{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

-- | Provides spherical harmonic models of scalar-valued functions.
module Math.SphericalHarmonics
, combine
, scale
, evaluateModel
, evaluateModelGradient
, evaluateModelGradientInLocalTangentPlane

import Math.SphericalHarmonics.AssociatedLegendre
import Numeric.AD

-- | Represents a spherical harmonic model of a scalar-valued function.
data SphericalHarmonicModel a = SphericalHarmonicModel
                                modelDegree :: Int       -- ^ The maximum degree of the model. Must be >= 0.
                              , referenceRadius :: a     -- ^ The reference radius used to define the model.
                              , coefficients :: [(a, a)] -- ^ G and H coefficients of the model and their secular variations.
                                                         -- These coefficients are stored in the order [(g_0_0, h_0_0), (g_1_0, h1_0_), 1_1, 2_0, 2_1, 2_2, 3_0, 3_1, 3_2, 3_3, ...]
                                                         -- There must be Triangle('modelDegree' + 1) coefficients.
  deriving (Functor)

-- TODO: consider how to relax the reference radius error condition
-- TODO: make SphericalHarmonicModel an instance of additive typeclass
-- | Adds two compatible spherical harmonic models.
combine :: (Num a, Eq a) => SphericalHarmonicModel a -> SphericalHarmonicModel a -> SphericalHarmonicModel a
combine m1 m2 | (referenceRadius m1 /= referenceRadius m2) = error "Incompatible model reference radii."
              | otherwise                                  = SphericalHarmonicModel
                                                             modelDegree = max (modelDegree m1) (modelDegree m2)
                                                           , referenceRadius = referenceRadius m1
                                                           , coefficients = combineCoefficients (coefficients m1) (coefficients m2)
    combineCoefficients c1 c2 = take (max (length c1) (length c2)) $ zipWith addPairs (c1 ++ repeat (0,0)) (c2 ++ repeat (0,0))
    addPairs (g1, h1) (g2, h2) = (g1 + g2, h1 + h2)

-- | Linearly scales a spherical harmonic model.
scale :: (Num a) => a -> SphericalHarmonicModel a -> SphericalHarmonicModel a
scale x m = m { coefficients = fmap scalePair (coefficients m) }
    scalePair (g, h) = (x * g, x * h)

-- | Computes the scalar value of the spherical harmonic model at a specified spherical position.
evaluateModel :: (Floating a, Ord a) => SphericalHarmonicModel a -- ^ Spherical harmonic model
              -> a -- ^ Spherical radius
              -> a -- ^ Spherical colatitude (radian)
              -> a -- ^ Spherical longitude (radian)
              -> a -- ^ Model value
evaluateModel model r colat lon = refR * sumOverDegree
    refR = referenceRadius model
    deg = modelDegree model
    gs = map fst $ coefficients model
    hs = map snd $ coefficients model
    sumOverDegree = sum $ fmap degreeTerm [0..deg]
    degreeTerm n = ((refR / r) ^ (n + 1)) * (sum $ fmap (orderTerm n) [0..n])
    orderTerm n m = lonFactor * (p (cos colat))
        scaledLon = lon * fromIntegral m
        lonFactor = (g * cos scaledLon) + (h * sin scaledLon)
        p = schmidtSemiNormalizedAssociatedLegendreFunction n m
        g = gs !! computeIndex n m
        h = hs !! computeIndex n m

-- | Computes the gradient of the scalar value of the spherical harmonic model, in spherical coordinates, at a specified location.
evaluateModelGradient :: (Floating a, Ord a) => SphericalHarmonicModel a -- ^ Spherical harmonic model
                      -> a -- ^ Spherical radius
                      -> a -- ^ Spherical colatitude (radian)
                      -> a -- ^ Spherical longitude (radian)
                      -> (a, a, a) -- ^ Radial, colatitudinal, and longitudinal components of gradient
evaluateModelGradient model r colat lon = makeTuple . fmap negate $ modelGrad [r, colat, lon]
    modelGrad = grad (\[r', c', l'] -> evaluateModel (fmap auto model) r' c' l')
    makeTuple [x, y, z] = (x, y, z)

-- | Computes the gradient of the scalar value of the spherical harmonic model at a specified location, in Cartesian coordinates.
-- The result is expressed in a reference frame locally tangent to the specified location.
evaluateModelGradientInLocalTangentPlane :: (Floating a, Ord a) => SphericalHarmonicModel a -- ^ Spherical harmonic model
                                         -> a -- ^ Spherical radius
                                         -> a -- ^ Spherical colatitude (radian)
                                         -> a -- ^ Spherical longitude (radian)
                                         -> (a, a, a) -- ^ East, North, and up components of gradient
evaluateModelGradientInLocalTangentPlane model r colat lon = (e, n, u)
    (r', colat', lon') = evaluateModelGradient model r colat lon
    e = lon' / (r * sin colat)
    n = -colat' / r -- negated because the colatitude increase southward
    u = r'

computeIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int
computeIndex n m = triangle n + m

triangle :: Int -> Int
triangle n = (n * (n + 1)) `div` 2