module Example.Contacts where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.String.Conversions import Data.Text (Text) import Effectful import Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic import Example.Colors import Example.Effects.Debug import Example.Effects.Users (User (..), Users) import Example.Effects.Users qualified as Users import Example.Style as Style import Web.Hyperbole page :: forall es. (Hyperbole :> es, Users :> es, Debug :> es) => Page es Response page = do handle contacts handle contact load $ do us <- usersAll pure $ do col (pad 10 . gap 10) $ do hyper Contacts $ allContactsView Nothing us -- Contacts ---------------------------------------------- data Contacts = Contacts deriving (Generic, Param) data ContactsAction = Reload (Maybe Filter) | Delete Int deriving (Generic, Param) data Filter = Active | Inactive deriving (Eq, Generic, Param) instance HyperView Contacts where type Action Contacts = ContactsAction contacts :: (Hyperbole :> es, Users :> es, Debug :> es) => Contacts -> ContactsAction -> Eff es (View Contacts ()) contacts _ (Reload mf) = do us <- usersAll pure $ allContactsView mf us contacts _ (Delete uid) = do userDelete uid us <- usersAll pure $ allContactsView Nothing us allContactsView :: Maybe Filter -> [User] -> View Contacts () allContactsView fil us = do row (gap 10) $ do el (pad 10) "Filter: " dropdown Reload (== fil) id $ do option Nothing "" option (Just Active) "Active!" option (Just Inactive) "Inactive" row (pad 10 . gap 10) $ do let filtered = filter (filterUsers fil) us forM_ filtered $ \u -> do el (border 1) $ do hyper (Contact $ contactView u row (gap 10) $ do button (Reload Nothing) Style.btnLight "Reload" target (Contact 2) $ button Edit Style.btnLight "Edit Sara" where filterUsers Nothing _ = True filterUsers (Just Active) u = u.isActive filterUsers (Just Inactive) u = not u.isActive -- Contact ---------------------------------------------------- data Contact = Contact Int deriving (Generic, Param) data ContactAction = Edit | Save | View deriving (Generic, Param) instance HyperView Contact where type Action Contact = ContactAction -- Form Fields data FirstName = FirstName Text deriving (Generic, FormField) data LastName = LastName Text deriving (Generic, FormField) data Age = Age Int deriving (Generic, FormField) contact :: (Hyperbole :> es, Users :> es, Debug :> es) => Contact -> ContactAction -> Eff es (View Contact ()) contact (Contact uid) a = do -- Lookup the user in the database for all actions u <- userFind uid action u a where action u View = do pure $ contactView u action u Edit = do pure $ contactEdit u action _ Save = do delay 1000 unew <- parseUser userSave unew pure $ contactView unew parseUser = do FirstName firstName <- formField @FirstName LastName lastName <- formField @LastName Age age <- formField @Age pure User{id = uid, isActive = True, firstName, lastName, age} contactView :: User -> View Contact () contactView u = do col (pad 10 . gap 10) $ do row fld $ do el id (text "First Name:") text u.firstName row fld $ do el id (text "Last Name:") text u.lastName row fld $ do el id (text "Age:") text (cs $ show u.age) row fld $ do el id (text "Active:") text (cs $ show u.isActive) button Edit Style.btn "Edit" where fld = gap 10 contactEdit :: User -> View Contact () contactEdit u = onRequest loading $ do form Save mempty (pad 10 . gap 10) $ do field @FirstName fld id $ do label "First Name:" input Name (value u.firstName) field @LastName fld id $ do label "Last Name:" input Name (value u.lastName) field @Age fld id $ do label "Age:" input Number (value $ cs $ show u.age) submit Style.btn "Submit" button View Style.btnLight (text "Cancel") target Contacts $ button (Delete (Style.btn' Danger) (text "Delete") where loading = el (bg Warning . pad 10) "Loading..." fld = flexRow . gap 10 userFind :: (Hyperbole :> es, Users :> es) => Int -> Eff es User userFind uid = do mu <- send (Users.LoadUser uid) maybe notFound pure mu usersAll :: (Users :> es) => Eff es [User] usersAll = send Users.LoadUsers userSave :: (Users :> es) => User -> Eff es () userSave = send . Users.SaveUser userDelete :: (Users :> es) => Int -> Eff es () userDelete = send . Users.DeleteUser