{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | 'Callback' for @imm@ that sends a mail via a SMTP server the input RSS/Atom item. -- {{{ Imports import qualified Imm.Callback as Callback import Imm.Feed import Imm.Pretty import Data.ByteString.Lazy (getContents) import Data.Text as Text (intercalate) import Data.Time import Dhall hiding (map, maybe) import Network.Mail.Mime hiding (sendmail) import Options.Applicative hiding (auto) import Refined import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (..), getXdgDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath import System.Process.Typed import Text.Atom.Types import Text.RSS.Types -- }}} -- | How to call external command data Command = Command { _executable :: FilePath , _arguments :: [Text] } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show) instance FromDhall Command -- | How to format outgoing mails from feed elements data FormatMail = FormatMail { formatFrom :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Address -- ^ How to write the From: header of feed mails , formatSubject :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Text -- ^ How to write the Subject: header of feed mails , formatBody :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Text -- ^ How to write the body of feed mails (sic!) , formatTo :: Feed -> FeedElement -> [Address] -- ^ How to write the To: header of feed mails } data CliOptions = CliOptions { _configFile :: FilePath , _recipients :: [Address] , _dryRun :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) parseOptions :: MonadIO m => m CliOptions parseOptions = io $ do defaultConfigFile <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig $ "imm" "sendmail.dhall" customExecParser (prefs $ showHelpOnError <> showHelpOnEmpty) (info (cliOptions defaultConfigFile <**> helper) $ progDesc description) description :: String description = "Send a mail for each new RSS/Atom item." cliOptions :: FilePath -> Parser CliOptions cliOptions defaultConfigFile = CliOptions <$> (configFileOption <|> pure defaultConfigFile) <*> many recipientParser <*> switch (long "dry-run" <> help "Disable all I/Os, except for logs.") configFileOption :: Parser FilePath configFileOption = strOption $ long "config" <> short 'c' <> metavar "FILE" <> help "Dhall configuration file for SMTP client call" recipientParser :: Parser Address recipientParser = strOption (long "to" <> help "Mail recipients.") main :: IO () main = do CliOptions configFile recipients dryRun <- parseOptions Command executable arguments <- input auto $ fromString configFile message <- getContents <&> Callback.deserializeMessage case message of Right (feed, element) -> do timezone <- io getCurrentTimeZone currentTime <- io getCurrentTime let formatMail = FormatMail defaultFormatFrom defaultFormatSubject defaultFormatBody (const $ const recipients) mail = buildMail formatMail currentTime timezone feed element unless dryRun $ do processInput <- renderMail' mail <&> byteStringInput let processConfig = proc executable (toString <$> arguments) & setStdin processInput (exitCode, _output, errors) <- readProcess processConfig case exitCode of ExitSuccess -> exitSuccess ExitFailure _ -> putStrLn (decodeUtf8 errors) >> exitFailure Left e -> putStrLn ("Invalid input: " <> e) >> exitFailure return () -- * Default behavior -- | Fill 'addressName' with the feed title and, if available, the authors' names. -- -- This function leaves 'addressEmail' empty. You are expected to fill it adequately, because many SMTP servers enforce constraints on the From: email. defaultFormatFrom :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Address defaultFormatFrom (Rss doc) (RssElement item) = Address (Just $ channelTitle doc <> " (" <> itemAuthor item <> ")") "" defaultFormatFrom (Atom feed) (AtomElement entry) = Address (Just $ title <> " (" <> authors <> ")") "" where title = show . prettyAtomText $ feedTitle feed authors = Text.intercalate ", " $ map (unrefine . personName) $ entryAuthors entry <> feedAuthors feed defaultFormatFrom _ _ = Address (Just "Unknown") "" -- | Fill mail subject with the element title defaultFormatSubject :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Text defaultFormatSubject _ = getTitle -- | Fill mail body with: -- -- - a list of links associated to the element -- - the element's content or description/summary defaultFormatBody :: Feed -> FeedElement -> Text defaultFormatBody _ (RssElement item) = "

" <> maybe "" (withRssURI (show . prettyURI)) (itemLink item) <> "

" <> itemDescription item <> "

" defaultFormatBody _ (AtomElement entry) = "

" <> Text.intercalate "
" links <> "

" <> fromMaybe "" (content <|> summary) <> "

" where links = map (withAtomURI (show . prettyURI) . linkHref) $ entryLinks entry content = show . prettyAtomContent <$> entryContent entry summary = show . prettyAtomText <$> entrySummary entry -- * Low-level helpers -- | Build mail from a given feed buildMail :: FormatMail -> UTCTime -> TimeZone -> Feed -> FeedElement -> Mail buildMail format currentTime timeZone feed element = let date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %e %b %Y %T %z" $ utcToZonedTime timeZone $ fromMaybe currentTime $ getDate element in Mail { mailFrom = formatFrom format feed element , mailTo = formatTo format feed element , mailCc = [] , mailBcc = [] , mailHeaders = [ ("Return-Path", "") , ("Date", fromString date) , ("Subject", formatSubject format feed element) , ("Content-disposition", "inline") ] , mailParts = [[htmlPart $ fromStrict $ formatBody format feed element]] }