Module      : Idris.Elab.AsPat
Description : Code to elaborate pattern variables.

License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.
module Idris.Elab.AsPat(desugarAs) where

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (transformM, universe)

-- | Desugar by changing x@y on lhs to let x = y in ... or rhs
desugarAs :: PTerm -> PTerm -> [PDecl] -> (PTerm, PTerm, [PDecl])
desugarAs lhs rhs whereblock
    = (lhs', bindOnRight rhs pats, map (bindInWhereDecl pats) whereblock)
    (lhs', pats) = runState (collectAs (replaceUnderscore lhs)) []

    bindOnRight :: PTerm -> [(Name, FC, PTerm)] -> PTerm
    bindOnRight = foldr (\(n, fc, tm) -> PLet fc RigW n NoFC Placeholder tm)

    bindInWhereDecl :: [(Name, FC, PTerm)] -> PDecl -> PDecl
    bindInWhereDecl pats (PClauses fc opts n clauses)
       = PClauses fc opts n $ map (bindInWhereClause pats) clauses
    bindInWhereDecl _ d = d

    bindInWhereClause :: [(Name, FC, PTerm)] -> PClause -> PClause
    bindInWhereClause pats (PClause fc n lhs ws rhs wb)
       = let bound = [ n | (PRef _ _ n) <- universe lhs ]
             pats' = filter (not . (`elem` bound) . \(n,_,_) -> n) pats
             rhs'  = bindOnRight rhs pats' in
         PClause fc n lhs ws rhs' $ map (bindInWhereDecl pats') wb
    bindInWhereClause _ c = c

collectAs :: PTerm -> State [(Name, FC, PTerm)] PTerm
collectAs (PAs fc n tm) = do tm' <- collectAs tm
                             pats <- get
                             put (pats ++ [(n, fc, tm')])
                             return tm'
collectAs (PApp fc t as)
    = do as_tm <- mapM collectAs (map getTm as)
         let as' = zipWith (\a tm -> a { getTm = tm }) as as_tm
         return (PApp fc t as') -- only valid on args
-- only for 'ExactlyOne' since it means the alternatives will have the
-- same form, so we can assume we only need to extract from the first one
collectAs tm@(PAlternative ns (ExactlyOne d) (a : as))
    = do a' <- collectAs a
         pats <- get
         as' <- mapM collectAs as -- just to drop the '@'
         put pats -- discard later ones, since they're repeated
         return (PAlternative ns (ExactlyOne d) (a' : as'))
collectAs x = return x

-- | Replace _-patterns under @-patterns with fresh names that can be
-- used on the RHS
replaceUnderscore :: PTerm -> PTerm
replaceUnderscore tm = evalState (transformM (underAs replaceUnderscore') tm) 0
    underAs :: (PTerm -> State Int PTerm) -> PTerm -> State Int PTerm
    underAs f (PAs fc n tm) = PAs fc n <$> transformM f tm
    underAs f x = return x

    fresh :: State Int Name
    fresh = modify (+1) >> flip sMN "underscorePatVar" <$> get

    replaceUnderscore' :: PTerm -> State Int PTerm
    replaceUnderscore' Placeholder = PRef emptyFC [] <$> fresh
    replaceUnderscore' tm          = return tm