# [*H Y L O G E N*](https://hylogen.com) Hylogen is a purely functional language [embedded in Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/Embedded_domain_specific_language) for live-coding fragment shaders. ## Setup ``` cabal update cabal install hylogen ``` ## Usage ```haskell -- ./Main.hs module Main where import Hylogen color = vec4 (a, a, a, 1) where a = cos(X uvN * sin(time/ 10) * 10 + X mouse) + sin(Y uvN * sin(time / 10) * 10 + Y mouse) main = putStrLn $ toGLSL $ color ``` #### 1. run hylogen server ``` hylogen Main.hs ``` #### 2. play! Visit [localhost:5678](http://localhost:5678) in your browser. Changes in `Main.hs` will now be propagated in realtime to your WebGL rendering context! ## inspiration - [The_Force](https://github.com/shawnlawson/The_Force) ## resources [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hylogen) [examples](https://github.com/sleexyz/hylogen-yay)