-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.Parser.HtmlParsec
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : stable
   Portability: portable

   This parser tries to interprete everything as HTML
   no errors are emitted during parsing. If something looks
   weired, warning messages are inserted in the document tree.

   All filter are pure XmlFilter,
   errror handling and IO is done in 'Text.XML.HXT.Parser.HtmlParser'
   or other modules


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.Parser.HtmlParsec
    ( parseHtmlText
    , parseHtmlDocument
    , parseHtmlContent
    , isEmptyHtmlTag
    , isInnerHtmlTagOf
    , closesHtmlTag
    , emptyHtmlTags


import Control.Applicative                      ( (<$>) )

import Data.Char                                ( toLower
                                                , toUpper
import Data.Char.Properties.XMLCharProps        ( isXmlChar
import Data.Maybe                               ( fromMaybe
                                                , fromJust
import qualified Data.Map                       as M

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec            ( SourcePos
                                                , anyChar
                                                , between
                                                -- , char
                                                , eof
                                                , getPosition
                                                , many
                                                , many1
                                                , noneOf
                                                , option
                                                , runParser
                                                , satisfy
                                                , string
                                                , try
                                                , (<|>)

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode                 ( mkText'
                                                , mkError'
                                                , mkCdata'
                                                , mkCmt'
                                                , mkCharRef'
                                                , mkElement'
                                                , mkAttr'
                                                , mkDTDElem'
                                                , mkPi'
                                                , isEntityRef
                                                , getEntityRef
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlTokenParser       ( allBut
                                                , amp
                                                , dq
                                                , eq
                                                , gt
                                                , lt
                                                , name
                                                , pubidLiteral
                                                , skipS
                                                , skipS0
                                                , sPace
                                                , sq
                                                , systemLiteral
                                                , checkString
                                                , singleCharsT
                                                , referenceT
                                                , mergeTextNodes
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlParsec            ( misc
                                                , parseXmlText
                                                , xMLDecl'
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlCharParser        ( xmlChar
                                                , SimpleXParser
                                                , withNormNewline
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XhtmlEntities        ( xhtmlEntities

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

parseHtmlText           :: String -> XmlTree -> XmlTrees
parseHtmlText loc t     = parseXmlText htmlDocument (withNormNewline ()) loc $ t

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

parseHtmlFromString     :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees -> String -> String -> XmlTrees
parseHtmlFromString parser loc
    = either ((:[]) . mkError' c_err . (++ "\n") . show) id . runParser parser (withNormNewline ()) loc

parseHtmlDocument       :: String -> String -> XmlTrees
parseHtmlDocument       = parseHtmlFromString htmlDocument

parseHtmlContent        :: String -> XmlTrees
parseHtmlContent        = parseHtmlFromString htmlContent "string"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

type Context    = (XmlTreeFl, OpenTags)

type XmlTreeFl  = XmlTrees -> XmlTrees

type OpenTags   = [(String, XmlTrees, XmlTreeFl)]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

htmlDocument    :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = do
      pl <- htmlProlog
      el <- htmlContent
      return (pl ++ el)

htmlProlog      :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = do
      xml <- option []
             ( try xMLDecl'
               ( do
                 pos <- getPosition
                 checkString "<?"
                 return $ [mkError' c_warn (show pos ++ " wrong XML declaration")]
      misc1   <- many misc
      dtdPart <- option []
                 ( try doctypedecl
                   ( do
                     pos <- getPosition
                     upperCaseString "<!DOCTYPE"
                     return $ [mkError' c_warn (show pos ++ " HTML DOCTYPE declaration ignored")]
      return (xml ++ misc1 ++ dtdPart)

doctypedecl     :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = between (upperCaseString "<!DOCTYPE") gt
      ( do
        n <- name
        exId <- ( do
                  option [] externalID
        return [mkDTDElem' DOCTYPE ((a_name, n) : exId) []]

externalID      :: SimpleXParser Attributes
    = do
      upperCaseString k_public
      pl <- pubidLiteral
      sl <- option "" $ try ( do
      return $ (k_public, pl) : if null sl then [] else [(k_system, sl)]

htmlContent     :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = mergeTextNodes <$> htmlContent'

htmlContent'    :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = option []
      ( do
        context <- hContent (id, [])
        pos     <- getPosition
        return $ closeTags pos context
      closeTags _pos (body, [])
          = body []
      closeTags pos' (body, ((tn, al, body1) : restOpen))
          = closeTags pos'
                      ( addHtmlWarn (show pos' ++ ": no closing tag found for \"<" ++ tn ++ " ...>\"")
                        addHtmlTag tn al body
                        (body1, restOpen)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

hElement        :: Context -> SimpleXParser Context
hElement context
    = ( do
        t <- hSimpleData
        return (addHtmlElem t context)
      hCloseTag context
      hOpenTag context
      ( do                      -- wrong tag, take it as text
        pos <- getPosition
        c   <- xmlChar
        return ( addHtmlWarn (show pos ++ " markup char " ++ show c ++ " not allowed in this context")
                 addHtmlElem (mkText' [c])
      ( do
        pos <- getPosition
        c <- anyChar
        return ( addHtmlWarn ( show pos
                               ++ " illegal data in input or illegal XML char "
                               ++ show c
                               ++ " found and ignored, possibly wrong encoding scheme used")

hSimpleData     :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
    = charData''
        = do
          t <- many1 (satisfy (\ x -> isXmlChar x && not (x == '<' || x == '&')))
          return (mkText' t)

hCloseTag       :: Context -> SimpleXParser Context
hCloseTag context
    = do
      checkString "</"
      n <- lowerCaseName
      pos <- getPosition
      checkSymbol gt ("closing > in tag \"</" ++ n ++ "\" expected") (closeTag pos n context)

hOpenTag        :: Context -> SimpleXParser Context
hOpenTag context
    = ( do
        e   <- hOpenTagStart
        hOpenTagRest e context

hOpenTagStart   :: SimpleXParser ((SourcePos, String), XmlTrees)
    = do
      np <- try ( do
                  pos <- getPosition
                  n <- lowerCaseName
                  return (pos, n)
      as <- hAttrList
      return (np, as)

hOpenTagRest    :: ((SourcePos, String), XmlTrees) -> Context -> SimpleXParser Context
hOpenTagRest ((pos, tn), al) context
    = ( do
        checkString "/>"
        return (addHtmlTag tn al id context)
      ( do
        context1 <- checkSymbol gt ("closing > in tag \"<" ++ tn ++ "...\" expected") context
        return ( let context2 = closePrevTag pos tn context1
                 ( if isEmptyHtmlTag tn
                   then addHtmlTag tn al id
                   else openTag tn al
                 ) context2

hAttrList       :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = many (try hAttribute)
          = do
            n <- lowerCaseName
            v <- hAttrValue
            return $ mkAttr' (mkName n) v

hAttrValue      :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = option []
      ( eq >> hAttrValue' )

hAttrValue'     :: SimpleXParser XmlTrees
    = try ( between dq dq (hAttrValue'' "&\"") )
      try ( between sq sq (hAttrValue'' "&\'") )
      ( do                      -- HTML allows unquoted attribute values
        cs <- many (noneOf " \r\t\n>\"\'")
        return [mkText' cs]

hAttrValue''    :: String -> SimpleXParser XmlTrees
hAttrValue'' notAllowed
    = many ( hReference' <|> singleCharsT notAllowed)

hReference'     :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
    = try hReferenceT
      ( do
        return (mkText' "&")

hReferenceT     :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
    = do
      r <- referenceT
      return ( if isEntityRef r
               then substRef  r
               else r
    -- optimization: HTML entity refs are substituted by char refs, so a later entity ref substituion isn't required
    substRef r
        = case (lookup en xhtmlEntities) of
          Just i        -> mkCharRef' i
          Nothing       -> r                            -- not found: the entity ref remains as it is
                                                        -- this is also done in the XML parser
{- alternative def
          Nothing       -> mkText' ("&" ++ en ++ ";")   -- not found: the entity ref is taken as text
        en = fromJust . getEntityRef $ r

hContent        :: Context -> SimpleXParser Context
hContent context
    = option context
      ( hElement context

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- hComment allows "--" in comments
-- comment from XML spec does not

hComment                :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
    = do
      checkString "<!--"
      pos <- getPosition
      c <- allBut many "-->"
      closeCmt pos c
    closeCmt pos c
        = ( do
            checkString "-->"
            return (mkCmt' c)
          ( return $
            mkError' c_warn (show pos ++ " no closing comment sequence \"-->\" found")

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

hpI             :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
hpI = checkString "<?"
      ( try ( do
              n <- name
              p <- sPace >> allBut many "?>"
              string "?>" >>
                     return (mkPi' (mkName n) [mkAttr' (mkName a_value) [mkText' p]])
        ( do
          pos <- getPosition
          return $
            mkError' c_warn (show pos ++ " illegal PI found")

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

hcDSect        :: SimpleXParser XmlTree
    = do
      checkString "<![CDATA["
      pos <- getPosition
      t <- allBut many "]]>"
      closeCD pos t
    closeCD pos t
        = ( do
            checkString "]]>"
            return (mkCdata' t)
          ( return $
            mkError' c_warn (show pos ++ " no closing CDATA sequence \"]]>\" found")

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

checkSymbol     :: SimpleXParser () -> String -> Context -> SimpleXParser Context
checkSymbol p msg context
    = ( p
        return context
      ( do
        pos <- getPosition
        return $ addHtmlWarn (show pos ++ " " ++ msg) context

lowerCaseName   :: SimpleXParser String
    = do
      n <- name
      return (map toLower n)

upperCaseString :: String -> SimpleXParser ()
upperCaseString s
    = try (sequence (map (\ c -> satisfy (( == c) . toUpper)) s)) >> return ()

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

addHtmlTag      :: String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTreeFl -> Context -> Context
addHtmlTag tn al body context
    = e `seq`
      addHtmlElem e context
    e = mkElement' (mkName tn) al (body [])

addHtmlWarn     :: String -> Context -> Context
addHtmlWarn msg
    = addHtmlElem (mkError' c_warn msg)

addHtmlElem    :: XmlTree -> Context -> Context
addHtmlElem elem' (body, openTags)
    = (body . (elem' :), openTags)

openTag         :: String -> XmlTrees -> Context -> Context
openTag tn al (body, openTags)
    = (id, (tn, al, body) : openTags)

closeTag        :: SourcePos -> String -> Context -> Context
closeTag pos n context
    | n `elem` (map ( \ (n1, _, _) -> n1) $ snd context)
        = closeTag' n context
    | otherwise
        = addHtmlWarn (show pos ++ " no opening tag found for </" ++ n ++ ">")
          addHtmlTag n [] id
    closeTag' n' (body', (n1, al1, body1) : restOpen)
        = close context1
              = addHtmlTag n1 al1 body' (body1, restOpen)
              | n' == n1
                = id
              | n1 `isInnerHtmlTagOf` n'
                  = closeTag pos n'
              | otherwise
                = addHtmlWarn (show pos ++ " no closing tag found for \"<" ++ n1 ++ " ...>\"")
                  closeTag' n'
    closeTag' _ _
        = error "illegal argument for closeTag'"

closePrevTag    :: SourcePos -> String -> Context -> Context
closePrevTag _pos _n context@(_body, [])
    = context
closePrevTag pos n context@(body, (n1, al1, body1) : restOpen)
    | n `closesHtmlTag` n1
        = closePrevTag pos n
          ( addHtmlWarn (show pos ++ " tag \"<" ++ n1 ++ " ...>\" implicitly closed by opening tag \"<" ++ n ++ " ...>\"")
            addHtmlTag n1 al1 body
            (body1, restOpen)
    | otherwise
        = context

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- taken from HaXml and extended

isEmptyHtmlTag  :: String -> Bool
isEmptyHtmlTag n
    = n `elem`

emptyHtmlTags   :: [String]
    = [ "area"
      , "base"
      , "br"
      , "col"
      , "frame"
      , "hr"
      , "img"
      , "input"
      , "link"
      , "meta"
      , "param"
{-# INLINE emptyHtmlTags #-}

isInnerHtmlTagOf        :: String -> String -> Bool
n `isInnerHtmlTagOf` tn
    = n `elem`
      ( fromMaybe [] . lookup tn
      $ [ ("body",    ["p"])
        , ("caption", ["p"])
        , ("dd",      ["p"])
        , ("div",     ["p"])
        , ("dl",      ["dt","dd"])
        , ("dt",      ["p"])
        , ("li",      ["p"])
        , ("map",     ["p"])
        , ("object",  ["p"])
        , ("ol",      ["li"])
        , ("table",   ["th","tr","td","thead","tfoot","tbody"])
        , ("tbody",   ["th","tr","td"])
        , ("td",      ["p"])
        , ("tfoot",   ["th","tr","td"])
        , ("th",      ["p"])
        , ("thead",   ["th","tr","td"])
        , ("tr",      ["th","td"])
        , ("ul",      ["li"])

-- a bit more efficient implementation of closes

closesHtmlTag   :: String -> String -> Bool
closesHtmlTag t t2
    = fromMaybe False . fmap ($ t) . M.lookup t2 $ closedByTable
{-# INLINE closesHtmlTag #-}

closedByTable   :: M.Map String (String -> Bool)
    = M.fromList $
      [ ("a",   (== "a"))
      , ("li",  (== "li" ))
      , ("th",  (`elem` ["th", "td", "tr"] ))
      , ("td",  (`elem` ["th", "td", "tr"] ))
      , ("tr",  (== "tr"))
      , ("dt",  (`elem` ["dt", "dd"] ))
      , ("dd",  (`elem` ["dt", "dd"] ))
      , ("p",   (`elem` ["hr"
                        , "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("colgroup",    (`elem` ["colgroup", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody"] ))
      , ("form",        (`elem` ["form"] ))
      , ("label",       (`elem` ["label"] ))
      , ("map",         (`elem` ["map"] ))
      , ("option",      const True)
      , ("script",      const True)
      , ("style",       const True)
      , ("textarea",    const True)
      , ("title",       const True)
      , ("select",      ( /= "option"))
      , ("thead",       (`elem` ["tfoot","tbody"] ))
      , ("tbody",       (== "tbody" ))
      , ("tfoot",       (== "tbody" ))
      , ("h1",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("h2",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("h3",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("h4",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("h5",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))
      , ("h6",  (`elem` ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "ol", "ul", "table", "div", "p"] ))

closesHtmlTag :: String -> String -> Bool
closesHtmlTag   = closes

closes :: String -> String -> Bool

"a"     `closes` "a"                                    = True
"li"    `closes` "li"                                   = True
"th"    `closes`  t    | t `elem` ["th","td"]           = True
"td"    `closes`  t    | t `elem` ["th","td"]           = True
"tr"    `closes`  t    | t `elem` ["th","td","tr"]      = True
"dt"    `closes`  t    | t `elem` ["dt","dd"]           = True
"dd"    `closes`  t    | t `elem` ["dt","dd"]           = True
"hr"    `closes`  "p"                                   = True
        `closes` "colgroup"                             = True
"form"  `closes` "form"                                 = True
"label" `closes` "label"                                = True
"map"   `closes` "map"                                  = True
        `closes` "object"                               = True
_       `closes` t  | t `elem` ["option"
                               ]                        = True
t       `closes` "select" | t /= "option"               = True
"thead" `closes` t  | t `elem` ["colgroup"]             = True
"tfoot" `closes` t  | t `elem` ["thead"
                               ,"colgroup"]             = True
"tbody" `closes` t  | t `elem` ["tbody"
                               ,"colgroup"]             = True
t       `closes` t2 | t `elem` ["h1","h2","h3"
                      t2 `elem` ["h1","h2","h3"
                                ,"p"                    -- not "div"
                                ]                       = True
_       `closes` _                                      = False

-- ------------------------------------------------------------