{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} -- | Feed data structures. module Imm.Feed ( -- * Types FeedLocation (..), UID, FeedQuery (..), FeedDefinition (..), FeedItem (..), Author (..), -- * Parsers parseFeed, feedC, parseFeedItem, -- * Utilities getMainLink, areSameItem, ) where -- {{{ Imports import Conduit import Control.Exception.Safe import Data.Aeson.Extended import Data.Text as Text (null) import Data.Time import Data.XML.Types import Imm.Link import Imm.Pretty import Refined import Safe import Text.Atom.Conduit.Parse import Text.Atom.Types import Text.RSS.Conduit.Parse import Text.RSS.Extensions.Content import Text.RSS.Extensions.DublinCore import Text.RSS.Types import Text.RSS1.Conduit.Parse import Text.XML.Stream.Parse as XML hiding (content) import URI.ByteString.Extended -- }}} -- | Feed location identifies a feed. It is either: -- - the feed URI -- - a webpage URI that refers to the feed through an alternate link, in which case an optional feed title can be provided to disambiguate multiple such links data FeedLocation = FeedLocation URI Text deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance Pretty FeedLocation where pretty (FeedLocation uri title) = prettyURI uri <> if Text.null title then mempty else space <> brackets (pretty title) instance ToJSON FeedLocation where toJSON (FeedLocation uri title) = object [ "uri" .= toJSON (JsonURI uri) , "title" .= title ] instance FromJSON FeedLocation where parseJSON = withObject "FeedLocation" $ \v → do FeedLocation <$> (_unwrapURI <$> (v .: "uri")) <*> (v .: "title") -- | Database identifier for a feed type UID = Int -- | A query describes a set of feeds through some criteria. data FeedQuery = QueryByUID UID | QueryAll deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) instance Pretty FeedQuery where pretty QueryAll = "All subscribed feeds" pretty (QueryByUID k) = "Feed" <+> pretty k newtype FeedDefinition = FeedDefinition { _feedTitle ∷ Text } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) feedDefinitionOptions ∷ Options feedDefinitionOptions = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' . drop (length @[] "_feed") , omitNothingFields = True } instance ToJSON FeedDefinition where toJSON = genericToJSON feedDefinitionOptions toEncoding = genericToEncoding feedDefinitionOptions instance FromJSON FeedDefinition where parseJSON = genericParseJSON feedDefinitionOptions instance Pretty FeedDefinition where pretty definition = pretty $ _feedTitle definition instance Pretty (PrettyName FeedDefinition) where pretty (PrettyName definition) = pretty $ _feedTitle definition data Author = Author { _authorName ∷ Text , _authorEmail ∷ Text , _authorURI ∷ Maybe AnyURI } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable) authorOptions ∷ Options authorOptions = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' . drop (length @[] "_author") , omitNothingFields = True } instance ToJSON Author where toJSON = genericToJSON authorOptions toEncoding = genericToEncoding authorOptions instance FromJSON Author where parseJSON = genericParseJSON authorOptions instance Pretty Author where pretty Author{..} = pretty _authorName <+> brackets (pretty _authorEmail) data FeedItem = FeedItem { _itemDate ∷ Maybe UTCTime , _itemTitle ∷ Text , _itemContent ∷ Text , _itemLinks ∷ [Link] , _itemIdentifier ∷ Text , _itemAuthors ∷ [Author] } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, Typeable) feedItemOptions ∷ Options feedItemOptions = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' . drop (length @[] "_item") , omitNothingFields = True } instance ToJSON FeedItem where toJSON = genericToJSON feedItemOptions toEncoding = genericToEncoding feedItemOptions instance FromJSON FeedItem where parseJSON = genericParseJSON feedItemOptions instance Pretty (PrettyName FeedItem) where pretty (PrettyName item) = pretty (_itemTitle item) instance Pretty FeedItem where pretty FeedItem{..} = maybe "" prettyTime _itemDate <+> pretty _itemTitle parseFeed ∷ MonadCatch m ⇒ Text → m (FeedDefinition, [FeedItem]) parseFeed text = runConduit $ parseLBS def (encodeUtf8 text) .| XML.force "Invalid feed" feedC parseAtomFeed ∷ AtomFeed → (FeedDefinition, [FeedItem]) parseAtomFeed feed = (definition, items) where definition = FeedDefinition (show $ prettyAtomText $ feedTitle feed) items = parseAtomItem <$> feedEntries feed parseRssFeed ∷ RssDocument (ContentModule (DublinCoreModule NoExtensions)) → (FeedDefinition, [FeedItem]) parseRssFeed doc = (definition, items) where definition = FeedDefinition (channelTitle doc) items = parseRssItem <$> channelItems doc -- | Conduit version of 'parseFeed' feedC ∷ MonadCatch m ⇒ ConduitT Event o m (Maybe (FeedDefinition, [FeedItem])) feedC = choose [atom, rss, rss1] where atom = fmap parseAtomFeed <$> atomFeed rss = fmap parseRssFeed <$> rssDocument rss1 = fmap parseRssFeed <$> rss1Document parseFeedItem ∷ MonadCatch m ⇒ Text → m FeedItem parseFeedItem text = runConduit $ parseLBS def (encodeUtf8 text) .| XML.force "Invalid feed element" (choose [fmap parseAtomItem <$> atomEntry, fmap parseRssItem <$> rssItem, fmap parseRssItem <$> rss1Item]) parseAtomItem ∷ AtomEntry → FeedItem parseAtomItem entry = FeedItem date title content links identifier authors where date = Just $ entryUpdated entry title = show $ prettyAtomText $ entryTitle entry content = fromMaybe "" $ rawContent <|> summary rawContent = show . prettyAtomContent <$> entryContent entry summary = show . prettyAtomText <$> entrySummary entry links = parseLink <$> entryLinks entry parseLink link = Link (pure $ fromMaybe Alternate $ parseRelation $ linkRel link) (linkTitle link) (parseMediaType $ linkType link) (withAtomURI AnyURI $ linkHref link) identifier = entryId entry authors = [Author (unrefine name) email (withAtomURI AnyURI <$> uri) | AtomPerson name email uri ← entryAuthors entry] parseRssItem ∷ RssItem (ContentModule (DublinCoreModule NoExtensions)) → FeedItem parseRssItem item = FeedItem date title content links identifier authors where date = itemPubDate item <|> (item & itemExtensions & itemContentOther & itemDcMetaData & elementDate) title = itemTitle item content = if not (Text.null rawContent) then rawContent else itemDescription item rawContent = item & itemExtensions & itemContent links = [Link (Just Alternate) mempty mzero (withRssURI AnyURI uri) | uri ← maybeToList $ itemLink item] identifier = itemGuid item <&> prettyGuid & maybe mempty show authors = [Author (itemAuthor item) mempty mzero] -- TODO: replace headMay with singleMay getMainLink ∷ FeedItem → Maybe Link getMainLink item = _itemLinks item & filter (\l → _linkRelation l == Just Alternate) & headMay haveSameIdentifier ∷ FeedItem → FeedItem → Maybe Bool haveSameIdentifier item1 item2 = case (_itemIdentifier item1, _itemIdentifier item2) of ("", "") → Nothing (a, b) → Just (a == b) haveSameLink ∷ FeedItem → FeedItem → Maybe Bool haveSameLink item1 item2 = case (getMainLink item1, getMainLink item2) of (Just a, Just b) → Just (a == b) (Nothing, Nothing) → Nothing _ → Just False haveSameTitle ∷ FeedItem → FeedItem → Maybe Bool haveSameTitle item1 item2 = case (_itemTitle item1, _itemTitle item2) of ("" ∷ Text, "" ∷ Text) → Nothing (a, b) → Just (a == b) areSameItem ∷ FeedItem → FeedItem → Bool areSameItem a b = fromMaybe (comparing _itemContent a b == EQ) $ haveSameIdentifier a b <|> haveSameLink a b <|> haveSameTitle a b