{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} -- | Interface adapted from "Control.Concurrent.Async" module Control.Effect.Conc ( -- * Effects Conc , Async -- * Interpretations , concToIO , concToUnliftIO -- * Key actions , async , withAsync , wait , poll , concurrently , race , waitEither , waitBoth , link , link2 , waitAny , mapConcurrently , forConcurrently -- * Concurrently applicative , Concurrently(..) -- * Other actions , asyncBound , asyncOn , asyncWithUnmask , asyncOnWithUnmask , withAsyncBound , withAsyncWithUnmask , withAsyncOnWithUnmask , waitCatch , cancel , uninterruptibleCancel , cancelWith , waitAnyCatch , waitAnyCancel , waitAnyCatchCancel , waitEitherCatch , waitEitherCancel , waitEitherCatchCancel , waitEither_ , linkOnly , link2Only , race_ , concurrently_ , mapConcurrently_ , forConcurrently_ , replicateConcurrently , replicateConcurrently_ -- * Re-exports from "Control.Concurrent.Async" , A.asyncThreadId , A.AsyncCancelled(..) , A.ExceptionInLinkedThread(..) , A.waitAnySTM , A.waitAnyCatchSTM , A.waitEitherSTM , A.waitEitherCatchSTM , A.waitEitherSTM_ , A.waitBothSTM , A.compareAsyncs -- * Carriers , ConcToIOC , ConcToUnliftIOC ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A import Control.Effect import Control.Effect.Unlift import Control.Exception (SomeException, Exception) import Control.Effect.Internal.Newtype -- For coercion purposes import Control.Effect.Internal.Utils import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity import Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Compose import Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret -- | An effect for concurrent execution. newtype Conc m a = Conc (Unlift IO m a) deriving EffNewtype via Conc `WrapperOf` Unlift IO unliftConc :: Eff Conc m => ((forall x. m x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> m a unliftConc main = wrapWith Conc $ unlift (\lower -> main (lower .# lift)) {-# INLINE unliftConc #-} type ConcToIOC = CompositionC '[ UnwrapTopC Conc , UnliftToFinalC IO ] type ConcToUnliftIOC = UnwrapC Conc -- | Run a 'Conc' effect if __all__ effects used in the program -- -- past and future -- are eventually reduced to operations on 'IO'. -- -- Due to its very restrictive primitive effect and carrier constraint, -- `concToIO` can't be used together with most pure interpreters. -- For example, instead of 'Control.Effect.Error.runError', you must use -- 'Control.Effect.Error.errorToIO'. -- -- This poses a problem if you want to use some effect that /doesn't have/ -- an interpreter compatible with 'concToIO' -- like -- 'Control.Effect.NonDet.NonDet'. -- In that case, you might sitll be able to use both effects in the same program -- by applying -- [Split Interpretation](https://github.com/KingoftheHomeless/in-other-words/wiki/Advanced-Topics#split-interpretation) -- to seperate their uses. -- -- @'Derivs' ('ConcToIOC' m) = 'Conc' ': 'Derivs' m@ -- -- @'Control.Effect.Primitive.Prims' ('ConcToIOC' m) = 'Unlift' 'IO' ': 'Control.Effect.Primitive.Prims' m@ -- concToIO :: ( Carrier m , MonadBaseControlPure IO m ) => ConcToIOC m a -> m a concToIO = unliftToFinal .# unwrapTop .# runComposition {-# INLINE concToIO #-} -- | Transform a 'Conc' effect into @'Unlift' IO@. concToUnliftIO :: Eff (Unlift IO) m => ConcToUnliftIOC m a -> m a concToUnliftIO = unwrap {-# INLINE concToUnliftIO #-} async :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m (Async a) async m = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.async (lower m) {-# INLINE async #-} asyncBound :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m (Async a) asyncBound m = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.asyncBound (lower m) {-# INLINE asyncBound #-} asyncOn :: Eff Conc m => Int -> m a -> m (Async a) asyncOn i m = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.asyncOn i (lower m) {-# INLINE asyncOn #-} asyncWithUnmask :: Eff Conc m => ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> m (Async a) asyncWithUnmask main = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.asyncWithUnmask $ \restore -> lower $ main $ \m -> unliftConc $ \lower' -> restore (lower' m) {-# INLINE asyncWithUnmask #-} asyncOnWithUnmask :: Eff Conc m => Int -> ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> m (Async a) asyncOnWithUnmask i main = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.asyncOnWithUnmask i $ \restore -> lower $ main $ \m -> unliftConc $ \lower' -> restore (lower' m) {-# INLINE asyncOnWithUnmask #-} withAsync :: Eff Conc m => m a -> (Async a -> m b) -> m b withAsync m c = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.withAsync (lower m) (lower . c) {-# INLINE withAsync #-} withAsyncBound :: Eff Conc m => m a -> (Async a -> m b) -> m b withAsyncBound m c = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.withAsyncBound (lower m) (lower . c) {-# INLINE withAsyncBound #-} withAsyncWithUnmask :: Eff Conc m => ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> (Async a -> m b) -> m b withAsyncWithUnmask main c = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.withAsyncWithUnmask (\restore -> lower $ main $ \m -> unliftConc $ \lower' -> restore (lower' m)) (lower . c) {-# INLINE withAsyncWithUnmask #-} withAsyncOnWithUnmask :: Eff Conc m => Int -> ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> (Async a -> m b) -> m b withAsyncOnWithUnmask i main c = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.withAsyncOnWithUnmask i (\restore -> lower $ main $ \m -> unliftConc $ \lower' -> restore (lower' m)) (lower . c) {-# INLINE withAsyncOnWithUnmask #-} wait :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m a wait a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.wait a {-# INLINE wait #-} poll :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m (Maybe (Either SomeException a)) poll a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.poll a {-# INLINE poll #-} waitCatch :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m (Either SomeException a) waitCatch a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitCatch a {-# INLINE waitCatch #-} cancel :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m () cancel a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.cancel a {-# INLINE cancel #-} uninterruptibleCancel :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m () uninterruptibleCancel a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.uninterruptibleCancel a {-# INLINE uninterruptibleCancel #-} cancelWith :: Eff Conc m => (Exception e, Eff Conc m) => Async a -> e -> m () cancelWith a e = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.cancelWith a e {-# INLINE cancelWith #-} waitAny :: Eff Conc m => [Async a] -> m (Async a, a) waitAny as = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitAny as {-# INLINE waitAny #-} waitAnyCatch :: Eff Conc m => [Async a] -> m (Async a, Either SomeException a) waitAnyCatch as = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitAnyCatch as {-# INLINE waitAnyCatch #-} waitAnyCancel :: Eff Conc m => [Async a] -> m (Async a, a) waitAnyCancel as = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitAnyCancel as {-# INLINE waitAnyCancel #-} waitAnyCatchCancel :: Eff Conc m => [Async a] -> m (Async a, Either SomeException a) waitAnyCatchCancel as = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitAnyCatchCancel as {-# INLINE waitAnyCatchCancel #-} waitEither :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m (Either a b) waitEither aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitEither aa ab {-# INLINE waitEither #-} waitEitherCatch :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b)) waitEitherCatch aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitEitherCatch aa ab {-# INLINE waitEitherCatch #-} waitEitherCancel :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m (Either a b) waitEitherCancel aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitEitherCancel aa ab {-# INLINE waitEitherCancel #-} waitEitherCatchCancel :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b)) waitEitherCatchCancel aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitEitherCatchCancel aa ab {-# INLINE waitEitherCatchCancel #-} waitEither_ :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m () waitEither_ aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitEither_ aa ab {-# INLINE waitEither_ #-} waitBoth :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m (a, b) waitBoth aa ab = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.waitBoth aa ab {-# INLINE waitBoth #-} link :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> m () link a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.link a {-# INLINE link #-} linkOnly :: Eff Conc m => (SomeException -> Bool) -> Async a -> m () linkOnly h a = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.linkOnly h a {-# INLINE linkOnly #-} link2 :: Eff Conc m => Async a -> Async b -> m () link2 a b = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.link2 a b {-# INLINE link2 #-} link2Only :: Eff Conc m => (SomeException -> Bool) -> Async a -> Async b -> m () link2Only h a b = unliftConc $ \_ -> A.link2Only h a b {-# INLINE link2Only #-} race :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m b -> m (Either a b) race ma mb = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.race (lower ma) (lower mb) {-# INLINE race #-} race_ :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m b -> m () race_ ma mb = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.race_ (lower ma) (lower mb) {-# INLINE race_ #-} concurrently :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b) concurrently ma mb = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.concurrently (lower ma) (lower mb) {-# INLINE concurrently #-} concurrently_ :: Eff Conc m => m a -> m b -> m () concurrently_ ma mb = unliftConc $ \lower -> A.concurrently_ (lower ma) (lower mb) {-# INLINE concurrently_ #-} mapConcurrently :: (Traversable t, Eff Conc m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b) mapConcurrently = (runConcurrently .) #. traverse .# (Concurrently .) {-# INLINE mapConcurrently #-} forConcurrently :: (Traversable t, Eff Conc m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b) forConcurrently = flip mapConcurrently {-# INLINE forConcurrently #-} mapConcurrently_ :: (Foldable t, Eff Conc m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m () mapConcurrently_ f = runConcurrently #. foldMap (Concurrently #. void . f) {-# INLINE mapConcurrently_ #-} forConcurrently_ :: (Foldable t, Eff Conc m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m () forConcurrently_ = flip mapConcurrently_ {-# INLINE forConcurrently_ #-} replicateConcurrently :: Eff Conc m => Int -> m a -> m [a] replicateConcurrently cnt = runConcurrently #. replicateM cnt .# Concurrently {-# INLINE replicateConcurrently #-} replicateConcurrently_ :: Eff Conc m => Int -> m a -> m () replicateConcurrently_ cnt = runConcurrently #. replicateM_ cnt .# Concurrently {-# INLINE replicateConcurrently_ #-} newtype Concurrently m a = Concurrently { runConcurrently :: m a } deriving Functor instance Eff Conc m => Applicative (Concurrently m) where pure = Concurrently #. return {-# INLINE pure #-} Concurrently fs <*> Concurrently as = Concurrently $ unliftConc $ \lower -> A.runConcurrently (A.Concurrently (lower fs) <*> A.Concurrently (lower as)) {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} instance Eff Conc m => Alternative (Concurrently m) where empty = Concurrently $ unliftConc $ \_ -> A.runConcurrently empty {-# INLINE empty #-} Concurrently as <|> Concurrently bs = Concurrently $ unliftConc $ \lower -> A.runConcurrently (A.Concurrently(lower as) <|> A.Concurrently (lower bs)) {-# INLINE (<|>) #-} instance (Eff Conc m, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Concurrently m a) where (<>) = liftA2 (<>) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance (Eff Conc m, Monoid a) => Monoid (Concurrently m a) where mempty = pure mempty {-# INLINE mempty #-}