-- Initial hydra-print.cabal generated by cabal init. For further -- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: hydra-print version: synopsis: NCurses interface to view multiple ByteString streams in parallel. description: Output from parallel subprocesses is an ugly, many-headed beast. Piping though hydra-print provides a NCurses interface to a dynamic set output streams, displayed without interleaving. This is a common problem, for example, with parallel compiles, or data-processing scripts. . Specifically, this small library will split the screen when parallelism occurs, and unsplit it when the parallelism is finished (i.e. dynamically growing and losing \"heads\"). The @io-streams@ library is used for all stream inputs. license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Ryan Newton maintainer: Ryan Newton copyright: 2013, Ryan Newton category: Concurrency build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 extra-source-files: SystemTest.hs examples/make/Makefile examples/make/run.sh examples/make/README Library Exposed-modules: UI.HydraPrint Scripting.Parallel.ThreadPool CPP-options: -DNOTESTING Source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/rrnewton/hydra-print build-depends: base <= 4.7, transformers, containers, text, bytestring, io-streams, semigroups, mtl, ncurses, directory, async -- TEMP: I seem to need to include these even though they are used only by the EXECUTABLES: , unix, process, time, random -- build-depends base ==4.6.*, transformers ==0.3.*, containers ==0.5.*, text ==0.11.*, -- mtl ==2.1.*, semigroups ==0.9.*, -- bytestring ==0.10.*, io-streams ==1.0.*, hscurses ==1.4.* Test-Suite test-hydra-print type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: TestFramework.hs -- DUPLICATED from above build-depends: base <= 4.7, transformers, containers, text, bytestring, io-streams, semigroups, mtl, ncurses, directory, async, unix, process, time, random, -- Additional dependencies: --------------------------- QuickCheck ==2.5.*, HUnit ==1.2.*, test-framework ==0.8.*, test-framework-hunit ==0.3.*, test-framework-quickcheck2 ==0.3.*, test-framework-th ==0.2.* Executable hydra-view main-is: hydra-view.hs CPP-options: -DNOTESTING build-depends: base <= 4.7, transformers, containers, text, bytestring, io-streams, semigroups, mtl, ncurses, directory, async, unix, filepath, process, time, random Executable hydra-head main-is: hydra-head.hs CPP-options: -DNOTESTING build-depends: base <= 4.7, transformers, containers, text, bytestring, io-streams, semigroups, mtl, ncurses, directory, async, unix, filepath, process, time, random