.. _sect-impleff: ******************** Creating New Effects ******************** We have now seen several side-effecting operations provided by the ``Effects`` library, and examples of their use in Section :ref:`sect-simpleff`. We have also seen how operations may *modify* the available effects by changing state in Section :ref:`sect-depeff`. We have not, however, yet seen how these operations are implemented. In this section, we describe how a selection of the available effects are implemented, and show how new effectful operations may be provided. State ===== Effects are described by *algebraic data types*, where the constructors describe the operations provided when the effect is available. Stateful operations are described as follows: .. code-block:: idris data State : Effect where Get : State a a (\x => a) Put : b -> State () a (\x => b) ``Effect`` itself is a type synonym, giving the required type for an effect signature: .. code-block:: idris Effect : Type Effect = (result : Type) -> (input_resource : Type) -> (output_resource : result -> Type) -> Type Each effect is associated with a *resource*. The second argument to an effect signature is the resource type on *input* to an operation, and the third is a function which computes the resource type on *output*. Here, it means: - ``Get`` takes no arguments. It has a resource of type ``a``, which is not updated, and running the ``Get`` operation returns something of type ``a``. - ``Put`` takes a ``b`` as an argument. It has a resource of type ``a`` on input, which is updated to a resource of type ``b``. Running the ``Put`` operation returns the element of the unit type. The effects library provides an overloaded function ``sig`` which can make effect signatures more concise, particularly when the result has no effect on the resource type. For ``State``, we can write: .. code-block:: idris data State : Effect where Get : sig State a a Put : b -> sig State () a b There are four versions of ``sig``, depending on whether we are interested in the resource type, and whether we are updating the resource. Idris will infer the appropriate version from usage. .. code-block:: idris NoResourceEffect.sig : Effect -> Type -> Type NoUpdateEffect.sig : Effect -> (ret : Type) -> (resource : Type) -> Type UpdateEffect.sig : Effect -> (ret : Type) -> (resource_in : Type) -> (resource_out : Type) -> Type DepUpdateEffect.sig : Effect -> (ret : Type) -> (resource_in : Type) -> (resource_out : ret -> Type) -> Type In order to convert ``State`` (of type ``Effect``) into something usable in an effects list, of type ``EFFECT``, we write the following: .. code-block:: idris STATE : Type -> EFFECT STATE t = MkEff t State ``MkEff`` constructs an ``EFFECT`` by taking the resource type (here, the ``t`` which parameterises ``STATE``) and the effect signature (here, ``State``). For reference, ``EFFECT`` is declared as follows: .. code-block:: idris data EFFECT : Type where MkEff : Type -> Effect -> EFFECT Recall that to run an effectful program in ``Eff``, we use one of the ``run`` family of functions to run the program in a particular computation context ``m``. For each effect, therefore, we must explain how it is executed in a particular computation context for ``run`` to work in that context. This is achieved with the following interface: .. code-block:: idris interface Handler (e : Effect) (m : Type -> Type) where handle : resource -> (eff : e t resource resource') -> ((x : t) -> resource' x -> m a) -> m a We have already seen some implementation declarations in the effect summaries in Section :ref:`sect-simpleff`. An implementation of ``Handler e m`` means that the effect declared with signature ``e`` can be run in computation context ``m``. The ``handle`` function takes: - The ``resource`` on input (so, the current value of the state for ``State``) - The effectful operation (either ``Get`` or ``Put x`` for ``State``) - A *continuation*, which we conventionally call ``k``, and should be passed the result value of the operation, and an updated resource. There are two reasons for taking a continuation here: firstly, this is neater because there are multiple return values (a new resource and the result of the operation); secondly, and more importantly, the continuation can be called zero or more times. A ``Handler`` for ``State`` simply passes on the value of the state, in the case of ``Get``, or passes on a new state, in the case of ``Put``. It is defined the same way for all computation contexts: .. code-block:: idris Handler State m where handle st Get k = k st st handle st (Put n) k = k () n This gives enough information for ``Get`` and ``Put`` to be used directly in ``Eff`` programs. It is tidy, however, to define top level functions in ``Eff``, as follows: .. code-block:: idris get : Eff x [STATE x] get = call Get put : x -> Eff () [STATE x] put val = call (Put val) putM : y -> Eff () [STATE x] [STATE y] putM val = call (Put val) **An implementation detail (aside):** The ``call`` function converts an ``Effect`` to a function in ``Eff``, given a proof that the effect is available. This proof can be constructed automatically, since it is essentially an index into a statically known list of effects: .. code-block:: idris call : {e : Effect} -> (eff : e t a b) -> {auto prf : EffElem e a xs} -> Eff t xs (\v => updateResTy v xs prf eff) This is the reason for the ``Can’t solve goal`` error when an effect is not available: the implicit proof ``prf`` has not been solved automatically because the required effect is not in the list of effects ``xs``. Such details are not important for using the library, or even writing new effects, however. Summary ------- The following listing summarises what is required to define the ``STATE`` effect: .. code-block:: idris data State : Effect where Get : sig State a a Put : b -> sig State () a b STATE : Type -> EFFECT STATE t = MkEff t State Handler State m where handle st Get k = k st st handle st (Put n) k = k () n get : Eff x [STATE x] get = call Get put : x -> Eff () [STATE x] put val = call (Put val) putM : y -> Eff () [STATE x] [STATE y] putM val = call (Put val) Console I/O =========== Then listing below gives the definition of the ``STDIO`` effect, including handlers for ``IO`` and ``IOExcept``. We omit the definition of the top level ``Eff`` functions, as this merely invoke the effects ``PutStr``, ``GetStr``, ``PutCh`` and ``GetCh`` directly. Note that in this case, the resource is the unit type in every case, since the handlers merely apply the ``IO`` equivalents of the effects directly. .. _eff-stdiodef: .. code-block:: idris data StdIO : Effect where PutStr : String -> sig StdIO () GetStr : sig StdIO String PutCh : Char -> sig StdIO () GetCh : sig StdIO Char Handler StdIO IO where handle () (PutStr s) k = do putStr s; k () () handle () GetStr k = do x <- getLine; k x () handle () (PutCh c) k = do putChar c; k () () handle () GetCh k = do x <- getChar; k x () Handler StdIO (IOExcept a) where handle () (PutStr s) k = do ioe_lift $ putStr s; k () () handle () GetStr k = do x <- ioe_lift $ getLine; k x () handle () (PutCh c) k = do ioe_lift $ putChar c; k () () handle () GetCh k = do x <- ioe_lift $ getChar; k x () STDIO : EFFECT STDIO = MkEff () StdIO Exceptions ========== The listing below gives the definition of the ``Exception`` effect, including two of its handlers for ``Maybe`` and ``List``. The only operation provided is ``Raise``. The key point to note in the definitions of these handlers is that the continuation ``k`` is not used. Running ``Raise`` therefore means that computation stops with an error. .. code-block:: idris data Exception : Type -> Effect where Raise : a -> sig (Exception a) b Handler (Exception a) Maybe where handle _ (Raise e) k = Nothing Handler (Exception a) List where handle _ (Raise e) k = [] EXCEPTION : Type -> EFFECT EXCEPTION t = MkEff () (Exception t) Non-determinism =============== The following listing gives the definition of the ``Select`` effect for writing non-deterministic programs, including a handler for ``List`` context which returns all possible successful values, and a handler for ``Maybe`` context which returns the first successful value. .. code-block:: idris data Selection : Effect where Select : List a -> sig Selection a Handler Selection Maybe where handle _ (Select xs) k = tryAll xs where tryAll [] = Nothing tryAll (x :: xs) = case k x () of Nothing => tryAll xs Just v => Just v Handler Selection List where handle r (Select xs) k = concatMap (\x => k x r) xs SELECT : EFFECT SELECT = MkEff () Selection Here, the continuation is called multiple times in each handler, for each value in the list of possible values. In the ``List`` handler, we accumulate all successful results, and in the ``Maybe`` handler we try the first value in the list, and try later values only if that fails. File Management =============== Result-dependent effects are no different from non-dependent effects in the way they are implemented. The listing below illustrates this for the ``FILE_IO`` effect. The syntax for state transitions ``{ x ==> {res} x’ }``, where the result state ``x’`` is computed from the result of the operation ``res``, follows that for the equivalent ``Eff`` programs. .. code-block:: idris data FileIO : Effect where Open : (fname: String) -> (m : Mode) -> sig FileIO Bool () (\res => case res of True => OpenFile m False => ()) Close : sig FileIO () (OpenFile m) ReadLine : sig FileIO String (OpenFile Read) WriteLine : String -> sig FileIO () (OpenFile Write) EOF : sig FileIO Bool (OpenFile Read) Handler FileIO IO where handle () (Open fname m) k = do h <- openFile fname m if !(validFile h) then k True (FH h) else k False () handle (FH h) Close k = do closeFile h k () () handle (FH h) ReadLine k = do str <- fread h k str (FH h) handle (FH h) (WriteLine str) k = do fwrite h str k () (FH h) handle (FH h) EOF k = do e <- feof h k e (FH h) FILE_IO : Type -> EFFECT FILE_IO t = MkEff t FileIO Note that in the handler for ``Open``, the types passed to the continuation ``k`` are different depending on whether the result is ``True`` (opening succeeded) or ``False`` (opening failed). This uses ``validFile``, defined in the ``Prelude``, to test whether a file handler refers to an open file or not.