# [*H Y L O G E N*](https://hylogen.com) Hylogen is a purely functional language [embedded in Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/Embedded_domain_specific_language) for live-coding fragment shaders, featuring: - a simple and pure syntax - standard operators (`+`, `*`, [`*^`, `<.>`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector-space)) - compat. w/ your fav haskell goodies (higher-order functions, ADTS, swanky polymorphism).
It comes with `hyde`, an accompanying rendering environment featuring: - *hot-reloading* - audio-reactive primitives - texture backbuffering
## Install ``` cabal update cabal install hylogen ``` This will install the hylogen package and `hyde`, the rendering environment.
## Usage ```haskell -- ./Main.hs module Main where import Hylogen.WithHyde color = vec4 (a, a, a, 1) where a = cos(X uvN * sin(time/ 10) * 10 + X mouse) + sin(Y uvN * sin(time / 10) * 10 + Y mouse) main = putStrLn . toGLSL $ color ``` #### 1. run hyde... ``` hyde Main.hs ``` #### 2. ... live-code! Go to [localhost:5678](http://localhost:5678) in your browser. You will now see your changes to `Main.hs` propagate to your WebGL rendering environment!
## References - [The_Force](https://github.com/shawnlawson/The_Force) by Shawn Lawson. Live-coding audio-reactive shaders! - [Type-Safe Observable Sharing](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4838/bd0a91b3058b467fa31ad9e0810121b46388.pdf) by Andy Gill. [`data-reify`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-reify) made compile times combinatorially faster! ## Resources - [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hylogen) - [examples](https://github.com/sleexyz/hylogen-yay)