module Network.IMAP.Types where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.STM.RollingQueue as RQ
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar)
import Data.DeriveTH

import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue (TQueue)
import Network.Connection (Connection, ConnectionContext,
  connectionPut, connectionGetChunk')
import ListT (ListT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Pipes as P

-- |A type alias used for an error message
type ErrorMessage = T.Text
-- |Each command sent to the server is identified by a random id.
--  this alias helps noticing where this happens
type CommandId = BSC.ByteString

-- |Connection with the server can be in one of these states
data ConnectionState = UndefinedState
                     | Connected
                     | Disconnected
                     deriving (Show)

data IMAPConnection = IMAPConnection {
  -- |The current connection state
  connectionState :: TVar ConnectionState,
  -- |Contains commands sent by the server which we didn't expect.
  --  Probably message and mailbox state updates
  untaggedQueue :: RQ.RollingQueue UntaggedResult,
  -- |Internal state of the library
  imapState :: IMAPState

data IMAPState = IMAPState {
  -- |The actual connection with the server from
  --  Network.Connection. Only use if you know what you're doing
  rawConnection :: !Connection,
  -- |Context from Network.Connection
  connectionContext :: ConnectionContext,
  -- |Contains requests for response that weren't yet read by the watcher thread.
  responseRequests :: TQueue ResponseRequest,
  -- |Id of the thread the watcher executes on
  serverWatcherThread :: TVar (Maybe ThreadId),
  -- |All the unfulfilled requests the watcher thread knows about
  outstandingReqs :: TVar [ResponseRequest],
  -- |Configuration settings
  imapSettings :: IMAPSettings

type ParseResult = Either ErrorMessage CommandResult

data ResponseRequest = ResponseRequest {
  -- |Thread that posted the request should watch this
  --  queue for responses to the request.
  responseQueue :: TQueue CommandResult,
  -- |Id of the request, which is the same as the id sent to the server.
  respRequestId :: CommandId
} deriving (Eq)

data IMAPSettings = IMAPSettings {
  -- Number of seconds after which request timeouts
  imapTimeout :: Int,
  -- Length of a queue containing messages we weren't expecting
  untaggedQueueLength :: Int

data EmailAddress = EmailAddress {
  emailLabel :: Maybe T.Text,
  emailRoute :: Maybe T.Text,
  emailUsername :: Maybe T.Text,
  emailDomain :: Maybe T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data Flag = FSeen
          | FAnswered
          | FFlagged
          | FDeleted
          | FDraft
          | FRecent
          | FAny
          | FOther T.Text
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Capability = CIMAP4
                | CUnselect
                | CIdle
                | CNamespace
                | CQuota
                | CId
                | CExperimental T.Text
                | CChildren
                | CUIDPlus
                | CCompress T.Text
                | CEnable
                | CMove
                | CCondstore
                | CEsearch
                | CUtf8 T.Text
                | CAuth T.Text
                | CListExtended
                | CListStatus
                | CAppendLimit Int
                -- |First parameter is the name of a capability
                --  and the second can contain a value, if the capability
                --  is of the form `NAME=VALUE`
                | COther T.Text (Maybe T.Text)
                deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- |Always the last result of the command, contains it's metadata
data TaggedResult = TaggedResult {
                      -- |Id of the command that completes
                      commandId :: CommandId,
                      -- |State returned by the server side
                      resultState :: !ResultState,
                      -- |Rest of the result, usually the human-readable part
                      resultRest :: T.Text
                    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |Tagged results can be in on of these three states
data ResultState = OK | NO | BAD deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |Untagged replies are the actual data returned in response to the commands.
data UntaggedResult = Flags [Flag] -- ^ A list of flags a mailbox has
                    | Exists Integer -- ^ How many messages exist in a mailbox
                    | Expunge Integer -- ^ Sequence id of a deleted message
                    | Bye -- ^ Returned by the server when it cleanly disconnects
                    | HighestModSeq Integer
                    | Recent Integer -- ^ Number of recent messages
                    | Messages Integer -- ^ Number of messages in a mailbox
                    | Unseen Integer -- ^ Number of unseen messages
                    | PermanentFlags [Flag]
                    | UID Integer -- ^ UID of a message
                    | MessageId Integer -- ^ A sequence id of a message
                    -- |UID that will be given to the next message added to this mailbox
                    | UIDNext Integer
                    -- |A triple of mailbox name, it's UIDValidity value and message UID
                    --  is always unique for a given message
                    | UIDValidity Integer
                    | OKResult T.Text -- ^ Result of an OK response
                    | NOResult T.Text -- ^ Result of a NO response
                    | BADResult T.Text -- ^ Result of a BAD response
                    | Capabilities [Capability] -- ^ What server advertises that it supports
                    -- |Response to the `LIST` command
                    | ListR {
                      flags :: [NameAttribute], -- ^ flags that a mailbox has
                      -- |Character sequence that marks a new level of hierarchy
                      --  in the inbox name (usually a slash)
                      hierarchyDelimiter :: T.Text,
                      -- |Name of the mailbox
                      inboxName :: T.Text
                    | Fetch [UntaggedResult] -- ^ Fetch response, contains many responses
                    -- |Status of a mailbox, will contain many different responses inside
                    | StatusR T.Text [UntaggedResult]
                    -- |A list of message IDs or UIDs fullfilling the search criterions
                    | Search [Integer]
                    -- |A parsed ENVELOPE reply, prefixed to avoid name clashes
                    | Envelope {
                      eDate :: Maybe T.Text,
                      eSubject :: Maybe T.Text,
                      eFrom :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eSender :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eReplyTo :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eTo :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eCC :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eBCC :: Maybe [EmailAddress],
                      eInReplyTo :: Maybe T.Text,
                      eMessageId :: Maybe T.Text
                    | InternalDate T.Text
                    | Size Integer -- ^ Message size
                    | Unknown BSC.ByteString -- ^ An unsupported value
                    | Body BSC.ByteString -- ^ Message body, or headers
                    | BodyStructure BSC.ByteString -- ^ An unparsed bodystructure
                    | Extension BSC.ByteString ExtensionPayload -- ^ A format extension
                    deriving (Show, Eq)

data ExtensionPayload = ExtInt Integer | ExtLabels [BSC.ByteString]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data NameAttribute = Noinferiors
                   | Noselect
                   | Marked
                   | Unmarked
                   | HasNoChildren
                   | OtherNameAttr T.Text
                   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- |Command result consits of a sequence of untagged results followed
--  by a single tagged result that specifies if the command overall succeeded.
--  This is a sum type to bind those two types together
data CommandResult = Tagged TaggedResult | Untagged UntaggedResult
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |If you don't care about streaming you will get results in this simplified
--  data type, in which the ErrorMessage comes from TaggedResult if it failed.
type SimpleResult = Either ErrorMessage [UntaggedResult]

-- |Every function that communicates with the outside world should run
--  in the Universe monad, which provides an ability to use mocks when testing
class Monad m => Universe m where
  connectionPut' :: Connection -> BSC.ByteString -> m ()
  connectionGetChunk'' :: Connection -> (BSC.ByteString -> (a, BSC.ByteString)) -> m a

instance Universe IO where
  connectionPut' = connectionPut
  connectionGetChunk'' = connectionGetChunk'

instance Universe (ListT IO) where
  connectionPut' c d = liftIO $ connectionPut c d
  connectionGetChunk'' c cont = liftIO $ connectionGetChunk' c cont

instance Universe (P.ListT IO) where
  connectionPut' c d = liftIO $ connectionPut c d
  connectionGetChunk'' c cont = liftIO $ connectionGetChunk' c cont

defaultImapSettings :: IMAPSettings
defaultImapSettings = IMAPSettings 30 10

$(derive makeIs ''Flag)
$(derive makeIs ''UntaggedResult)
$(derive makeIs ''CommandResult)
$(derive makeIs ''ConnectionState)