterHeaders extraHeadersConfig all2 serialized = fmap (\(name, value) -> (BSC8.unpack $ CI.original name, BSC8.unpack value)) filtered in if null serialized then Nothing else Just serialized filterHeaders :: [CI BSC8.ByteString] -> [HTTPTypes.Header] -> [HTTPTypes.Header] filterHeaders configuredList allHeaders = let filterFn (name, _) = elem name configuredList in filter filterFn allHeaders -- |Adds website correlation annotations to the HTTP entry span. addCorrelationTypeAndIdToSpan :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> TracingHeaders -> m () addCorrelationTypeAndIdToSpan context tracingHeaders = do let correlationType = TracingHeaders.correlationType tracingHeaders correlationId = TracingHeaders.correlationId tracingHeaders case (correlationType, correlationId) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return () (Just crtp, Nothing) -> do setCorrelationType context (T.pack crtp) return () (Nothing, Just crid) -> do setCorrelationId context (T.pack crid) return () (Just crtp, Just crid) -> do setCorrelationType context (T.pack crtp) setCorrelationId context (T.pack crid) return () -- |Processes the response of an HTTP entry. This function needs be called while -- the HTTP entry span is still active. It can be used inside a 'withHttpEntry_' -- block or between 'startHttpEntry' and 'completeEntry'. -- -- This function accomplishes two things: -- * It captures the HTTP status code from the response and adds it as an -- annotation to the currently active span. -- * It adds an additional HTTP response header (Server-Timing) to the given HTTP -- response that enables website monitoring back end correlation. In case the -- response already has a Server-Timing header, a value is appended to the -- existing Server-Timing list. -- -- Client code should rarely have the need to call this directly. Instead, -- capture incoming HTTP requests with 'withHttpEntry', which does -- both of these things automatically. -- -- Clients should make sure to call this in the context provided above, that is, -- within 'withHttpEntry_' or between 'startHttpEntry' and 'completeEntry' but -- outside of blocks that create an exit span, that is, outside of 'withExit', -- 'withHttpExit' and not between 'startExit' and 'completeExit'. postProcessHttpResponse :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> m Wai.Response postProcessHttpResponse context response = do liftIO $ do captureHttpStatusUnlifted context response captureResponseHeaders context response addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelationUnlifted context response -- |Captures the status code of the HTTP response and adds it to the currently -- active span. If the status code is >= 500, the status message is also -- captured. This function needs be called while the HTTP entry span is still -- active. It can be used inside a 'withHttpEntry_' block or between -- 'startHttpEntry' and 'completeEntry'. -- -- Client code should rarely have the need to call this directly. Instead, -- capture incoming HTTP requests with 'withHttpEntry', which captures the -- status code automatically and also adds the Server-Timing header for back end -- web site monitoring correlation. When not using 'withHttpEntry', the function -- 'postProcessHttpResponse' should be preferred over this function, because it -- does both (capture the status code and add the Server-Timing header). captureHttpStatus :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> m () captureHttpStatus context response = do liftIO $ captureHttpStatusUnlifted context response -- |Captures the status code of the HTTP response and adds it to the currently -- active span. If the status code is >= 500, the status message is also -- captured. captureHttpStatusUnlifted :: InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> IO () captureHttpStatusUnlifted context response = do let (HTTPTypes.Status statusCode statusMessage) = Wai.responseStatus response addAnnotationToEntrySpanAt context "http.status" $ SpanData.simpleValue statusCode when (statusCode >= 500 ) (addAnnotationAt context "http.message" $ SpanData.simpleValue $ BSC8.unpack statusMessage ) -- |Captures the HTTP headers of the response, if extra headers for capture have -- been configured. The captured header (if any) will be added to the currently -- active span. This function needs be called while the HTTP entry span is still -- active. It can be used inside a 'withHttpEntry_' block or between -- 'startHttpEntry' and 'completeEntry'. -- -- Client code should rarely have the need to call this directly. Instead, -- capture incoming HTTP requests with 'withHttpEntry', which captures the -- headers automatically. When not using 'withHttpEntry', the function -- 'postProcessHttpResponse' should be preferred over this function. captureResponseHeaders :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> m () captureResponseHeaders context response = do liftIO $ captureResponseHeadersUnlifted context response -- |Captures the HTTP headers of the response, if extra headers for capture have -- been configured. The captured header (if any) will be added to the currently -- active span. captureResponseHeadersUnlifted :: InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> IO () captureResponseHeadersUnlifted context response = do extraHeadersConfig <- liftIO $ InternalContext.readExtraHeaders context let capturedHeaders = collectHeaders extraHeadersConfig $ Wai.responseHeaders response when (Maybe.isJust capturedHeaders) (do let Just headers = capturedHeaders addAnnotationValueToEntrySpanAt context "http.header" $ SpanData.listValue headers ) -- |Adds an additional HTTP response header (Server-Timing) to the given HTTP -- response that enables website monitoring back end correlation. In case the -- response already has a Server-Timing header, a value is appended to the -- existing Server-Timing list. This function needs be called while the HTTP -- entry span is still active. It can be used inside a 'withHttpEntry_' block or -- between 'startHttpEntry' and 'completeEntry'. -- -- Client code should rarely have the need to call this directly. Instead, -- capture incoming HTTP requests with 'withHttpEntry', which adds the -- response header automatically and also captures the HTTP status code of the -- response. When not using 'withHttpEntry', the function -- 'postProcessHttpResponse' should be preferred over this function, because -- it does both (capture the status code and add the Server-Timing header). addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelation :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> m Wai.Response addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelation context response = do liftIO $ addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelationUnlifted context response -- |Adds an additional HTTP response header (Server-Timing) to the given HTTP -- response that enables website monitoring back end correlation. In case the -- response already has a Server-Timing header, a value is appended to the -- existing Server-Timing list. addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelationUnlifted :: InstanaContext -> Wai.Response -> IO Wai.Response addWebsiteMonitoringBackEndCorrelationUnlifted context response = do traceIdMaybe <- currentTraceIdInternal context suppressed <- isSuppressed context case (traceIdMaybe, suppressed) of (Just traceId, False) -> return $ Wai.mapResponseHeaders (ServerTiming.addTraceIdToServerTiming traceId) response _ -> return response -- |Creates a preliminary/incomplete exit span, which should later be completed -- with 'completeExit'. startExit :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> SpanType -> m () startExit context spanType = do liftIO $ do suppressed <- isSuppressed context if suppressed then return () else do entrySpan <- peekSpan context case entrySpan of Just (Entry parent) -> do spanId <- Id.generate timestamp <- round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime let parentW3cTraceContext = EntrySpan.w3cTraceContext parent w3cTraceContext = case parentW3cTraceContext of Just w3cCtx -> W3CTraceContext.inheritFrom w3cCtx (EntrySpan.traceId parent) spanId Nothing -> W3CTraceContext.exitSpanContextFromIds (EntrySpan.traceId parent) spanId newSpan = ExitSpan { ExitSpan.parentSpan = parent , ExitSpan.spanId = spanId , ExitSpan.spanType = spanType , ExitSpan.timestamp = timestamp , ExitSpan.errorCount = 0 , ExitSpan.serviceName = Nothing , ExitSpan.spanData = Span.initialData ExitKind spanType , ExitSpan.w3cTraceContext = w3cTraceContext } pushSpan context (\stack -> case stack of Nothing -> -- No entry present, it is invalid to push an exit onto the -- stack without an entry. But we can at least init a stack -- for the current thread. SpanStack.empty Just spanStack -> spanStack |> SpanStack.push (Exit newSpan) ) Just (Exit ex) -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot start exit span \"" ++ show spanType ++ "\" since there is already an active exit span " ++ "in progress: " ++ show ex Nothing -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot start exit span \"" ++ show spanType ++ "\" since there is no active entry span " ++ "(actually, there is no active span at all)." return () -- |Creates a preliminary/incomplete http exit span, which should later be -- completed with 'completeExit'. The Instana tracing headers are added to the -- request and the modified request value is returned (use the return value of -- this function to execute your request instead of the request value passed -- into this function). startHttpExit :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> HTTP.Request -> m HTTP.Request startHttpExit context request = do extraHeadersConfig <- liftIO $ InternalContext.readExtraHeaders context secretsMatcher <- liftIO $ InternalContext.readSecretsMatcher context let originalCheckResponse = HTTP.checkResponse request request' = request -- Inject a checkResponse hook to capture the response status and -- response headers. { HTTP.checkResponse = (\req res -> do let status = res |> HTTP.responseStatus |> HTTPTypes.statusCode capturedResponseHeaders = collectHeaders extraHeadersConfig $ HTTP.responseHeaders res addAnnotationAt context "http.status" $ SpanData.simpleValue status when (Maybe.isJust capturedResponseHeaders) (do let Just responseHeaders = capturedResponseHeaders addAnnotationValueAt context "http.header" $ SpanData.listValue responseHeaders ) originalCheckResponse req res ) } port = ":" ++ (show $ HTTP.port request) protocol = if HTTP.secure request then "https://" else "http://" host = BSC8.unpack $ HTTP.host request path = BSC8.unpack $ HTTP.path request url = protocol ++ host ++ port ++ path capturedRequestHeaders = collectHeaders extraHeadersConfig $ HTTP.requestHeaders request httpAnnotations = [ SpanData.simpleAnnotation "method" $ BSC8.unpack $ HTTP.method request , SpanData.simpleAnnotation "url" url , SpanData.optionalAnnotation "params" (processQueryString secretsMatcher (HTTP.queryString request)) ] httpAnnotations' = case capturedRequestHeaders of Just requestHeaders -> httpAnnotations ++ [SpanData.listAnnotation "header" requestHeaders] Nothing -> httpAnnotations startExit context (RegisteredSpan SpanType.HaskellHttpClient) request'' <- addHttpTracingHeaders context request' addAnnotation context (Object "http" httpAnnotations') return request'' processQueryString :: Secrets.SecretsMatcher -> BSC8.ByteString -> Maybe Text processQueryString secretsMatcher queryString = queryString |> BSC8.unpack |> T.pack -- drop leading "?" character |> (\t -> if (not . T.null) t && T.head t == '?' then T.tail t else t) -- split on "&" delimiter |> T.splitOn "&" -- splitOn can yield "" elements, drop them |> List.filter (not . T.null) -- convert to pairs of query string name and value |> List.map (T.breakOn "=") -- drop leading "=" from value (breakOn includes the delimiter if present) |> List.map (\tuple -> if T.isPrefixOf "=" (snd tuple) then (fst tuple, T.tail $ snd tuple) else tuple ) -- redact secrets |> List.map (\tuple -> if (Secrets.isSecret secretsMatcher) (fst tuple) then (fst tuple, "") else tuple ) -- put pairs back together |> List.map (\tuple -> T.concat [fst tuple, "=", snd tuple]) -- concat into one string again |> T.intercalate "&" -- drop param if there were no query parameters |> (\t -> if t == "" then Nothing else Just t) -- |Completes an entry span, to be called at the last possible moment before the -- call has been processed completely. completeEntry :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> m () completeEntry context = do liftIO $ do (poppedSpan, warning) <- popSpan context EntryKind case (poppedSpan, warning) of (Just (Entry entrySpan), _) -> enqueueCommand context (Command.CompleteEntry entrySpan) (_, Just warnMessage) -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot complete entry span due to a span stack mismatch: " ++ warnMessage return () _ -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot complete entry span due to a span stack mismatch - there " ++ "is no active span or the currently active span is not an entry." return () -- |Completes an exit span, to be called as soon as the remote call has -- returned. completeExit :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> m () completeExit context = do liftIO $ do suppressed <- isSuppressed context if suppressed then return () else do (poppedSpan, warning) <- popSpan context ExitKind case (poppedSpan, warning) of (Just (Exit exitSpan), _) -> enqueueCommand context (Command.CompleteExit exitSpan) (_, Just warnMessage) -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot complete exit span due to a span stack mismatch: " ++ warnMessage _ -> do warningM instanaLogger $ "Cannot complete exit span due to a span stack mismatch - there " ++ "is no active span or the currently active span is not an exit." return () -- |Increments the error count for the currently active span by one. Call this -- between startEntry/startRootEntry/startExit and completeEntry/completeExit or -- inside the IO action given to with withEntry/withExit/withRootEntry if an -- error happens while processing the entry/exit. -- -- This is an alias for `addToErrorCount instanaContext 1`. incrementErrorCount :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> m () incrementErrorCount context = addToErrorCount context 1 -- |Increments the error count for the currently active span by one. Call this -- between startEntry/startRootEntry/startExit and completeEntry/completeExit or -- inside the IO action given to with withEntry/withExit/withRootEntry if an -- error happens while processing the entry/exit. addToErrorCount :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Int -> m () addToErrorCount context increment = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.addToErrorCount increment span_) -- |Override the name of the service for the associated call in Instana. setServiceName :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Text -> m () setServiceName context serviceName_ = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setServiceName serviceName_ span_) -- |Set the website monitoring correlation type. This should only be set on -- root entry spans. It will be silently ignored for other types of spans. setCorrelationType :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Text -> m () setCorrelationType context correlationType_ = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setCorrelationType correlationType_ span_) -- |Set the website monitoring correlation ID. This should only be set on -- root entry spans. It will be silently ignored for other types of spans. setCorrelationId :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Text -> m () setCorrelationId context correlationId_ = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setCorrelationId correlationId_ span_) -- |Attaches a W3C trace context to the currently active span. setW3cTraceContext :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Maybe W3CTraceContext -> m () setW3cTraceContext context w3cTraceContext = liftIO $ do case w3cTraceContext of Just w3cCtx -> modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setW3cTraceContext w3cCtx span_) Nothing -> return () -- |Sets the tp flag on the current span to mark it as a span that has -- inherited the trace ID/parent ID from W3C trace context instead of Instana -- headers. setSpanTpFlag :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> m () setSpanTpFlag context = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setTpFlag span_) -- |Set the synthetic flag. This should only be set on entry spans. It will be -- silently ignored for other types of spans. setSynthetic :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Bool -> m () setSynthetic context synthetic = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.setSynthetic synthetic span_) -- |Adds an annotation to the currently active span. Call this between -- startEntry/startRootEntry/startExit and completeEntry/completeExit or -- inside the IO action given to withEntry/withExit/withRootEntry. -- The given path can be a nested path, with path fragments separated by dots, -- like "http.url". This will result in -- "data": { -- ... -- "http": { -- "url": "..." -- }, -- ... -- } addAnnotationAt :: (MonadIO m, ToJSON a) => InstanaContext -> Text -> a -> m () addAnnotationAt context path value = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.addAnnotationAt path value span_) -- |Adds an annotation to the currently active span. Call this between -- startEntry/startRootEntry/startExit and completeEntry/completeExit or -- inside the IO action given to with withEntry/withExit/withRootEntry. Can be -- called multiple times, data from multiple calls will be merged. addAnnotation :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> Annotation -> m () addAnnotation context annotation = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.addAnnotation annotation span_) -- |Adds an annotation with the given value to the currently active span. Call -- this between startEntry/startRootEntry/startExit and -- completeEntry/completeExit or inside the IO action given to with -- withEntry/withExit/withRootEntry. The given path can be a nested path, with -- path fragments separated by dots, like "http.url". This will result in -- "data": { -- ... -- "http": { -- "url": "..." -- }, -- ... -- } addAnnotationValueAt :: (MonadIO m) => InstanaContext -> Text -> AnnotationValue -> m () addAnnotationValueAt context path value = liftIO $ modifyCurrentSpan context (\span_ -> Span.addAnnotationValueAt path value span_) -- |Adds an additional annotation to the currently active entry span, even if -- the currently active span is an exit child of that entry span. addAnnotationToEntrySpanAt :: (MonadIO m, ToJSON a) => InstanaContext -> Text -> a -> m () addAnnotationToEntrySpanAt context path value = liftIO $ modifyCurrentEntrySpan context (\span_ -> Span.addAnnotationAt path value span_) -- |Adds an additional annotation to the currently active entry span, even if -- the currently active span is an exit child of that entry span. addAnnotationValueToEntrySpanAt :: (MonadIO m) => InstanaContext -> Text -> AnnotationValue -> m () addAnnotationValueToEntrySpanAt context path value = liftIO $ modifyCurrentEntrySpan context (\span_ -> Span.addAnnotationValueAt path value span_) -- |Adds the Instana tracing headers -- (https://docs.instana.io/core_concepts/tracing/#http-tracing-headers) -- from the currently active span to the given HTTP client request. addHttpTracingHeaders :: MonadIO m => InstanaContext -> HTTP.Request -> m HTTP.Request addHttpTracingHeaders context request = liftIO $ do suppressed <- isSuppressed context traceId <- currentTraceIdInternal context spanId <- currentSpanIdInternal context w3cTraceContext <- currentW3cTraceContext context let originalHeaders = HTTP.requestHeaders request case (traceId, spanId, suppressed) of (_, _, True) -> do suppressedW3cTraceContext <- case w3cTraceContext of Just w3cCtx -> do bogusParentId <- Id.generate return $ W3CTraceContext.inheritFromForSuppressed w3cCtx bogusParentId Nothing -> do bogusTraceIdFromStack <- currentTraceIdInternal context bogusTraceId <- case bogusTraceIdFromStack of Just tId -> return tId Nothing -> Id.generate bogusParentId <- Id.generate return $ W3CTraceContext.createExitContextForSuppressed bogusTraceId bogusParentId return $ request { HTTP.requestHeaders = ((TracingHeaders.levelHeaderName, "0") : originalHeaders) ++ (w3cTraceContextToHeaders $ Just suppressedW3cTraceContext) } (Just tId, Just sId, False) -> return $ request { HTTP.requestHeaders = (originalHeaders ++ [ (TracingHeaders.traceIdHeaderName, Id.toByteString tId) , (TracingHeaders.spanIdHeaderName, Id.toByteString sId) ] ++ w3cTraceContextToHeaders w3cTraceContext ) } (Just tId, Nothing, False) -> return $ request { HTTP.requestHeaders = (originalHeaders ++ [ (TracingHeaders.traceIdHeaderName, Id.toByteString tId) ] ++ w3cTraceContextToHeaders w3cTraceContext ) } (Nothing, Just sId, False) -> return $ request { HTTP.requestHeaders = (originalHeaders ++ [ (TracingHeaders.spanIdHeaderName, Id.toByteString sId) ] ++ w3cTraceContextToHeaders w3cTraceContext ) } _ -> return request w3cTraceContextToHeaders :: Maybe W3CTraceContext -> [HTTPTypes.Header] w3cTraceContextToHeaders w3cTraceContext = case w3cTraceContext of Just w3cCtx -> W3CTraceContext.toHeaders w3cCtx Nothing -> [] -- |Sends a command to the worker thread. enqueueCommand :: InstanaContext -> Command -> IO () enqueueCommand context command = do -- TODO Maybe we better should use a bounded queue and drop stuff if we can't -- keep up. For now, this is an unbounded queue that might turn into a memory -- leak if a lot of spans are written and the HTTP requests to the agent can't -- keep up. let commandQueue = InternalContext.commandQueue context STM.atomically $ STM.writeTQueue commandQueue command -- |Makes the given span the currently active span. pushSpan :: InstanaContext -> (Maybe SpanStack -> SpanStack) -> IO () pushSpan context fn = do threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId STM.atomically $ STM.modifyTVar' (InternalContext.currentSpans context) (\currentSpansPerThread -> let modifiedStack = fn $ Map.lookup threadId currentSpansPerThread in Map.insert threadId modifiedStack currentSpansPerThread ) -- |Yields the currently active span, taking it of the stack. The span below -- that will become the new active span (if there is any). popSpan :: InstanaContext -> SpanKind -> IO (Maybe Span, Maybe String) popSpan context expectedKind = do threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId STM.atomically $ popSpanStm context threadId expectedKind -- |Yields the currently active span, taking it of the stack. The span below -- that will become the new active span (if there is any). popSpanStm :: InstanaContext -> ThreadId -> SpanKind -> STM (Maybe Span, Maybe String) popSpanStm context threadId expectedKind = do currentSpansPerThread <- STM.readTVar $ InternalContext.currentSpans context let oldStack = Map.lookup threadId currentSpansPerThread (modifiedStack, poppedSpan, warning) = case oldStack of Nothing -> -- invalid state, there should be a stack with at least one span on it ( SpanStack.empty , Nothing , Just $ "Invalid state: Trying to pop the span stack while there " ++ "is no span stack for this thread yet." ) Just spanStack -> SpanStack.popWhenMatches expectedKind spanStack updatedSpansPerThread = Map.insert threadId modifiedStack currentSpansPerThread STM.writeTVar (InternalContext.currentSpans context) updatedSpansPerThread return (poppedSpan, warning) -- |Yields the currently active span without modifying the span stack. peekSpan :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe Span) peekSpan context = do spanMaybe <- readFromSpanStack context SpanStack.peek return $ join spanMaybe -- |Checks whether the SDK has a connection to an Instana agent. isConnected :: InstanaContext -> IO Bool isConnected = InternalContext.isAgentConnectionEstablished -- |Provides the currently active span in a simple format fit for external use. currentSpan :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe SimpleSpan) currentSpan context = do span_ <- peekSpan context return $ SimpleSpan.convert <$> span_ -- |Retrieves the trace ID of the currently active trace in the current thread. currentTraceId :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe String) currentTraceId context = do traceIdMaybe <- currentTraceIdInternal context return $ Id.toString <$> traceIdMaybe -- |Retrieves the trace ID of the currently active trace in the current thread. currentTraceIdInternal :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe Id) currentTraceIdInternal context = do traceIdMaybe <- readFromSpanStack context SpanStack.readTraceId return $ join traceIdMaybe -- |Retrieves the span ID of the currently active span in the current thread. currentSpanId :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe String) currentSpanId context = do spanIdMaybe <- currentSpanIdInternal context return $ Id.toString <$> spanIdMaybe -- |Retrieves the span ID of the currently active span in the current thread. currentSpanIdInternal :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe Id) currentSpanIdInternal context = do span_ <- peekSpan context return $ Span.spanId <$> span_ -- |Retrieves the parent ID of the currently active span in the current thread. currentParentId :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe String) currentParentId context = do parentIdMaybe <- currentParentIdInternal context return $ Id.toString <$> parentIdMaybe -- |Retrieves the parent ID of the currently active span in the current thread. currentParentIdInternal :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe Id) currentParentIdInternal context = do span_ <- peekSpan context return $ join $ Span.parentId <$> span_ -- |Checks if tracing is suppressed for the current thread. isSuppressed :: InstanaContext -> IO Bool isSuppressed context = do suppressedMaybe <- readFromSpanStack context SpanStack.isSuppressed return $ Maybe.fromMaybe False suppressedMaybe -- |Retrieves the W3C trace context attached to currently active span in the -- current thread. currentW3cTraceContext :: InstanaContext -> IO (Maybe W3CTraceContext) currentW3cTraceContext context = do w3cTraceContextMaybe <- readFromSpanStack context SpanStack.readW3cTraceContext return $ join w3cTraceContextMaybe -- |Reads a value from the currently active span stack. readFromSpanStack :: InstanaContext -> (SpanStack -> a) -> IO (Maybe a) readFromSpanStack context accessor = do threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId STM.atomically $ readFromSpanStackStm context threadId accessor -- |Reads a value from the currently active span stack in the given thread. readFromSpanStackStm :: InstanaContext -> ThreadId -> (SpanStack -> a) -> STM (Maybe a) readFromSpanStackStm context threadId accessor = do currentSpansPerThread <- STM.readTVar $ InternalContext.currentSpans context let maybeStack = Map.lookup threadId currentSpansPerThread case maybeStack of Nothing -> return Nothing Just stack -> return $ Just $ accessor stack -- |Applies the given function to the currently active span, replacing it in -- place with the result of the given function. modifyCurrentSpan :: InstanaContext -> (Span -> Span) -> IO () modifyCurrentSpan context fn = do threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId STM.atomically $ STM.modifyTVar' (InternalContext.currentSpans context) (\currentSpansPerThread -> let stack = Map.lookup threadId currentSpansPerThread modifiedStack = mapCurrentSpan fn stack in Map.insert threadId modifiedStack currentSpansPerThread ) -- |Applies the given function to the top item on the given span stack. mapCurrentSpan :: (Span -> Span) -> Maybe SpanStack -> SpanStack mapCurrentSpan fn stack = Maybe.fromMaybe SpanStack.empty ((SpanStack.mapTop fn) <$> stack) -- |Applies the given function to the currently active entry span, even if the -- currently active span is an exit child of that entry span. The entry span -- will be replaced with the result of the given function. modifyCurrentEntrySpan :: InstanaContext -> (Span -> Span) -> IO () modifyCurrentEntrySpan context fn = do threadId <- Concurrent.myThreadId STM.atomically $ STM.modifyTVar' (InternalContext.currentSpans context) (\currentSpansPerThread -> let stack = Map.lookup threadId currentSpansPerThread modifiedStack = mapCurrentEntrySpan fn stack in Map.insert threadId modifiedStack currentSpansPerThread ) -- |Applies the given function to the entry span (if present) on the given span -- stack, even if there is already an exit span on top of it. mapCurrentEntrySpan :: (Span -> Span) -> Maybe SpanStack -> SpanStack mapCurrentEntrySpan fn stack = Maybe.fromMaybe SpanStack.empty ((SpanStack.mapEntry fn) <$> stack)