-- Copyright 2016, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the
-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- Services using XML notation

module Ideas.Encoding.DecoderXML
   ( XMLDecoder, xmlDecoder
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Ideas.Common.Library
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator
import Ideas.Encoding.Encoder
import Ideas.Encoding.OpenMathSupport
import Ideas.Service.Request
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Object
import Ideas.Text.XML

type XMLDecoder a = Decoder a XML

xmlDecoder :: TypedDecoder a XML
xmlDecoder tp =
   case tp of
      Tag s t
         | s == "answer" ->
              decodeChild "answer" (xmlDecoder t)
         | s == "Difficulty" -> do
              g <- equalM tDifficulty tp
              a <- decoderFor (findAttribute "difficulty")
              maybe (fail "unknown difficulty level") (return . g) (readDifficulty a)
         | otherwise ->
              decodeChild s (xmlDecoder t)
      Iso p t  -> liftM (from p) (xmlDecoder t)
      Pair t1 t2 -> do
         x <- xmlDecoder t1
         y <- xmlDecoder t2
         return (x, y)
      t1 :|: t2 ->
         liftM Left  (xmlDecoder t1) `mplus`
         liftM Right (xmlDecoder t2)
      Unit -> return ()
      Const ctp ->
         case ctp of
            State       -> decodeState
            Context     -> decodeContext
            Rule        -> decodeRule
            Environment -> decodeArgEnvironment
            Term        -> decoderFor (fromXML >=> fromOMOBJ)
            Location    -> decodeLocation
            StratCfg    -> decodeConfiguration
            QCGen       -> getQCGen
            Script      -> getScript
            Exercise    -> getExercise
            Id          -> -- improve!
                           decodeChild "location" $
                              makeDecoder (newId . getData)
            _ -> fail $ "No support for argument type in XML: " ++ show tp
      _ -> fail $ "No support for argument type in XML: " ++ show tp

-- <ruleid>
decodeRule :: XMLDecoder a (Rule (Context a))
decodeRule = decodeChild "ruleid" $ do
   ex <- getExercise
   decoderFor (getRule ex . newId . getData)

-- <location>
decodeLocation :: XMLDecoder a Location
decodeLocation = decodeChild "location" $
   makeDecoder (toLocation . read . getData)

-- <state>
decodeState :: XMLDecoder a (State a)
decodeState = decodeChild "state"  $ do
   ex  <- getExercise
   ps  <- decodePaths
   ctx <- decodeContext
   let prf = replayPaths ps (strategy ex) ctx
   return (makeState ex prf ctx)

-- <prefix>
decodePaths :: XMLDecoder a [Path]
decodePaths = do
   prefixText <- makeDecoder (maybe "" getData . findChild "prefix")
   if all isSpace prefixText
      then return [emptyPath]
      else if prefixText ~= "no prefix"
      then return []
      else readPaths prefixText
   a ~= b = g a == g b
   g = map toLower . filter (not . isSpace)

decodeContext :: XMLDecoder a (Context a)
decodeContext = do
   ex   <- getExercise
   expr <- decodeExpression
   env  <- decodeEnvironment
   let ctx    = setEnvironment env (inContext ex expr)
       locRef = makeRef "location"
   case locRef ? env of
      Just s  -> maybe (fail "invalid location") return $ do
         loc <- liftM toLocation (readM s)
         navigateTo loc (deleteRef locRef ctx)
      Nothing ->
         return ctx

decodeExpression :: XMLDecoder a a
decodeExpression = withOpenMath f
   f True  = decodeOMOBJ
   f False = decodeChild "expr" $ do
      ex <- getExercise
      decoderFor $ either fail return . parser ex . getData

decodeOMOBJ :: XMLDecoder a a
decodeOMOBJ = decodeChild "OMOBJ" $ decoderFor $ \xml -> do
   ex    <- getExercise
   omobj <- fromXML xml
   case fromOpenMath ex omobj of
      Just a  -> return a
      Nothing -> fail "Invalid OpenMath object for this exercise"

decodeEnvironment :: XMLDecoder a Environment
decodeEnvironment =
   decodeChild "context" (decoderFor $ foldM add mempty . children)
   <|> return mempty
   add env item = do
      unless (name item == "item") $
         fail $ "expecting item tag, found " ++ name item
      n   <- findAttribute "name"  item
      req <- getRequest
      case findChild "OMOBJ" item of
         -- OpenMath object found inside item tag
         Just this | useOpenMath req ->
            case xml2omobj this >>= fromOMOBJ of
               Left err -> fail err
               Right term ->
                  return $ insertRef (makeRef n) (term :: Term) env
         -- Simple value in attribute
         _ -> do
            value <- findAttribute "value" item
            return $ insertRef (makeRef n) value env

-- <configuration>
decodeConfiguration :: XMLDecoder a StrategyCfg
decodeConfiguration = decodeChild "configuration" $
   decoderFor $ \xml ->
      liftM mconcat $
         mapM decodeAction (children xml)
   decodeAction item = do
      guard (null (children item))
      action <- readM (name item)
      cfgloc <- findAttribute "name" item
      return (action `byName` newId cfgloc)

decodeArgEnvironment :: XMLDecoder a Environment
decodeArgEnvironment = decoderFor $
   liftM makeEnvironment . mapM (decodeBinding //) . findChildren "argument"

decodeBinding :: XMLDecoder a Binding
decodeBinding = decoderFor $ \xml -> do
   a   <- findAttribute "description" xml
   req <- getRequest
   case findChild "OMOBJ" xml of
      -- OpenMath object found inside tag
      Just this | useOpenMath req ->
         case xml2omobj this >>= fromOMOBJ of
            Left err   -> fail err
            Right term -> return (termBinding a term)
      -- Simple value
      _ -> return (makeBinding (makeRef a) (getData xml))
   termBinding :: String -> Term -> Binding
   termBinding = makeBinding . makeRef

decodeChild :: String -> XMLDecoder a b -> XMLDecoder a b
decodeChild s m = split f >>= (m //)
   p     = either (const False) ((==s) . name)
   f xml = case break p (content xml) of
              (xs, Right y:ys) -> Right (y, xml { content = xs ++ ys })
              _ -> Left $ "Could not find child " ++ s