# Changelog for instana-haskell-trace-sdk ## - Fix: Remove obsolete check for Server header when connecting to the Instana host agent. ## - Feature: Upgrade support for the W3C trace context specification to level 2. ## - Fix format of annotation span.data.http.header - it is now a JSON object instead of an array of arrays. - BREAKING: Rename confusingly named `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationAt` to `Instana.SDK.addJsonValueAt`, because it actually takes a JSON value. `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationAt` still exists, but takes an actual `Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData.Annotation` value as its argument now, see below. - Provide additional functions to add annotations: - `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationAt` which takes a path and an `Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData.Annotation` value - `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationToEntrySpan`, which has the same signature as `addAnnotation` but always unconditionally adds the annotation to the entry span, even if an intermediate or exit span is currently active - `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationToEntrySpanAt`, which has the same signature as `addAnnotationAt` but always unconditionally adds the annotation to the entry span, even if an intermediate or exit span is currently active - `Instana.SDK.addAnnotationValueToEntrySpanAt`, which has the same signature as `addAnnotationValueAt` but always unconditionally adds the annotation to the entry span, even if an intermediate or exit span is currently active - `Instana.SDK.addJsonValueToEntrySpanAt`, which has the same signature as `addAnnotationJsonValueAt` but always unconditionally adds the annotation to the entry span, even if an intermediate or exit span is currently active. - Remove stability=experimental from cabal file. ## - Fix: Apply secrets config from agent configuration. - Fix: Redact secrets from query parameters instead of removing them. - Feature: Automatically capture HTTP request and response headers on HTTP entry and exit spans, based on the agent configuration. - BREAKING: Refactor and simplify the API to add nnotations via `Instana.SDK.SDK`: - Use `addAnnotation` instead of `addRegisteredData` and `addTag`. This variant requires an `Annotation`, use the functions in `Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData` to create an annotation. - Use `addAnnotationValueAt` or `addAnnotationAt` instead of `addRegisteredDataAt` and `addTagAt`. Both variants require the path to the annotation/value as a dot-separated string (same as before). The function `addAnnotationAt` accepts anything that implements `ToJSON`, and `addAnnotationValueAt` requires an `Instana.SDK.Span.SpanData.AnnotationValue` (previously you needed to pass in an `Aeson.Value`). ## - Fix: Limit the number of list-members (key-value pairs) to 32 in the W3C trace context `tracestate` header. ## - Add support for W3C trace context (level 1). - Fix: Interprete log levels provided via `INSTANA_LOG_LEVEL` and `INSTANA_LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT` case insensitive. ## - Fix: Ignore incoming X-INSTANA-T/-S if website monitoring correlation data is present. - Add support for X-INSTANA-SYNTHETIC ## - Fix: Capture HTTP status code in `postProcessHttpRespons` even if the currently active span is an exit. ## - Fix: Pass span ID of exit span downstream with X-INSTANA-S instead of the entry span's span ID. - Fix: Capture HTTP status code in `withHttpEntry` (formely `withCorrelatedHttpEntry`). - Breaking: Rename `Instana.SDK.SDK.withCorrelatedHttpEntry` to `withHttpEntry`. The motivation is that this function should be used by client code in almost all cases, so its name should suggest itself as the obvious choice for tracing HTTP entry spans. - Breaking: Rename `Instana.SDK.SDK.withHttpEntry` to `withHttpEntry_`. See above. - Breaking: Rename `Instana.SDK.SDK.currentTraceId` (with return type `Instana.SDK.Internal.Id.Id`) to `currentTraceIdInternal`. The function `Instana.SDK.SDK.currentTraceId` returns type `String` now. - Provide `Instana.SDK.SDK.postProcessHttpRespons` for cases where `withHttpEntry_` needs to be used instead of `withHttpEntry`. - Provide new convenience accessors `Instana.SDK.SDK`: - `currentSpan` (provides the currently active span in a simplified format), - `currentTraceId` (provides the trace ID of the currently active trace), - `currentSpanId` (provides the span ID of the currently active span), and - `currentParentId` (provides the parent ID of the currently active span). - Remove deprecated attribute `span.ta`. ## - No changes, only documentation updates. ## - Add support for website monitoring back end correlation via Server-Timing. - Add support for website monitoring back end correlation via X-INSTANA-L/correlationType/correlationId. ## - Accomodate for breaking changes in `network-`. ## - Honor the environment variable `INSTANA_SERVICE_NAME` to override the default service name in Instana. - Add a configuration option for overriding the default service name in Instana. - Add `InstanaSDK.setServiceName` to override the default service name in Instana on a per-call basis. - Fix: Send correct SDK spans. This is a breaking change. Several functions were renamed or have changed their signature. In detail: - Use `InstanaSDK.addTag` instead of `InstanaSDK.addData` (for SDK spans). - Use `InstanaSDK.addTagAt` instead of `InstanaSDK.addDataAt` (for SDK spans). - For registered spans, replace `InstanaSDK.addData` and `InstanaSDK.addDataAt` with `InstanaSDK.addRegisteredData` and `InstanaSDK.addRegisteredDataAt`. Note that you should probably not create registered spans, but only use SDK spans. - Usages like `startEntry "some.span.name"` or `withEntry "some.span.name"` (that is, the span name is passed directly as a literal) will simply continue to work as expected but will require `OverloadedStrings` to be active. - Usages where the span name is stored in a `Data.Text` value first and then passed to `startEntry`/`withEntry`/etc. will break. You can fix those by importing ``` import qualified Instana.SDK.Span.SpanType as SpanType ``` and then wrapping the span name in `SpanType.SdkSpan`. For example: ``` spanName = T.pack "some.span.name" InstanaSDK.withRootEntry instana spanName ... ``` becomes: ``` spanType = SpanType.SdkSpan $ T.pack "some.span.name" InstanaSDK.withRootEntry instana spanType ... ``` ## - Add WAI middleware plug-in to trace HTTP entries automatically. ## - Initial release