{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.HttpTracing ( shouldCreateRootEntryWithBracketApi , shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithBracketApi , shouldSuppressWithBracketApi , shouldCreateRootEntryWithLowLevelApi , shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithLowLevelApi , shouldSuppressWithLowLevelApi ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Data.Aeson ((.=)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSC8 import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.TraceRequest (From (..), Span) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.TraceRequest as TraceRequest import qualified Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.HttpHelper as HttpHelper import Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.HUnitExtra (applyLabel, applyLabel, assertAllIO, failIO) import qualified Instana.SDK.IntegrationTest.TestHelper as TestHelper import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Types (Header) import Test.HUnit shouldCreateRootEntryWithBracketApi :: String -> IO Test shouldCreateRootEntryWithBracketApi pid = applyLabel "shouldCreateRootEntryWithBracketApi" $ runBracketTest pid [] (applyConcat [rootEntryAsserts, bracketAsserts]) shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithBracketApi :: String -> IO Test shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithBracketApi pid = applyLabel "shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithBracketApi" $ do runBracketTest pid [ ("X-INSTANA-T", "test-trace-id") , ("X-INSTANA-S", "test-span-id") ] (applyConcat [nonRootEntryAsserts, bracketAsserts]) shouldSuppressWithBracketApi :: IO Test shouldSuppressWithBracketApi = applyLabel "shouldSuppressWithBracketApi" $ do runSuppressedTest "http/bracket/api" shouldCreateRootEntryWithLowLevelApi :: String -> IO Test shouldCreateRootEntryWithLowLevelApi pid = applyLabel "shouldCreateRootEntryWithLowLevelApi" $ runLowLevelTest pid [] (applyConcat [rootEntryAsserts, lowLevelAsserts]) shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithLowLevelApi :: String -> IO Test shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithLowLevelApi pid = applyLabel "shouldCreateNonRootEntryWithLowLevelApi" $ do runLowLevelTest pid [ ("X-INSTANA-T", "test-trace-id") , ("X-INSTANA-S", "test-span-id") ] (applyConcat [nonRootEntryAsserts, lowLevelAsserts]) shouldSuppressWithLowLevelApi :: IO Test shouldSuppressWithLowLevelApi = applyLabel "shouldSuppressWithLowLevelApi" $ do runSuppressedTest "http/low/level/api" runBracketTest :: String -> [Header] -> (Span -> [Assertion]) -> IO Test runBracketTest pid headers extraAsserts = runTest pid "http/bracket/api?some=query¶meters=1" headers extraAsserts runLowLevelTest :: String -> [Header] -> (Span -> [Assertion]) -> IO Test runLowLevelTest pid headers extraAsserts = runTest pid "http/low/level/api?some=query¶meters=2" headers extraAsserts runTest :: String -> String -> [Header] -> (Span -> [Assertion]) -> IO Test runTest pid urlPath headers extraAsserts = do response <- HttpHelper.doAppRequest urlPath "GET" headers let result = LBSC8.unpack $ HTTP.responseBody response from = Just $ From pid spansResults <- TestHelper.waitForSpansMatching [ "haskell.wai.server", "haskell.http.client" ] case spansResults of Left failure -> failIO $ "Could not load recorded spans from agent stub: " ++ failure Right spans -> do let maybeEntrySpan = TestHelper.getSpanByName "haskell.wai.server" spans maybeExitSpan = TestHelper.getSpanByName "haskell.http.client" spans if isNothing maybeEntrySpan || isNothing maybeExitSpan then failIO "expected spans have not been recorded" else do let Just entrySpan = maybeEntrySpan Just exitSpan = maybeExitSpan assertAllIO $ (commonAsserts entrySpan exitSpan result from) ++ (extraAsserts entrySpan) runSuppressedTest :: String -> IO Test runSuppressedTest urlPath = do response <- HttpHelper.doAppRequest urlPath "GET" [("X-INSTANA-L", "0")] let result = LBSC8.unpack $ HTTP.responseBody response -- wait a second, then check that no spans have been recorded threadDelay $ 10 * 1000 spansResults <- TestHelper.waitForSpansMatching [] case spansResults of Left failure -> failIO $ "Could not load recorded spans from agent stub: " ++ failure Right spans -> do if not (null spans) then failIO "spans have been recorded although they should have not" else assertAllIO [ assertEqual "result" "{\"response\": \"ok\"}" result ] rootEntryAsserts :: Span -> [Assertion] rootEntryAsserts entrySpan = [ assertEqual "root.traceId = root.spanId" (TraceRequest.t entrySpan) (TraceRequest.s entrySpan) , assertBool "root parent Id" $ isNothing $ TraceRequest.p entrySpan ] nonRootEntryAsserts :: Span -> [Assertion] nonRootEntryAsserts entrySpan = [ assertEqual "root.traceId" "test-trace-id" (TraceRequest.t entrySpan) , assertBool "root.spanId" $ "test-trace-id" /= (TraceRequest.s entrySpan) , assertEqual "root parent Id" (Just $ "test-span-id") (TraceRequest.p entrySpan) ] commonAsserts :: Span -> Span -> String -> Maybe From -> [Assertion] commonAsserts entrySpan exitSpan result from = [ assertEqual "result" "{\"response\": \"ok\"}" result , assertEqual "trace ID is consistent" (TraceRequest.t exitSpan) (TraceRequest.t entrySpan) , assertEqual "exit parent ID" (Just $ TraceRequest.s entrySpan) (TraceRequest.p exitSpan) , assertBool "entry timestamp" $ TraceRequest.ts entrySpan > 0 , assertBool "entry duration" $ TraceRequest.d entrySpan > 0 , assertEqual "entry kind" 1 (TraceRequest.k entrySpan) , assertEqual "entry error" 0 (TraceRequest.ec entrySpan) , assertEqual "entry from" from $ TraceRequest.f entrySpan , assertBool "exit timestamp" $ TraceRequest.ts exitSpan > 0 , assertBool "exit duration" $ TraceRequest.d exitSpan > 0 , assertEqual "exit kind" 2 (TraceRequest.k exitSpan) , assertEqual "exit error" 0 (TraceRequest.ec exitSpan) , assertEqual "exit from" from $ TraceRequest.f exitSpan , assertEqual "exit data" ( Aeson.object [ "http" .= (Aeson.object [ "method" .= ("GET" :: String) , "url" .= ("" :: String) , "params" .= ("some=query¶meters=2" :: String) , "status" .= (200 :: Int) ] ) ] ) (TraceRequest.spanData exitSpan) ] bracketAsserts :: Span -> [Assertion] bracketAsserts entrySpan = [ assertEqual "entry data" ( Aeson.object [ "http" .= (Aeson.object [ "method" .= ("GET" :: String) , "host" .= ("" :: String) , "url" .= ("/http/bracket/api" :: String) , "params" .= ("some=query¶meters=1" :: String) ] ) ] ) (TraceRequest.spanData entrySpan) ] lowLevelAsserts :: Span -> [Assertion] lowLevelAsserts entrySpan = [ assertEqual "entry data" ( Aeson.object [ "http" .= (Aeson.object [ "method" .= ("GET" :: String) , "host" .= ("" :: String) , "url" .= ("/http/low/level/api" :: String) , "params" .= ("some=query¶meters=2" :: String) ] ) ] ) (TraceRequest.spanData entrySpan) ] applyConcat :: [a -> [b]] -> a -> [b] applyConcat functions a = concat $ List.map ($ a) functions