module Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Ext.Xml.Schema where import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Core import Hydra.All import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Standard xmlSchemaModule :: Module Meta xmlSchemaModule = Module ns elements [] $ Just ("A partial XML Schema model, focusing on datatypes. All simple datatypes (i.e. xsd:anySimpleType and below) are included.\n" ++ "See:\n" ++ "Note: for most of the XML Schema datatype definitions included here, the associated Hydra type is simply\n" ++ " the string type. Exceptions are made for xsd:boolean and most of the numeric types, where there is a clearly\n" ++ " corresponding Hydra literal type.") where ns = Namespace "hydra/ext/xml/schema" def = datatype ns elements = datatypes ++ others datatypes = [ def "AnySimpleType" string, def "AnyType" string, def "AnyURI" string, def "Base64Binary" string, def "Boolean" boolean, def "Byte" int8, def "Date" string, def "DateTime" string, def "Decimal" string, def "Double" float64, def "Duration" string, def "ENTITIES" string, def "ENTITY" string, def "Float" float32, def "GDay" string, def "GMonth" string, def "GMonthDay" string, def "GYear" string, def "GYearMonth" string, def "HexBinary" string, def "ID" string, def "IDREF" string, def "IDREFS" string, def "Int" int32, def "Integer" bigint, def "Language" string, def "Long" int64, def "NMTOKEN" string, def "NOTATION" string, def "Name" string, def "NegativeInteger" bigint, def "NonNegativeInteger" bigint, def "NonPositiveInteger" bigint, def "NormalizedString" string, def "PositiveInteger" bigint, def "QName" string, def "Short" int16, def "String" string, def "Time" string, def "Token" string, def "UnsignedByte" uint8, def "UnsignedInt" uint32, def "UnsignedLong" uint64, def "UnsignedShort" uint16] others = [ def "ConstrainingFacet" $ see "" $ unit, -- TODO: concrete facets def "Datatype" $ enum [ "anySimpleType", "anyType", "anyURI", "base64Binary", "boolean", "byte", "date", "dateTime", "decimal", "double", "duration", "ENTITIES", "ENTITY", "float", "gDay", "gMonth", "gMonthDay", "gYear", "gYearMonth", "hexBinary", "ID", "IDREF", "IDREFS", "int", "integer", "language", "long", "NMTOKEN", "NOTATION", "name", "negativeInteger", "nonNegativeInteger", "nonPositiveInteger", "normalizedString", "positiveInteger", "qName", "short", "string", "time", "token", "unsignedByte", "unsignedInt", "unsignedLong", "unsignedShort"]]