cabal-version: 2.2 name: indexed-profunctors version: license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple maintainer: author: Adam Gundry, Andres Löh, Andrzej Rybczak, Oleg Grenrus tested-with: GHC ==8.2.2 || ==8.4.4 || ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.4 || ==8.10.7 || ==9.0.2 || ==9.2.8 || ==9.4.5 || ==9.6.2, GHCJS ==8.4 synopsis: Utilities for indexed profunctors category: Data, Optics, Lenses, Profunctors description: This package contains basic definitions related to indexed profunctors. These are primarily intended as internal utilities to support the @optics@ and @generic-lens@ package families. extra-doc-files: bug-reports: source-repository head type: git location: subdir: indexed-profunctors common language ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DefaultSignatures DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase OverloadedLabels PatternSynonyms RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators ViewPatterns library import: language hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >= 4.10 && <5 exposed-modules: Data.Profunctor.Indexed