-- Implicit CAD. Copyright (C) 2011, Christopher Olah (chris@colah.ca)
-- Copyright (C) 2014 2015, Julia Longtin (julial@turinglace.com)
-- Copyright (C) 2015 2016, Mike MacHenry (mike.machenry@gmail.com)
-- Released under the GNU AGPLV3+, see LICENSE

-- Allow us to use explicit foralls when writing function type declarations.
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}

-- FIXME: Required. why?
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Graphics.Implicit.Export (writeObject, formatObject, writeSVG, writeSTL, writeBinSTL, writeOBJ, writeTHREEJS, writeGCodeHacklabLaser, writeSCAD3, writeSCAD2, writePNG) where

import Prelude (FilePath, IO, (.), ($))

-- The types of our objects (before rendering), and the type of the resolution to render with.
import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (SymbolicObj2, SymbolicObj3, , Polyline, TriangleMesh, Triangle, NormedTriangle)

-- The functions for writing our output, as well as a type used.
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT (writeFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS (writeFile)

-- Import instances of DiscreteApproxable...
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.DiscreteAproxable (DiscreteAproxable, discreteAprox)

-- Object formats
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.Export.PolylineFormats as PolylineFormats (svg, hacklabLaserGCode)
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.Export.TriangleMeshFormats as TriangleMeshFormats (stl, binaryStl, jsTHREE)
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.Export.NormedTriangleMeshFormats as NormedTriangleMeshFormats (obj)
import qualified Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicFormats as SymbolicFormats (scad3, scad2)
import qualified Codec.Picture as ImageFormatCodecs (DynamicImage, savePngImage)

-- Write an object using the given format function.
writeObject :: (DiscreteAproxable obj aprox)
    =>                 -- ^ Resolution
    -> (aprox -> Text)  -- ^ File Format (Function that formats)
    -> FilePath         -- ^ File Name
    -> obj              -- ^ Object to render
    -> IO ()            -- ^ Writing Action!
writeObject res format filename obj =
    let aprox = formatObject res format obj
    in LT.writeFile filename aprox

-- Write an object using the given format writer.
writeObject' :: (DiscreteAproxable obj aprox)
    =>                 -- ^ Resolution
    -> (FilePath -> aprox -> IO ())  -- ^ File Format writer
    -> FilePath         -- ^ File Name
    -> obj              -- ^ Object to render
    -> IO ()            -- ^ Writing Action!
writeObject' res formatWriter filename obj =
    let aprox = discreteAprox res obj
    in formatWriter filename aprox

formatObject :: (DiscreteAproxable obj aprox)
    =>                 -- ^ Resolution
    -> (aprox -> Text)  -- ^ File Format (Function that formats)
    -> obj              -- ^ Object to render
    -> Text             -- ^ Resulting lazy ByteString
formatObject res format = format . discreteAprox res

writeSVG :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj [Polyline] =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeSVG res = writeObject res PolylineFormats.svg

writeSTL :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj [Triangle] =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeSTL res = writeObject res TriangleMeshFormats.stl

writeBinSTL :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj [Triangle] =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeBinSTL res file obj = LBS.writeFile file $ TriangleMeshFormats.binaryStl $ discreteAprox res obj

writeOBJ :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj [NormedTriangle] =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeOBJ res = writeObject res NormedTriangleMeshFormats.obj

writeTHREEJS :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj TriangleMesh =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeTHREEJS res = writeObject res TriangleMeshFormats.jsTHREE

writeGCodeHacklabLaser :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj [Polyline] =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writeGCodeHacklabLaser res = writeObject res PolylineFormats.hacklabLaserGCode

writeSCAD3 ::  -> FilePath -> SymbolicObj3 -> IO ()
writeSCAD3 res filename obj = LT.writeFile filename $ SymbolicFormats.scad3 res obj

writeSCAD2 ::  -> FilePath -> SymbolicObj2 -> IO ()
writeSCAD2 res filename obj = LT.writeFile filename $ SymbolicFormats.scad2 res obj

writePNG :: forall obj. DiscreteAproxable obj ImageFormatCodecs.DynamicImage =>  -> FilePath -> obj -> IO ()
writePNG res = writeObject' res ImageFormatCodecs.savePngImage