module Idris.REPLParser (parseCmd, help, allHelp) where

import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Console.ANSI (Color(..))

import Idris.Colours
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Help
import qualified Idris.Parser as P

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict

import Text.Parser.Combinators
import Text.Parser.Char(anyChar,oneOf)
import Text.Trifecta(Result, parseString)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta

import Debug.Trace
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split(splitOn)
import Data.Char(isSpace, toLower)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8

parseCmd :: IState -> String -> String -> Result (Either String Command)
parseCmd i inputname = P.runparser pCmd i inputname . dropWhile isSpace

type CommandTable = [ ( [String], CmdArg, String
                    , String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command) ) ]

help :: [([String], CmdArg, String)]
help = (["<expr>"], NoArg, "Evaluate an expression") : 
  [ (map (':' :) names, args, text) | (names, args, text, _) <- parserCommandsForHelp ]

allHelp :: [([String], CmdArg, String)]
allHelp = [ (map (':' :) names, args, text) 
          | (names, args, text, _) <- parserCommandsForHelp ++ parserCommands ]

parserCommandsForHelp :: CommandTable
parserCommandsForHelp = 
  [ exprArgCmd ["t", "type"] Check "Check the type of an expression"
  , exprArgCmd ["core"] Core "View the core language representation of a term"
  , nameArgCmd ["miss", "missing"] Missing "Show missing clauses"
  , (["doc"], NameArg, "Show internal documentation", cmd_doc)
  , (["mkdoc"], NamespaceArg, "Generate IdrisDoc for namespace(s) and dependencies"
    , genArg "namespace" (many anyChar) MakeDoc)
  , (["apropos"], SeqArgs (OptionalArg PkgArgs) NameArg, " Search names, types, and documentation"
    , cmd_apropos)
  , (["s", "search"], SeqArgs (OptionalArg PkgArgs) ExprArg
    , " Search for values by type", cmd_search)
  , nameArgCmd ["wc", "whocalls"] WhoCalls "List the callers of some name"
  , nameArgCmd ["cw", "callswho"] CallsWho "List the callees of some name"
  , nameArgCmd ["total"] TotCheck "Check the totality of a name"
  , noArgCmd ["r", "reload"] Reload "Reload current file"
  , (["l", "load"], FileArg, "Load a new file"
    , strArg (\f -> Load f Nothing))
  , (["cd"], FileArg, "Change working directory"
    , strArg ChangeDirectory)
  , (["module"], ModuleArg, "Import an extra module", moduleArg ModImport) -- NOTE: dragons
  , noArgCmd ["e", "edit"] Edit "Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL"
  , noArgCmd ["m", "metavars"] Metavars "Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables)"
  , (["p", "prove"], MetaVarArg, "Prove a metavariable"
    , nameArg Prove)
  , (["a", "addproof"], NameArg, "Add proof to source file", cmd_addproof)
  , (["rmproof"], NameArg, "Remove proof from proof stack"
    , nameArg RmProof)
  , (["showproof"], NameArg, "Show proof"
    , nameArg ShowProof)
  , noArgCmd ["proofs"] Proofs "Show available proofs"
  , exprArgCmd ["x"] ExecVal "Execute IO actions resulting from an expression using the interpreter"
  , (["c", "compile"], FileArg, "Compile to an executable [codegen] <filename>", cmd_compile)
  , noArgCmd ["exec", "execute"] Execute "Compile to an executable and run"
  , (["dynamic"], FileArg, "Dynamically load a C library (similar to %dynamic)", cmd_dynamic)
  , (["dynamic"], NoArg, "List dynamically loaded C libraries", cmd_dynamic)
  , noArgCmd ["?", "h", "help"] Help "Display this help text"
  , optArgCmd ["set"] SetOpt "Set an option (errorcontext, showimplicits)"
  , optArgCmd ["unset"] UnsetOpt "Unset an option"
  , (["color", "colour"], ColourArg
    , "Turn REPL colours on or off; set a specific colour"
    , cmd_colour)
  , (["consolewidth"], ConsoleWidthArg, "Set the width of the console", cmd_consolewidth)
  , noArgCmd ["q", "quit"] Quit "Exit the Idris system"
  , noArgCmd ["w", "warranty"] Warranty "Displays warranty information"
  , (["let"], ManyArgs DeclArg
    , "Evaluate a declaration, such as a function definition, instance implementation, or fixity declaration"
    , cmd_let)
  , (["unlet", "undefine"], ManyArgs NameArg
    , "Remove the listed repl definitions, or all repl definitions if no names given"
    , cmd_unlet)
  , nameArgCmd ["printdef"] PrintDef "Show the definition of a function"
  , (["pp", "pprint"], (SeqArgs OptionArg (SeqArgs NumberArg NameArg))
    , "Pretty prints an Idris function in either LaTeX or HTML and for a specified width."
    , cmd_pprint)

parserCommands = 
  [ noArgCmd ["u", "universes"] Universes "Display universe constraints"
  , noArgCmd ["errorhandlers"] ListErrorHandlers "List registered error handlers"

  , nameArgCmd ["d", "def"] Defn "Display a name's internal definitions"
  , nameArgCmd ["transinfo"] TransformInfo "Show relevant transformation rules for a name"
  , nameArgCmd ["di", "dbginfo"] DebugInfo "Show debugging information for a name"

  , exprArgCmd ["patt"] Pattelab "(Debugging) Elaborate pattern expression"
  , exprArgCmd ["spec"] Spec "?"
  , exprArgCmd ["hnf"] HNF "?"
  , exprArgCmd ["inline"] TestInline "?"
  , proofArgCmd ["cs", "casesplit"] CaseSplitAt 
      ":cs <line> <name> splits the pattern variable on the line"
  , proofArgCmd ["apc", "addproofclause"] AddProofClauseFrom
      ":apc <line> <name> adds a pattern-matching proof clause to name on line"
  , proofArgCmd ["ac", "addclause"] AddClauseFrom
      ":ac <line> <name> adds a clause for the definition of the name on the line"
  , proofArgCmd ["am", "addmissing"] AddMissing
      ":am <line> <name> adds all missing pattern matches for the name on the line"
  , proofArgCmd ["mw", "makewith"] MakeWith
      ":mw <line> <name> adds a with clause for the definition of the name on the line"
  , proofArgCmd ["ml", "makelemma"] MakeLemma "?"
  , (["log"], NumberArg, "Set logging verbosity level", cmd_log)
  , (["lto", "loadto"], SeqArgs NumberArg FileArg
    , "Load file up to line number", cmd_loadto)
  , (["ps", "proofsearch"], NoArg
    , ":ps <line> <name> <names> does proof search for name on line, with names as hints"
    , cmd_proofsearch)
  , (["ref", "refine"], NoArg
    , ":ref <line> <name> <name'> attempts to partially solve name on line, with name' as hint, introducing metavariables for arguments that aren't inferrable"
    , cmd_refine)
  , (["debugunify"], SeqArgs ExprArg ExprArg
    , "(Debugging) Try to unify two expressions", const $ do
       l <- P.simpleExpr defaultSyntax 
       r <- P.simpleExpr defaultSyntax 
       return (Right (DebugUnify l r))

noArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, NoArg, doc, noArgs command)
nameArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, NameArg, doc, fnNameArg command)
exprArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, ExprArg, doc, exprArg command)
metavarArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, MetaVarArg, doc, fnNameArg command)
optArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, OptionArg, doc, optArg command)
proofArgCmd names command doc = 
  (names, NoArg, doc, proofArg command)

pCmd :: P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
pCmd = choice [ do c <- cmd names; parser c 
              | (names, _, _, parser) <- parserCommandsForHelp ++ parserCommands ]
     <|> unrecognized 
     <|> nop 
     <|> eval
    where nop = do eof; return (Right NOP)
          eval = exprArg Eval ""
          unrecognized = do
              P.lchar ':'
              cmd <- many anyChar
              let cmd' = takeWhile (/=' ') cmd
              return (Left $ "Unrecognized command: " ++ cmd')

cmd :: [String] -> P.IdrisParser String
cmd xs = try $ do
    P.lchar ':'
    docmd sorted_xs

    where docmd [] = fail "Could not parse command"
          docmd (x:xs) = try (P.reserved x >> return x) <|> docmd xs

          sorted_xs = sortBy (\x y -> compare (length y) (length x)) xs

noArgs :: Command -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
noArgs cmd name = do
    let emptyArgs = do
        return (Right cmd)

    let failure = return (Left $ ":" ++ name ++ " takes no arguments")

    emptyArgs <|> failure

exprArg :: (PTerm -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
exprArg cmd name = do
    let noArg = do
        return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <expression>")

    let properArg = do
        t <- P.fullExpr defaultSyntax
        return $ Right (cmd t)
    try noArg <|> properArg

genArg :: String -> P.IdrisParser a -> (a -> Command) 
           -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
genArg argName argParser cmd name = do
    let emptyArgs = do eof; failure
        oneArg = do arg <- argParser
                    return (Right (cmd arg))
    try emptyArgs <|> oneArg <|> failure
    failure = return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <" ++ argName ++ ">")

nameArg, fnNameArg :: (Name -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
nameArg = genArg "name"
fnNameArg = genArg "functionname" P.fnName

strArg :: (String -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
strArg = genArg "string" (many anyChar)

moduleArg :: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
moduleArg = genArg "module" (fmap toPath P.identifier) 
    toPath n = foldl1' (</>) $ splitOn "." n

optArg :: (Opt -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
optArg cmd name = do
    let emptyArgs = do
            return $ Left ("Usage is :" ++ name ++ " <option>")

    let oneArg = do
        o <- pOption
        return (Right (cmd o))

    let failure = return $ Left "Unrecognized setting"

    try emptyArgs <|> oneArg <|> failure

        pOption :: P.IdrisParser Opt
        pOption = do discard (P.symbol "errorcontext"); return ErrContext
              <|> do discard (P.symbol "showimplicits"); return ShowImpl
              <|> do discard (P.symbol "originalerrors"); return ShowOrigErr
              <|> do discard (P.symbol "autosolve"); return AutoSolve
              <|> do discard (P.symbol "nobanner") ; return NoBanner
              <|> do discard (P.symbol "warnreach"); return WarnReach

proofArg :: (Bool -> Int -> Name -> Command) -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
proofArg cmd name = do
    upd <- option False $ do
        P.lchar '!'
        return True
    l <- P.natural
    n <-;
    return (Right (cmd upd (fromInteger l) n))

cmd_doc :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_doc name = do
    let constant = do
        c <- P.constant
        return $ Right (DocStr (Right c) FullDocs)

    let fnName = fnNameArg (\n -> DocStr (Left n) FullDocs) name

    try constant <|> fnName

cmd_consolewidth :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_consolewidth name = do
    w <- pConsoleWidth
    return (Right (SetConsoleWidth w))

        pConsoleWidth :: P.IdrisParser ConsoleWidth
        pConsoleWidth = do discard (P.symbol "auto"); return AutomaticWidth
                    <|> do discard (P.symbol "infinite"); return InfinitelyWide
                    <|> do n <- fmap fromInteger P.natural; return (ColsWide n)

cmd_dynamic :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_dynamic name = do
    let emptyArgs = noArgs ListDynamic name

    let oneArg = do l <- many anyChar
                    return $ Right (DynamicLink l)

    let failure = return $ Left $ "Usage is :" ++ name ++ " [<library>]"

    try emptyArgs <|> try oneArg <|> failure

cmd_pprint :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_pprint name = do
     fmt <- ppFormat
     n <- fmap fromInteger P.natural
     t <- P.fullExpr defaultSyntax
     return (Right (PPrint fmt n t))

        ppFormat :: P.IdrisParser OutputFmt
        ppFormat = (discard (P.symbol "html") >> return HTMLOutput)
               <|> (discard (P.symbol "latex") >> return LaTeXOutput)

cmd_compile :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_compile name = do
    let defaultCodegen = Via "c"

    let codegenOption :: P.IdrisParser Codegen
        codegenOption = do
            let bytecodeCodegen = discard (P.symbol "bytecode") *> return Bytecode
                viaCodegen = do x <- P.identifier
                                return (Via (map toLower x))
            bytecodeCodegen <|> viaCodegen

    let hasOneArg = do
        i <- get
        f <- P.identifier
        return $ Right (Compile defaultCodegen f)

    let hasTwoArgs = do
        i <- get
        codegen <- codegenOption
        f <- P.identifier
        return $ Right (Compile codegen f)

    let failure = return $ Left $ "Usage is :" ++ name ++ " [<codegen>] <filename>"
    try hasTwoArgs <|> try hasOneArg <|> failure

cmd_addproof :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_addproof name = do
    n <- option Nothing $ do
        x <-;
        return (Just x)
    return (Right (AddProof n))

cmd_log :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_log name = do
    i <- P.natural
    return (Right (LogLvl (fromIntegral i)))

cmd_let :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_let name = do
    defn <- concat <$> many (P.decl defaultSyntax)
    return (Right (NewDefn defn))

cmd_unlet :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_unlet name = (Right . Undefine) `fmap` many

cmd_loadto :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_loadto name = do
    toline <- P.natural
    f <- many anyChar;
    return (Right (Load f (Just (fromInteger toline))))

cmd_colour :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_colour name = fmap Right pSetColourCmd

        colours :: [(String, Maybe Color)]
        colours = [ ("black", Just Black)
                  , ("red", Just Red)
                  , ("green", Just Green)
                  , ("yellow", Just Yellow)
                  , ("blue", Just Blue)
                  , ("magenta", Just Magenta)
                  , ("cyan", Just Cyan)
                  , ("white", Just White)
                  , ("default", Nothing)

        pSetColourCmd :: P.IdrisParser Command
        pSetColourCmd = (do c <- pColourType
                            let defaultColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False False False
                            opts <- sepBy pColourMod (P.whiteSpace)
                            let colour = foldr ($) defaultColour $ reverse opts
                            return $ SetColour c colour)
                    <|> try (P.symbol "on" >> return ColourOn)
                    <|> try (P.symbol "off" >> return ColourOff)

        pColour :: P.IdrisParser (Maybe Color)
        pColour = doColour colours
            where doColour [] = fail "Unknown colour"
                  doColour ((s, c):cs) = (try (P.symbol s) >> return c) <|> doColour cs

        pColourMod :: P.IdrisParser (IdrisColour -> IdrisColour)
        pColourMod = try (P.symbol "vivid" >> return doVivid)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "dull" >> return doDull)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "underline" >> return doUnderline)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "nounderline" >> return doNoUnderline)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "bold" >> return doBold)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "nobold" >> return doNoBold)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "italic" >> return doItalic)
                 <|> try (P.symbol "noitalic" >> return doNoItalic)
                 <|> try (pColour >>= return . doSetColour)
            where doVivid i       = i { vivid = True }
                  doDull i        = i { vivid = False }
                  doUnderline i   = i { underline = True }
                  doNoUnderline i = i { underline = False }
                  doBold i        = i { bold = True }
                  doNoBold i      = i { bold = False }
                  doItalic i      = i { italic = True }
                  doNoItalic i    = i { italic = False }
                  doSetColour c i = i { colour = c }

        -- | Generate the colour type names using the default Show instance.
        colourTypes :: [(String, ColourType)]
        colourTypes = map (\x -> ((map toLower . reverse . drop 6 . reverse . show) x, x)) $
                      enumFromTo minBound maxBound

        pColourType :: P.IdrisParser ColourType
        pColourType = doColourType colourTypes
            where doColourType [] = fail $ "Unknown colour category. Options: " ++
                                           (concat . intersperse ", " . map fst) colourTypes
                  doColourType ((s,ct):cts) = (try (P.symbol s) >> return ct) <|> doColourType cts

idChar = oneOf (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['_'])

cmd_apropos :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_apropos = packageBasedCmd (some idChar) Apropos

packageBasedCmd :: P.IdrisParser a -> ([String] -> a -> Command)
                -> String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
packageBasedCmd valParser cmd name = do
  pkgs <- option [] . try $ do
    P.lchar '('
    pks <- sepBy (some idChar) (P.lchar ',')
    P.lchar ')'
    return pks
  val <- valParser
  return (Right (cmd pkgs val))

cmd_search :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_search = packageBasedCmd 
  (P.typeExpr (defaultSyntax { implicitAllowed = True })) Search

cmd_proofsearch :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_proofsearch name = do
    upd <- option False (do P.lchar '!'; return True)
    l <- P.natural; n <-;
    hints <- many P.fnName
    return (Right (DoProofSearch upd True (fromInteger l) n hints))

cmd_refine :: String -> P.IdrisParser (Either String Command)
cmd_refine name = do
   upd <- option False (do P.lchar '!'; return True)
   l <- P.natural; n <-;
   hint <- P.fnName
   return (Right (DoProofSearch upd False (fromInteger l) n [hint]))