module Idris.Core.TT(
AppStatus(..), ArithTy(..), Binder(..), Const(..), Ctxt(..)
, ConstraintFC(..), DataOpt(..), DataOpts(..), Datatype(..)
, Env(..), EnvTT(..), Err(..), Err'(..), ErrorReportPart(..)
, FC(..), FC'(..), ImplicitInfo(..), IntTy(..), Name(..)
, NameOutput(..), NameType(..), NativeTy(..), OutputAnnotation(..)
, Provenance(..), Raw(..), RigCount(..), SpecialName(..), TC(..), Term(..)
, TermSize(..), TextFormatting(..), TT(..),Type(..), TypeInfo(..)
, UConstraint(..), UCs(..), UExp(..), Universe(..)
, addAlist, addBinder, addDef, allTTNames, arity, bindAll
, bindingOf, bindTyArgs, caseName, constDocs, constIsType, deleteDefExact
, discard, emptyContext, emptyFC, explicitNames, fc_end, fc_fname
, fc_start, fcIn, fileFC, finalise, fmapMB, forget, forgetEnv
, freeNames, getArgTys, getRetTy, substRetTy, implicitable, instantiate, internalNS
, intTyName, isInjective, isTypeConst, lookupCtxt
, lookupCtxtExact, lookupCtxtName, mapCtxt, mkApp, nativeTyWidth
, nextName, noOccurrence, nsroot, occurrences
, pEraseType, pmap, pprintRaw, pprintTT, pprintTTClause, prettyEnv, psubst
, pToV, pToVs, pureTerm, raw_apply, raw_unapply, refsIn, safeForget
, safeForgetEnv, showCG, showEnv, showEnvDbg, showSep
, sImplementationN, sMN, sNS, str, subst, substNames, substTerm
, substV, sUN, tcname, termSmallerThan, tfail, thead, tnull
, toAlist, traceWhen, txt, unApply, uniqueBinders, uniqueName
, uniqueNameFrom, uniqueNameSet, unList, updateDef, vToP, weakenTm
, rigPlus, rigMult, fstEnv, rigEnv, sndEnv, lookupBinder, envBinders
, envZero
) where
import Util.Pretty hiding (Str)
import Prelude (Bool(..), Double, Enum(..), Eq(..), FilePath, Functor(..), Int,
Integer, Maybe(..), Monad(..), Monoid(..), Num(..), Ord(..),
Ordering(..), Show(..), String, div, error, fst, max, min, mod,
not, otherwise, read, snd, ($), (&&), (.), (||))
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import qualified Prelude as S (Semigroup(..))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, Applicative(..))
import qualified Control.Applicative as A (Alternative(..))
import Control.DeepSeq (($!!))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Binary hiding (get, put)
import Data.Char
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.List hiding (group, insert)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, insert, member)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
import Numeric.IEEE (IEEE(identicalIEEE))
data Option = TTypeInTType
| CheckConv
deriving Eq
data FC = FC { _fc_fname :: String,
_fc_start :: (Int, Int),
_fc_end :: (Int, Int)
| NoFC
| FileFC { _fc_fname :: String }
deriving (Data, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
fc_fname :: FC -> String
fc_fname (FC f _ _) = f
fc_fname NoFC = "(no file)"
fc_fname (FileFC f) = f
fc_start :: FC -> (Int, Int)
fc_start (FC _ start _) = start
fc_start NoFC = (0, 0)
fc_start (FileFC f) = (0, 0)
fc_end :: FC -> (Int, Int)
fc_end (FC _ _ end) = end
fc_end NoFC = (0, 0)
fc_end (FileFC f) = (0, 0)
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
instance S.Semigroup FC where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid FC where
mempty = NoFC
mappend (FC f start end) (FC f' start' end')
| f == f' = FC f (min start start') (max end end')
| otherwise = NoFC
mappend fc@(FC f _ _) (FileFC f') | f == f' = fc
| otherwise = NoFC
mappend (FileFC f') fc@(FC f _ _) | f == f' = fc
| otherwise = NoFC
mappend (FileFC f) (FileFC f') | f == f' = FileFC f
| otherwise = NoFC
mappend NoFC fc = fc
mappend fc NoFC = fc
fcIn :: FC -> FC -> Bool
fcIn NoFC _ = False
fcIn (FileFC _) _ = False
fcIn (FC {}) NoFC = False
fcIn (FC {}) (FileFC _) = False
fcIn (FC fn1 (sl1, sc1) (el1, ec1)) (FC fn2 (sl2, sc2) (el2, ec2)) =
fn1 == fn2 &&
(sl1 == sl2 && sc1 > sc2 || sl1 > sl2) &&
(el1 == el2 && ec1 < ec2 || el1 < el2)
instance Eq FC where
_ == _ = True
newtype FC' = FC' { unwrapFC :: FC } deriving (Data, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
instance Eq FC' where
FC' fc == FC' fc' = fcEq fc fc'
where fcEq (FC n s e) (FC n' s' e') = n == n' && s == s' && e == e'
fcEq NoFC NoFC = True
fcEq (FileFC f) (FileFC f') = f == f'
fcEq _ _ = False
instance Show FC' where
showsPrec d (FC' fc) = showsPrec d fc
emptyFC :: FC
emptyFC = NoFC
fileFC :: String -> FC
fileFC s = FileFC s
instance Sized FC where
size (FC f s e) = 4 + length f
size NoFC = 1
size (FileFC f) = length f
instance Show FC where
show (FC f s e) = f ++ ":" ++ showLC s e
where showLC (sl, sc) (el, ec) | sl == el && sc == ec = show sl ++ ":" ++ show sc
| sl == el = show sl ++ ":" ++ show sc ++ "-" ++ show ec
| otherwise = show sl ++ ":" ++ show sc ++ "-" ++ show el ++ ":" ++ show ec
show NoFC = "No location"
show (FileFC f) = f
data NameOutput = TypeOutput | FunOutput | DataOutput | MetavarOutput | PostulateOutput deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data TextFormatting = BoldText | ItalicText | UnderlineText deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data OutputAnnotation = AnnName Name (Maybe NameOutput) (Maybe String) (Maybe String)
| AnnBoundName Name Bool
| AnnConst Const
| AnnData String String
| AnnType String String
| AnnKeyword
| AnnFC FC
| AnnTextFmt TextFormatting
| AnnLink String
| AnnTerm [(Name, Bool)] (TT Name)
| AnnSearchResult Ordering
| AnnErr Err
| AnnNamespace [T.Text] (Maybe FilePath)
| AnnQuasiquote
| AnnAntiquote
| AnnSyntax String
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data ErrorReportPart = TextPart String
| NamePart Name
| TermPart Term
| RawPart Raw
| SubReport [ErrorReportPart]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
data Provenance = ExpectedType
| TooManyArgs Term
| InferredVal
| GivenVal
| SourceTerm Term
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
data Err' t
= Msg String
| InternalMsg String
| CantUnify Bool (t, Maybe Provenance)
(t, Maybe Provenance)
(Err' t) [(Name, t)] Int
| InfiniteUnify Name t [(Name, t)]
| CantConvert t t [(Name, t)]
| CantSolveGoal t [(Name, t)]
| UnifyScope Name Name t [(Name, t)]
| CantInferType String
| NonFunctionType t t
| NotEquality t t
| TooManyArguments Name
| CantIntroduce t
| NoSuchVariable Name
| WithFnType t
| NoTypeDecl Name
| NotInjective t t t
| CantResolve Bool
t (Err' t)
| InvalidTCArg Name t
| CantResolveAlts [Name]
| NoValidAlts [Name]
| IncompleteTerm t
| UniverseError FC UExp (Int, Int) (Int, Int) [ConstraintFC]
| UniqueError Universe Name
| UniqueKindError Universe Name
| ProgramLineComment
| Inaccessible Name
| UnknownImplicit Name Name
| CantMatch t
| NonCollapsiblePostulate Name
| AlreadyDefined Name
| ProofSearchFail (Err' t)
| NoRewriting t t t
| At FC (Err' t)
| Elaborating String Name (Maybe t) (Err' t)
| ElaboratingArg Name Name [(Name, Name)] (Err' t)
| ProviderError String
| LoadingFailed String (Err' t)
| ReflectionError [[ErrorReportPart]] (Err' t)
| ReflectionFailed String (Err' t)
| ElabScriptDebug [ErrorReportPart] t [(Name, t, [(Name, Binder t)])]
| ElabScriptStuck t
| RunningElabScript (Err' t)
| ElabScriptStaging Name
| FancyMsg [ErrorReportPart]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Data, Generic, Typeable)
type Err = Err' Term
data TC a = OK !a
| Error Err
deriving (Eq, Functor)
bindTC :: TC a -> (a -> TC b) -> TC b
bindTC x k = case x of
OK v -> k v
Error e -> Error e
instance Monad TC where
return x = OK x
x >>= k = bindTC x k
fail e = Error (InternalMsg e)
instance MonadPlus TC where
mzero = fail "Unknown error"
(OK x) `mplus` _ = OK x
_ `mplus` (OK y) = OK y
err `mplus` _ = err
instance Applicative TC where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative TC where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance Sized ErrorReportPart where
size (TextPart msg) = 1 + length msg
size (TermPart t) = 1 + size t
size (RawPart r) = 1 + size r
size (NamePart n) = 1 + size n
size (SubReport rs) = 1 + size rs
instance Sized Err where
size (Msg msg) = length msg
size (InternalMsg msg) = length msg
size (CantUnify _ left right err _ score) = size (fst left) + size (fst right) + size err
size (InfiniteUnify _ right _) = size right
size (CantConvert left right _) = size left + size right
size (UnifyScope _ _ right _) = size right
size (NoSuchVariable name) = size name
size (NoTypeDecl name) = size name
size (NotInjective l c r) = size l + size c + size r
size (CantResolve _ trm _) = size trm
size (NoRewriting l r t) = size l + size r + size t
size (CantResolveAlts _) = 1
size (IncompleteTerm trm) = size trm
size ProgramLineComment = 1
size (At fc err) = size fc + size err
size (Elaborating _ _ _ err) = size err
size (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ err) = size err
size (ProviderError msg) = length msg
size (LoadingFailed fn e) = 1 + length fn + size e
size _ = 1
instance Show Err where
show (Msg s) = s
show (InternalMsg s) = "Internal error: " ++ show s
show (CantUnify rcv l r e sc i) = "CantUnify " ++ show rcv ++ " " ++
show l ++ " and " ++ show r ++ " " ++
show e ++ " in " ++ show sc ++ " " ++ show i
show (CantConvert l r sc) = "CantConvert " ++
show l ++ " and " ++ show r ++ " " ++
" in " ++ show sc
show (CantSolveGoal g _) = "CantSolve " ++ show g
show (Inaccessible n) = show n ++ " is not an accessible pattern variable"
show (UnknownImplicit n f) = show n ++ " is not an implicit argument of " ++ show f
show (ProviderError msg) = "Type provider error: " ++ msg
show (LoadingFailed fn e) = "Loading " ++ fn ++ " failed: (TT) " ++ show e
show ProgramLineComment = "Program line next to comment"
show (At f e) = show f ++ ":" ++ show e
show (ElaboratingArg f x prev e) = "Elaborating " ++ show f ++ " arg " ++
show x ++ ": " ++ show e
show (Elaborating what n ty e) = "Elaborating " ++ what ++ show n ++
showType ty ++ ":" ++ show e
showType Nothing = ""
showType (Just ty) = " with expected type " ++ show ty
show (ProofSearchFail e) = "Proof search fail: " ++ show e
show (InfiniteUnify _ _ _) = "InfiniteUnify"
show (UnifyScope _ _ _ _) = "UnifyScope"
show (NonFunctionType _ _) = "NonFunctionType"
show (NotEquality _ _) = "NotEquality"
show (TooManyArguments _) = "TooManyArguments"
show (CantIntroduce _) = "CantIntroduce"
show (NoSuchVariable n) = "NoSuchVariable " ++ show n
show (WithFnType _) = "WithFnType"
show (NoTypeDecl _) = "NoTypeDecl"
show (NotInjective _ _ _) = "NotInjective"
show (CantResolve _ _ _) = "CantResolve"
show (InvalidTCArg _ _) = "InvalidTCArg"
show (CantResolveAlts _) = "CantResolveAlts"
show (NoValidAlts _) = "NoValidAlts"
show (IncompleteTerm _) = "IncompleteTerm"
show _ = "Error"
instance Pretty Err OutputAnnotation where
pretty (Msg m) = text m
pretty (CantUnify _ (l, _) (r, _) e _ i) =
text "Cannot unify" <+> colon <+> pretty l <+> text "and" <+> pretty r <+>
nest nestingSize (text "where" <+> pretty e <+> text "with" <+> (text . show $ i))
pretty (ProviderError msg) = text msg
pretty err@(LoadingFailed _ _) = text (show err)
pretty _ = text "Error"
instance (Pretty a OutputAnnotation) => Pretty (TC a) OutputAnnotation where
pretty (OK ok) = pretty ok
pretty (Error err) =
text "Error" <+> colon <+> pretty err
instance Show a => Show (TC a) where
show (OK x) = show x
show (Error str) = "Error: " ++ show str
tfail :: Err -> TC a
tfail e = Error e
discard :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
discard f = f >> return ()
showSep :: String -> [String] -> String
showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x:xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs
pmap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
traceWhen True msg a = trace msg a
traceWhen False _ a = a
data Name = UN !T.Text
| NS !Name [T.Text]
| MN !Int !T.Text
| SN !SpecialName
| SymRef Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
txt :: String -> T.Text
txt = T.pack
str :: T.Text -> String
str = T.unpack
tnull :: T.Text -> Bool
tnull = T.null
thead :: T.Text -> Char
thead = T.head
sUN :: String -> Name
sUN s = UN (txt s)
sNS :: Name -> [String] -> Name
sNS n ss = NS n $!! (map txt ss)
sMN :: Int -> String -> Name
sMN i s = MN i (txt s)
caseName (SN (CaseN _ _)) = True
caseName (NS n _) = caseName n
caseName _ = False
data SpecialName = WhereN !Int !Name !Name
| WithN !Int !Name
| ImplementationN !Name [T.Text]
| ParentN !Name !T.Text
| MethodN !Name
| CaseN !FC' !Name
| ImplementationCtorN !Name
| MetaN !Name !Name
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
sImplementationN :: Name -> [String] -> SpecialName
sImplementationN n ss = ImplementationN n (map T.pack ss)
instance Sized Name where
size (UN n) = 1
size (NS n els) = 1 + length els
size (MN i n) = 1
size _ = 1
instance Pretty Name OutputAnnotation where
pretty n@(UN n') = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) $ text (T.unpack n')
pretty n@(NS un s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) . noAnnotate $ pretty un
pretty n@(MN i s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) $
lbrace <+> text (T.unpack s) <+> (text . show $ i) <+> rbrace
pretty n@(SN s) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) $ text (show s)
pretty n@(SymRef i) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) $
text $ "##symbol" ++ show i ++ "##"
instance Pretty [Name] OutputAnnotation where
pretty = encloseSep empty empty comma . map pretty
instance Show Name where
show (UN n) = str n
show (NS n s) = showSep "." (map T.unpack (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ show n
show (MN _ u) | u == txt "underscore" = "_"
show (MN i s) = "{" ++ str s ++ "_" ++ show i ++ "}"
show (SN s) = show s
show (SymRef i) = "##symbol" ++ show i ++ "##"
instance Show SpecialName where
show (WhereN i p c) = show p ++ ", " ++ show c
show (WithN i n) = "with block in " ++ show n
show (ImplementationN cl impl) = showSep ", " (map T.unpack impl) ++ " implementation of " ++ show cl
show (MethodN m) = "method " ++ show m
show (ParentN p c) = show p ++ "#" ++ T.unpack c
show (CaseN fc n) = "case block in " ++ show n ++
if fc == FC' emptyFC then "" else " at " ++ show fc
show (ImplementationCtorN n) = "constructor of " ++ show n
show (MetaN parent meta) = "<<" ++ show parent ++ " " ++ show meta ++ ">>"
showCG :: Name -> String
showCG (UN n) = T.unpack n
showCG (NS n s) = showSep "." (map T.unpack (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ showCG n
showCG (MN _ u) | u == txt "underscore" = "_"
showCG (MN i s) = "{" ++ T.unpack s ++ "_" ++ show i ++ "}"
showCG (SN s) = showCG' s
where showCG' (WhereN i p c) = showCG p ++ ":" ++ showCG c ++ ":" ++ show i
showCG' (WithN i n) = "_" ++ showCG n ++ "_with_" ++ show i
showCG' (ImplementationN cl impl) = '@':showCG cl ++ '$':showSep ":" (map T.unpack impl)
showCG' (MethodN m) = '!':showCG m
showCG' (ParentN p c) = showCG p ++ "#" ++ show c
showCG' (CaseN fc c) = showCG c ++ showFC' fc ++ "_case"
showCG' (ImplementationCtorN n) = showCG n ++ "_ictor"
showCG' (MetaN parent meta) = showCG parent ++ "_meta_" ++ showCG meta
showFC' (FC' NoFC) = ""
showFC' (FC' (FileFC f)) = "_" ++ cgFN f
showFC' (FC' (FC f s e))
| s == e = "_" ++ cgFN f ++
"_" ++ show (fst s) ++ "_" ++ show (snd s)
| otherwise = "_" ++ cgFN f ++
"_" ++ show (fst s) ++ "_" ++ show (snd s) ++
"_" ++ show (fst e) ++ "_" ++ show (snd e)
cgFN = concatMap (\c -> if not (isDigit c || isLetter c) then "__" else [c])
showCG (SymRef i) = error "can't do codegen for a symbol reference"
type Ctxt a = Map.Map Name (Map.Map Name a)
emptyContext = Map.empty
mapCtxt :: (a -> b) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt b
mapCtxt = fmap . fmap
tcname (UN xs) = False
tcname (NS n _) = tcname n
tcname (SN (ImplementationN _ _)) = True
tcname (SN (MethodN _)) = True
tcname (SN (ParentN _ _)) = True
tcname _ = False
implicitable (NS n _) = False
implicitable (UN xs) | T.null xs = False
| otherwise = isLower (T.head xs) ||
T.head xs == '_'
implicitable (MN _ x) = not (tnull x) && thead x /= '_'
implicitable _ = False
nsroot (NS n _) = n
nsroot n = n
addDef :: Name -> a -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addDef n v ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
Nothing -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
(Map.insert n v Map.empty) ctxt
Just xs -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
(Map.insert n v xs) ctxt
lookupCtxtName :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
lookupCtxtName n ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
Just xs -> filterNS (Map.toList xs)
Nothing -> []
filterNS [] = []
filterNS ((found, v) : xs)
| nsmatch n found = (found, v) : filterNS xs
| otherwise = filterNS xs
nsmatch (NS n ns) (NS p ps) = ns `isPrefixOf` ps
nsmatch (NS _ _) _ = False
nsmatch looking found = True
lookupCtxt :: Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]
lookupCtxt n ctxt = map snd (lookupCtxtName n ctxt)
lookupCtxtExact :: Name -> Ctxt a -> Maybe a
lookupCtxtExact n ctxt = listToMaybe [ v | (nm, v) <- lookupCtxtName n ctxt, nm == n]
deleteDefExact :: Name -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
deleteDefExact n = Map.adjust (Map.delete n) (nsroot n)
updateDef :: Name -> (a -> a) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
updateDef n f ctxt
= case lookupCtxtExact n ctxt of
Just t -> addDef n (f t) ctxt
Nothing -> ctxt
toAlist :: Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
toAlist ctxt = let allns = map snd (Map.toList ctxt) in
concatMap (Map.toList) allns
addAlist :: [(Name, a)] -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addAlist [] ctxt = ctxt
addAlist ((n, tm) : ds) ctxt = addDef n tm (addAlist ds ctxt)
data NativeTy = IT8 | IT16 | IT32 | IT64
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Pretty NativeTy OutputAnnotation where
pretty IT8 = text "Bits8"
pretty IT16 = text "Bits16"
pretty IT32 = text "Bits32"
pretty IT64 = text "Bits64"
data IntTy = ITFixed NativeTy | ITNative | ITBig | ITChar
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
intTyName :: IntTy -> String
intTyName ITNative = "Int"
intTyName ITBig = "BigInt"
intTyName (ITFixed sized) = "B" ++ show (nativeTyWidth sized)
intTyName (ITChar) = "Char"
data ArithTy = ATInt IntTy | ATFloat
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Pretty ArithTy OutputAnnotation where
pretty (ATInt ITNative) = text "Int"
pretty (ATInt ITBig) = text "BigInt"
pretty (ATInt ITChar) = text "Char"
pretty (ATInt (ITFixed n)) = pretty n
pretty ATFloat = text "Float"
nativeTyWidth :: NativeTy -> Int
nativeTyWidth IT8 = 8
nativeTyWidth IT16 = 16
nativeTyWidth IT32 = 32
nativeTyWidth IT64 = 64
data Const = I Int | BI Integer | Fl Double | Ch Char | Str String
| B8 Word8 | B16 Word16 | B32 Word32 | B64 Word64
| AType ArithTy | StrType
| WorldType | TheWorld
| VoidType | Forgot
deriving (Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Eq Const where
I i == I j = i == j
BI i == BI j = i == j
Fl i == Fl j = identicalIEEE i j
Ch i == Ch j = i == j
Str i == Str j = i == j
B8 i == B8 j = i == j
B16 i == B16 j = i == j
B32 i == B32 j = i == j
B64 i == B64 j = i == j
AType i == AType j = i == j
StrType == StrType = True
WorldType == WorldType = True
TheWorld == TheWorld = True
VoidType == VoidType = True
Forgot == Forgot = True
_ == _ = False
isTypeConst :: Const -> Bool
isTypeConst (AType _) = True
isTypeConst StrType = True
isTypeConst WorldType = True
isTypeConst VoidType = True
isTypeConst _ = False
instance Sized Const where
size _ = 1
instance Pretty Const OutputAnnotation where
pretty (I i) = text . show $ i
pretty (BI i) = text . show $ i
pretty (Fl f) = text . show $ f
pretty (Ch c) = text . show $ c
pretty (Str s) = text s
pretty (AType a) = pretty a
pretty StrType = text "String"
pretty TheWorld = text "%theWorld"
pretty WorldType = text "prim__World"
pretty VoidType = text "Void"
pretty Forgot = text "Forgot"
pretty (B8 w) = text . show $ w
pretty (B16 w) = text . show $ w
pretty (B32 w) = text . show $ w
pretty (B64 w) = text . show $ w
constIsType :: Const -> Bool
constIsType (I _) = False
constIsType (BI _) = False
constIsType (Fl _) = False
constIsType (Ch _) = False
constIsType (Str _) = False
constIsType (B8 _) = False
constIsType (B16 _) = False
constIsType (B32 _) = False
constIsType (B64 _) = False
constIsType _ = True
constDocs :: Const -> String
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt ITBig)) = "Arbitrary-precision integers"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt ITNative)) = "Fixed-precision integers of undefined size"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt ITChar)) = "Characters in some unspecified encoding"
constDocs c@(AType ATFloat) = "Double-precision floating-point numbers"
constDocs StrType = "Strings in some unspecified encoding"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) = "Eight bits (unsigned)"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = "Sixteen bits (unsigned)"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = "Thirty-two bits (unsigned)"
constDocs c@(AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = "Sixty-four bits (unsigned)"
constDocs (Fl f) = "A float"
constDocs (I i) = "A fixed-precision integer"
constDocs (BI i) = "An arbitrary-precision integer"
constDocs (Str s) = "A string of length " ++ show (length s)
constDocs (Ch c) = "A character"
constDocs (B8 w) = "The eight-bit value 0x" ++
showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit w ""
constDocs (B16 w) = "The sixteen-bit value 0x" ++
showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit w ""
constDocs (B32 w) = "The thirty-two-bit value 0x" ++
showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit w ""
constDocs (B64 w) = "The sixty-four-bit value 0x" ++
showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit w ""
constDocs prim = "Undocumented"
data Universe = NullType | UniqueType | AllTypes
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Show Universe where
show UniqueType = "UniqueType"
show NullType = "NullType"
show AllTypes = "AnyType"
data Raw = Var Name
| RBind Name (Binder Raw) Raw
| RApp Raw Raw
| RType
| RUType Universe
| RConstant Const
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Sized Raw where
size (Var name) = 1
size (RBind name bind right) = 1 + size bind + size right
size (RApp left right) = 1 + size left + size right
size RType = 1
size (RUType _) = 1
size (RConstant const) = size const
instance Pretty Raw OutputAnnotation where
pretty = text . show
data ImplicitInfo = Impl { tcimplementation :: Bool, toplevel_imp :: Bool,
machine_gen :: Bool }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
data Binder b = Lam { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderTy :: !b }
| Pi { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderImpl :: Maybe ImplicitInfo,
binderTy :: !b,
binderKind :: !b }
| Let { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderTy :: !b,
binderVal :: b }
| NLet { binderTy :: !b,
binderVal :: b }
| Hole { binderTy :: !b}
| GHole { envlen :: Int,
localnames :: [Name],
binderTy :: !b}
| Guess { binderTy :: !b,
binderVal :: b }
| PVar { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderTy :: !b }
| PVTy { binderTy :: !b }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Sized a => Sized (Binder a) where
size (Lam _ ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Pi _ _ ty _) = 1 + size ty
size (Let _ ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (NLet ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (Hole ty) = 1 + size ty
size (GHole _ _ ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Guess ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (PVar _ ty) = 1 + size ty
size (PVTy ty) = 1 + size ty
fmapMB :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Binder a -> m (Binder b)
fmapMB f (Let c t v) = liftM2 (Let c) (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (NLet t v) = liftM2 NLet (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Guess t v) = liftM2 Guess (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Lam c t) = liftM (Lam c) (f t)
fmapMB f (Pi c i t k) = liftM2 (Pi c i) (f t) (f k)
fmapMB f (Hole t) = liftM Hole (f t)
fmapMB f (GHole i ns t) = liftM (GHole i ns) (f t)
fmapMB f (PVar c t) = liftM (PVar c) (f t)
fmapMB f (PVTy t) = liftM PVTy (f t)
raw_apply :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
raw_apply f [] = f
raw_apply f (a : as) = raw_apply (RApp f a) as
raw_unapply :: Raw -> (Raw, [Raw])
raw_unapply t = ua [] t where
ua args (RApp f a) = ua (a:args) f
ua args t = (t, args)
internalNS :: String
internalNS = "(internal)"
data UExp = UVar String Int
| UVal Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Sized UExp where
size _ = 1
instance Show UExp where
show (UVar ns x)
| x < 26 = ns ++ "." ++ [toEnum (x + fromEnum 'a')]
| otherwise = ns ++ "." ++ toEnum ((x `mod` 26) + fromEnum 'a') : show (x `div` 26)
show (UVal x) = show x
data UConstraint = ULT UExp UExp
| ULE UExp UExp
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
data ConstraintFC = ConstraintFC { uconstraint :: UConstraint,
ufc :: FC }
deriving (Show, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Eq ConstraintFC where
x == y = uconstraint x == uconstraint y
instance Ord ConstraintFC where
compare x y = compare (uconstraint x) (uconstraint y)
instance Show UConstraint where
show (ULT x y) = show x ++ " < " ++ show y
show (ULE x y) = show x ++ " <= " ++ show y
type UCs = (Int, [UConstraint])
data NameType = Bound
| Ref
| DCon {nt_tag :: Int, nt_arity :: Int, nt_unique :: Bool}
| TCon {nt_tag :: Int, nt_arity :: Int}
deriving (Show, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
instance Sized NameType where
size _ = 1
instance Pretty NameType OutputAnnotation where
pretty = text . show
instance Eq NameType where
Bound == Bound = True
Ref == Ref = True
DCon _ a _ == DCon _ b _ = (a == b)
TCon _ a == TCon _ b = (a == b)
_ == _ = False
data AppStatus n = Complete
| MaybeHoles
| Holes [n]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Data, Generic, Typeable, Show)
data TT n = P NameType n (TT n)
| V !Int
| Bind n !(Binder (TT n)) (TT n)
| App (AppStatus n) !(TT n) (TT n)
| Constant Const
| Proj (TT n) !Int
| Erased
| Impossible
| Inferred (TT n)
| TType UExp
| UType Universe
deriving (Ord, Functor, Data, Generic, Typeable)
class TermSize a where
termsize :: Name -> a -> Int
instance TermSize a => TermSize [a] where
termsize n [] = 0
termsize n (x : xs) = termsize n x + termsize n xs
instance TermSize (TT Name) where
termsize n (P _ n' _)
| n' == n = 1000000
| caseName n' = 1000000
| otherwise = 1
termsize n (V _) = 1
termsize n (Bind n' (Let c t v) sc)
= let rn = if n == n' then sMN 0 "noname" else n in
termsize rn v + termsize rn sc
termsize n (Bind n' b sc)
= let rn = if n == n' then sMN 0 "noname" else n in
termsize rn sc
termsize n (App _ f a) = termsize n f + termsize n a
termsize n (Proj t i) = termsize n t
termsize n _ = 1
instance Sized Universe where
size u = 1
instance Sized a => Sized (TT a) where
size (P name n trm) = 1 + size name + size n + size trm
size (V v) = 1
size (Bind nm binder bdy) = 1 + size nm + size binder + size bdy
size (App _ l r) = 1 + size l + size r
size (Constant c) = size c
size Erased = 1
size (TType u) = 1 + size u
size (Proj a _) = 1 + size a
size Impossible = 1
size (Inferred t) = size t
size (UType u) = 1 + size u
instance Pretty a o => Pretty (TT a) o where
pretty _ = text "test"
data RigCount = Rig0 | Rig1 | RigW
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)
rigPlus :: RigCount -> RigCount -> RigCount
rigPlus Rig0 Rig0 = Rig0
rigPlus Rig0 Rig1 = Rig1
rigPlus Rig0 RigW = RigW
rigPlus Rig1 Rig0 = Rig1
rigPlus Rig1 Rig1 = RigW
rigPlus Rig1 RigW = RigW
rigPlus RigW Rig0 = RigW
rigPlus RigW Rig1 = RigW
rigPlus RigW RigW = RigW
rigMult :: RigCount -> RigCount -> RigCount
rigMult Rig0 Rig0 = Rig0
rigMult Rig0 Rig1 = Rig0
rigMult Rig0 RigW = Rig0
rigMult Rig1 Rig0 = Rig0
rigMult Rig1 Rig1 = Rig1
rigMult Rig1 RigW = RigW
rigMult RigW Rig0 = Rig0
rigMult RigW Rig1 = RigW
rigMult RigW RigW = RigW
type EnvTT n = [(n, RigCount, Binder (TT n))]
fstEnv (n, c, b) = n
rigEnv (n, c, b) = c
sndEnv (n, c, b) = b
envBinders = map (\(n, _, b) -> (n, b))
envZero = map (\(n, _, b) -> (n, Rig0, b))
lookupBinder :: Eq n => n -> EnvTT n -> Maybe (Binder (TT n))
lookupBinder n = lookup n . envBinders
data Datatype n = Data { d_typename :: n,
d_typetag :: Int,
d_type :: (TT n),
d_unique :: Bool,
d_cons :: [(n, TT n)] }
deriving (Show, Functor, Eq)
data DataOpt = Codata
| DataErrRev
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
type DataOpts = [DataOpt]
data TypeInfo = TI { con_names :: [Name],
codata :: Bool,
data_opts :: DataOpts,
param_pos :: [Int],
mutual_types :: [Name],
linear_con :: Bool
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Eq n => Eq (TT n) where
(==) (P xt x _) (P yt y _) = x == y
(==) (V x) (V y) = x == y
(==) (Bind _ xb xs) (Bind _ yb ys) = xs == ys && xb == yb
(==) (App _ fx ax) (App _ fy ay) = ax == ay && fx == fy
(==) (TType _) (TType _) = True
(==) (Constant x) (Constant y) = x == y
(==) (Proj x i) (Proj y j) = x == y && i == j
(==) Erased _ = True
(==) _ Erased = True
(==) _ _ = False
isInjective :: TT n -> Bool
isInjective (P (DCon _ _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (P (TCon _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (Constant _) = True
isInjective (TType x) = True
isInjective (Bind _ (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) = True
isInjective (App _ f a) = isInjective f
isInjective _ = False
instantiate :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
instantiate e = subst 0 where
subst i (P nt x ty) = P nt x (subst i ty)
subst i (V x) | i == x = e
subst i (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (subst i) b) (subst (i+1) sc)
subst i (App s f a) = App s (subst i f) (subst i a)
subst i (Proj x idx) = Proj (subst i x) idx
subst i t = t
substV :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
substV x tm = dropV 0 (instantiate x tm) where
dropV i (P nt x ty) = P nt x (dropV i ty)
dropV i (V x) | x > i = V (x 1)
| otherwise = V x
dropV i (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (dropV i) b) (dropV (i+1) sc)
dropV i (App s f a) = App s (dropV i f) (dropV i a)
dropV i (Proj x idx) = Proj (dropV i x) idx
dropV i t = t
explicitNames :: TT n -> TT n
explicitNames (Bind x b sc) = let b' = fmap explicitNames b in
Bind x b'
(explicitNames (instantiate
(P Bound x (binderTy b')) sc))
explicitNames (App s f a) = App s (explicitNames f) (explicitNames a)
explicitNames (Proj x idx) = Proj (explicitNames x) idx
explicitNames t = t
pToV :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n
pToV n = pToV' n 0
pToV' n i (P _ x _) | n == x = V i
pToV' n i (Bind x b sc)
| n == x = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) sc
| otherwise = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) (pToV' n (i+1) sc)
pToV' n i (App s f a) = App s (pToV' n i f) (pToV' n i a)
pToV' n i (Proj t idx) = Proj (pToV' n i t) idx
pToV' n i t = t
addBinder :: TT n -> TT n
addBinder t = ab 0 t
ab top (V i) | i >= top = V (i + 1)
| otherwise = V i
ab top (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (ab top) b) (ab (top + 1) sc)
ab top (App s f a) = App s (ab top f) (ab top a)
ab top (Proj t idx) = Proj (ab top t) idx
ab top t = t
pToVs :: Eq n => [n] -> TT n -> TT n
pToVs ns tm = pToVs' ns tm 0 where
pToVs' [] tm i = tm
pToVs' (n:ns) tm i = pToV' n i (pToVs' ns tm (i+1))
vToP :: TT n -> TT n
vToP = vToP' [] where
vToP' env (V i) = let (n, b) = (env !! i) in
P Bound n (binderTy b)
vToP' env (Bind n b sc) = let b' = fmap (vToP' env) b in
Bind n b' (vToP' ((n, b'):env) sc)
vToP' env (App s f a) = App s (vToP' env f) (vToP' env a)
vToP' env t = t
finalise :: Eq n => TT n -> TT n
finalise (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap finalise b) (pToV x (finalise sc))
finalise (App s f a) = App s (finalise f) (finalise a)
finalise t = t
pEraseType :: TT n -> TT n
pEraseType (P nt t _) = P nt t Erased
pEraseType (App s f a) = App s (pEraseType f) (pEraseType a)
pEraseType (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (fmap pEraseType b) (pEraseType sc)
pEraseType t = t
subst :: Eq n => n ->
TT n ->
TT n ->
TT n
subst n v tm = fst $ subst' 0 tm
subst' i (V x) | i == x = (v, True)
subst' i (P _ x _) | n == x = (v, True)
subst' i t@(P nt x ty)
= let (ty', ut) = subst' i ty in
if ut then (P nt x ty', True) else (t, False)
subst' i t@(Bind x b sc) | x /= n
= let (b', ub) = substB' i b
(sc', usc) = subst' (i+1) sc in
if ub || usc then (Bind x b' sc', True) else (t, False)
subst' i t@(App s f a) = let (f', uf) = subst' i f
(a', ua) = subst' i a in
if uf || ua then (App s f' a', True) else (t, False)
subst' i t@(Proj x idx) = let (x', u) = subst' i x in
if u then (Proj x' idx, u) else (t, False)
subst' i t = (t, False)
substB' i b@(Let c t v) = let (t', ut) = subst' i t
(v', uv) = subst' i v in
if ut || uv then (Let c t' v', True)
else (b, False)
substB' i b@(Guess t v) = let (t', ut) = subst' i t
(v', uv) = subst' i v in
if ut || uv then (Guess t' v', True)
else (b, False)
substB' i b = let (ty', u) = subst' i (binderTy b) in
if u then (b { binderTy = ty' }, u) else (b, False)
psubst :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n -> TT n
psubst n v tm = s' 0 tm where
s' i (V x) | x > i = V (x 1)
| x == i = v
| otherwise = V x
s' i (P _ x _) | n == x = v
s' i (Bind x b sc) | n == x = Bind x (fmap (s' i) b) sc
| otherwise = Bind x (fmap (s' i) b) (s' (i+1) sc)
s' i (App st f a) = App st (s' i f) (s' i a)
s' i (Proj t idx) = Proj (s' i t) idx
s' i t = t
substNames :: Eq n => [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
substNames [] t = t
substNames ((n, tm) : xs) t = subst n tm (substNames xs t)
substTerm :: Eq n => TT n ->
TT n ->
TT n
-> TT n
substTerm old new = st where
st t | eqAlpha [] t old = new
st (App s f a) = App s (st f) (st a)
st (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap st b) (st sc)
st t = t
eqAlpha as (P _ x _) (P _ y _)
= x == y || (x, y) `elem` as || (y, x) `elem` as
eqAlpha as (V x) (V y) = x == y
eqAlpha as (Bind x xb xs) (Bind y yb ys)
= eqAlphaB as xb yb && eqAlpha ((x, y) : as) xs ys
eqAlpha as (App _ fx ax) (App _ fy ay) = eqAlpha as fx fy && eqAlpha as ax ay
eqAlpha as x y = x == y
eqAlphaB as (Let xc xt xv) (Let yc yt yv)
= eqAlpha as xt yt && eqAlpha as xv yv
eqAlphaB as (Guess xt xv) (Guess yt yv)
= eqAlpha as xt yt && eqAlpha as xv yv
eqAlphaB as bx by = eqAlpha as (binderTy bx) (binderTy by)
occurrences :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> Int
occurrences n t = execState (no' 0 t) 0
no' i (V x) | i == x = do num <- get; put (num + 1)
no' i (P Bound x _) | n == x = do num <- get; put (num + 1)
no' i (Bind n b sc) = do noB' i b; no' (i+1) sc
where noB' i (Let c t v) = do no' i t; no' i v
noB' i (Guess t v) = do no' i t; no' i v
noB' i b = no' i (binderTy b)
no' i (App _ f a) = do no' i f; no' i a
no' i (Proj x _) = no' i x
no' i _ = return ()
noOccurrence :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> Bool
noOccurrence n t = no' 0 t
no' i (V x) = not (i == x)
no' i (P Bound x _) = not (n == x)
no' i (Bind n b sc) = noB' i b && no' (i+1) sc
where noB' i (Let c t v) = no' i t && no' i v
noB' i (Guess t v) = no' i t && no' i v
noB' i b = no' i (binderTy b)
no' i (App _ f a) = no' i f && no' i a
no' i (Proj x _) = no' i x
no' i _ = True
freeNames :: Eq n => TT n -> [n]
freeNames t = nub $ freeNames' t
freeNames' (P _ n _) = [n]
freeNames' (Bind n (Let c t v) sc) = freeNames' v ++ (freeNames' sc \\ [n])
++ freeNames' t
freeNames' (Bind n b sc) = freeNames' (binderTy b) ++ (freeNames' sc \\ [n])
freeNames' (App _ f a) = freeNames' f ++ freeNames' a
freeNames' (Proj x i) = freeNames' x
freeNames' _ = []
arity :: TT n -> Int
arity (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc) = 1 + arity sc
arity _ = 0
unApply :: TT n -> (TT n, [TT n])
unApply t = ua [] t where
ua args (App _ f a) = ua (a:args) f
ua args t = (t, args)
mkApp :: TT n -> [TT n] -> TT n
mkApp f [] = f
mkApp f (a:as) = mkApp (App MaybeHoles f a) as
unList :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
unList tm = case unApply tm of
(nil, [_]) -> Just []
(cons, ([_, x, xs])) ->
do rest <- unList xs
return $ x:rest
(f, args) -> Nothing
termSmallerThan :: Int -> Term -> Bool
termSmallerThan x tm | x <= 0 = False
termSmallerThan x (P _ _ ty) = termSmallerThan (x1) ty
termSmallerThan x (Bind _ _ tm) = termSmallerThan (x1) tm
termSmallerThan x (App _ f a) = termSmallerThan (x1) f && termSmallerThan (x1) a
termSmallerThan x (Proj tm _) = termSmallerThan (x1) tm
termSmallerThan x (V i) = True
termSmallerThan x (Constant c) = True
termSmallerThan x Erased = True
termSmallerThan x Impossible = True
termSmallerThan x (Inferred t) = termSmallerThan x t
termSmallerThan x (TType u) = True
termSmallerThan x (UType u) = True
forget :: TT Name -> Raw
forget tm = forgetEnv [] tm
safeForget :: TT Name -> Maybe Raw
safeForget tm = safeForgetEnv [] tm
forgetEnv :: [Name] -> TT Name -> Raw
forgetEnv env tm = case safeForgetEnv env tm of
Just t' -> t'
Nothing -> error $ "Scope error in " ++ show tm ++ show env
safeForgetEnv :: [Name] -> TT Name -> Maybe Raw
safeForgetEnv env (P _ n _) = Just $ Var n
safeForgetEnv env (V i) | i < length env = Just $ Var (env !! i)
| otherwise = Nothing
safeForgetEnv env (Bind n b sc)
= do let n' = uniqueName n env
b' <- safeForgetEnvB env b
sc' <- safeForgetEnv (n':env) sc
Just $ RBind n' b' sc'
where safeForgetEnvB env (Let c t v) = liftM2 (Let c) (safeForgetEnv env t)
(safeForgetEnv env v)
safeForgetEnvB env (Guess t v) = liftM2 Guess (safeForgetEnv env t)
(safeForgetEnv env v)
safeForgetEnvB env b = do ty' <- safeForgetEnv env (binderTy b)
Just $ fmap (\_ -> ty') b
safeForgetEnv env (App _ f a) = liftM2 RApp (safeForgetEnv env f) (safeForgetEnv env a)
safeForgetEnv env (Constant c) = Just $ RConstant c
safeForgetEnv env (TType i) = Just RType
safeForgetEnv env (UType u) = Just $ RUType u
safeForgetEnv env Erased = Just $ RConstant Forgot
safeForgetEnv env (Proj tm i) = error "Don't know how to forget a projection"
safeForgetEnv env Impossible = error "Don't know how to forget Impossible"
safeForgetEnv env (Inferred t) = safeForgetEnv env t
bindAll :: [(n, Binder (TT n))] -> TT n -> TT n
bindAll [] t = t
bindAll ((n, b) : bs) t = Bind n b (bindAll bs t)
bindTyArgs :: (TT n -> Binder (TT n)) -> [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
bindTyArgs b xs = bindAll (map (\ (n, ty) -> (n, b ty)) xs)
getArgTys :: TT n -> [(n, TT n)]
getArgTys (Bind n (PVar _ _) sc) = getArgTys sc
getArgTys (Bind n (PVTy _) sc) = getArgTys sc
getArgTys (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) sc) = (n, t) : getArgTys sc
getArgTys _ = []
getRetTy :: TT n -> TT n
getRetTy (Bind n (PVar _ _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (PVTy _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy sc = sc
substRetTy :: TT n -> TT n
substRetTy (Bind n (PVar _ ty) sc) = substRetTy (substV (P Ref n ty) sc)
substRetTy (Bind n (PVTy ty) sc) = substRetTy (substV (P Ref n ty) sc)
substRetTy (Bind n (Pi _ _ ty _) sc) = substRetTy (substV (P Ref n ty) sc)
substRetTy sc = sc
uniqueNameFrom :: [Name] -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueNameFrom [] hs = uniqueName (nextName (sUN "x")) hs
uniqueNameFrom (s : supply) hs
| s `elem` hs = uniqueNameFrom supply hs
| otherwise = s
uniqueName :: Name -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueName n hs | n `elem` hs = uniqueName (nextName n) hs
| otherwise = n
uniqueNameSet :: Name -> Set Name -> Name
uniqueNameSet n hs | n `member` hs = uniqueNameSet (nextName n) hs
| otherwise = n
uniqueBinders :: [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name
uniqueBinders ns = ubSet (fromList ns) where
ubSet ns (Bind n b sc)
= let n' = uniqueNameSet n ns
ns' = insert n' ns in
Bind n' (fmap (ubSet ns') b) (ubSet ns' sc)
ubSet ns (App s f a) = App s (ubSet ns f) (ubSet ns a)
ubSet ns t = t
nextName :: Name -> Name
nextName (NS x s) = NS (nextName x) s
nextName (MN i n) = MN (i+1) n
nextName (UN x) = let (num', nm') = T.span isDigit (T.reverse x)
nm = T.reverse nm'
num = readN (T.reverse num') in
UN (nm `T.append` txt (show (num+1)))
readN x | not (T.null x) = read (T.unpack x)
readN x = 0
nextName (SN x) = SN (nextName' x)
nextName' (WhereN i f x) = WhereN i f (nextName x)
nextName' (WithN i n) = WithN i (nextName n)
nextName' (ImplementationN n ns) = ImplementationN (nextName n) ns
nextName' (ParentN n ns) = ParentN (nextName n) ns
nextName' (CaseN fc n) = CaseN fc (nextName n)
nextName' (MethodN n) = MethodN (nextName n)
nextName' (ImplementationCtorN n) = ImplementationCtorN (nextName n)
nextName' (MetaN parent meta) = MetaN parent (nextName meta)
nextName (SymRef i) = error "Can't generate a name from a symbol reference"
type Term = TT Name
type Type = Term
type Env = EnvTT Name
newtype WkEnvTT n = Wk (EnvTT n)
type WkEnv = WkEnvTT Name
instance (Eq n, Show n) => Show (TT n) where
show t = showEnv [] t
itBitsName IT8 = "Bits8"
itBitsName IT16 = "Bits16"
itBitsName IT32 = "Bits32"
itBitsName IT64 = "Bits64"
instance Show Const where
show (I i) = show i
show (BI i) = show i
show (Fl f) = show f
show (Ch c) = show c
show (Str s) = show s
show (B8 x) = show x
show (B16 x) = show x
show (B32 x) = show x
show (B64 x) = show x
show (AType ATFloat) = "Double"
show (AType (ATInt ITBig)) = "Integer"
show (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = "Int"
show (AType (ATInt ITChar)) = "Char"
show (AType (ATInt (ITFixed it))) = itBitsName it
show TheWorld = "prim__TheWorld"
show WorldType = "prim__WorldType"
show StrType = "String"
show VoidType = "Void"
show Forgot = "Forgot"
showEnv :: (Eq n, Show n) => EnvTT n -> TT n -> String
showEnv env t = showEnv' env t False
showEnvDbg env t = showEnv' env t True
prettyEnv :: Env -> Term -> Doc OutputAnnotation
prettyEnv env t = prettyEnv' env t False
prettyEnv' env t dbg = prettySe 10 env t dbg
bracket outer inner p
| inner > outer = lparen <> p <> rparen
| otherwise = p
prettySe p env (P nt n t) debug =
pretty n <+>
if debug then
lbracket <+> pretty nt <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> rbracket
prettySe p env (V i) debug
| i < length env =
if debug then
text . show . fstEnv $ env!!i
lbracket <+> text (show i) <+> rbracket
| otherwise = text "unbound" <+> text (show i) <+> text "!"
prettySe p env (Bind n b@(Pi _ _ t _) sc) debug
| noOccurrence n sc && not debug =
bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, Rig0, b):env) sc debug
prettySe p env (Bind n b sc) debug =
bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, Rig0, b):env) sc debug
prettySe p env (App _ f a) debug =
bracket p 1 $ prettySe 1 env f debug <+> prettySe 0 env a debug
prettySe p env (Proj x i) debug =
prettySe 1 env x debug <+> text ("!" ++ show i)
prettySe p env (Constant c) debug = pretty c
prettySe p env Erased debug = text "[_]"
prettySe p env (TType i) debug = text "Type" <+> (text . show $ i)
prettySe p env Impossible debug = text "Impossible"
prettySe p env (Inferred tm) debug = text "<" <+> prettySe p env tm debug <+> text ">"
prettySe p env (UType u) debug = text (show u)
prettySb env n (Lam _ t) = prettyB env "λ" "=>" n t
prettySb env n (Hole t) = prettyB env "?defer" "." n t
prettySb env n (GHole _ _ t) = prettyB env "?gdefer" "." n t
prettySb env n (Pi Rig0 _ t _) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
prettySb env n (Pi Rig1 _ t _) = prettyB env "(" ") -o" n t
prettySb env n (Pi RigW _ t _) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
prettySb env n (PVar Rig1 t) = prettyB env "pat 1 " "." n t
prettySb env n (PVar _ t) = prettyB env "pat" "." n t
prettySb env n (PVTy t) = prettyB env "pty" "." n t
prettySb env n (Let Rig1 t v) = prettyBv env "let 1 " "in" n t v
prettySb env n (Let _ t v) = prettyBv env "let" "in" n t v
prettySb env n (NLet t v) = prettyBv env "nlet" "in" n t v
prettySb env n (Guess t v) = prettyBv env "??" "in" n t v
prettyB env op sc n t debug =
text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <> text sc
prettyBv env op sc n t v debug =
text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> text "=" <+>
prettySe 10 env v debug <> text sc
showEnv' env t dbg = se 10 env t where
se p env (P nt n t) = show n
++ if dbg then "{" ++ show nt ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ "}" else ""
se p env (V i) | i < length env && i >= 0
= (show $ fstEnv $ env!!i) ++
if dbg then "{" ++ show i ++ "}" else ""
| otherwise = "!!V " ++ show i ++ "!!"
se p env (Bind n b@(Pi rig (Just _) t k) sc)
= bracket p 2 $ sb env n b ++ se 10 ((n, rig, b):env) sc
se p env (Bind n b@(Pi rig _ t k) sc)
| noOccurrence n sc && not dbg = bracket p 2 $ se 1 env t ++ arrow rig ++ se 10 ((n,Rig0,b):env) sc
where arrow Rig0 = " 0-> "
arrow Rig1 = " -o "
arrow RigW = " -> "
se p env (Bind n b sc) = bracket p 2 $ sb env n b ++ se 10 ((n,Rig0,b):env) sc
se p env (App _ f a) = bracket p 1 $ se 1 env f ++ " " ++ se 0 env a
se p env (Proj x i) = se 1 env x ++ "!" ++ show i
se p env (Constant c) = show c
se p env Erased = "[__]"
se p env Impossible = "[impossible]"
se p env (Inferred t) = "<" ++ se p env t ++ ">"
se p env (TType i) = "Type " ++ show i
se p env (UType u) = show u
sb env n (Lam Rig1 t) = showb env "\\ 1 " " => " n t
sb env n (Lam _ t) = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
sb env n (Hole t) = showb env "? " ". " n t
sb env n (GHole i ns t) = showb env "?defer " ". " n t
sb env n (Pi Rig1 (Just _) t _) = showb env "{" "} -o " n t
sb env n (Pi _ (Just _) t _) = showb env "{" "} -> " n t
sb env n (Pi Rig1 _ t _) = showb env "(" ") -0 " n t
sb env n (Pi _ _ t _) = showb env "(" ") -> " n t
sb env n (PVar Rig0 t) = showb env "pat 0 " ". " n t
sb env n (PVar Rig1 t) = showb env "pat 1 " ". " n t
sb env n (PVar _ t) = showb env "pat " ". " n t
sb env n (PVTy t) = showb env "pty " ". " n t
sb env n (Let Rig0 t v) = showbv env "let 0 " " in " n t v
sb env n (Let Rig1 t v) = showbv env "let 1 " " in " n t v
sb env n (Let _ t v) = showbv env "let " " in " n t v
sb env n (NLet t v) = showbv env "nlet " " in " n t v
sb env n (Guess t v) = showbv env "?? " " in " n t v
showb env op sc n t = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ sc
showbv env op sc n t v = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ " = " ++
se 10 env v ++ sc
bracket outer inner str | inner > outer = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
| otherwise = str
pureTerm :: TT Name -> Bool
pureTerm (App _ f a) = pureTerm f && pureTerm a
pureTerm (Bind n b sc) = notInterfaceName n && pureBinder b && pureTerm sc where
pureBinder (Hole _) = False
pureBinder (Guess _ _) = False
pureBinder (Let c t v) = pureTerm t && pureTerm v
pureBinder t = pureTerm (binderTy t)
notInterfaceName (MN _ c) | c == txt "__interface" = False
notInterfaceName _ = True
pureTerm _ = True
weakenTm :: Int -> TT n -> TT n
weakenTm i t = wk i 0 t
where wk i min (V x) | x >= min = V (i + x)
wk i m (App s f a) = App s (wk i m f) (wk i m a)
wk i m (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (wkb i m b) (wk i (m + 1) sc)
wk i m t = t
wkb i m t = fmap (wk i m) t
weakenEnv :: EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenEnv env = wk (length env 1) env
where wk i [] = []
wk i ((n, c, b) : bs) = (n, c, weakenTmB i b) : wk (i 1) bs
weakenTmB i (Let c t v) = Let c (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
weakenTmB i (Guess t v) = Guess (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
weakenTmB i t = t { binderTy = weakenTm i (binderTy t) }
weakenTmEnv :: Int -> EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenTmEnv i = map (\ (n, c, b) -> (n, c, fmap (weakenTm i) b))
refsIn :: TT Name -> [Name]
refsIn (P _ n _) = [n]
refsIn (Bind n b t) = nub $ nb b ++ refsIn t
where nb (Let _ t v) = nub (refsIn t) ++ nub (refsIn v)
nb (Guess t v) = nub (refsIn t) ++ nub (refsIn v)
nb t = refsIn (binderTy t)
refsIn (App s f a) = nub (refsIn f ++ refsIn a)
refsIn _ = []
allTTNames :: Eq n => TT n -> [n]
allTTNames = nub . allNamesIn
where allNamesIn (P _ n _) = [n]
allNamesIn (Bind n b t) = [n] ++ nb b ++ allNamesIn t
where nb (Let _ t v) = allNamesIn t ++ allNamesIn v
nb (Guess t v) = allNamesIn t ++ allNamesIn v
nb t = allNamesIn (binderTy t)
allNamesIn (App _ f a) = allNamesIn f ++ allNamesIn a
allNamesIn _ = []
pprintTT :: [Name]
-> TT Name
-> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintTT bound tm = pp startPrec bound tm
startPrec = 0
appPrec = 10
pp p bound (P Bound n ty) = annotate (AnnBoundName n False) (text $ show n)
pp p bound (P nt n ty) = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing)
(text $ show n)
pp p bound (V i)
| i < length bound = let n = bound !! i
in annotate (AnnBoundName n False) (text $ show n)
| otherwise = text ("{{{V" ++ show i ++ "}}}")
pp p bound (Bind n b sc) = ppb p bound n b $
pp startPrec (n:bound) sc
pp p bound (App _ tm1 tm2) =
bracket p appPrec . group . hang 2 $
pp appPrec bound tm1 <> line <>
pp (appPrec + 1) bound tm2
pp p bound (Constant c) = annotate (AnnConst c) (text (show c))
pp p bound (Proj tm i) =
lparen <> pp startPrec bound tm <> rparen <>
text "!" <> text (show i)
pp p bound Erased = text "<<<erased>>>"
pp p bound Impossible = text "<<<impossible>>>"
pp p bound (Inferred t) = text "<" <+> pp p bound t <+> text ">"
pp p bound (TType ue) = annotate (AnnType "Type" "The type of types") $
text "Type"
pp p bound (UType u) = text (show u)
ppb p bound n (Lam rig ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
text "λ" <+> bindingOf n False <+> text "." <> line <> sc
ppb p bound n (Pi rig _ ty k) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align $
lparen <> (bindingOf n False) <+> colon <+>
(group . align) (pp startPrec bound ty) <>
rparen <+> mkArrow rig <> line <> sc
where mkArrow Rig1 = text "⇴"
mkArrow Rig0 = text "⥛"
mkArrow _ = text "→"
ppb p bound n (Let _ ty val) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align $
(group . hang 2) (annotate AnnKeyword (text "let") <+>
bindingOf n False <+> colon <+>
pp startPrec bound ty <+>
text "=" <> line <>
pp startPrec bound val) <> line <>
(group . hang 2) (annotate AnnKeyword (text "in") <+> sc)
ppb p bound n (NLet ty val) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align $
(group . hang 2) (annotate AnnKeyword (text "nlet") <+>
bindingOf n False <+> colon <+>
pp startPrec bound ty <+>
text "=" <> line <>
pp startPrec bound val) <> line <>
(group . hang 2) (annotate AnnKeyword (text "in") <+> sc)
ppb p bound n (Hole ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
text "?" <+> bindingOf n False <+> text "." <> line <> sc
ppb p bound n (GHole _ _ ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
text "¿" <+> bindingOf n False <+> text "." <> line <> sc
ppb p bound n (Guess ty val) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
text "?" <> bindingOf n False <+>
text "≈" <+> pp startPrec bound val <+>
text "." <> line <> sc
ppb p bound n (PVar _ ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
annotate AnnKeyword (text "pat") <+>
bindingOf n False <+> colon <+> pp startPrec bound ty <+>
text "." <> line <>
ppb p bound n (PVTy ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
annotate AnnKeyword (text "patTy") <+>
bindingOf n False <+> colon <+> pp startPrec bound ty <+>
text "." <> line <>
bracket outer inner doc
| outer > inner = lparen <> doc <> rparen
| otherwise = doc
pprintTTClause :: [(Name, Type)] -> Term -> Term -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintTTClause pvars lhs rhs =
vars pvars . group . align $
pprintTT (map fst pvars) lhs <$>
text "↦" <$>
(pprintTT (map fst pvars) rhs)
where vars [] terms = terms
vars (v:vs) terms =
annotate AnnKeyword (text "var") <+>
group (align (sep (punctuate comma (reverse (bindVars [] (v:vs)))))) <+>
annotate AnnKeyword (text ".") <$>
indent 2 terms
bindVars _ [] = []
bindVars ns ((n, ty):vs) =
bindingOf n False <+> colon <+> pprintTT ns ty : bindVars (n:ns) vs
pprintRaw :: [Name]
-> Raw
-> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintRaw bound (Var n) =
enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
(text "Var") <$> annotate (if n `elem` bound
then AnnBoundName n False
else AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing)
(text $ show n)
pprintRaw bound (RBind n b body) =
enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [ text "RBind"
, annotate (AnnBoundName n False) (text $ show n)
, ppb b
, pprintRaw (n:bound) body]
ppb (Lam _ ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "Lam" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (Pi _ _ ty k) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "Pi", pprintRaw bound ty, pprintRaw bound k]
ppb (Let c ty v) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "Let", pprintRaw bound ty, pprintRaw bound v]
ppb (NLet ty v) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "NLet", pprintRaw bound ty, pprintRaw bound v]
ppb (Hole ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "Hole" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (GHole _ _ ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "GHole" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (Guess ty v) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "Guess", pprintRaw bound ty, pprintRaw bound v]
ppb (PVar _ ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "PVar" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (PVTy ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "PVTy" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
pprintRaw bound (RApp f x) =
enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 . vsep $
[text "RApp", pprintRaw bound f, pprintRaw bound x]
pprintRaw bound RType = text "RType"
pprintRaw bound (RUType u) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "RUType" <$> text (show u)
pprintRaw bound (RConstant c) =
enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "RConstant", annotate (AnnConst c) (text (show c))]
bindingOf :: Name
-> Bool
-> Doc OutputAnnotation
bindingOf n imp = annotate (AnnBoundName n imp) (text (show n))