name: imbib version: 1.2.5 category: Text synopsis: Minimalistic .bib reference manager. description: The package has three parts: . 1. A very minimial gui [currently not buildable], featuring: . - Drop of bibtex snippets to add a reference to your bibtex. - Drop of pdf to save a fulltext version and a link in the bibtex. - Double click on entry to open fulltex. - Double right-click to open the entry in editor. - Search box (author/title). . A simplistic configuration file is given in ~/.imbib; an example file is bundled with the package. . 2. A library to manipulate bib files and do related management tasks. . The package contains some helper functions to manipultate .bib files en masse. For example one function can help detecting duplicates in the bibtex file. . 3. A batch processor for bib files. . A simplistic CLI for the above library. license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: Jean-Philippe Bernardy maintainer: Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 tested-with: GHC==6.12.3 build-type: Simple data-files: icon.svg .imbib library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: lib default-extensions: TypeSynonymInstances, RecordWildCards, FlexibleInstances exposed-modules: Config TypedBibData BibDB BibAttach SuffixTreeCluster other-modules: Paths_imbib build-depends: base>=4&& < 666 build-depends: bibtex>=0.1&& < 666 build-depends: mtl>=2.1&& < 666 build-depends: ConfigFile>=1&& < 666 build-depends: directory>=1.2&& < 666 build-depends: process>=1.1&& < 666 build-depends: filepath>=1.3&& < 666 build-depends: parsek>0 && < 666 build-depends: parsec>=3.1&& < 666 build-depends: containers >= 0.4&& < 666 build-depends: split>=0.1&& < 666 build-depends: text>=0.11&& < 666 build-depends: bytestring>=0.9&& < 666 -- executable imbib -- main-is: Imbibed.hs -- extensions: TypeSynonymInstances, RecordWildCards, FlexibleInstances -- build-depends: imbib -- build-depends: mtl>=2.1 -- build-depends: base>=4 -- build-depends: gtk -- build-depends: glib>=0.12 -- build-depends: download-curl -- build-depends: curl>=1.3 -- build-depends: bytestring>=0.9 -- build-depends: gio>=0.12 -- build-depends: parsec>=3.1 -- build-depends: text>=0.11 && <1 -- -- build-depends: hinotify >=0.3 && <1 executable imbibatch default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: Batch.hs default-extensions: TypeSynonymInstances, RecordWildCards, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes, GADTs build-depends: imbib build-depends: base>=4&& < 666 build-depends: directory>=1.2&& < 666 build-depends: containers >=0.4&& < 666 build-depends: filepath>=1.3&& < 666 build-depends: text>=0.11&& < 666 build-depends: optparse-applicative>=0.15&& < 666 build-depends: groom>0&& < 666 other-modules: MaybeIO Diff