module Idris.REPL.Parser (
, help
, allHelp
, setOptions
) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Colours
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Help
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Options
import qualified Idris.Parser as IP
import qualified Idris.Parser.Expr as IP
import qualified Idris.Parser.Helpers as IP
import qualified Idris.Parser.Ops as IP
import Idris.REPL.Commands
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import System.Console.ANSI (Color(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
parseCmd :: IState -> String -> String -> Either IP.ParseError (Either String Command)
parseCmd i inputname = IP.runparser pCmd i inputname . trim
where trim = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
type CommandTable = [ ( [String], CmdArg, String
, String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command) ) ]
setOptions :: [(String, Opt)]
setOptions = [("errorcontext", ErrContext),
("showimplicits", ShowImpl),
("originalerrors", ShowOrigErr),
("autosolve", AutoSolve),
("nobanner", NoBanner),
("warnreach", WarnReach),
("evaltypes", EvalTypes),
("desugarnats", DesugarNats)]
help :: [([String], CmdArg, String)]
help = (["<expr>"], NoArg, "Evaluate an expression") :
[ (map (':' :) names, args, text) | (names, args, text, _) <- parserCommandsForHelp ]
allHelp :: [([String], CmdArg, String)]
allHelp = [ (map (':' :) names, args, text)
| (names, args, text, _) <- parserCommandsForHelp ++ parserCommands ]
parserCommandsForHelp :: CommandTable
parserCommandsForHelp =
[ exprArgCmd ["t", "type"] Check "Check the type of an expression"
, exprArgCmd ["core"] Core "View the core language representation of a term"
, nameArgCmd ["miss", "missing"] Missing "Show missing clauses"
, (["doc"], NameArg, "Show internal documentation", cmd_doc)
, (["mkdoc"], NamespaceArg, "Generate IdrisDoc for namespace(s) and dependencies"
, genArg "namespace" (P.many P.anyChar) MakeDoc)
, (["apropos"], SeqArgs (OptionalArg PkgArgs) NameArg, " Search names, types, and documentation"
, cmd_apropos)
, (["s", "search"], SeqArgs (OptionalArg PkgArgs) ExprArg
, " Search for values by type", cmd_search)
, nameArgCmd ["wc", "whocalls"] WhoCalls "List the callers of some name"
, nameArgCmd ["cw", "callswho"] CallsWho "List the callees of some name"
, namespaceArgCmd ["browse"] Browse "List the contents of some namespace"
, nameArgCmd ["total"] TotCheck "Check the totality of a name"
, noArgCmd ["r", "reload"] Reload "Reload current file"
, noArgCmd ["w", "watch"] Watch "Watch the current file for changes"
, (["l", "load"], FileArg, "Load a new file"
, strArg (\f -> Load f Nothing))
, (["!"], ShellCommandArg, "Run a shell command", strArg RunShellCommand)
, (["cd"], FileArg, "Change working directory"
, strArg ChangeDirectory)
, (["module"], ModuleArg, "Import an extra module", moduleArg ModImport)
, noArgCmd ["e", "edit"] Edit "Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL"
, noArgCmd ["m", "metavars"] Metavars "Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables or holes)"
, (["p", "prove"], MetaVarArg, "Prove a metavariable"
, nameArg (Prove False))
, (["elab"], MetaVarArg, "Build a metavariable using the elaboration shell"
, nameArg (Prove True))
, (["a", "addproof"], NameArg, "Add proof to source file", cmd_addproof)
, (["rmproof"], NameArg, "Remove proof from proof stack"
, nameArg RmProof)
, (["showproof"], NameArg, "Show proof"
, nameArg ShowProof)
, noArgCmd ["proofs"] Proofs "Show available proofs"
, exprArgCmd ["x"] ExecVal "Execute IO actions resulting from an expression using the interpreter"
, (["c", "compile"], FileArg, "Compile to an executable [codegen] <filename>", cmd_compile)
, (["exec", "execute"], OptionalArg ExprArg, "Compile to an executable and run", cmd_execute)
, (["dynamic"], FileArg, "Dynamically load a C library (similar to %dynamic)", cmd_dynamic)
, (["dynamic"], NoArg, "List dynamically loaded C libraries", cmd_dynamic)
, noArgCmd ["?", "h", "help"] Help "Display this help text"
, optArgCmd ["set"] SetOpt $ "Set an option (" ++ optionsList ++ ")"
, optArgCmd ["unset"] UnsetOpt "Unset an option"
, (["color", "colour"], ColourArg
, "Turn REPL colours on or off; set a specific colour"
, cmd_colour)
, (["consolewidth"], ConsoleWidthArg, "Set the width of the console", cmd_consolewidth)
, (["printerdepth"], OptionalArg NumberArg, "Set the maximum pretty-printer depth (no arg for infinite)", cmd_printdepth)
, noArgCmd ["q", "quit"] Quit "Exit the Idris system"
, noArgCmd ["version"] ShowVersion "Display the Idris version"
, noArgCmd ["warranty"] Warranty "Displays warranty information"
, (["let"], ManyArgs DeclArg
, "Evaluate a declaration, such as a function definition, instance implementation, or fixity declaration"
, cmd_let)
, (["unlet", "undefine"], ManyArgs NameArg
, "Remove the listed repl definitions, or all repl definitions if no names given"
, cmd_unlet)
, nameArgCmd ["printdef"] PrintDef "Show the definition of a function"
, (["pp", "pprint"], (SeqArgs OptionArg (SeqArgs NumberArg NameArg))
, "Pretty prints an Idris function in either LaTeX or HTML and for a specified width."
, cmd_pprint)
, (["verbosity"], NumberArg, "Set verbosity level", cmd_verb)
where optionsList = intercalate ", " $ map fst setOptions
parserCommands :: CommandTable
parserCommands =
[ noArgCmd ["u", "universes"] Universes "Display universe constraints"
, noArgCmd ["errorhandlers"] ListErrorHandlers "List registered error handlers"
, nameArgCmd ["d", "def"] Defn "Display a name's internal definitions"
, nameArgCmd ["transinfo"] TransformInfo "Show relevant transformation rules for a name"
, nameArgCmd ["di", "dbginfo"] DebugInfo "Show debugging information for a name"
, exprArgCmd ["patt"] Pattelab "(Debugging) Elaborate pattern expression"
, exprArgCmd ["spec"] Spec "?"
, exprArgCmd ["whnf"] WHNF "(Debugging) Show weak head normal form of an expression"
, exprArgCmd ["inline"] TestInline "?"
, proofArgCmd ["cs", "casesplit"] CaseSplitAt
":cs <line> <name> splits the pattern variable on the line"
, proofArgCmd ["apc", "addproofclause"] AddProofClauseFrom
":apc <line> <name> adds a pattern-matching proof clause to name on line"
, proofArgCmd ["ac", "addclause"] AddClauseFrom
":ac <line> <name> adds a clause for the definition of the name on the line"
, proofArgCmd ["am", "addmissing"] AddMissing
":am <line> <name> adds all missing pattern matches for the name on the line"
, proofArgCmd ["mw", "makewith"] MakeWith
":mw <line> <name> adds a with clause for the definition of the name on the line"
, proofArgCmd ["mc", "makecase"] MakeCase
":mc <line> <name> adds a case block for the definition of the metavariable on the line"
, proofArgCmd ["ml", "makelemma"] MakeLemma "?"
, (["log"], NumberArg, "Set logging level", cmd_log)
, ( ["logcats"]
, ManyArgs NameArg
, "Set logging categories"
, cmd_cats)
, (["lto", "loadto"], SeqArgs NumberArg FileArg
, "Load file up to line number", cmd_loadto)
, (["ps", "proofsearch"], NoArg
, ":ps <line> <name> <names> does proof search for name on line, with names as hints"
, cmd_proofsearch)
, (["ref", "refine"], NoArg
, ":ref <line> <name> <name'> attempts to partially solve name on line, with name' as hint, introducing metavariables for arguments that aren't inferrable"
, cmd_refine)
, (["debugunify"], SeqArgs ExprArg ExprArg
, "(Debugging) Try to unify two expressions", const $ do
l <- IP.simpleExpr defaultSyntax
r <- IP.simpleExpr defaultSyntax
return (Right (DebugUnify l r))
noArgCmd names command doc =
(names, NoArg, doc, noArgs command)
nameArgCmd names command doc =
(names, NameArg, doc, fnNameArg command)
namespaceArgCmd names command doc =
(names, NamespaceArg, doc, namespaceArg command)
exprArgCmd names command doc =
(names, ExprArg, doc, exprArg command)
optArgCmd names command doc =
(names, OptionArg, doc, optArg command)
proofArgCmd names command doc =
(names, NoArg, doc, proofArg command)
pCmd :: IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
pCmd = P.choice [ do c <- cmd names; parser c
| (names, _, _, parser) <- parserCommandsForHelp ++ parserCommands ]
<|> unrecognized
<|> nop
<|> eval
where nop = do P.eof; return (Right NOP)
unrecognized = do
IP.lchar ':'
cmd <- P.many P.anyChar
let cmd' = takeWhile (/=' ') cmd
return (Left $ "Unrecognized command: " ++ cmd')
cmd :: [String] -> IP.IdrisParser String
cmd xs = P.try $ do
IP.lchar ':'
docmd sorted_xs
where docmd [] = fail "Could not parse command"
docmd (x:xs) = P.try (IP.reserved x >> return x) <|> docmd xs
sorted_xs = sortBy (\x y -> compare (length y) (length x)) xs
noArgs :: Command -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
noArgs cmd name = do
let emptyArgs = do
return (Right cmd)
let failure = return (Left $ ":" ++ name ++ " takes no arguments")
emptyArgs <|> failure
eval :: IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
eval = do
t <- IP.fullExpr defaultSyntax
return $ Right (Eval t)
exprArg :: (PTerm -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
exprArg cmd name = do
let noArg = do
return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <expression>")
let justOperator = do
(op, fc) <- IP.withExtent IP.symbolicOperator
return $ Right $ cmd (PRef fc [] (sUN op))
let properArg = do
t <- IP.fullExpr defaultSyntax
return $ Right (cmd t)
P.try noArg <|> P.try justOperator <|> properArg
genArg :: String -> IP.IdrisParser a -> (a -> Command)
-> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
genArg argName argParser cmd name = do
let emptyArgs = do P.eof; failure
oneArg = do arg <- argParser
return (Right (cmd arg))
P.try emptyArgs <|> oneArg <|> failure
failure = return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <" ++ argName ++ ">")
nameArg, fnNameArg :: (Name -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
nameArg = genArg "name"
fnNameArg = genArg "functionname" IP.fnName
strArg :: (String -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
strArg = genArg "string" (P.many P.anyChar)
moduleArg :: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
moduleArg = genArg "module" (fmap toPath IP.identifier)
toPath n = foldl1' (</>) $ splitOn "." n
namespaceArg :: ([String] -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
namespaceArg = genArg "namespace" (fmap toNS IP.identifier)
toNS = splitOn "."
optArg :: (Opt -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
optArg cmd name = do
let emptyArgs = do
return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <option>")
let oneArg = do
o <- pOption
return (Right (cmd o))
let failure = return $ Left "Unrecognized setting"
P.try emptyArgs <|> oneArg <|> failure
pOption :: IP.IdrisParser Opt
pOption = foldl (<|>) empty $ map (\(a, b) -> do discard (IP.symbol a); return b) setOptions
proofArg :: (Bool -> Int -> Name -> Command) -> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
proofArg cmd name = do
upd <- P.option False $ do
IP.lchar '!'
return True
l <- IP.natural
n <-
return (Right (cmd upd (fromInteger l) n))
cmd_doc :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_doc name = do
let constant = do
c <- IP.constant
return $ Right (DocStr (Right c) FullDocs)
let pType = do
IP.reserved "Type"
return $ Right (DocStr (Left $ sUN "Type") FullDocs)
let fnName = fnNameArg (\n -> DocStr (Left n) FullDocs) name
P.try constant <|> pType <|> fnName
cmd_consolewidth :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_consolewidth name = do
w <- pConsoleWidth
return (Right (SetConsoleWidth w))
pConsoleWidth :: IP.IdrisParser ConsoleWidth
pConsoleWidth = do discard (IP.symbol "auto"); return AutomaticWidth
<|> do discard (IP.symbol "infinite"); return InfinitelyWide
<|> do n <- fromInteger <$> IP.natural
return (ColsWide n)
cmd_printdepth :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_printdepth _ = do d <- optional (fromInteger <$> IP.natural)
return (Right $ SetPrinterDepth d)
cmd_execute :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_execute name = do
tm <- P.option maintm (IP.fullExpr defaultSyntax)
return (Right (Execute tm))
maintm = PRef (fileFC "(repl)") [] (sNS (sUN "main") ["Main"])
cmd_dynamic :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_dynamic name = do
let optArg = do l <- P.many P.anyChar
if (l /= "")
then return $ Right (DynamicLink l)
else return $ Right ListDynamic
let failure = return $ Left $ "Usage is :" ++ name ++ " [<library>]"
P.try optArg <|> failure
cmd_pprint :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_pprint name = do
fmt <- ppFormat
n <- fromInteger <$> IP.natural
t <- IP.fullExpr defaultSyntax
return (Right (PPrint fmt n t))
ppFormat :: IP.IdrisParser OutputFmt
ppFormat = (discard (IP.symbol "html") >> return HTMLOutput)
<|> (discard (IP.symbol "latex") >> return LaTeXOutput)
cmd_compile :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_compile name = do
let defaultCodegen = Via IBCFormat "c"
let codegenOption :: IP.IdrisParser Codegen
codegenOption = do
let bytecodeCodegen = discard (IP.symbol "bytecode") *> return Bytecode
viaCodegen = do x <- IP.identifier
return (Via IBCFormat (map toLower x))
bytecodeCodegen <|> viaCodegen
let hasOneArg = do
i <- get
f <- IP.identifier
return $ Right (Compile defaultCodegen f)
let hasTwoArgs = do
i <- get
codegen <- codegenOption
f <- IP.identifier
return $ Right (Compile codegen f)
let failure = return $ Left $ "Usage is :" ++ name ++ " [<codegen>] <filename>"
P.try hasTwoArgs <|> P.try hasOneArg <|> failure
cmd_addproof :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_addproof name = do
n <- P.option Nothing $ do
x <-
return (Just x)
return (Right (AddProof n))
cmd_log :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_log name = do
i <- fromIntegral <$> IP.natural
return (Right (LogLvl i))
cmd_verb :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_verb name = do
i <- fromIntegral <$> IP.natural
return (Right (Verbosity i))
cmd_cats :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_cats name = do
cs <- P.sepBy pLogCats (IP.whiteSpace)
return $ Right $ LogCategory (concat cs)
badCat = do
c <- IP.identifier
fail $ "Category: " ++ c ++ " is not recognised."
pLogCats :: IP.IdrisParser [LogCat]
pLogCats = P.try (parserCats <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat IParse))
<|> P.try (elabCats <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat IElab))
<|> P.try (codegenCats <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat ICodeGen))
<|> P.try ([ICoverage] <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat ICoverage))
<|> P.try ([IIBC] <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat IIBC))
<|> P.try ([IErasure] <$ IP.symbol (strLogCat IErasure))
<|> badCat
cmd_let :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_let name = do
defn <- concat <$> P.many (IP.decl defaultSyntax)
return (Right (NewDefn defn))
cmd_unlet :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_unlet name = Right . Undefine <$> P.many
cmd_loadto :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_loadto name = do
toline <- fromInteger <$> IP.natural
f <- P.many P.anyChar
return (Right (Load f (Just toline)))
cmd_colour :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_colour name = fmap Right pSetColourCmd
colours :: [(String, Maybe Color)]
colours = [ ("black", Just Black)
, ("red", Just Red)
, ("green", Just Green)
, ("yellow", Just Yellow)
, ("blue", Just Blue)
, ("magenta", Just Magenta)
, ("cyan", Just Cyan)
, ("white", Just White)
, ("default", Nothing)
pSetColourCmd :: IP.IdrisParser Command
pSetColourCmd = (do c <- pColourType
let defaultColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False False False
opts <- P.sepBy pColourMod (IP.whiteSpace)
let colour = foldr ($) defaultColour $ reverse opts
return $ SetColour c colour)
<|> P.try (IP.symbol "on" >> return ColourOn)
<|> P.try (IP.symbol "off" >> return ColourOff)
pColour :: IP.IdrisParser (Maybe Color)
pColour = doColour colours
where doColour [] = fail "Unknown colour"
doColour ((s, c):cs) = (P.try (IP.symbol s) >> return c) <|> doColour cs
pColourMod :: IP.IdrisParser (IdrisColour -> IdrisColour)
pColourMod = P.try (doVivid <$ IP.symbol "vivid")
<|> P.try (doDull <$ IP.symbol "dull")
<|> P.try (doUnderline <$ IP.symbol "underline")
<|> P.try (doNoUnderline <$ IP.symbol "nounderline")
<|> P.try (doBold <$ IP.symbol "bold")
<|> P.try (doNoBold <$ IP.symbol "nobold")
<|> P.try (doItalic <$ IP.symbol "italic")
<|> P.try (doNoItalic <$ IP.symbol "noitalic")
<|> P.try (pColour >>= return . doSetColour)
where doVivid i = i { vivid = True }
doDull i = i { vivid = False }
doUnderline i = i { underline = True }
doNoUnderline i = i { underline = False }
doBold i = i { bold = True }
doNoBold i = i { bold = False }
doItalic i = i { italic = True }
doNoItalic i = i { italic = False }
doSetColour c i = i { colour = c }
colourTypes :: [(String, ColourType)]
colourTypes = map (\x -> ((map toLower . reverse . drop 6 . reverse . show) x, x)) $
enumFromTo minBound maxBound
pColourType :: IP.IdrisParser ColourType
pColourType = doColourType colourTypes
where doColourType [] = fail $ "Unknown colour category. Options: " ++
(concat . intersperse ", " . map fst) colourTypes
doColourType ((s,ct):cts) = (P.try (IP.symbol s) >> return ct) <|> doColourType cts
idChar = P.oneOf (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['_'])
cmd_apropos :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_apropos = packageBasedCmd (some idChar) Apropos
packageBasedCmd :: IP.IdrisParser a -> ([PkgName] -> a -> Command)
-> String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
packageBasedCmd valParser cmd name =
P.try (do IP.lchar '('
pkgs <- P.sepBy (pkg <* IP.whiteSpace) (IP.lchar ',')
IP.lchar ')'
val <- valParser
return (Right (cmd pkgs val)))
<|> do val <- valParser
return (Right (cmd [] val))
pkg = either fail pure . pkgName =<< IP.packageName
cmd_search :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_search = packageBasedCmd
(IP.fullExpr (defaultSyntax { implicitAllowed = True })) Search
cmd_proofsearch :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_proofsearch name = do
upd <- P.option False (True <$ IP.lchar '!')
l <- fromInteger <$> IP.natural; n <-
hints <- P.many IP.fnName
return (Right (DoProofSearch upd True l n hints))
cmd_refine :: String -> IP.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_refine name = do
upd <- P.option False (do IP.lchar '!'; return True)
l <- fromInteger <$> IP.natural; n <-
hint <- IP.fnName
return (Right (DoProofSearch upd False l n [hint]))