module Idris.Elab.Provider(elabProvider) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.Execute
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Docstrings
import Idris.Elab.Clause
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Idris.Elab.Type
import Idris.Elab.Value
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Options
import Idris.Providers
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
elabProvider :: Docstring (Either Err PTerm) -> ElabInfo -> SyntaxInfo -> FC -> FC -> ProvideWhat -> Name -> Idris ()
elabProvider doc info syn fc nfc what n
= do i <- getIState
unless (TypeProviders `elem` idris_language_extensions i) $
ifail $ "Failed to define type provider \"" ++ show n ++
"\".\nYou must turn on the TypeProviders extension."
ctxt <- getContext
(ty', typ) <- case what of
ProvTerm ty p -> elabVal info ERHS ty
ProvPostulate _ -> elabVal info ERHS (PType fc)
unless (isTType typ) $
ifail ("Expected a type, got " ++ show ty' ++ " : " ++ show typ)
(e, et) <- case what of
ProvTerm _ tm -> elabVal info ERHS tm
ProvPostulate tm -> elabVal info ERHS tm
unless (isProviderOf ctxt ty' et) $
ifail $ "Expected provider type " ++ show (providerOf ty') ++
", got " ++ show et ++ " instead."
rhs <- execute (mkApp (P Ref (sUN "run__provider") Erased)
[Erased, e])
let rhs' = normalise ctxt [] rhs
logElab 3 $ "Normalised " ++ show n ++ "'s RHS to " ++ show rhs
provided <- getProvided fc rhs'
case provided of
Provide tm
| ProvTerm ty _ <- what ->
elabType info syn doc [] fc [] n NoFC ty
elabClauses info fc [] n [PClause fc n (PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) []) [] (delab i tm) []]
logElab 3 $ "Elaborated provider " ++ show n ++ " as: " ++ show tm
| ProvPostulate _ <- what ->
elabPostulate info syn doc fc nfc [] n (delab i tm)
logElab 3 $ "Elaborated provided postulate " ++ show n
| otherwise ->
ierror . Msg $ "Attempted to provide a postulate where a term was expected."
where isTType :: TT Name -> Bool
isTType (TType _) = True
isTType _ = False
providerOf :: Type -> Type
providerOf ty = App Complete (P Ref (sUN "IO") Erased) $
App Complete (P Ref (sNS (sUN "Provider") ["Providers", "Prelude"]) Erased)
isProviderOf :: Context -> TT Name -> TT Name -> Bool
isProviderOf ctxt tp prov =
case converts ctxt [] (providerOf tp) prov of
OK _ -> True
_ -> False