# implicit-hie ```bash cd your-stack-or-cabal-package stack install implicit-hie # or cabal install implicit-hie gen-hie > hie.yaml ``` `gen-hie` should be run the root of a cabal or stack project. The config type (cabal or stack) is determined by the existence of `dist-newstyle`, `.stack-work`, `stack.yaml`, if none are found the default is cabal. # Cabal Multi project example ```bash ❯ git clone https://github.com/well-typed/optics.git ❯ cd optics ❯ gen-hie cradle: cabal: - path: "indexed-profunctors/src" component: "lib:indexed-profunctors" - path: "optics-th/src" component: "lib:optics-th" - path: "optics-th/tests" component: "optics-th:test:optics-th-tests" - path: "optics-vl/src" component: "lib:optics-vl" - path: "codegen/./Subtypes.hs" component: "optics-codegen:exe:optics-codegen-subtypes" - path: "optics-core/src" component: "lib:optics-core" - path: "optics-sop/src" component: "lib:optics-sop" - path: "optics-extra/src" component: "lib:optics-extra" - path: "template-haskell-optics/src" component: "lib:template-haskell-optics" - path: "optics/src" component: "lib:optics" - path: "optics/tests" component: "optics:test:optics-tests" - path: "metametapost/src/Cli.hs" component: "metametapost:exe:metametapost-optics" ``` ## Features All common Cabal and Stack configurations should just work. If you use more advanced features, the generated config may not be complete. - [x] multi component cabal, stack projects - [x] multiple executables under a single path - [x] multiple paths provided to `hs-source-dirs` - [x] lookup nested packages in `cabal.project` or `stack.yaml` - [x] Handle Exe and Bench `other-modules` - [ ] common stanzas ### Work, Twitter - Follow me on twitter [@AviDessauer](https://twitter.com/AviDessauer).