{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Server (mainServer) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.STRef (modifySTRef, readSTRef) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Servant (Header, Headers, NoContent (NoContent), err404, err503, (:<|>) (..)) import qualified Servant import System.Log.Logger (debugM, warningM) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.API (API) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Config (AgentStubConfig) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Config as Config import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.DiscoveryRequest (DiscoveryRequest) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.DiscoveryRequest as DiscoveryRequest import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.DiscoveryResponse (DiscoveryResponse (DiscoveryResponse), TracingConfig (TracingConfig)) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.DiscoveryResponse as DiscoveryResponse import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.EntityDataRequest (EntityDataRequest) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Logging (agentStubLogger) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Recorders (Recorders) import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Recorders as Recorders import qualified Instana.SDK.AgentStub.StubServer as StubServer import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.TraceRequest (TraceRequest) import Instana.SDK.AgentStub.Util (shouldSimulateConnectionLoss, stToServant) mainServer :: AgentStubConfig -> Int -> Recorders -> Servant.Server API mainServer config startupTime recorders = getRoot :<|> putDiscovery config startupTime recorders :<|> headAgentReady config startupTime recorders :<|> postEntityData config startupTime recorders :<|> postTrace config startupTime recorders :<|> StubServer.stubServer recorders getRoot :: Servant.Handler (Headers '[Header "Server" String] NoContent) getRoot = return $ Servant.addHeader "Instana Agent" NoContent putDiscovery :: AgentStubConfig -> Int -> Recorders -> DiscoveryRequest -> Servant.Handler DiscoveryResponse putDiscovery config startupTime recorders discoveryRequest = do now <- liftIO $ round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime if shouldSimulateConnectionLoss config startupTime now then do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting PUT discovery to simulate connection loss." Servant.throwError err503 else do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "PUT discovery " ++ show discoveryRequest let pidStr = DiscoveryRequest.pid discoveryRequest pid = fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe pidStr translatedPid = if Config.simulatPidTranslation config then pid + 1 else pid translatedDiscoveryRequest = discoveryRequest { DiscoveryRequest.pid = show translatedPid } tracingConfig = if length (Config.extraHeadersViaTracingConfig config) > 0 then Just TracingConfig { DiscoveryResponse.extraHttpHeaders = Just $ Config.extraHeadersViaTracingConfig config } else Nothing extraHeadersLegacyConfig = if length (Config.extraHeadersViaLegacyConfig config) > 0 then Just $ Config.extraHeadersViaLegacyConfig config else Nothing stToServant $ modifySTRef (Recorders.discoveryRecorder recorders) ((++) [translatedDiscoveryRequest]) return $ DiscoveryResponse { DiscoveryResponse.pid = translatedPid , DiscoveryResponse.agentUuid = "agent-stub-id" , DiscoveryResponse.tracing = tracingConfig , DiscoveryResponse.extraHeaders = extraHeadersLegacyConfig , DiscoveryResponse.secrets = Config.secretsConfig config -- add a bogus attribute to make sure the trace SDK ignores unknown -- attributes in the announce response , DiscoveryResponse.unknownAttribute = "whatever" } headAgentReady :: AgentStubConfig -> Int -> Recorders -> String -> Servant.Handler NoContent headAgentReady config startupTime recorders pidString = do now <- liftIO $ round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime if shouldSimulateConnectionLoss config startupTime now then do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting HEAD agent ready to simulate connection loss." Servant.throwError err503 else do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "HEAD " ++ pidString recordedDiscoveries <- stToServant $ readSTRef $ Recorders.discoveryRecorder recorders let pidStrWithoutPrefix = if isPrefixOf "com.instana.plugin.haskell." pidString then drop 27 pidString else "" knownPids = List.map DiscoveryRequest.pid recordedDiscoveries pidHasBeenAnnounced = elem pidStrWithoutPrefix knownPids if pidHasBeenAnnounced then do stToServant $ modifySTRef (Recorders.agentReadyRecorder recorders) ((++) [pidStrWithoutPrefix]) return NoContent else do liftIO $ warningM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting agent ready request for unannounced PID " ++ pidStrWithoutPrefix Servant.throwError err404 postEntityData :: AgentStubConfig -> Int -> Recorders -> String -> EntityDataRequest -> Servant.Handler NoContent postEntityData config startupTime recorders pidString entityData = do now <- liftIO $ round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime if shouldSimulateConnectionLoss config startupTime now then do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting POST entity data to simulate connection loss." Servant.throwError err503 else do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "POST entity data " ++ pidString recordedDiscoveries <- stToServant $ readSTRef $ Recorders.discoveryRecorder recorders let pidStrWithoutPrefix = if isPrefixOf "com.instana.plugin.haskell." pidString then drop 27 pidString else "" knownPids = List.map DiscoveryRequest.pid recordedDiscoveries pidHasBeenAnnounced = elem pidStrWithoutPrefix knownPids if pidHasBeenAnnounced then do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "accepting entity data " ++ show entityData stToServant $ modifySTRef (Recorders.entityDataRecorder recorders) ((++) [entityData]) return NoContent else do liftIO $ warningM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting entity data request for unannounced PID " ++ pidStrWithoutPrefix Servant.throwError err404 postTrace :: AgentStubConfig -> Int -> Recorders -> String -> TraceRequest -> Servant.Handler NoContent postTrace config startupTime recorders pidString traceRequest = do now <- liftIO $ round . (* 1000) <$> getPOSIXTime if shouldSimulateConnectionLoss config startupTime now then do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting POST trace to simulate connection loss." Servant.throwError err503 else do liftIO $ debugM agentStubLogger $ "POST " ++ pidString ++ show traceRequest recordedDiscoveries <- stToServant $ readSTRef $ Recorders.discoveryRecorder recorders let pidStrWithoutTracesPrefix = if isPrefixOf "traces." pidString then drop 7 pidString else "" knownPids = List.map DiscoveryRequest.pid recordedDiscoveries pidHasBeenAnnounced = elem pidStrWithoutTracesPrefix knownPids if pidHasBeenAnnounced then do stToServant $ modifySTRef (Recorders.spanRecorder recorders) ((++) traceRequest) return NoContent else do liftIO $ warningM agentStubLogger $ "Rejecting trace for unannounced PID " ++ pidStrWithoutTracesPrefix Servant.throwError err404